Fourth Member Introduced!

Psychics (jtunecamp girl group) [Apply Closed]

Park Hyojin = Alpha

Main Dancer




Alpha will let you know straight to your face that she doesn't care what you think. "Haters gonna hate" is literally the motto she lives by. She isn't afraid to be herself, even letting everyone know some of her more odd behaviours such as rolling on the floor when it's too hot or scratching the walls when she's impatient. Despite all this, when it comes to work she becomes a strict disciplinarian, taking her tasks very seriously. 

Some see her as refreshing, being very blunt, honest and random. However some find her too much with her crazy personality, with or without sugar. Still, she can come off as mature and wise occasionally, though most of the time she's lacking in experience. A tomboy through and through, she doesn't consider herself particularly beautiful and is definitely ungraceful. 



Alpha's matured atmosphere can be credited to her having skipped a year in school, as such she also relates to older people. She was born and raised in Tottenham, England where she picked up her English accent. Then she moved to Toulouse, France, and at the age of 9 with her mother migrated to Korea. 

Her Korean parents, despite not being seperated, live in different countries due to their professions. 


Traineeship: 1 year jtunecamp

Alpha decided that her initial plan of getting a bachelors in science wasn't her thing and wanted in in the kpop industry. She was rejected from SM entertainment auditions due to her comparitively weak vocals. She trained in bboying from a tender age of 7 across different UK dance acadamies.


Abilities + Fun Facts:

Skills: Hip hop, drums

Strengths: bboying, popping&locking, dancing, football, interviews

Weaknesses: self conscious when receiving compliments, sometimes can have a very low self esteem, 

Languages: Korean (fluent), English (fluent), French (fluent)

Nationality: Korean

Likes: books, PS3, funny people, maths, science, dance (bboying and hip hop), football, sweets

Dislikes: being touched, unclean atmospheres, 

Hobbies: reading, sports, watching football (supporting Tottenham FC & Netherlands), singing, joking, cleaning

Height: 170 cm

Birthday: 27th August 1995




  • Jay Park
  • KevJumba
  • Amber
  • Jung Juri
  • Go Eunah

Best Friends:

  • Key (SHINee) - haven't been in contact since she got rejected from SM
  • Jo Kwangmin (Boyfriend) - they met pre-debut in dance classes
  • Elodie Picard - not a celebrity, best female friend from France

Past Relationships: none


Congratulations to ThatAwkwardMomentWhen! Note: football here is soccer, not american football.

This one came a little late but I'd been debating over who to choose for a while now :)

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partiallystars #1
Chapter 24: OTL I just re-read this chapter and laughed my boots off XD
I sorta miss this story tho :'D
partiallystars #2
Okay just... /breathe in/

Eunhyuk and Eli are HILARIOUS.
And so are half the members of psychics XD
And B.A.P are such stalkers :'D
/brb. loling.
Im glad you updated, and I hope for more :3
Keep up the good work!
Author-nim~ How come you stopped updating? :(
partiallystars #4
Because Partying with exes is just the most natural thing ever xD
This gonna be good! *grabs popcorn*
Yeeeess Party! And lol this party is gonna be aawwwkwwaardd seeing as the "exes" are coming. PARTY IN MY PANTS~ lmao.
AmethystCat #6
OMG!Draaaaaaaaammmmmmaaa~~!!!Is all I can say~!!The debut was awesome but I have a feeling the party is going to be very very interesting ex boyfriends,crushes,family and the whole nine yards~!!!!I laughed so hard at this chapter~!!I love it~!!!^^
partiallystars #7
Lol jan-e is EPIC! XD Yoga and what not... I love how weird everyone is :') finally debuting like a BOSS.
Waah youre so daebak! Talk about double updates ^.^ " 3 cans of redbull, a strawberry ice cream and a phonecall to Eli." omg Jan-e i cant. Psychics Hwaiting! Omo i wonder if most of the newly debut girl groups are like that.