Oh, Dear.

I Never Used to Like Fish...



I skipped the rest of the day, sleeping on the warm rooftop, watching the snow melt from the corners. But when 5 o'clock came, I was suddenly nervous. Would he criticise my clothes, how I looked? Would he laugh at how stupid I was at my work? Or... would he do something else because he was - possibly - gay? I stayed there for a few more minutes, pondering what would happen. Then I closed the door behind me and started my walk downstairs.

I jogged off to the library, leaving a pile of confused students behind me. And I totally understood their thinking; Why would Lee Donghae, a rebel who didn't study, be rushing for anything? I didn't know the answer. I didn't want to be late either, I knew that much. Gasping, out of breath, and ten minutes late anyway, I arrived at the library entrance. But there was no Hyukjae. Was he running late as well? I thought I told him to be early...



"And if any students are having trouble with this theory, feel free to ask me or - Hyukjae, would you mind staying behind, just to help some of your fellow classmates?"

How could I say no without offending anyone? "Sure. I mean, I can't stay for long but-"

"Hyukjae-oppa, help me first!"

"No, I was in front of you!"


I couldn't stay here for long, but it didn't look like I could leave any time soon. 

After about an hour of 'helping' the 'confused' students, I could finally leave. By finally, I mean 15 minutes late. Crap, Donghae's warning turned out to be completely justified. Running down a crowded corridor (didn't the students have a home to go to?) I bumped into Ryeowook, a little guy who took the same train as me in the morning. "Hey," I smiled at him, trying not to be rude and run off. "Hi hyung," he said, smiling so much his eyes looked… deranged. What was with him? Anyways, I said my goodbye and continued down to the library. Please, God, don't let him be there. But lo and behold - there he was.

"You're late."

"Only by 15 minutes."

This surprised him. "Aren't you, like, on time to everything, and try your best to please everyone - which includes me, your student?"

"I guess... I was busy pleasing some other people, and lost track of time. Mianhe, Donghae-ssi."

He laughs. He actually seems to find something funny. "... What?"

"Pleasing some other people... that's an interesting thought." He laughs again, his eyes sparkling for the first time I've ever seen.


He looks... beautiful.



Did Hyukjae-hyung stare at me? Did I look weird or something? Hmm... or maybe it was just by chance.

Aish... Kim Ryeowook, pull yourself together! Yesung has his group, his gang, and he doesn't need a kid like you tagging along.

But... He treats me well. Better than he treats my friends...

That's because you're Donghae's brother!

I sigh, but the damned voice is right. Donghae has a HUGE influence on Yesung... I guess he just wanted to get on his good side…

Argh, I don't know! I really don't!



I can feel the dampness of my sleeve of my cheek. Wow - I really cried for a whole day. His words just keep echoing in my head. 

"I... don't think I like you that way, that's all."

Why, Hyukjae? Why do you not like me that way? Why do you THINK you don't? Why don't you try? Try to get to know me better. Try to get to like me a bit more. Try... Try to not hang out with other girls. Just... stay mine. Mine.


It seems like an eternity later, but I hear His voice. Hyukjae... He's... laughing? Really loudly, too. Is he... with a girl?

I raise my head, ready to murder whoever's flirting with Him. But... It's Lee Donghae. The idiot who destroyed the chat at the lockers. So... they're not flirting. Right?





"Okay, hold it right there, boys," I shout, shoving myself between the two guys. "Lee Donghae, stay away from my Hyuk!"

I stop, realising what I just said. They were both staring at me, Donghae in confusion, Hyuk in a sympathetic way. "I mean--"

"Seo," he whispers, looking close to tears. "Don't... I don't belong to you. We're... You said... you hated me. That I'm a poser. Do... DO YOU EXPECT ME TO KEEP ACTING LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED?! I DIDN'T WANT YOU TO GET THE WRONG IDEA! YOU--"

"YOU LED ME ON! YOU, YOU BOUGHT ME SO MANY PRESENTS, AND WERE SO NICE, WHY WOULD YOU... I loved you. I ing loved you. But Hyukjae... I guess this is why people say love hurts. It does. It hurts so much I can hardly stand it..." I can't stop the tears from betraying my feelings. They're expressing me better than I could ever say them.



Timidly, I try to comfort her.

"Seo... Seohyun? I know we don't know eachother, but... I think I should apologise for some of this mess-up. I don't know, perhaps if I'd--"

"Lee Donghae. You shut your ing mouth or I'll..." She stops, biting her lip, trying not to blurt anything out.

"Seohyun..." Hyukjae speaks up again, but this time his voice is shaking from something other than pain. "If you talk to Donghae like that again, I will personally shove a knife down your throat. Understand?" He takes a step towards her, glaring at her as he does so. "Get out."

I stare. Why is he sticking up for me? We barely know eachother, but he... just defended a complete stranger over his own best friend.

"Donghae, you don't have to do this. I'm sorry I got in your way and stuff. I should probably leave now..." I slowly rise from my chair, gathering my books as slowly and silently as possible.



"Hae. Stay here. If anyone needs to leave, Seohyun should."

She glares at me, and I glare right back. Who does she think she is, insulting me? And my - well, Donghae is my friend now, right? Insulting my friends and I? She...


I blink, surprised at her sudden change of tone.



"You're such a ing bastard. Thank God I realised how stupid I was to fall in love with you before it was too late." She turns, and walks out.

Out of my life.


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New chapter up by tomorrow night! Sorry for the wait, guys :3


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 7: interesting, looking forward for this...
good luck
morgan47 #2
Very interesting so far. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next!
Is yesung like Wook or something?
It's cute though <3
will be waiting for the update^^
I think it's interesting <3
Update soon~
phoenix_taemints #6
wae so short? but i'm still happy you updated~! :D
Too bad it´s soo short, I really like this story so please update soon.
sorry...i just wanna ask,is this eunhae? or haehyuk?
hurry and update pls!! its getting good!! ;) :)