Chapter 1 - Numb


Wednesday, 20:00


Wretched. Despairing. Defeated.


I was supposed to be rejoicing since school was out for summer vacation, but those were the things I felt as I stared into space, not caring that I was sitting on a park bench without a shade as the rain hit me. The raindrops were cold against my skin. I didn't care that the passersby were pointing and staring as I let droplet after droplet of my tears fall down from my face. I didn't care about anything anymore. 


Five years of knowing each other. Two years of being together. Now, there's nothing.


So this was what it felt like.


I thought I had already felt loneliness before, sometime in my seventeen years of life, but nothing compared to this. Still, I had to give him up. I had to give Kwangmin up. Or he would have destroyed me.


Flashback - Wednesday, 12:00, Lunch break


There he goes again. It wasn't until recently that Kwangmin started hanging out a lot with her. And by a lot, I mean always. I was his girlfriend, and I still am, but we barely spend time together anymore. He spent more time with her




I felt myself glaring daggers at the girl as I thought her name. Sly girl. I thought we were friends.


At first, we all hung out a lot because of a school project we were working on. We all got along. Those were fun times. But Kwangmin started growing distant. And the two of them got closer. Sometimes, it felt like I didn't even exist to them. They always partnered up in class. They always spent time together during breaks. It made me sick. I wanted to trust them both. After all, I loved Kwangmin, and Rebekah was my friend. But I had my limits too. And this was too much for me.


Flashback - Wednesday, 18:30


I stopped in the middle of the road on our way home from school that day. "Kwangmin," I didn't want to face him. "Let's break up."




He tried to hold my hand, but I shook it away. 




I bit my lip. I still loved him. I didn't want to do this. Especially not at the beginning of summer. But I knew I had to. The image of the two of them together was burned into my mind. "You love Rebekah," I said bitterly, my voice shaking.


"Ria, I--"


"Kwangmin, stop!" I interjected, raising my voice. All the hurt accumulated over the year from seeing them together was coming out. The fact that he still tried to make excuses hurt me more. "I'm not blind. You love her."


"Ria, listen--"


"No, you listen." I didn't want to hear anything from him anymore. I've had enough. I tried my best to look him in the eye. "We're done."


Wednesday, 20:15


The tears have stopped. It was the first step. I had to forget about Kwangmin. I'm tired of feeling hurt. Now, I just felt numb. My mind was empty. I was a soulless doll. I just watched the rain in front of me go pitter-patter on the ground. I let out a resentful laugh. Was I so desensitized that I couldn't feel the rain on my skin anymore?




The rain wasn't hitting me.


"But-" I looked up to see a big blue umbrella above me, and my eyes immediately darted to the person holding it. All I could do was stare.


Was this some kind of sick joke?


So that's the first chapter for you! Whew, I can't believe I just wrote the first chapter to my first fic.  Feels kinda short though, doesn't it? In case you haven't figured it out, Rebekah here, is an OC.

Anyway, comments are much appreciated. Tell me what you think! I might get ideas from you guys too. :) I know the emotion in the first chapter is quite heavy but don't worry, I won't overdo it! :D I just hope it didn't sound whiny when it was meant to be sad.

Till the next chapter!

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Chapter 8: AWWWW update soon! HWAITING
Chapter 8: Omg!!! Looking forward to the next chapter!!! :D hehehe
berrydoll #3
sigh youngmin is the perfect boyfriend but kwangmin is the perfect ex :( i hope you update this soon, i can't wait to see what happens next!
koreanchibi #4
Yay!! U updated!! KYAAA~ MINWOO!! SARANGHAE MINWOO!! >.< good luck on those exams unnie!! Update soon~
rmomoo #5
update soon! ((: