My Amnesia Guy







At the Student Council Room,


L.joe was sitting at the chair beside the window, eyeing his bandaged left hand which was injured because he punched a random wall out of jealousy.


Of all of the people in the world, why would Maeri go somewhere with that Kim Myungsoo?


He thought as he slowly tried to stretch his fingers. He felt a slight pang of pain but still, he kept his cool.


The pain that he feels in his heart is a hundred times more painful than his injured hand.


If Maeri was here, she would probably take care of me. She wouldn’t let me write or cook or even move my hand. Maybe she would even feed me.


L.joe smiled at the thought of Maeri giving him a lecture about how idiot he was for punching a wall. But slowly, his smile faded.


But she wasn’t here. He thought as he sighed and lightly shook his head.


The more he thought of Maeri, the more he feels guilt inside of him. It was all his fault after all. And now that he couldn’t find her, all he can do is sigh.






His friends watched him quietly from the other side of the room. They were supposed to have their meeting about the segregation process in their school.


But their attention was focused on L.joe who kept quiet all day. He was just on the corner. Sulking, sighing and always in deep thought.


They weren’t used that their tough and cool L.joe became like this. And as his friends, they believe that they should do something.


“So? What do we do now?” Changjo asked as he eyed Niel.


Niel’s eyes rounded as he protested. “Why are you looking at me? I don’t have any idea! Why don’t--”


Niel couldn’t continue what he was saying because Chunji clamped his hand on his mouth. “Lower your voice!” He hissed as he looked at L.joe.


Thank God. He didn’t notice it. He was sitting at his chair while looking at his injured arm. Just like how he looked like hours ago.


“He looks really sad.” Chunji mumbled as he sighed.


Changjo turned to Ricky. “Can’t you ask just Sulli where Maeri is?”


Ricky shook his head with a horrified face. “She’ll kill me. You know how important Maeri was to her. And you know how much she hates hyung.” He explained in anxiety.


Niel puffed his cheeks. “So, what’s the plan?”


There was an awkward silence. No one dared to answer his question. Because no one knew what was the right thing to do.


“Let’s find Maeri. Let’s go to the police and report that there’s a miss—“


Niel cut him off. “She’s not considered as a missing person. She’s not kidnapped or anything.”


Ricky pouted and just kept his mouth shut.


“Let’s hire a private investigator to track down where Maeri is. Just like in the movies! That seems cool.” Chunji grinned excitedly.


“So where would you get the money to pay that private investigator that you’re talking about?” Changjo asked him in a challenging tone.


Chunji casually shrugged. “Maybe from the school’s funds?”


Niel whacked Chunji’s head because of his ridiculous answer. “Aww!” Chunji winced as he rubbed his sore head while glaring at Niel.


And after that, more idiotic plans came out from them. And CAP is getting irritated since he felt as if he was talking to a bunch of kids.


CAP rubbed his temples in irritation. “I have a suggestion.” He finally spoke up.


His friends turned to him in anticipation. They knew that CAP would give them a good suggestion. Much better than those that they can think of. Because he’s the leader. He’s the oldest. And he’s matured.


“Let’s not help L.joe.” CAP stated in his usual tone.


“WHAT?!” His friends asked in disbelief.


CAP just stared at them coldly, he knew that they would react like this.


“We can’t do that. L.joe is our friend. We should help him.” Niel objected.


“If we think about it, originally, everything was L.joe’s fault. We tried to explain things to him but he never listened.”


Chunji frowned. “It’s because he forgot everything he must be so confused and---“


“Have you ever thought how Maeri felt?”CAP asked them.


“She was hurt. But she tried to hide it from us.” Ricky mumbled.


 “Exactly.” CAP nodded. “She was hurt that’s why she left. If we help L.joe to find Maeri then wouldn’t she feel miserable again?”


“You’re right but, L.joe hyung is—“ Changjo tried to complain.


“Yes. We are his friends. But, for once, can’t we consider Maeri’s feelings as well?” CAP asked in a serious tone.


Niel slightly nodded, understanding CAP’s point of view. Chunji just sighed and Ricky remained frowning.


Changjo sat there quietly. He was against the idea of not helping L.joe after all. But he can't complain because CAP already told them what to do.












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Chapter 47: I hate this. Its not fair.
How came it so easy? For that girl to forgive him?
Dont do this to me author nim.
I want him to know her pain, torture him, please.
Its hurt me when that boy hurt maeri, dont make her forgive him so fast, i want him to realise how blessed he was to have her before he ruined everything.

The scar even though already not bleeding, it will remain forever as 'scar', the pain still there, reside forever in your heart.

Truthfully, i dont want her to be with l.joe (he is a jerk), but well this is your story, so you decided. Haha.

Love you author nim ^^
GoMirae #2
Chapter 47: Update !! Palli authornim !!
byunghuns_angel #3
Chapter 47: Author-nim, update soon please ;; im still waiting ㅋㅋㅋ
please update sooooon T____T i love this story huhu
jayzie #5
Chapter 47: love your story!! i'm be admired you! kkk
that l.joe....really a jerk! but still love him~!
update soon...
KeylVeh #6
Author-nim, I'm still waiting for this story's update... Fighting! xD
Teenfinite896 #7
Chapter 47: Update soon author nim~~~ XD
Chapter 47: Finally Updated and luv d update.<3
Mjkwang #10
Chapter 47: Wohoo!!!!
You updateddd....:*
ljoe u can get her back..fighting...