Fifth Member Introduced!

Psychics (jtunecamp girl group) [Apply Closed]

Kim Eliza Jane = Jan-e

Main Vocals




Jan-e's not really shy, but not really loud either. She's kind of the safe middle. Being around too many people makes her feel suffocated and scared, so she's always preferred to have a small group of good friends. She enjoys being alone, having time to herself to relax and do what she wants without the judging eyes of others around. Despite her disciplined nature, she is a bit of a rule breaker. 

Sometimes she spaces out, entering her own world where often times she plays a detective in her own mystery. This is because she is incredibly curious and hates not knowing things. Facing pressures of being in a rich family, she fell into depression at one point and had to visit a psychologist regularly. She now counteracts this by visiting orphanages as she finds children bring her joy and relaxation.



Jan-e grew up in Seoul, but was born in Paris to an internationally renowned musical actress and a equally well known chef. Being a rich girl, she always got what she want, however she never wanted to be a stereotype. She genuinely enjoys doing charity work, often visiting children's homes and volunteering. Half of her allowance is set aside for charities such as cancer funds or orphanages. 

Having incredibly busy parents, she grew very close to her aunt and cousin, Eli. Eli is her partner in crime, and never failed to contact her even with his busy schedule as part of U-Kiss. They are the closest family she has, the rest of the family marginalise her due to the favouritism showed by her grandfather.


Traineeship: 2 years JYP + 3 years jtunecamp

She was scouted during her school days where she often practiced singing, piano and the keytar by herself during lunch time. Her beautiful voice was heard by a visitor to her school who worked with JYP entertainment. 


Abilities + Fun Facts:

Skills: keytar, piano, song writing

Strengths: singing, good with kids, charity work

Weaknesses: variety shows, speaking to large crowds

Languages: Korean (fluent), English (fluent), French (conversational), Japanese (basic)

Nationality: British, Korean

Likes: shoes, energy drinks, hip hop, ballad, RnB, vintage shops, strawberry ice cream, robots

Dislikes: skinship, rollercoaster rides, hello kitty, clubs, crowded places

Hobbies: volunteer work, piano, shopping, dancing

Height: 168 cm 

Birthday: 30th March 1991



Family: Eli (U-kiss) is her cousin


  • Yubin (Wonder Girls) - met at JYP
  • Taeyang (Big Bang) - met at a summer singing camp

Best Friends:

  • Uee (After School) - best friends since elementary school. Uee approached Jan-e who was a bit of a loner then.
  • Joon (MBLAQ) - met while he was shooting Ninja Assassin in the US
  • Eli (U-Kiss) - cousins

Past Relationships:

TOP - dated between 2007 to 2009. They slowly drifted apart and began to think nothing of each other but as friends.



Congratulations to 123Elly! It was a really difficult decision for me! But now the story can get on it's way! Sorry to those who didn't make it, but thank you for applying!

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partiallystars #1
Chapter 24: OTL I just re-read this chapter and laughed my boots off XD
I sorta miss this story tho :'D
partiallystars #2
Okay just... /breathe in/

Eunhyuk and Eli are HILARIOUS.
And so are half the members of psychics XD
And B.A.P are such stalkers :'D
/brb. loling.
Im glad you updated, and I hope for more :3
Keep up the good work!
Author-nim~ How come you stopped updating? :(
partiallystars #4
Because Partying with exes is just the most natural thing ever xD
This gonna be good! *grabs popcorn*
Yeeeess Party! And lol this party is gonna be aawwwkwwaardd seeing as the "exes" are coming. PARTY IN MY PANTS~ lmao.
AmethystCat #6
OMG!Draaaaaaaaammmmmmaaa~~!!!Is all I can say~!!The debut was awesome but I have a feeling the party is going to be very very interesting ex boyfriends,crushes,family and the whole nine yards~!!!!I laughed so hard at this chapter~!!I love it~!!!^^
partiallystars #7
Lol jan-e is EPIC! XD Yoga and what not... I love how weird everyone is :') finally debuting like a BOSS.
Waah youre so daebak! Talk about double updates ^.^ " 3 cans of redbull, a strawberry ice cream and a phonecall to Eli." omg Jan-e i cant. Psychics Hwaiting! Omo i wonder if most of the newly debut girl groups are like that.