Pre-debut Part 3 : Summe as Miss A back up dancer (feat Nickhun, JYP, Miss A)

**+The Risk+** >NewGroup of CHE< Story - Pre-debut Part 3 : Summe as Miss A back up dancer

*In front of JYP Building*

"Hyung" The blond boy call his Leader

"What minseok?" Sun turn to face him and see his face isn't look so good

"Did your boss scary?" He ask with scary tone and awkward sound that Sun laugh out loud 

"Wae?! I just scary" Minseok said firmly

"Me, too" Rina who his Co-Main Vocalist, Haneul the Main Rapper, D1 and Dianna Biggest bros and sis said in one sound

"Yah!! You guy scare him that much?" Sun ask with laugh hard 

"His look make us feel that!!" D1 tell Sun represent to everybody feeling.

"Then change your thought, he doesn't. He just serious while he work. If you doesn't make him annoying buring record, he is a really nice guy." Sun said and suddenly sound of one similar guy greet him.

"Hey!! YongSun!!"

"Good morning Khun hyung" Sun turn to greet JYP's Thai Prince, 2PM's Nickhun who come with signature aura.

"Good morning to you too." Nickhun said and pat his shoulder

"Hyung. This is my members" Sun said and introduce them to Nickhun

"Your members? Did you mean from CHE right?" Nickhun ask back

"Yep. Summe is my group name" Sun said with smiles

"Ah. I see. Good morning everyone. Nickhun imnida and Hello Avera" Nickhun introduce himself with brightening smiles and don't forget to greet his cousin.

"Annyeonghasaeyo Sunbaenim. We are Summe!!" Another members greet and bow to Nickhun back.

"Nice to meet you guy" He greet again with his signature smiles

"Anyway, Why you here hyung?" Sun ask him curiously

"I get some schedule at another town yesterday and I just arrive here" He said while triedness appear in his eyes

"Then, rest well oppa. We don't need to see you sick. And your mom will blame me again too." Rina said in caring tone

"Gomawo Sis" He said and smiles with his signature charmingly smiles that make both girls blushes uncontrolly.

"Hey!! hyung!! Stop make my groupmate shyly!! And Rina, Khun hyung is your cousin why you need to blush?!" Sun tease Nickhun when he see his girls groupmate become blushes hardly.

"Sun!! Don't blame Nickhun oppa just you feel jealous him" Dianna said and merhong to him

Sun roll his eyes when see Dianna start to be Nickhun side

"Stop begin childish guys. Let's go inside" D1 said. He is one of oldest in this group and when count in time of birth, he the big one. That why another member always listen to him.

"Then, see you later Summe" Nickhun said and bye for all of them. After that Summe are walk into the building



(From this Summe word will go with 1 tab)

*Inside JYP Building at Dance practice room*

"Annyeonghasaeyo. PD-nim" All Summe bow to JYP who already stand in front of a room.

"Make youself as home guy" JYP said and rest himself on a chair

"Do you know why your guy here for today?" Shake head is only thing that express from Summe members.

"You guys will have debut stage after MissA performe their song." JYP said to all Summe who already widenning their eyes in OO

"Mean us will debut soon?" D1 ask in wondering tone

"Yep!! You will performe you debut stage while starting as MissA back up dancer in their special stage. And when that stage end, Music will turn to your debut song, you already know your song, right?" JYP tell them and ask about their song

"Yes, we know." All member answer in one sound

"Then show me your performance, I will see and comment during us wait for MissA back from their schedule" JYP said and go to pick CD from Sun to open in sterio

"Get ready in your own position and Show as you are on stage, Arasso?" JYP said and open the song. Summe is start to go deep in their song.



"Who are they?" One from four girls who member of youngest girl group of JYP Nation, Miss A, ask her members with curiously sound

"Who?" Miss A active rapper Jia sent her face to see who little girl said about

"Ahhhhhh They are Summe" Jia said with smiles

"Summe? the sub group of CHE right?" Min ask back to her friend

"Yeahhhhh Co-ed group who have our trainee as leader.  That one" Jia said before point to Sun who is in his turn to sing

"I know him. His voice is so cool!! I bet that he is main vocalist" Fei said 

"And we will have special stage with them" When Fei finish her word, all her dongsae turn to face her in surprice expression

"Special stage?"

"Our stage that they will be our back up dancer before perform their debut stage" Fei tell them

"What song unnie?" Suzy ask

"That song." Fei said and point to song that Summe practice in.

"It's pretty good" Min said with excited tone "Hope we can have stage with that song"

"I think we will have soon" Fei said before lead her group into practice room.

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Blistering #1
Sorry for the late comment author, Too many college assignments :(

I love the two last updates, Predebut training with the dancing queen Kahi herself, Beau Risque is really lucky!

And Summe as Miss A's Back up dancer ? it's kind of envious, i wanna dance with Jia too, but i can't complain since Risque Fille gonna have a predebut with SNSD :D

Great Updates Author, Fighting ! :D
Yay~! It's Miss A!!
ZOMG, they get to debut with missu A~
Nickhun and the girls...
I can't wait for the next update~! ^^
Miss A!!! :DDDDDD Im excited for our debut and Avera's interaction with Khun XDDD
Kahi <3
and MissA backies? woah~
and sorry for not commenting. been busy with school
Summe with my second favorite girl group!!!! jkhjkfhelgld XDDD Miss A is the best Summe is the best!!!! Hwaiting.
Nice update! ^^ Hoping for more to come..
I wish Summe will debut already... anyways, nice update.
wowww ~ nice update ! like it ;D
Summe? ^^
uuuhh... beau risque. xD