Aishhh... this marriage thing!

Marrying you ^_^



It was Tuesday morning and I was all set to go. I'm starting to feel slow and restless because of yesterday. I'm still in the middle of decision making and situation handling. Ugh! My life is running like hell! If only I could scream my lungs out and express it right now.


Eottoke? what to do? is what I can only say at the moment.


"Hey, pretty!" Someone called me from the back. Well it's not really someone, it was Gongchan.

"Gongchan, you're here.." Sounding like i'm out of energy.

"Are you okay? You sound like you've got some huge problem there." He tapped my shoulders to comfort me.

"Nevermind me, Gongchan. Hey, what's with the happy face?" Looking at Gongchan smiling like a fool.

"Yesterday, when you left me... I went back to school then there is this audition where i could have a chance to be a with the B1A3 members... so I was the only one who got to audition. Then... now I'm officially a B1A4 member now! Aren't you happy? Coz, you're going to see Baro everyday!"  Well atleast Gongchan brought me luck even the slightest luck he has and it gained me also a bit. A chance to see Baro again. 

"Okay that is the goodnews i wanted to hear." I began to start to smile and forget the whole marriage thing back.

"Hey, this is the first time seeing you in a dress" His eyes looked up and down

"It's your idea! you wanted me to wear dresses"  I began to look shy.

"Whoaaah well  i think dresses fits you well. I think you should change your tough exterior with a bit of y or chic style. It fits you better." This was the first ever compliment that i've heard from himever about my appearance.

"Really. I think i better get used to it." Began blushing


We arrived at school just in time. While we were walking in the hallways, all the guys began looking at me.


"whoahh... what a pretty freshmen"

"Who is she? why is she so pretty"


"Why are they looking at me like that" I began to feel anxious

"It's because you're pretty Mijoo. I told ya, you look great." Gongchan winked at me.


Gongchan was going to leave me until the other B1A4 guys saw us and began approaching us.


"Yahhh Gongchan, you're just going to leave like that without even introducing your new friend?" The guy with the brown hair flirtly winks at me.

"Ummm... she's my bestfriend. remember yesterday? Gongchan grabbed me and pulled me infront of them.

"No way! You're that Awesome girl yesterday who fought the bully!" The brown haired guy can't even believe it was me.

"You look pretty." The tallest guy complimented me with his charming smile.

"Even you wear a dress, it doesn't change the fact that you can be still a dangerous girl in school."  The guy whom i fell in love at first sight with was still treating me different. He still thinks i'm some bad girl or something. 

I saw him left first while the others were still there talking with Gongchan and me.


"Just ignore what Baro said. He's just like that. He doesn't want dangerous things happen to him."  The brown haired guy told me.

"I understand" I felt humiliated.

"Hey, ummm... why don't you join us for lunch in our table at the cafeteria. You come along with Gongchan." The red haired guy asked me to join with them

"I think it's a good idea Jinyoung. Why don't you come later okay?" The tallest guy begged me also to come with them later.

"okay, thank you. I'll just come with Gongchan." I accepted their invitation

"well see you later guys!" The three of them waved and left.




We were in the classroom until Sandeul grabs my hoodie and pulled me out of the chair.


"Yahhh~~~~Cha Baro, what's with the rude behavior while ago?!" Sandeul was nagging at me like my dad always does.

"Yeah Baro, it wasn't very nice of you to tell that girl like that." Jinyoung also joins nagging at me.

"Baro, i think you should be more nice to her." Even CNU thought i was being rude to her *geeeez

"Well you guys, you know i'm not into extreme stuff okay? You know i've got issues with my past."

Yeah, i still keep hanging with the past, that's why i'm still not comfortable with that girl.

"okay, but please... you should consider being even just a bit, you could be nice to her." Jinyoung favored me.

"ok, i'll try" I sighed.



Lunch Time. 



""Hyung!" Gongchan waving far from the tabe

"Oh you're here! Glad you came to join us ummm..." Sandeul welcoming them to our table.

"Mi Joo" The girl introduced herself to us.

"What a cute name"  Jinyoung smiled at her and offered her the lunch we reserved for them.

"Oh, Mi joo you sit here next to baro..." CNU dragged her to seat in between us.


I was about to leave when Jinyoung stepped on me.

"Yah~ don't ever think about leaving" Reading his lips while he was whispering in front of me.

No, choice but to stay and go along with them.

"Oh by the way,... Mi joo, we haven't introduce ourselves to you, right? Okay, I'm Sandeul known as the lead vocals." Sandeul introduced himself then he even sang a song for her.

"I'm Jinyoung... I'm the charismatic leader of this group." Jinyoung smiled at her and instead showing off his skills he just smiled at her and even winked.

"I'm CNU, well i'm the hyung and the dance machine of the group." CNU danced and pulled her to do the tango with him.

"Well, I'm Baro. And i'm the rapper." Introduced myself in a not-in-a-mood tone. 

"That's it? you need to show us your skills!" Sandeul was forcing me.

"arasso i'll do it. after this can i just eat in peace without me joining to talking also?" I crossed my arms

"okay fine. now do it." 


I began to show them the beatbox that i practiced and they began to clap their hands.


"Whoaaah baro-hyung... that's some talent." Gongchan praised me.

Then Mi Joo began to look at me... she seems like she wants to praise me but was shy to even blurt any word. She instead clapped and smiled at me. Why do she even look familiar?

"Thank you, oh btw... can you just ignore me now as i start to eat? You may begin to talk now." I moved a little bit far from them and started to eat peacefull from the corner side of the table.


"By the way Mi joo, what course are you taking up?" Jinyoung asked her.

"I like literature a lot. Writing lyrics and at the same time write poems and stories. So i took up major in literature"  She answered.

"Whoaaah... i hope you could compose good music soon for us, right guys? Right BARO?!"  Sandeul forcing me to answer back

"Okay fine whatever." I answered him back and continued eating my sandwich.

"And Gongchan, what course are you taking up?" CNU asked Gongchan

"I'm a music major."  Well he really is one of us.

"You're the same with us. it's a good thing we've chose you." Sandeul excitingly hugged him.


After our lunch break we returned back from our classes.



I saw Mi joo glancing at me while i was going back to our classroom. She really looked familiar, did i met her already? hmm... Oh my mind just popped up about something and I just remembered the marriage thing situation! Who is this girl that my dad wants me to marry? grrrr... should i look all over the place to search for her? No, it's not possible... there's a thousands of girl students in the campus! I may not be able to sure if it is her.


"What's wrong baro, you don't look good." CNU saw me in my agony.

"Ah, nothing hyung. well actually i'm thinking about something on how i will handle it." 

"Well, tell us about it. Maybe we can help you figure it out."

"No i don't think you can able to help me with it." 

"C'mon just tell us" CNU begged me to tell why i was bothered.

"Yeah were listening here" Jinyoung and Sandeul stood beside me and was ready to hear me out.

"Okay my dad forced me into marriage"  There! I just said it

"HWAAAAAT?!" They began to exclaimed in chorus

"Hushhh... nobody must know about this okay?!" Sheesssh why do they even reacted so loud. The crowd were staring at us.

"Mian, i mean... you're going to marry? really? with whom? do we know her? is she pretty? is she in the university right now? when is the wedding and where?!!" Sandeul asked and asked and asked

"It's a No, No, No, No, No,No! I don't want to marry!!!!! And Yes, she's in the university." my mental state was about to crash down. ughhh.

"Okay, so you're trying to tell us that you and even we don't know her and yet she is somewhere in the university? Isn't it right?"

Well Jinyoung was clever enough to understand what i was just saying to them.

"Yeah. Ughhh! guys please help me! How will i handle this!?! I can't even decline this wedding because if i do... maybe my dad will be disappointed." Trying to ask help from them

"Why don't you decide after you meet this girl you're going to marry" CNU adviced me

"I think i don't want to meet her. though I've known her back then"

"Do you mean... you already have met? why did you told us that you don't know her."

"Well, she's a childhood friend whom i always played when i was 5. that's the only thing i could remember." My memories back then are blurry now

"Oh... maybe if you'll meet her. I know you'll know how you should decide it." Jinyoung tapped me 


I guess if i could meet her, i will decide if i should go on with this or not.





I just finished my class and was about to leave the university. As expected my dad called me to meet him in Cafe Santorrini.


I was almost going to enter the cafe until i saw someone, well and it turned out to be awkward when I saw Baro inside waiting in a single table.


"Isn't it Baro? What is he doing here?" Talking all by myself as i was hiding myself at the entrance door.

"hmmm... Who is he waiting for?" I was so curious and decided to go inside to spy him instead of waiting for my dad to come.


I sat 2 tables from him. Goodthing he can't recognize me with my hat and shades on. At the moment of waiting, my phone rang and I answered it.


"Dad, where are you? I'm waiting for half an hour here in the Cafe" I was getting bored of the waiting and spying.

"Actually, It's not me who's going to meet you there. It's Sunwoo" 

"Hwaaat the hell! Dad! Why didn't you just said it earlier?!" I was getting furious at the moment.

"Ok, so enjoy you're chat with him!" then he hang up

"Ok, i must leave now until this Sunwoo guy would enter here" Then my eyes turned into Baro's table. I saw him still waiting for someone. Is it her girlfriend? 


I left slowly as i could until I bumped into someone


"Ughh..." My head hurts I couldn't see as my head was really dizzy.

"yahhh~ watch you were going!" The girl yelled at me

"I'm sorry... i didn't mean to " I bowed down 

"Sorry?~~~ hah... you need to pay for this! you know this is expensive" She showed me the coffee stain that spilled all ver her dress.

"I'll pay for it in any way that i can do." I still bowed down

"What do you mean you can pay? you know this is expensive... even you can't afford it!" But still I can't lift my head up because of the embarrasment... until

"How much is that miss? I think 1,000,000 won is good?"    A guy suddenly saved me from this huge embarassment that i caused and it's not some guy... it was Baro


The girl left after Baro giving her the check. Then Baro helped me stood up and dragged me outside the Cafe.


"Yahhh~ what were you doing inside there? are you trying to embarass yourself in may people?" He scolded me.

"Mianhe..." That's the only word that i could say.

"By the way... good thing this happened. I was able to get out from there"  He yawned

"Wae?" I asked in case he would answer me.

"Nothing... oh by the way... tomorrow... please don't tell that i saved you today. okay? tsk... I shall leave first." he left me in the bus stop.


Whoahh... this is not what i have expected from him. He's actually a nice person. My heart began to beat faster. da dump...da dump...da dump. :D




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jennifer1801 #1
Pls update soon
at last she became beautiful! Update soon!
New reader here. =)
Update soon!
I love the storyline! Update please.
update soon!
Wow, gangster. This is really different from other fanfic I read. Hwaiting!