Oh. My. God.

I Never Used to Like Fish...


I’ve revised the chapters a bit, so if anyone wants to re-read the story (which you probably should since the gaps between updates are so long you’ve probably forgotten the whole plot) go ahead. And the chapters are longer, yay!



I can only stand there like an idiot, blinking and trying to figure out what just happened. So, as far as I can tell, this chick confessed to Hyukjae, who rejected her, and then led to her believing he was gay, which then led on to me thinking he was gay, which led on to her thinking we were both gay?


“No, I don’t know either,” comes a murmur from my left side, and I jump, shocked that he’s still here. Wasn’t he supposed to storm off after the girl of his dreams and all that ?

“Hyukjae, shouldn’t you… go and explain?”

He looks at me, incredulous, and sits down with a sigh. “Would she even listen to a single word?”

I have to admit, he’s got a point. If I’d confessed to my best friend, and he’d rejected me, I wouldn’t give him any chance to talk either. Sighing myself, I say, “Maybe we can go together and explain?” It sounds stupid, even to my own ears. Hyukjae stares at me like I’ve gone mad. “I know, I know, it’s probably all my fault,” I cut in before he can say anything, “but maybe she’ll consider listening when both of us are agreeing on the same story, because at the moment, I have no idea which story is right.”

He’s silent for a moment; then, “Yeah, okay. So what’s your version of the story?”



Oh my God, what did I just ask him.

Yeah, I just asked him if he thought I was gay.


Well, maybe not directly, I mean, I just asked him what he thought had happened throughout the whole catastrophe thing. But really, that’s exactly the same. I mean, what he thinks of today is what he thinks of me, because the whole thing has been about me.

Oh, God. And Seohyun. What if he likes Seohyun? Is that why he’s so eager to go see her?

“Well… All I know is, I was supposed to be tutored by you, except that before that happened, I overheard… the chick…”

“Seohyun,” I supplied, a little whoosh of relief leaving my body as I think, he doesn’t remember her name.

“Yeah, Seohyun. She said you were gay because you rejected her, and then you saw me and totally freaked out and screamed “I’m not gay!” in front of everyone. And… yeah, so after school we met up, and then Seohyun came over and went ballistic, then stormed off. Now you guys are, like, enemies. And I’m kind of the reason. Right?”

Well, I can’t really tell him that No, actually it wasn’t your fault, because that implies that I like you - and I don’t. Because now the problem is that I do like him. Maybe not in a romantic way, but there’s definitely something there that makes me nervous. It’s like this tingly feeling you get when someone’s creeping up on you, except you know that they’re there.

Plus, I’m pretty sure a guy like him isn’t gay, and couldn’t care less about my mental instability.

So all I say is, “Yep. That’s it.”



I swear I keep seeing Wookie walking down the corridor. Although, that’s not possible, because he isn’t supposed to walk down this corridor, since it’s after school. And it may not be him because I’ve had my head down the whole time, trying to Facebook people about the next outing. And I’m pretty sure he would’ve gone home with Hae by now. But those footsteps…

Sighing, I lock my phone, only to stare at the lockscreen. “Jongwoon-hyung,” I hear, from somewhere. Is that… My head goes up before I can register what’s happening.

“Ouch, !”



Oh. My. God. There’s blood dripping down Jongwoon-hyung’s uniform; the white is all red now. Should I go up to him and tell him? It looks serious, but… he’s just on his phone now, and besides, I’m not supposed to still be at school. Taking a deep breath, I call, “Jongwoon-hyung?”

I can feel myself turn bright red when he sees me. “Wookie!” he says, looking surprised. “Why are you still at school? Where’s Hae?”

Of course; it’s always my Hae-hyung he’s worried about. Not me; never me. “He’s being tutored in the library,” I reply, pointing to the direction of the place. “He’s taking a while, so I thought I’d walk around until he finished.”

“I see,” he muses, looking thoughtful. It’s only thanks to the fact he’s not looking at me anymore that my brain starts functioning again. “Oh, Jongwoon-hyung! You… you’re bleeding really badly! Yeah, um…”

“Oh, really? Don’t worry about it,” he replies, waving his hand airily to show his nonchalance. Of course, I can’t accept that. “No, hyung! I think you should go to hospital! I’ll… I’ll take you! Pleas, hyung, you can’t go around looking like that!”

I walk over and offer him my hand, trying to hide the blush colouring my cheeks. He is so… so perfect. He looks embarrassed; maybe he doesn’t want me to tell Hae-hyung that he hurt himself? “I won’t tell him,” I assure him, and watch as his face relaxes. Smiling, he takes my hand, although I know he doesn’t really need it, and we start on our journey to the hospital together.

I won’t pretend it was a pleasant journey; in fact, it was really awkward. Neither of us had anything to say, so… it was silence the whole way there. I’m not sure why that was. Jongwoon-hyung is normally very talkative; even if half the stuff he talks is rubbish. His voice makes up for it – his deep voice, so rough, so…

So beautiful.




But I can’t promise regular updates yet. L

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New chapter up by tomorrow night! Sorry for the wait, guys :3


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 7: interesting, looking forward for this...
good luck
morgan47 #2
Very interesting so far. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next!
Is yesung like Wook or something?
It's cute though <3
will be waiting for the update^^
I think it's interesting <3
Update soon~
phoenix_taemints #6
wae so short? but i'm still happy you updated~! :D
Too bad it´s soo short, I really like this story so please update soon.
sorry...i just wanna ask,is this eunhae? or haehyuk?
hurry and update pls!! its getting good!! ;) :)