Diary Entry - Niel

idol diaries

yo guise wasup u all know wasup its ni-el as in da ni el but if u say it in korean its like danielle so actully im  girl. ummm what i came 2 update my diaary 4 is that i have a problem rly big problem its so big and theyre so big and its so big and idk it just keeps getting bigger n bigger every mv i film???????? ok can u guess its my LIPS OMFG DONT U KNOW HOW ANNOYING THIS IS WTF my stupid lips was i born into the wrong race or what like niqqa (((((no offense)))) but where the hell does a korean get these lips without getting plastic surgery or being dongwoo?????????? hoenstly pls.

another problem im haaving is tht i am beginning to get feelsings for L.hoe whatever his name is hes so stupid he just stole myungsoos name and mixed it with his personality to get thaat stupid NAME. LIKE PPL TLKIN BOUT TEENFINITE WAT YA DOIN ha. his english just makes my lips wet and swollen though ;)))))))))))




awkward bye

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jjongsreality #2
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