
I Never Used to Like Fish...



I so shouldn't have said yes. What was he thinking? Moreover, what was I thinking? I don't have time to tutor some rebdog guy who doesn't study! What if he pulls down my grades as well? I growl under my breath, not noticing that I'm next to Seohyun's locker. "Hyukjae-oppa! You... Did you get my message?"

I smile dejectedly, trying to soften the blow I'm about to deliver. I don't want to lose that look of hope in her eyes.

"I... can't go out with you, Seohyun. I'm sorry."  She stares at me, eyes widening. "You... don't want me?" No, Seohyun, that's not it! I want you to be my friend, that's all! That's why I didn't respond to you last year. "I... don't think I like you that way, that's all."

"You're... gay, aren't you…"



I strut down the corridor, making sure to bump into a few kids before I reach my locker. Funny, the Hyukjae dude is there too. I haven't seen him around here before...

"You're... gay, aren't you…"

I step back, shocked. Hyukjae's gay? He... likes guys? Is that why he agreed to tutor me? I laugh out loud - and he looks at me, eyes startled. I feel stuck, unable to move, as he bores into me. He yells, "I'm not gay! Why would you think that?" In a polite way, obviously, He-Who-Does-No-Wrong. So... I guess he had another reason to tutor me. But... what is that reason, exactly?



Hyukjae... just rejected me. I can feel the tears gathering behind my eyes, but they're not coming out. Why? Maybe... he's not good enough for me anyway, and my body knows that. Oh, I don't know... He's either gay... or in love with someone else. "Sorry, Hyukjae," I say, my voice shaking, "maybe I annoyed you a bit. I'll... leave you alone now." I brush past him, ignoring his outstretched hand. "Seohyun-ah... I want us to be friends. Really. Please?" I turn around, and glare. I give him the worst look I can manage.  "I don't hang out with posers."

His eyes widen, and I storm off.

But really, I'm bleeding on the floor.


~ Hyukjae~


She's really angry, isn't she. What did I do? I just... see her as a friend. A close friend, but that's all. I lean my head against her locker, cursing inwardly. Then I hear a chuckle. "Quite a heartbreaker, aren't you?"

Behind me is the infamous Lee Donghae. Slouching against the locker next to Seohyun's, he looks dangerous. But... there's something there. Under his baggy, chained pants, oversized hoodie, and expressionless face, I think - I'm sure - there's something to see. "So - you're tutoring me, huh. Library, 5 o'clock. And don't be late." And he's gone, his walk, arrogant and carefree.

Don't be late? I smile - it's obvious he doesn't know anything about me.



I have to say, he's hot. Smoldering hot. Those eyes... I'm grateful I kept my hood up - or he would've thought I was staring. Which, I wasn't. Obviously. And... his voice is almost... seductive. Like he knows what he's doing to you.

OF COURSE HE KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING TO YOU! screamed the voice in my head. "Shut up!" I shouted at it, pissed. "Erm... What the hell are you doing, Donghae?"



He's gone crazy. First he smashes the wrong window - Yesung told me about it last night - and now he's talking, rather, yelling to an empty corridor. He should really go and see someone. If I'd been there on Wednesday night, I'd shaken some sense into him. Sadly, innocent little me was being tutored by Sungmin - who, by the way, was the cutest little bunny I'd ever seen - and I don't think I heard a word he said. But, back to my point, Donghae, older than me yet still immature, had lost his mind. I think. Probably. "Kyu," said Yesung, tugging on my sleeve with his small fingers. Did I mention that he's five years older than me? Yet he has the height and personality of someone much younger. "What? Hyung?"

"Your... Sungmin is looking for you." Yesung blushed, for no reason that I knew of.

"Okay... How come he told you and not me? He went even redder, if that's possible. "Wookie - Ryeowook told me when I was at... during break."

I raise my eyebrows, not comprehending his behaviour. "So Ryeowook told you, is that it?"

He nodded, avoiding my gaze like a blushing teenager. Which, I guess, technically he was. But he was part of our gang, 'The Primes', and none of us were 'blushing teenagers'. So... what was wrong with this guy today?

No, scratch that. What was wrong with ALL THE GUYS TODAY?!

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New chapter up by tomorrow night! Sorry for the wait, guys :3


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 7: interesting, looking forward for this...
good luck
morgan47 #2
Very interesting so far. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next!
Is yesung like Wook or something?
It's cute though <3
will be waiting for the update^^
I think it's interesting <3
Update soon~
phoenix_taemints #6
wae so short? but i'm still happy you updated~! :D
Too bad it´s soo short, I really like this story so please update soon.
sorry...i just wanna ask,is this eunhae? or haehyuk?
hurry and update pls!! its getting good!! ;) :)