Pre-debut Part 2 : Beau Risque Practice Debut Song Part 1 (feat. AS's Kahi, JungAh)

**+The Risk+** >NewGroup of CHE< Story - Pre-debut Part 3 : Summe as Miss A back up dancer

*At Pledis's Building*

"Why we need to practice here unnie?" One from 5 girls ask their manager unnie when they arrive their practice room at Pledis company

"Yeah...I agree with unnie. Why we need to come here? We can practice at SM or JYP." The maknae said agreely with her unnie.

"Cause non of your are from Pledis and You know that many of Pledis artist have great dancing skill" The oldest woman who care of 5 girls tell them with smiles

"Did you mean Kahi-unnie?" The leader, Stazy, ask

"Yes, I did. And Kahi is one of your PD team too." She said and walk into a dancing room

"Chinja?!!" Miyoung who is a main dancer of team ask excitedly, cause Kahi is one of her Idol!!

"Yeahhhhh. Wait here ok? Kahi will come to care you girl after this and she is the one that will give you a debut song." Manager said

"Where you will go unnie?" E.Jin ask coldly

"I will go to care something about your group dorm. Did you know that you have to live at dorm together since now" She said that give all girls surprise very much!!!

"NOW!!!" They said in one word

"Yep. Your company already get all of your belonging and sent it to your dorm and I will go there to check all of it" When she finish her word, Kahi is walk into the room in that time.

"Hello Beau Risqué Girls" Kahi greet them with cheerful tone and smiles to every girls.

"I will let all girl to you unnie. Do everything that you think it's good for them" Manager unnie of Beau Risqué Girls said to Kahi and leave them with their new PD team

(From this Beau Risque word will go with 1 tab)

"Don't be afraid to me." She said with teasing tone when see girls's expression

"But Unnie look really scary" Stazy said for herself and her group mate

"I tell you unnie. Don't act serious face" Other beautiful women said when she walk into the room.

"JungAh unnie!!!" All Beau Risqué Girls said in surprise tone.

"Yes, I am" JungAh accept girl's word with kindness smiles.

"Annyeonghasaeyo~ Beau Risqué imnida" All girls said in one word and bows for older women.

"Neh~~ Glad to meet you here. And drop your formal, just call me and Kahi unnie as Unnie. Arasso?" She said in very kind and anglic voice.

"Neh~~ Unnie."

"For more Information, JungAh is your Voice Instructor in this album" When Kahi finish her word, all girls start a loud annoying voice (for Kahi)

"STOP!!" Kahi shout loud and send her scary sigh to every girls. Everyone are seat very polite and cannot have any eye contact to her

"And another information, I am your dancing crouch and also co-producer, if you girls do your debut song not good as I suspect. You will punishment as 6 hours continuely without any break ok?" She said in low tone.

"But if you do it good and be good girls, I won't do as I said. Understand?" Kahi ask out that all members nob for accept it.

"Unnie, I tell you not act as scary unnie to them" JungAh said in soft tone. And hug her unnie arm. Kahi only pout and turn to face all girls again

"Today, I will let you know your debut song" Kahi said and take one flash drive out of her shirt and give it to Maknae to open it from stereo.


After a song start, Kahi tell each girl every detail in song, who sing in which part, how to sing in each one (also with JungAh help).

"Did you like your debut song 'Mister'?" Kahi ask all member of Beau Risqué while they finish first round of singing practice.

"I like it unnie!!, It's sound cheerfully" Stazy and Miyoung said in one sound. They turn to smiles to each other after word finish.

"How about another?" Kahi turn to ask another three who sit with no word

"Ah I forgot to ask your name. Let's introduce yourself" JungAh said to younger girls

"I'm Beau Risque's Adamas Leader, Stazy imnida" Stazy introduce herself first and follow by her members

"I'm Beau Risque's Aquarmarine Main Vocalist, E.Jin imnida"

"I'm Beau Risque's Sapphire Lead Vocalist, Ari Imnida"

"I'm Beau Risque's Topaz Main Dancer, Miyoung imnida"

"Last and Young. Beau Risque's Pearl Maknae, Mia imnida" When, Mia finish her word all girls are bow to older politely.

"Glad to know you all." JungAh said with kindness smiles

"Finish introduction. Let's start for lyrics remember, I give you 2 hours to remember mainly. After that I will come to teach you dancing step ok?" Kahi said and all girls are nob to it.

"JungAh-yah. Teach them well, I will back in that time ok? Someone come to meet me." Kahi said to her close group mate and walk out the room.

"Gilrs!! Let's start with you first Miyoung and Mia. You aren't in vocal line, so I think you need more time and another three, please practice by yourself and any question. Ask me, ok?" JungAh said and start her class.

"Miyoung and Mia tried to sing from your stomach. It's can make your voice more controlling" JungAh said and do it as example


Miyoung and Mia tried to do follow JungAh instructor while another three are during their self practicing.

They continue practicing over and over again as their song open all time to make them similar to it. Beau Risaue and JungAh are concentrating with their class very much that why they didn't notice one group of boy who see them from small window of room's door.

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Blistering #1
Sorry for the late comment author, Too many college assignments :(

I love the two last updates, Predebut training with the dancing queen Kahi herself, Beau Risque is really lucky!

And Summe as Miss A's Back up dancer ? it's kind of envious, i wanna dance with Jia too, but i can't complain since Risque Fille gonna have a predebut with SNSD :D

Great Updates Author, Fighting ! :D
Yay~! It's Miss A!!
ZOMG, they get to debut with missu A~
Nickhun and the girls...
I can't wait for the next update~! ^^
Miss A!!! :DDDDDD Im excited for our debut and Avera's interaction with Khun XDDD
Kahi <3
and MissA backies? woah~
and sorry for not commenting. been busy with school
Summe with my second favorite girl group!!!! jkhjkfhelgld XDDD Miss A is the best Summe is the best!!!! Hwaiting.
Nice update! ^^ Hoping for more to come..
I wish Summe will debut already... anyways, nice update.
wowww ~ nice update ! like it ;D
Summe? ^^
uuuhh... beau risque. xD