Revealing of The Almighty

Gunshots of Love

Listen to (MBLAQ ft. C-Luv – If You Come Into My Heart):

I then decided to take him to one of the apartments that the CIA owned. It looked pretty ghetto in exterior and interior, but that’s only to hide the true identities of the agents temporarily residing there. The CIA own it as part of their branch, and it’s used as an alternative living space, when an agent needs a place to stay and call it home while they’re undercover. Of course, people who aren’t part of the CIA often reside there as well, thinking that it’s just a super cheap apartment complex. But really, it’s so much more.

                It’s named “Get House”. Yeah, pretty lame, but whatever. I checked in with the secretary and showed her both my CIA ID card and my ISSAA ID card. You can never be too safe.

                The secretary helped Jonghyun and me into a room specifically designed NOT for the CIA. Jonghyun still had to think that I’m just a normal girl who wants to be his girlfriend. Whatever that means.

                So as Jonghyun lay unconscious on the couch covered in blood and scars, I was soaking a towel in hot water, and grabbing a first aid kit from the kitchen cabinet. Did I tell you that the CIA had furnished everything in the room to make it look like that someone’s actually living here? It’s pretty convincing, I must say.

                I wiped off the blood on Jonghyun’s face and patched up his wounds. It was pretty bad, and when I was done he kind of looked like a mummy. I wondered what the gang had wanted from him. What had he possessed? Was it that important as to beating Jonghyun to a pulp? Did it have something to do with my mission?

                I was sitting on the floor by the couch, thinking about this, when Jonghyun suddenly stirred awake. He stretched a bit, before his eyelids fluttered open. When he saw me his eyes widened and he immediately sat up, only to voice out moans of pain.

                “Owwww,” he murmured, rubbing his back. Jonghyun looked around the room, taking in his surroundings, before turning back to me. “Who are you?”

                “The girl who just saved your life,” I said, standing up. “Do you feel alright?”

                “Of course I do.” Jonghyun made a move to get up but after feeling yet again another stab of pain, sat back down and rested on the couch. “.”

                “Thought so,” I mumbled. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of porridge. When I came back I placed the bowl with a spoon and napkin onto the table in front of Jonghyun. “Eat up. While it’s still hot.”

                Jonghyun looked at me, then at the bowl of porridge, and said, “Seriously, who are you? What happened?”

                I sighed. “I was walking home, and found you getting beat up by some guys in an ally. I scared them off and took you in. Satisfied?”

                “How’d you scare them off?” Jonghyun asked me, reaching out for the bowl of porridge.

                “Using your gun,” I replied. “I’m Lee ______, by the way. Attending Seoul High.”

                “Yeah, I think I’ve seen you around,” Jonghyun said, dunking a spoonful of porridge into his mouth. “Well, thanks for wrapping me up like a mummy. And making me porridge. But I really gotta go.”

                “Of course.” I handed him his jacket while he finished up the porridge. “Here you go.”

                “Thanks again. I owe you one ______,” Jonghyun said before opening the door and stepping out.

                “Yeah,” I said quietly to myself. “You do owe me one.”

Listen to (2NE1 – In The Club):

                “So you saw some guys beating him up? For an unspecified object?” Principal Song said, clarifying what’d just happened today.

                “Yes. Although, it hadn’t been addressed as an object. But most likely it is,” I replied.

                “I see.” Principal Song played with a rubiks cube, shuffling it around in her hands as she contemplated on what to say next. “Well, it is only the first day of the mission. I’m not expecting much, but at least he officially knows your name and face now.” She looked up to meet my eyes. “I’ll be looking forward to tomorrow.”

                I nodded and bowed. “Yes ma’am.”

                After leaving Principal Song to her thoughts I headed home. It was just after 6PM. If I run then I might actually be home on time for dinner.

                After greeting the maid I threw my bag onto the couch and headed to the dining room. Just as I expected, both of my parents were eating happily, talking to each other about the latest happenings and gossip involving the CIA.

                “You’re home,” my dad said as I took a seat across from him, helping myself to some food.

                “Yeah. Rough day today,” I replied. I didn’t even realize how hungry I was until now, as I was stuffing myself with so much food.

                “How’s the mission going? Met Jonghyun yet?” my mom asked with a mischievous smile as she nudged my arm.

                “Mom, puh-lease,” I said as I waved her off.

                “I don’t know why the ISSAA teach such principals of love to their students,” my mom said. “If the school hadn’t had such high class spy classes, then I wouldn’t have enrolled you there.”

                I put down my chopsticks. “Mom, what are you trying to say?”

                “I’m just saying that love my not be what they teach you. It’s not a waste of time, and it’s not a punishment. It’s a blessing and it’s the best feeling in the world. Trust me, I used to hate the idea of love just as much as you did when I was a student at the ISSAA. But trust me when I say that once you actually get to experience love,” she paused and looked at me, “it really can be the most magical thing in the world.”

                I sighed and continued eating. “Whatever, mom.” I looked over at my dad to see his expression: he seemed to be reminiscing something beautiful, as deducted from his dreamy, spaced out face.

                My parents are seriously not normal.

                After finishing dinner I headed upstairs to my room, and went over today’s events.

                While Jonghyun was unconscious I’d searched his pockets and backpack, only unable to find any background information on him. His ID card displayed an address, but after writing it down halfway I concluded that it’d be stupid of him or his family to put his real address down on school records. Kim Jaejoong’s hideouts are probably spread out so that he never stays in one place for long. So that no one unnecessary finds him.

                There was just something about him that made me suspicious. If he’s so well hidden, then why would he just smuggle drugs? No, his undercover from the world is for a different reason. Something bigger, something greater, lies underneath his smuggling. And I intend to find out what that something is.

Listen to (4minute - HUH):

                The next day at school I saw Jonghyun and Se Kyung walking with each other to school. He was smiling really wildly, and their hands were deeply intertwined. For a brief second, I suddenly felt jealous of whatever they had. How he always seemed so happy with her, even for just a moment.

                Quickly shaking these thoughts out of my mind, I got off my skateboard and threw it somewhere in the bushes again. Then I headed off to class because I had nothing else better to do. I was resting my head on my desk when I heard it.

                “YAH! What the was that?!”

                Then I heard some pushing and shoving just outside the classroom. I rushed out of my seat and went outside to see what the commotion was about.

                Out in the hallway stood a boy about my age with bright blue converse, being surrounded by a bunch of guys.

                “T-T-That’s all I have for today!” converse boy said.

                Out of the group of guys rounding up on him one stepped out to the front. He was wearing a big shiny Rolex watch with polished black shoes. There was a certain gleam to his eye, something mysterious. The mob of students surrounding the scene gasped at his entrance, suddenly backing away.

                “It’s Key.”

                “It’s Kibum!”

                “He’s back from suspension!”

                The “leader” I supposed, or more specifically this “Key” person, stepped up to converse boy and lifted up his chin with one finger, then tossed his head to one side. “Despicable,” he mumbled as he rose up again. He turned to the other guys and said, “How much?”

                “128 dollars,” one guy said.

                “Hmm,” Key said as he rubbed his chin. “And I asked for 130.”

                Converse boy suddenly trembled in fear as he sank to the floor, digging his head into his arms.

                Key grabbed him by his collar and rose him up against the wall. “Where’s the other 2 dollars?” he hissed.

                “I-I used it to by fruit on the way here!” the boy stammered. “I didn’t eat breakfast!”

                “I said where the hell is my 2 other dollars?!” Key suddenly barked at him.

                I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall. This really was stupid. This scene and this guy named “Key” was stupid overall. I needed to do something.

                Stepping out, I went up to the mob and stood in front of converse boy. Key’s eyebrows furrowed and he looked at me weirdly. “Who the are you?” he asked me.

                Instead of introducing myself to him I said, “You’re ed up, you know that? Here is this boy, already giving you 128 and yet you’re pestering him for what? 2 dollars? 200 cents? 8 quarters? You act like you’re so high and mighty and yet here you are, threatening to beat someone up for 2 bucks. Now I don’t know about you but that’s pretty stupid. And low in standards.”

                I saw Key’s fist clench. “Don’t go around trying to act like you know ,” he growled.

                “Hm, that’s true. I don’t know much about you but there’s one thing I’m sure about: you must be one hell of a jackass to want 130 dollars from this boy. When you could’ve just sold your schmanzy watch on your wrist over there,” I said with a smirk.

                “Why you!” Key lunged for me, his balled up fist making a run for me. I dodged it and twisted his arm, sending him flipping in the air before returning to the ground, landing smack on his back.

                “Owwww!” Key cried. I still had my hands gripped onto his arm and while I was at it I slammed my foot onto his toe.


                Haha, such a simple trick yet it can cause so much pain. I let go of him and went over to the guy that had converse boy’s money. Swiftly taking it out from his hands, I counted the money for a total count of 128 and gave the envelope back to converse boy.

                “Here you go,” I said with a small smile.

                “Thanks!” converse boy said, his eyes shining bright with joy.

                “You’re welcome.” I looked behind me to see Key staggering up. “Now get to class.”

                Converse boy nodded and ran off down the hall, turning around the corner. I turned back to see Key, just inches away from me.

                “You ,” he growled. “You just made me lose 128 bucks!”

                “It was 128 bucks that you didn’t deserve to have,” I replied. “Now get lost, the bell’s gonna ring soon.”

                “Huh, like I care.” Key stepped up closer to me, putting his menacing face closer to mine. “You’re going to pay for this, betch. You think I let little snitches like you get away with what you’ve done?”

                I sighed, seriously getting tired of this. I was going to give him another piece of my mind when Key was suddenly pulled away from me. I looked up to find Jonghyun, staring at me.

                I looked at him, puzzled.

                “Dude, enough,” Jonghyun said to Key.

                “But did you see her? She was all ing out on me!” Key cried.

                “Well, you did just get back from suspension. And picking on kids for lunch money is really lame, hyung. I mean, seriously.” Key glared at Jonghyun. “ANYWAY, you might as well let her off. She was just standing up for the kid.”

                Key was going to argue, when he suddenly stopped short and turned back to look at me. “Consider yourself lucky, . But don’t think I’m letting you off. I’m watching you.” Key flashed me another glare before heading off to class with Jonghyun. The crowd scattered and the students headed off to their class as well.

                “That was weird…,” I commented as I gathered my bearings and headed off to class myself.

Listen to (The Rising Gods of The East – Purple Line XD):

                My next class was Art, the only class that I didn’t have with Jonghyun. Although, Se Kyung was in my class. But she just spent most of the time doing her makeup or fixing her hair.

                I was working on a vase that I’d started, when a boy with a bowl cut suddenly came into my view. He sat down in the seat across from me and waved. “Hi!” he said cheerfully with a big smile. “You’re Lee ______ right?”

                I nodded. “Yes, yes I am.”

                “Well, I just want to introduce myself. I’m Lee Taemin! Key’s been picking on random students ever since he came back from suspension and since I got my haircut,” Taemin said.

                “Haircut?” I asked.

                “Yeah. My hair used to be brown, and I had a longer fringe. But in a fire about a year ago my hair got burned. So in order to hide my burnt hair I dyed it black and since my bangs were already messed up a bowl cut was the best my stylists could do,” Taemin explained. “Key, on the other hand, thought the bowl cut made me look like a middle schooler. I just hope my hair grows back soon.”

                “You don’t seem like a normal high school kid,” I stated.

                Taemin shrugged. “I guess I’m not. Jonghyun, Key, me, and 2 other hyungs are all in a gang called the SHINee. Gang background comes from our dads though. We were born into it, it wasn’t our choice. But Key loves the gang life, filled with guns and everything. That’s why he cared so much about our image as SHINee and disliked my bowl cut a lot. I’m not a very good gangster though. I can’t keep secrets and have too much of a good heart. I can’t stand blood and violence. But I guess I need to get used to it.”

                “Why are you telling me this?” I asked.

                “I just didn’t want you to misunderstand Key. He really can be a sweet and nice guy so don’t assume that he’s all bad. He may seem tough and hardcore on the outside but he’s one of the gentlest guys I know. Although, a girl has never stood up to him before so I’m not sure what he’s planning for you. But I just wanted to let you know about him a little bit,” Taemin explained.

                “I see,” I replied. “Well, thanks for telling me. But I’m not afraid of him, trust me.”

                “Okay then.” Taemin got up and said, “See you later ______. It was nice talking to you.”

                “You too.” And with that, Lee Taemin went off to work on his own ceramic project.

                Hmm…SHINee eh? Believe it or not, I do know about them. It was on Jonghyun’s profile in the manila folder. SHINee is a special five member gang formed because of the friendship of the five member’s dads: Kim Jaejoong, and 4 other men that remain undefined. They hope that SHINee will be as intimidating and powerful as their five member group, which was supposedly called TVXQ. I didn’t know much about them, but I did know that they were powerful. Every other gang was scared and intimidated by them, and therefore no one touched a single hair on their body. Except the other small gangs who think they’re the and try to go against them, which is basically only asking for a death wish.

                But I didn’t know that Taemin was a part of SHINee. I also didn’t know that the guy I’d clashed with earlier in the halls, real name Kim Kibum, was also a part of SHINee.

                Throughout the rest of the day I’d been so interested and engrossed in the connection between the 3 SHINee members that I’d almost forgotten about my main mission: to get close to Jonghyun in order to get close to his dad. And in order to do that I needed to become his girlfriend, or someone who he could trust. He had to trust me so much to the extent of introducing me to his father.

                But that fire that Taemin had mentioned about. I had a strong feeling that that it had something to do with my mission. Even though it may seem like it has nothing to do with Kim Jaejoong and his drug smuggling or whatever, I just had a feeling that something relating back to that will happen. I didn’t know what at the time. But I needed to get closer to Jonghyun.

                And fast.

A/N: sorry for the super late update and i might be a little late on this but HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE! 2011 BABY!! <3 and thank you to all of my subscribers and commenters!! :D

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Reading this in 2018 and I can't help but cry. Jonghyun is dearly missed.
Chapter 28: is so nice story!!!
Chapter 28: I'm hooked. Finish this in couple of hours. Lol ♥♥ love this story so much and make me missing our dino jjong :""
cheekylittlechubba #4
Chapter 28: It's so good!!!

I really didn't expect a lot of stuff from this story ^^ There was a lot of twists in the story that kept me on the edge of my seat!!!

I really enjoyed reading this story ^^ Great job authornim :D :D
Shineelovingshawol #5
Omg I've only read the foreword and already I'm hooked! Can't wait to carry on reading this!
Blingsterswds781 #6
I'm lucky I know this fanfics ㅋㅋ, this story is number 1 in my list now.. :D
This was one of my first fanfics and it's still one of my favorites <3 This is such a sweet story! Please make more SHINee fics author-nim! <3
Chapter 28: Awesome story!!!
Chapter 14: OMGGGGG! “The 5 stars in the sky…are shining again.” Love this!
EXOticBabyB2uty #10
Chapter 28: Awwwwwwws!!!!! This is so daebak! I love your stories authornim. From now on, whenever I see fireworks, I'm gonna remember this fic and then cry in a corner cause I'm nota spy and I'm not gonna get a badass gangster boyfriend. Lol jk. But love the story! <3