Chapter 9

Lost in Love








Sunggyu POV

When Hoya burst through the door is when I finally realized what was going on. His eyes where wide in shock and in distress, he scanned me from far away. I wonder how bad I look…what’s up with that face?  He locked the door behind him and walked to me slowly, he sat down next to me gently. He was still in shock, he grabbed onto my arms gently and looked at my bruises intently, his eyebrows pulled together in anger and in disbelief. “He did this to you?” he asked with hints of pain in his voice, I simply nodded.  He stood up quickly and turned to run out the door and butcher Woohyun, I reached out for his hand and grabbed onto it tightly.

“He’s not here…don’t waste your time” Hoya looked away in frustration, “It was an accident there’s no need for violence…” he looked at me in disbelief. “An Accident? What kind of ing accident is that?!” He yelled, I simply stared at him. He sighed and walked towards me till he stood next to me. He then pulled me into an embrace; well my face was against his abs so I don’t know if that’s considered a hug…he was hugging my head? After holding me for a few long seconds he released me and sat next to me. He pulled out the First-Aid kit from under the bed and pulled out some Band-Aids, bandages, and cream for bruises. He started by putting cream on my forearms and bandaging them slowly, looking up at me every now and then to see if it hurt. He then put cream onto his finger and leaned in close, coating the hickeys?bruses? Whatever you want to call them. He seemed very annoyed by the time he coated the last one he exhaled loudly and began to pack up the stuff when I stopped him. “uhm- there’s more…” I said in a small voice, he tilted his head to the side in confusion.

“where?” I raised my shirt slowly revealing my also abused upper body that had small bruises here and there like my neck had. Something in his eyes seemed to have click but once again he held it in. He also wen’t coating them one by one, each one infuriating him more and more. He was half-way done when he suddenly stood up and walked around in circles with his hands tangled in his hair. Clearly pissed, he walked in circles so that he wouldn’t injure himself and the room’s walls or doors. At that moment we heard the beeping and unlocking noise  that the front door makes when someone is getting in the house. He froze suddenly and listened closely, completely in what I like to call ‘hunter mode’. We heard the members say “Woohyun where have you been?!” At that moment my eyes came in contact with his in panic. His eyes tightened and a tense angry expression surfaced onto his face, he whipped around quickly and swiftly head towards the entrance. I tried to get up but my legs where still shaky so I fell; I struggled to get to my feet. I managed to lean on the door and look at the front section of the house in panic.


Hoya’s POV

He was here;I turned around swiftly and headed straight to the entrance of the house. I saw a crowd surrounding Woohyun about to lecture him or question him. I slipped past through all of them in a blink of an eye, Anger rushed through my body and my adrenaline shot through me like an injection. Next thing I knew I swung the hardest punch I could, which clicked instantly with Woohyun’s Jaw and lip. Sending sprawling towards the ground, it all happened so fast that seconds later is when the surrounding members reacted. “HOYA-HYUNG!” sungjong gasped behind me, but right now I couldn’t control my self the anger was too great. I picked up the parasite and striked his face once again making his head turn away roughly. I was about to jab my fist into his face until L caught my arm mid-air. “Hoya- don’t!” Dongwoo and sungjong pulled Woohyun away from me and Sungyeol and L held me back.

I fought against the two holding me which believe me wasn’t too hard with all the adrenaline pulsing through my veins. “You piece of !” I spat, while being held back by L and Sungyeol. His face sour with pain and he wiped the blood off his lip, wincing as he did. He looked tired and beat up, and completely pitiful he wasn’t worth my time. I pulled away violently from L and Sungyeol grip and left before I lost my cool again. I walked passed Sunggyu who was standing at the door gaping at me “Hoya- What the hell! Why did you hit him?!” he walked behind me. I gave him a disgusted look, “how can you still defend him? Do you have no shame?” I shook my head in awe.

He looked down clearly hurt by what I had said and walked over to his bed and tried to aid to his bruises. The atmosphere was tense so I didn’t bother to go over and help him I was still angry with him. I changed quickly and turned off the lights, I needed to sleep it off. He was surprised by the sudden darkness but changed as well; I was already in bed my back faced towards him. I looked over my shoulder and saw him trying to put cream on his bruises; from where I was laying I would see the small tears that formed in his eyes. Glistening even in the shadows that his face created, my heart ached at the sight. He finished at that exact moment and put the first aid kit away, he was making his way to his bed. (There is a space in-between their beds he has to walk through in order to get into bed) I hated being like this…so forgiving, I turned just in time caught his hand. He jumped at the sudden contact “where are you going?” I asked very seriously “to my bed?” he said warily.

“You sleep with me, you always do” I said looking straight at his eyes, he was probably to scared to object so he got into bed with me. I laid as far away from him as I could, but then I thought…isn’t this very childish?…it’s not his fault this happened to him why am I punishing him. I turned over and pulled him towards me abruptly, turning him in the process. His eyes wide and surprised I held him for a few seconds before saying “I’m sorry…” which had almost come out as a whisper. I looked down at him to see his expression; he was still submissive glancing around nervously. “Its just-“ I started, “how do you want me to react? How could I possibly be okay with this Sunggyu?” he wiggled around nervously next to me “I was supposed to be here, with you, keeping you safe from anything and I-” I stopped to breathe.

“ I come home and see all those things all over you-” I sighed and looked at him in defeat. I gritted my teeth together in anger “I didn’t want anyone  to force you to do anything you didn’t want” I felt him hug me suddenly “im sorry I should have done something” his voice was muffled by my shirt. I let my fingers brush over his neck fondly, but when I was met with a little bump I pulled away and groaned in frustration. He leaned over me to look at my expression; I glanced at him and whined. “Look at this!” I said lifting his shirt I looked up at him with a helpless look, I hugged his bare stomach and whined. “That ing leech, doing this to you……………………..” “Before me” I added, Sunggyu’s face became visibly red even in the darkness. I smiled at his rosy cheeks and caressed them slowly; “I promise you I won’t ever do that to you…” I said with a stern face. Which was quickly interrupted with a smirk “unless of course…you want me to?” His eyes became wide and he blushed like never before “j-just go to sleep!” he said while hitting me with his pillow. I chuckled and held my arms above my head defensively; I pulled him by the waist. He yelped and fell next to me; I held him and closed my eyes to sleep. After a few minutes ticked by I blurted, “ I want them to disappear over night, like now” he groaned “Hoya~ go-to-sleep!!”. I pulled him in leaving no space between us “I can’t even kiss you now, your lips are all broken…” I grumbled. Sunggyu snoozed softly in my arms, I would forgive Sunggyu but I wouldn’t forget what Woohyun did. Never.


OMG WHY HAS THIS BECOME SO LONG ; - ; WHYYYYYYYYYY?! /sob im sorry guys if i disappointed you with this short update and my crappy-drama scene. ; v ; *le sob im sorryyyyyyyyy TT V TT I love Woohyun but somehow he ends up getting hurt and being the bad guy....its just he's the perfect bad guy XDDD once again, sorry for the crappy-ness!!! 

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TEENTOP10031996 #1
hey.. I guess you're not gonna complete this?? its a nice fic
princehobo #3
Chapter 16: HI! A new reader here and I really love this!! Hogyu <3 can't wait for the next update~ don't end it yet authornim I'm depriving of hogyu ff huhu
Chapter 16: OMG!! HOOGYUUU!! omg.. you succesfully did that.. they are so cute..
PS: am sorry! I didn't realize I unfollowed you ;_;
salflower #5
Chapter 16: Omg yes fluffy and thank you because you already made my day with your updates and yay Hogyu ♡
Chapter 16: Yesssssssss it was a perfect combination of fluff and I'm solo happy that they "finalized" their relationship and in broad daylight how bold my feels are now in overdrive lol. Thx author-nim for the updates
Chapter 15: Omg ur backkkkkkkkk and with an update annnnd soon To be double update I missed hogyu so much my feels are like akdisjfakgskhsurs right now. Thx for the update.
Samona #8
Chapter 15: *loud over-dramatic gasp* You updated. :D YAYYY!
So happy.
They better start telling each other stuff.
I don't want my HoGyu to be broken. :/
Awesome update. :D
Chapter 15: Yup!
U're back!
Welcome back !
HoGyu please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
arrpuucho #10
Chapter 15: Where is this gif photo from.. GYU IS SO CUTE OMG