Love at first sight

Marrying you ^_^

Mi Joo POV


It was morning and it was 8 am, "damn I'm already late for my first day of class!!!" I rushed to the bathroom and quickly finished all my necessary preparations before going on my first day in college. 

I was all set and prepared entering the university with my purple hoodie, sweat pants and chucks though it's not quite a fashion but still this look was the best for me.

"whoahhh, Gongchan! You look handsome with your bad boy look!"  Running through the corridors and spazzing at him some like of a fan girl.

"I especially prepared this look so that i could fit in here". Boasting his handsome look with confidence. 

"How about my look, Gongchan? Do i fit in also?" Showing off my sporty look with a pose.

"More like fit out" he chuckled. "Yahhhh, i was expecting you to compliment me"  Giving him a death glare.

"You know, Mi joo, this is not highschool anymore. We're already adults! So start acting like one now. You still dress the same as we used to. Do you think were going to have p.e. class every day? and besides guys will not like you if you're going to dress this all the time." Well he's right i have nothing to say but nod.

"So you better wear dress tomorrow, okay?" he handed me a fashion magazine and left me alone in the lobby. 

And now I'm alone by myself walking around the campus and looking for my first class. 

After a few blocks from the Jounalism department, I finally found my room around the Education department. Before I could turn the knob of the room, i heard someone gasping for help. I peeked in to the corner to see what was happening and saw bullies bullying a helpless innocent girl.


"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" grabbing the bully's hand from the girl. "Who are you to stop me?"  she answered me back fiercely.

"Well, If you dont know, FYI I'm Han Mi Joo... "  She suddenly dropped her jaw "HAN MIJOO? the the the blackswan?! 

"Yes, If you dont mind, would you get your butts off away from this girl, okay?"  "Arasso, arasso....." they all rushed out like bunch of scaredycats *hahaha.

"Gwaenchanaa?" I pulled her up from the floor.

She nodded and started to hugged me. "Kansamnidaa! I'm soo happy you have saved me from them"

"Ermmm... excuse me, quit the hugging, okay?"  I dropped her hands around me. "Wae?" She started to sound like a she's going to cry.

"Because hugs are just for close friends, not for others whom you just met." I tried to avoide her innocent eyes."So can we be close friends?"

"You know girls like you who doesn't know to defend themselves will be get beaten forever. And Sorry, saving you from them doesn't mean I can be your closefriend." ...


I'm sorry girl, you can't have a friend like me. I'm too dangerous for you. I hope you would understand me.






I was in a hurry for my next class until i heard some noises from the corner. Well it's not some noise but there was someone talking. I know it's not good on keeping an eye on somebody but i can't help but to listen to what they were talking about.


"Because hugs are just for close friends, not for others whom you just met."



."So can we be close friends?"


"You know girls like you who doesn't know to defend themselves will be get beaten forever. And Sorry, saving you from them doesn't mean I can be your closefriend." ...


What a rude behavior. I hate girls like that. Not being nice to people who were nice to them. 


I went in for next class to have our oral presentation. And I was not yet prepared. *i'm screwed :/ 


"Baro, have you prepared your presentation?" Jinyoung hyung asked me while he was tinkering with his harmonica.

"Ermm not yet," sooo honest that i would tell them that i'm screwed. *Damn it!

"You, Cha Baro, haven't prepared anything?! Are you joking us?! You always have something prepared on our oral presentations" Even Sandeul can't believe that I have nothing.

"Baro, just do what you always do. I believe you have something you can do" CNU hyung the ever supportive hyung that i can have.


"CHA BARO, you're next." a loud calling that would hit me even ten times harder.


"yahhh~ barooo do you think you can do it? perform it next time if you really haven't prepared something." Sandeul grabbed me and avoiding me to commit a humiliation in front of my fans, well i mean my classmates.


I persisted and went in front the class to do my presentation.


Here I go.. the cheering classmates turned to silent as i started with my presentation. Well the b1a3 guys were at the back hiding their heads to avoid looking at me.


"umm... since our topic is all about music and i have nothing prepared but myself alone and I only brought here in front I have something to show you different presentation about it without any instrument."


I suddenly rapped in chorus and sang as well going with the rhythm of my tune and a moment of surprise, I perfected my beatbox. After the presentation my classmates were all amazed and all can they say was wow all the time. *kekeke Even the B1A3 guys were in shock too. They thought I would humiliate myself.


"DAEBAK! i knew Cha Baro won't lose to anyone of us" Jinyoung gave me a highfive.

"BAROO, i knew you would do something else! You made us worry!" Sandeul giving me a backhug

"That' our barooo!" CNU hyung gave me a thumbs up





My first class just finished and was about to transfer to the other different department for the next class. As I was walking I heard loud cheering noises from the other room. And i saw girls peeking in also from that room. I thought it was something interesting so i went to take a closer look.


My heart started to beat when I saw and heard that guy performing in his class. Who is this guy? Why do i feel captivated by his voice?! Am i in love at first sight? wake up mi joo! You're in trance! You can't fall in love that easily with some guy with cute looks and swooning voice. You're a tough girl right? Get a grip on yourself. I quickly dragged myself out of there to avoid myself in drastic illusions of this weird feelings.


"Yahhh, Han Mi joo are you alright? You seemed off." Gongchan waving at me nonstop

"I'm in love at first sight?!" why did i just say it in front of him.

"You're really not in yourself Mi joo." He tried snapping me out but still fails.

"God, i must be crazy, saying things like this." Yeah he knows that your already crazy now falling in love that easy? that is not you Mi Joo. 






so how was the first chapter so far? :D

enjoying it? til next chap again. ^^




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jennifer1801 #1
Pls update soon
at last she became beautiful! Update soon!
New reader here. =)
Update soon!
I love the storyline! Update please.
update soon!
Wow, gangster. This is really different from other fanfic I read. Hwaiting!