
I Never Used to Like Fish...




I twirled my pen, watching the light glint off the sides. The clock ticked almost unbearably slowly. "Hyukjae-ssi, open the window please."  "Uh, yes sir," I said to the old, balding man that called himself my teacher. Ahhh... fresh air, no doubt the smell of freedom. I settled back at my desk, when suddenly there was a  'whoosh' sound as a neatly folded note was tossed onto my wooden desk. I turned around - but everyone was 'studying'. Puzzled, I read the cursive writing on the sheet.


I like you a lot. Perhaps you've had a lot of these notes, but this one is different. Please consider having me as your girlfriend. >.< ❤

Love, Seohyun."


I blinked, a little surprised, but nonetheless flattered. Seohyun is the most popular girl in my year, and rumour has it she gets a new boyfriend every week. I folded the note up again, placing it in my pocket along with the others, making a mental note to catch her at lunch.



I... can't believe I actually did that. Hyukjae-oppa is... has been my crush since the first time I saw him. His eyes... glimmer wherever he looks. He... has utterly kissable, pouty lips. And his body... is beyond description. Who needs haughty Siwon's excessively muscled body when you have Hyukjae's abs?  I don't know why he has such an effect on me. Why my knees go weak whenever he passes me, why his voice gives me goosebumps, why his smile sends me swooning. Grow up, I'd told myself last year, there's plenty of other fish in the sea. He's too good for you. Yet somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew I wouldn't stop trying to get him.

So I tried to flirt with him last year. It didn't exactly work - he saw it as friendly teasing, treating me as a close friend, oblivious to my motive. Then I tried to make him jealous. He didn't really react in the way I wanted, and treated them like his brothers. So I'd started dating other guys for real, but - they weren't him. They weren't Hyukjae. I... didn't know what to do. I'd snap at him whenever I was pissed, and... well, he was too polite to yell back at me, but I knew he was annoyed. So... I stopped being friends with him. But I just confessed my love. How will he react?



"Shut up!" I hissed, watching Yesung trip over a trashcan. "Yah! Watch your language, I'm your hyung!" Yesung rubbed his head, looking very much younger. I roll my eyes, annoyed, but concentrated on the task. "Let's get the job done, then we can go home okay? Hyung?" "Fine," he grumbles, pushing me with his tiny hands. I grin, taking my hammer from the backpack I have, before running up to the window and bringing it - crash - right through the glass.

" Donghae! Wrong pane! That's my parent's shop!" We run before the sirens reach us.




"Could Lee Hyukjae report to the principal's office please. Lee Hyukjae, to the principal's office. Thank you."

I groan silently, before dragging my heavy off the chair. "Miss, could I please leave class for a few minutes? It's to see the principal."  "Um... sure, Hyukjae, whatever you want," she said in a breathy voice. I smiled, and she blinked, looking almost like she was dreaming. This is so annoying! Why can't people treat me as me, not some dude with good looks! I mean, yeah, I know I'm good-looking, but... I'm more than that. Sighing out loud this time, I begin the long walk. Through the corridor, past the staffroom door that's littered with bullet holes. Past the science lab with the burnt walls and down the stairs that are missing a few steps. I knock on the immaculate mahogany door, using the brass knocker, of course. A 'Come in!' is issued from behind the wood, and I enter.



I'm sitting with my hands behind me, trying not to laugh. The guy's trying to get me to say that I robbed a shop last night. In your dreams, old man! "Principal," I say in a voice that hopefully doesn't show my barely controlled laughter, "it really wasn't me. Frankly, I'm hurt that you would even consider me as a suspect." He frowns, his bushy eyebrows furrowing in confusion as I sit there, perfectly innocent. "Well... alright. But we have another matter to discuss. I'm sure you know who Lee Hyukjae is?"

Now it's my turn to be confused. Why is he being brought up? Sure, he's a good kid, with looks that could probably turn other guys gay, but... "Donghae, your grades have been dropping - a lot. It's about time I tell you that if they continue to fall, you'll be expelled. This is why I've asked Hyukjae to tutor you, and he agreed to meet with you three times a week. Does that arrangement work into your 'busy' schedule?"

I raise my eyebrow, skeptical. This popular dude is going to tutor me? Huh, good luck with that. But what I say is, "Yes, sir. I'll catch up with him later." He smiles and waves me out.

Oh, Lee Hyukjae, you better watch out.

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New chapter up by tomorrow night! Sorry for the wait, guys :3


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 7: interesting, looking forward for this...
good luck
morgan47 #2
Very interesting so far. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next!
Is yesung like Wook or something?
It's cute though <3
will be waiting for the update^^
I think it's interesting <3
Update soon~
phoenix_taemints #6
wae so short? but i'm still happy you updated~! :D
Too bad it´s soo short, I really like this story so please update soon.
sorry...i just wanna ask,is this eunhae? or haehyuk?
hurry and update pls!! its getting good!! ;) :)