Only Debut Once

Psychics (jtunecamp girl group) [Apply Closed]

"Oppa!" Chanel was crushed by the congratulating hug of the more experienced leader.

Around them, a round of congratulations swept across the room, not just for the performers but for the jtunecamp staff as well. One mnet staff even specially trotted up to the group said, "Thank you, that was a really amazing debut. The audience actually loved it."

"Actually?" Alpha mouthed towards the leader, still wrapped up in her brother's arms. "Low expectations much?"

"I'm handling that," H.I assured Chanel in hushed tones. "Give you some time."

Seungho gripped Chanel's shoulder. "I am so proud. Everyone is."

"Thanks!" She grinned cheerfully. "Wait a minute..." Not again. "Are you crying?"

"I am not crying." Seungho denied. 

"You are crying!"

"Am not!"

"He actually isn't," Jan-e chimed as she passed by, "It's more like he's tearing up rather than anything else."

"Shhhhh, go away." Seungho hissed.

"You only get that one debut." Joon was teling H.I, who was perplexed by the emotional state many were in. 

Seungho looked Chanel in the eyes. "That's right. You only get to debut once. Never forget this moment."


"Omg, that's Yoon Mirae." H.I gasped.

"Who?" Athena asked.

H.I gave her a 'are you serious?' look. "Only the greatest female rapper. Ever. What do I do?" Then a determined look came over her face. "I am getting an autograph. Ohhh! Tiger JK's there too, might as well get both."

That left Athena there. By herself. "Well this is terribly awkward..." She twiddled her thumbs and sighed.

"My adorable Choi Joosun!" A girl holding a pink star hugged Athena by the waist. "How are you my pretty? I saw your debut! It was soooo amazing!"

Athena giggled, both delighted and surprised. "Namjoo-yah!"

"Earth! Fire! Water!" Namjoo imitated the entire group. "I didn't expect Psychics to debut in Japan of all places! Japan!"

"I know, it's so exciting! But it's not like you're not doing well either."

"By the way, I never realised how y your brother can be." Namjoo raised an eyebrow. "I think I might be a BAP fan."

"Yuck, did you just call my brother y?" Athena made a face, "Let's stop, I taste vomit."

"Okay, okay, I won't mention your brother anymore." She took the girls hand and dragged her, "Come watch my performance! You can stand on the side!"


H.I returned gleefully, two signatures marked obviously on the upper sleeve of her red jacket. "Athena?" She whirred around. "Athena? Where has that girl gone?"

"If you're looking for your 'earth' maknae," A familiar voice said, "She seems to have gone off with a member of Apink. It seems they were friends."

"It was Namjoo-sii." Jaejin noted. After getting weird stares, he hurriedly explained, "Minhwan talks a lot about them okay!"

"Seunghyun-oppa, Jaejin-oppa!" H.I warded off their usual friendly hugs with a whisper of, "Managers told me to try not to make a scene. Plus, I just got this jacket signed and I am not ruining it."

The bassist and guitarist of F.T Island laughed. "Let's go hide by the toilets!"

"I miss this!" H.I laughed joyfully. "How long has it been since I've seen you guys?"

"A while." Jaejin stated so matter-of-factly they all burst into laughter. "Seriously though, you should hang out with us again."

H.I paused, a serious atmosphere seemed to have manifested itself around her. "Nah. I can't."

"Stop worrying about hyung." Seunghyun put an arm around her shoulder. "We need you there to control him. Even Jonghun-hyung's out of his mind with all the weird chicks he's hanging around lately."

"Dude. Not cool." Jaejin flicked Seunghyun

"Right, don't mention the girls." Seunghyun winced, but it was already too late.

H.I sighed, she wasn't one to cry but both of them knew she was upset. He hugged her, "I'm sorry! Really! I'll buy you food next time!"

When that still didn't work, Seunghyun said, "I'll let you take me to a yoga class!"

That worked extremely well. "You said it! Jaejin, you heard that didn't you? He said he'd do yoga with me!"


"Where are you going?" Seungho called after Jan-e, who seemed to be in her own world. 

She was leaned up against a rack of clothing, a curious expression on her face while she sang Doradora. "Oh, I was looking for Eli. But I got distracted."

"You've got a nice voice." 


Then a semi-awkward silence entered between the two.

"So what were you distracted by?"

"I was just wondering..." Jan-e had been wondering where the clothing rack had come from. It hadn't been labled, not a single article of clothing on it matched another and her imagination ran a little wild; picturing herself as having to solve this mystery, or else a bomb hidden in the clothes would go off. It just sounded so silly, she decided against voicing it in front of the logical leader of MBLAQ. "I was just wondering if our performance was good enough."

"It was very good, don't worry too much." Seungho smiled, "Want me to help you look for Eli? I think I know where the U-kiss dressing room is."

"Yeah, sure!"

"Jtunecamp fighting!" The whole company had a quick video call with Rain before they went on stage for the final song with all the other artists.

Cheondung, Seungho and Chanel were in a little corner making small talk, and this did not go unnoticed by others. Except maybe by Alpha and Mir who were off in some discussion about a game no one else but them knew about.

"I thought Seungho was smart." G.O muttered so only H.I could hear, and she burst out laughing. People looked at her like she had lost her mind. 

"He's just oblivious to Chanel's crush." Jan-e said, "It's his little sister, he doesn't want to belive she can like boys."

"You did not just use the term 'crush' and say Chanel was in to 'boys' not 'men' in front of me, right?" H.I grimaced. 

"Does Cheondung-oppa even feel the same way?" Athena asked.

Joon shrugged, "Don't know. Don't think so... At least he doesn't seem to think of her in that way."

"Don't tell either of them anything." H.I said.

"Of course not."






"Party in my pants!!!" Eli danced his way into the studio

"Ew. No." Jan-e made a face of disgust at her cousin's antics. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"It's what you do!" Eli put his hands up to exaggerate his point. However as a result the packets of chips, stringy bits of ribbon and confetti that he had been previously holding scattered all over the floor in a mess. "You only to get a debut once! PARTY TIME!"

"A party is a fine idea," Chanel commented, though her nose crinkled a bit at the mess that was made. "We can meet people, and it takes some of the stress away."

"I'd prefer to stay at home, thanks." Athena grumbled. 

"If she gets to go home, I do too!" Alpha yelled out. "I wanted to watch my movies. Not attend a party organised by Eli." She stuck her tongue out at him. He was practically a cousin to the rest of Psychics.

As soon as they flew back into Korea, Eli had organised a party in celebration of Psychic's debut. He, with the help of Chanel, had arranged the food, location, guest list and everything one could think of.

"Okay, children." H.I clapped her hands dramatically. "Let's not grumble."

"He invited Eunhyuk." Jan-e told her.

"You did what?" H.I exclaimed. "I'm going home."

"No you are not!" Chanel threw a pillow at her head.

"Eli's idea of a party involves balloons and ribbons! I am not even going to go into that." H.I said, causing Eli to protest with a 'hey!'. "Plus, he invited Lee Hyukjae. Super Junior's dancing machine! The person I'm sick of! The person who no one needs to know I'm related to." H.I sighed loudly, "Next thing you know he'll have invited F.T Island and my ex walks through that door."

"Actually..." Chanel bit her bottom lip. "I kinda invited them."

H.I's face turned black. "And the tomato revealed itself in the pie." She left the room.

"Well, my ex is coming too..."






Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in such a long time :( I've been sorta busy... Plus, I had a block because I felt my ideas weren't good enough and that I was just writing rubbish :/ But I decided to do my best, and just write something :P 

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partiallystars #1
Chapter 24: OTL I just re-read this chapter and laughed my boots off XD
I sorta miss this story tho :'D
partiallystars #2
Okay just... /breathe in/

Eunhyuk and Eli are HILARIOUS.
And so are half the members of psychics XD
And B.A.P are such stalkers :'D
/brb. loling.
Im glad you updated, and I hope for more :3
Keep up the good work!
Author-nim~ How come you stopped updating? :(
partiallystars #4
Because Partying with exes is just the most natural thing ever xD
This gonna be good! *grabs popcorn*
Yeeeess Party! And lol this party is gonna be aawwwkwwaardd seeing as the "exes" are coming. PARTY IN MY PANTS~ lmao.
AmethystCat #6
OMG!Draaaaaaaaammmmmmaaa~~!!!Is all I can say~!!The debut was awesome but I have a feeling the party is going to be very very interesting ex boyfriends,crushes,family and the whole nine yards~!!!!I laughed so hard at this chapter~!!I love it~!!!^^
partiallystars #7
Lol jan-e is EPIC! XD Yoga and what not... I love how weird everyone is :') finally debuting like a BOSS.
Waah youre so daebak! Talk about double updates ^.^ " 3 cans of redbull, a strawberry ice cream and a phonecall to Eli." omg Jan-e i cant. Psychics Hwaiting! Omo i wonder if most of the newly debut girl groups are like that.