
Psychics (jtunecamp girl group) [Apply Closed]

Chanel was almost breathing fire as she went on a rant about the little adventue H.I and Alpha had decided to take. "How dare they? They lied! Just because we have no schedule doesn't mean that we can do whatever!"

Athena tried to subdue the leader's anger, "Eonni! Chanel-eonni! We'll find them! Calm down, please?"

However her efforts were in vain as Jan-e just added fuel to the fire. "They left. The two of them left just like that?" Jan-e was angry for a completely different matter. She was annoyed that they hadn't thought to inform her about the plan. She herself would've joined in and snuck off to hang out with Eli or Uee, both of which she hadn't seen in over a fortnight.

"Eonni?" Athena looked a helpless creature.

"Someone on set was handing them something? Yah, there was no one left on set!" Jan-e's eyebrow twitched.

"Manager-oppa!" Chanel turned to the manager, "What are we going to do about them?"

"Let me handle it," He muttered. "Meanwhile, you all head in to dance practice."

"No, why?" Athena grumbled, already exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster of a day she'd had. "H.I and Alpha aren't even here, can't we just get a break too?"



H.I laughed loudly, "Goodness, Jan-e is mighty pissed we didn't include her."

The trio had already eaten lunch and were wandering aimlessly through the park as Alpha gobbled down packets of sweets. "Maybe next time."

"If there's a next time."

"I don't think you should sneak out again." Jay said, "You might get a ban placed on you. Take the advice of your sunbae."

"Hah, sunbae." The two girls smirked. 

"Yah, it's true!"

Then the alarmed ring tone of H.I's phone went off and her face froze. "Merde."

"Who's that?" Alpha asked with a raised eyebrow. Well, a semi-raised eyebrow. You see, she couldn't really raise one eyebrow without raising the other.

"It's himi, isn't it? I recognise the ring tone." Jay offered.

With a scrunched up face, H.I answered. "Neh, seonsaeng-nim..."


Thanks for all the love :)))) If any of the user's whose character I've chosen has a request, you can just let me know :) Anyone who has any ideas, just let me know and maybe I'll include them :)

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partiallystars #1
Chapter 24: OTL I just re-read this chapter and laughed my boots off XD
I sorta miss this story tho :'D
partiallystars #2
Okay just... /breathe in/

Eunhyuk and Eli are HILARIOUS.
And so are half the members of psychics XD
And B.A.P are such stalkers :'D
/brb. loling.
Im glad you updated, and I hope for more :3
Keep up the good work!
Author-nim~ How come you stopped updating? :(
partiallystars #4
Because Partying with exes is just the most natural thing ever xD
This gonna be good! *grabs popcorn*
Yeeeess Party! And lol this party is gonna be aawwwkwwaardd seeing as the "exes" are coming. PARTY IN MY PANTS~ lmao.
AmethystCat #6
OMG!Draaaaaaaaammmmmmaaa~~!!!Is all I can say~!!The debut was awesome but I have a feeling the party is going to be very very interesting ex boyfriends,crushes,family and the whole nine yards~!!!!I laughed so hard at this chapter~!!I love it~!!!^^
partiallystars #7
Lol jan-e is EPIC! XD Yoga and what not... I love how weird everyone is :') finally debuting like a BOSS.
Waah youre so daebak! Talk about double updates ^.^ " 3 cans of redbull, a strawberry ice cream and a phonecall to Eli." omg Jan-e i cant. Psychics Hwaiting! Omo i wonder if most of the newly debut girl groups are like that.