Chapter 4

The Blue Camellia


How on earth did she end up in this situation? Well one thing is for sure, she didn’t plan on this occurring. She needed to get back to the shop to help finish the orders that had deadlines approaching fast. Liyin sat in her seat squirming as the man in front of her just stared at her. Awkward much? I don’t even know what to say or do…..I’m still in shock. I can’t believe I met him. He looks so much more handsome now! OMO he’s smiling! NO LIYIN! YOU CAN’T THINK THESE THOUGHTS! HE’S GOING TO GET MARRIED! HOW DID I EVEN END UP IN THIS SITUATION?!


            Liyin got out of bed and noticed, after glancing at the clock, that she had slept until the next morning. She sighed and got out of bed. She walked over to the bathroom and got ready to go to work. (Note: Sunny and Liyin have 2 bathrooms in their apartment) Once she finished taking a shower, she walked to her closet and chose comfortable clothing a pair of jeans and a button down shirt. Liyin walked out of her room and was quickly greeted by the smell of coffee and French toast.

            “Liyin! I made you breakfast! I got to run or else I’m going to be late for work. I will call you if I will be coming home late.” Sunny said as she ran out of the apartment.

            “Thanks!” Liyin shouted at Sunny’s retreating figure. Once Liyin finished breakfast, she went out of their apartment and quickly drove to work. Liyin is the manager of The Blue Camellia a very old, yet popular floral arrangement shop in Seoul. The shop was started by Liyin’s great great grandparents and was known all over Korea for their tea and flower arrangement utilizing camellias. Liyin ran the shop in Seoul while Hangeng and Yeonhee ran the field located 2 hours away from Seoul. When Liyin arrived at the shop, she was greeted by Jessica, Yoona, and Seohyun. She bid them over to her office.

            “Girls, I’m sorry I am late but I woke up late this morning. Anyways does everyone know what they are doing? We have two major arrangements due in less than two weeks and one major arrangement due by Friday. Jessica will be working on the Lee arrangement since you have the most experience while Seohyun and Yoona will be working on the table settings for the Ko anniversary dinner. On the side you all will be helping to make the table settings for the Song Wedding but I will deal with the majority of it. Make sure to keep this Saturday clear in order to help me set up. And that’s it! Any questions?” Liyin asked.

            “Unnie? Are we still having dinner today with Sunny Unnie?” asked Seohyun.

            “It depends if Sunny can make it because she may have a lot of work that has piled up because of her business trip. If she can’t come, then we can just have dinner together and it’ll be my treat.” Liyin stated.

            “YAY! Free dinner!” Yoona exclaimed happily.

            “Ok guys let’s get to work! We have a lot of things to do today before we can even think about dinner!” Liyin announced as she shooed them out of her office. Once they were gone, Liyin looked at her appointment book to see if she had any appointments for the day. Taking note that the only appointment she had was Victoria Song on Friday to check on her bouquet as well as the arrangements, she set about looking at her sketches of arrangements that had already been approved by Victoria. The Songs had wanted three different arrangements of camellias for the reception of the wedding as well as a massive centerpiece. Not only that, but they also wanted Liyin to decorate the cake with blue camellias. Liyin had already done the rough sketches for the arrangements at the reception and church. Now she only had to work on the massive centerpiece, Victoria’s bouquet, and the design for the cake. Liyin soon became absorbed in her work and had not noticed it was already noon until her cellphone rang.

            “Hello?” Liyin answered while continuing to sketch.

            “LIYINNIE! HI!”

            “Who is this?” Liyin asked still not fully paying attention to the caller.

            “Liyinnie, how could you forget your favorite cousin?!” the caller exclaimed in shock.

            “Is this Henry?” Liyin asked now giving her full attention to the call, “What’s up?”

            “I need you to help me choose a gift for Sunny. It’s her birthday soon, remember?” stated Henry.

            “Can’t you choose your own gift? Sunny is your girlfriend, remember? And her birthday is in a week?! How could you not have gotten a gift yet?!” Liyin exclaimed.

            “Well, I’m sorry but you know I was gone on an overseas trip with the orchestra and I didn’t have any time to go and actually buy a gift. Besides, you’re her childhood friend you know her better than anyone else! Liyinnie, please please please help me buy a gift for her!” Henry pleaded.

            “Fine I’ll help you but you owe me big time for this! I still have a load of work to do!” Liyin exclaimed.

            “THANK YOU SO MUCH! Meet me at Le Petit at COEX Mall in 15 minutes! I’ll treat you to lunch before we shop for Sunny’s gift.” Henry stated.

            “Okay I’m leaving now. Bye.” Liyin stated and hung up her phone. She quickly grabbed her purse and walked out of her office and told the girls that she was leaving and would be gone for a while. She arrived at the COEX Mall and walked over to Le Petit where she found Henry waiting for her.

            “Liyinnie! I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever!” Henry exclaimed getting up and hugging her.

            “Henry, we saw each other last week!” Liyin informed him.

            “Oh right, but that’s because I needed a ride to the airport.” Henry replied, “Anyways let’s eat! I already ordered for us!” Liyin sat down and began to eat. After they finished lunch, Henry and Liyin walked around the COEX Mall in search of a perfect present for Sunny. Finally, Henry decided on something for Sunny but he told Liyin to go wait by the fountain in the middle of the COEX Mall because he wanted the gift to be a secret. Liyin reluctantly agreed and left him alone to purchase the gift. Liyin started to fiddle with her blue camellia bracelet, an heirloom of her family that is passed down through the Zhang daughters. After thirty minutes had passed, Liyin had decided that her absentminded cousin had forgotten that she was waiting for him and had left already; a situation that had occurred numerous times. Just as she was about to leave, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around expecting to see her cousin’s face but instead she saw her prince.

Flashback ends

            Liyin fed up with the silence between her and Junsu, decided that she really must leave to finish her work at the shop. Just as she stood up, Junsu pulled her back into her seat.

            “Please let go of my hand.” Liyin pleaded.

            “No. We need to talk.” Junsu answered not falling for her puppy dog eyes.

            “I don’t understand what we have to talk about still.” Liyin responded without looking at Junsu.

            “WE need to talk about us.” Junsu responded.

            “What about us? There is no us. There never was. You’re getting married Junsu!” Liyin exclaimed.

            “Liyin! I will always love you! I know you still love me otherwise you wouldn’t still be sitting in front of me!” Junsu exclaimed, “Liyin! Look at me! I don’t love the girl! The one I love is you!”

            “You love me?! You have never contacted me for the past 10 years! You call that love?! You agreed to be married! Don’t start this with me Junsu! What we had was a childish love! Not real! You’re a committed man now! Despite what you think, you are technically getting married and you have a duty to your fiancé to stay faithful! I refuse to be the other woman! Junsu, you can’t just come around and think that because you came back to see me we can get together! It doesn’t work like that! I’m leaving and that’s final!” Liyin yelled as she stormed out of the café.

            Well that went well didn’t it Junsu? You’re such an idiot! How could you hope that Liyin would come to you with open arms! At least, I know she still has feelings for me otherwise she wouldn’t have erupted like that. That means I still have a chance. Junsu smiled to himself and paid for the check. He began to devise plans of getting Liyin’s schedule from Eunhyuk. Liyin will never know what hit her.


            Liyin sat in her car thinking about what had just occurred. It would have so much easier for her to be okay with Junsu getting married if they hadn’t met and he hadn’t made that confession to her. Why did I have to meet him now? Just when I thought I got over him. I can’t believe I still love him. No! I don’t love him…what we had was just a companionate love. You can’t even call it love we were 13 for Pete’s sake! Liyin you can do this! You’ll be okay! But despite her thoughts, tears were running down her cheeks as she drove back to the Blue Camellia. 


HI GUYS! Sorry for the incredibly late update! I had writer's block. --; Well the next chapter will be uploaded by sometime next week. My goal is to upload a chapter a week. I hope you guys are still interested in reading this! Don't worry I am not giving up on this story! Since I'm a senior, I can't guarantee to be able to update every couple days but I will try my hardest to update at least once every two weeks. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Next one will be more fun and less drama....there'll be a lot of the Lee siblings and Sunny's schemes.....comments are loved! I'll update as soon as I can! :D

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Chapter 7: update soooooon
I miss read suyin story........
77nathaniela #2
Chapter 7: and almost forget..thank you for the update..fighting
77nathaniela #3
Chapter 7: oh authornim i just love suyin couple and definitely dont let junsu marry taeyeon..just dont give up this story..sunny oh i like you already
77nathaniela #4
authornim..update have an awesome story here..and of course suyin pls :-)
its almost a year allready just dont abandon this story pls keep writing..and i want you to know there is me who are waiting
77nathaniela #5
authornim..update have an awesome story here..and of course suyin pls :-)
JasmineLee #6
Aaaa possessive taeng...
Mianhae taeng, but i support suyin >_<
Love it. Do update soon. =)
I love SuYin~! <3 please do update soon ^^
zunkies #9
it's the time junsu need to win her back... i dont like he gonna married to taeyeon.... update soon
kyuhyunlover #10
@madz67 you'll just have to wait and see :D