That's it

My Loveable Gangster
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Despite the warning given by Haebin, Yookyung still talked with Teen Top. "Hey Yookyung-ah, you wanna sit with us at lunch?" Niel asked. "It's not like I have anywhere else to sit so okay." He smiled, "Good." The teacher came in and class begun.

Students were still fooling around but Yookyung was searching her bag like crazy. *Where is it? I swore I brought it with me!* She bit her lip and looked at L.joe who was sleeping. She thought for a minute and decided to ask L.joe.

She slowly extended her arm towards his direction. She stuck out her index finger and lightly poked him. He didn't even stir. So, she poked him a bit harder and he shifted. She poked his side and he bolted up. He glared at her and she shrunk back. In a small voice she asked, "Do you have your math textbook?"

His eyes narrowed and he hissed, "Mwoh?" She fiddled with her fingers and asked, "Do you have your math textbook?" He scoffed and slammed it on her desk. Everyone looked towards them including the teacher. He glared at them and they looked away in fear. He gave Yookyung one final glare and went back to sleep.

Yookyung put a hand over her beating chest and took deep breaths. She looked around the room and the girls were giving laser glares. She turned back and buried her face in the book. L.joe opened one eye and looked at her. *This girl sure has some guts*

The bell rang and everyone ran out for lunch. Yookyung got up and Chunji slung an arm around her. "Again? Really Chunji?" she questioned. He gave her a smile, "What? It's fun doing this with you since you're a bit shorter than I am and if I do that with the other guys, they would call me homo." She laughed and they walked out of the room.

Haebin was walking down the hall and saw Chunji's arm around Yookyung. She balled her hand into a fist and was fuming. *I see that really doesn't listen. Guess I have to teach her a lesson.*

They walked into the cafeteria and Ricky waved his arms up in the air like a little kid. Yookyung giggled and ran to hug him. "Ricky!" "Noona!" "Chunji!" They looked at him and he looked confused, "I thought we were playing a game so I wanted to join." He pouted and Changjo hit his back. "OWW!" "Yah, are you really going to be immature like them?"

Ricky and Yookyung pouted. He shook his head with a smile and CAP said, "Let's get lunch. I'm starving!" They all got on line and got their lunch. They sat back down but then Yookyung got up, "I forgot some napkins!"

"We have some already!" Niel yelled but she was gone. She walked back up to the register and got some napkins. When she turned around, a tray slammed onto her uniform. She gasped and looked at the culprit. Haebin smirked and hissed, "I told you to stay away. If you don't, you'll know what's gonna happen."

She strutted away with her posse leaving Yookyung in shock. Ricky looked around the room and saw Yookyung frozen. "Noona!" He ran up to her and looked at the mess. "Who did this to you? You're uniform's a mess!"

L.joe's ears perked up and he looked to see what happened. There on Yookyung's uniform were stains of kimchi, bean paste soup, rice and some peppers. His eyebrows furrowed and he searched the cafeteria. His eyes landed on Haebin who was cackling evilly and he knew right away that it was her. She took out her phone and started pictures of Yookyung. *That *

Ricky helped Yookyung back and he wiped some of the food off. CAP helped and so did the rest of them. L.joe just sat there staring at her and went back to sleep. "I'll be back, I wanna change into my spare uniform." Changjo eyed her, "You want me to come along?" She shrugged and they walked away.

Haebin saw them walk out and her nostrils flared in anger. "Girls, we need to do something about that who's stealing Teen Top from me." she told her posse. They all leaned in closer while Haebin spilled out her devious plan.

Minutes later, Yookyung and Changjo walked back in. Yookyung looked more fresh and Changjo was accompanying her. *I bet Haebin did this. That gets so jealous over the most stupidest ever.* They sat back down and Niel asked, "Gwenchana?" She smiled and just ate her lunch as if nothing happened.

The bell rang and everyone slowly went to class. The rest of the day went by quickly but for L.joe, it felt like hours. *Why is Haebin trying to hurt her? Wait, why do I even care?!* He shook his head and stared out the window.

Behind him, Cha

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Sorry I didn't update in a while. I got really sick so I'll put up a chapter real soon :)


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Chapter 39: I reread this because I was craving for a L.Joe fanfic. Your story is really great and L.Joe and Yookyung are really cute ^^
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 39: chappie 39: this story is really great !!!!
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 38: chappie 38: wooww....!!
such an action happened there .......
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Chapter 37: chappie 37: how will l.joe and the gang save yookyung ??
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Chapter 35: chappie 35: i think the mysterious guy is one of the ze;as' member ........
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Chapter 33: chappie 33: why yookyung's father want her to be careful ???
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Chapter 32: chappie 32: so... that's what happened in mihyun's past .......
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Chapter 31: chappie 31: poor l.joe ..............
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Chapter 30: chappie 30: are they going to kidnap yookyung ??!!??
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Chapter 28: chappie 28: good that yookyung's father approved her relationship with l.joe......