Chapter 3 - Jitters and Reminiscence



2 months later, Friday, 11:44


It was the last day of summer break. Funny, how time passes by so quickly. I was sitting on my couch, flipping through television channels while I waited for Youngmin to arrive. He didn't tell me what we were doing today, and it had kept me guessing all week. Now that the day had come, I must admit, I was really excited.


We had been hanging out all summer, and it was a lot of fun each time we did so. It all started the morning after he had brought me home, when I was a crying mess because of that bad breakup with Kwangmin. 


Youngmin had come over with breakfast.


Flashback - 2 months earlier, Thursday, 7:32


Though I told myself I wasn't going to cry anymore, I was still low on energy. There wasn't an ounce of liveliness or enthusiasm in me. Sure, there were no more tears, but it took a lot of willpower to get out of bed this morning. And that effort proved to be useless too, since I was back on my bed again, this time, just staring blankly at the ceiling.


I wouldn't have moved the whole day, if it wasn't for that doorbell.


Ding dong!


I groaned. I didn't want to answer it at first, but whoever it was outside was insistent.


Ding dong! Ding dong! Ding dong!


"Alright already, I'm coming!" I shouted, a bit annoyed. I walked briskly till I reached the front door. I didn't really know how to react when I saw who was on the other side.


"Morning," Youngmin said cheerfully. His grin was from ear to ear. I didn't really know what he wanted so early in the morning, but I let him in the house anyway. I noticed that he was carrying a few plastic bags, so I gave him a questioning look.


"Ria, where's your kitchen?" he asked.


"Over there," I pointed in the direction of my kitchen, though I was confused by his question. What, did he come here for cereal or something? He started walking towards the kitchen and I followed behind him. "What are you doing?" I asked.


He didn't answer me until he had set down the plastic bags he was holding on my kitchen countertop. It bothered me that a big grin was still plastered onto his face. "I'm making breakfast!" he said happily, as he started taking out groceries from each plastic bag.


"...You're what?" It took me a moment to register what he was doing. I was speechless. It was embarrassing. "No, you're not," I told him quickly, as soon as I found my ability to talk again. I grabbed the bread he took out and put it back into its plastic bag. I was making a reach for the tray of eggs, when he suddenly held my arm. "C'mon, Ria. Let me. Don't tell me I bought all of this for nothing," he said.


"No," I told him firmly.


"But you're hungry," he argued.


"No, I'm--" My own body had betrayed me. The grumble coming from my stomach was heard loud and clear. Stupid stomach.


Youngmin laughed. "Just sit down. I'll cook something up for you real quick," he said with a playful wink.


"Fine," I said, giving up. "Just make it really good. I'm really hungry!" I told him jokingly. It felt nice. I almost felt normal again. It was as if the pain I felt that morning and the previous night had just upped and vanished. Poof.


2 months later, Friday, 11:50


'I'll be there soon!'


I smiled as I read the text message from Youngmin. I was thankful for him. He really helped me carry on and enjoy my summer. I tried to imagine what it would be like if he didn't exist. I'd probably still be depressed over Kwangmin and Rebekah. Especially after I heard that Kwangmin had asked her to be his girlfriend a week after we broke up. It hurt me so much at the time. Kwangmin and I were together for two years and it only took him a week to move on, as if none of the times we spent together mattered much to him.


I didn't know what to feel about the two, Kwangmin and Rebekah. I guess I learned to hate Rebekah over time, and I suppose I should hate Kwangmin too.


But I didn't.


Instead, I still cared about him. I still missed him from time to time. But it was alright. The thing is, it hurt less now. And it was all thanks to Youngmin. It was great to have a friend like him.


My stomach churned in excitement as I thought about the possible things we could be doing today. He still hasn't told me yet. I read his text message again. I couldn't help but smile once more.


The doorbell rang and I immediately raced for the door. There was a beam on Youngmin's face. 


"Are you ready to find out what we're doing today?"


I'd like to thank all those who subscribed and commented so far. :D You guys really give me inspiration to write. <3 See you in Chapter 4!

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Chapter 8: AWWWW update soon! HWAITING
Chapter 8: Omg!!! Looking forward to the next chapter!!! :D hehehe
berrydoll #3
sigh youngmin is the perfect boyfriend but kwangmin is the perfect ex :( i hope you update this soon, i can't wait to see what happens next!
koreanchibi #4
Yay!! U updated!! KYAAA~ MINWOO!! SARANGHAE MINWOO!! >.< good luck on those exams unnie!! Update soon~
rmomoo #5
update soon! ((: