Chapter 8

Lost in Love


Sunggyu’s POV

These events kept occurring, every night I would crawl into bed with Hoya. I just felt at ease and would fall asleep instantly, thus making resting very easy. Sleeping in my own bed had become a foreign thing, his warmth and breath was so calming sleeping in my bed wasn’t even an option anymore. Of course I always remembered to the lock the door, incase one of the pesky members tried to come in while we where sleeping.

(On a day off for infinite)(Still Sunggyu’s POV)

Hoya had asked me to wake him up because him and the other members had some errands to run. I looked up at Hoya who snoozed peacefully, He seemed so happy waking him up would be a shame. I rubbed his back slowly “Hoya..Hoya, you have to wake up~ Its morning~” he opened his eyes slowly. Wincing at the rays of light that peered through the window, he buried his face into my waist.

 “don’t you have errands to do today?” “hmm?” “You told me to wake you up…remember?” “mhm…” I frowned; this was going to be harder than I thought. “Hoya, ‘cmon-” I tried again; he rolled over and sat up quickly before I could finish my nagging. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, turned around and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead “Araso…” he said in a raspy voice. He jumped off the bed quickly and headed to the shower, this is what I loved about him…loved about him?…….. I picked out my clothes while I waited for him to get out the shower.

 After a couple of minutes he came out and entered the room with a towel around his waist, completely drenched in water. “Hoya, that’s what the towels for…to dry your self” I stated while picking up my clothes and towel. He looked at me with a evil sneer on his face, and locked the door behind him. He slowly made his way to me “no, Hoya Don’t- your wet!!” he came to me and hugged me. Soaking me completely, he shook his head fiercely causing the water from his hair to spray all over me.

“ugh! Hoyaa~” I whined while trying to push him away but his grip on me was too strong. He finished rubbing the droplets of water off his body onto my shirt, so I stood there. Since it was pointless to struggling at this point, I looked up at him with an annoyed glare. He chuckled happily and looked down at me fondly, for some reason I leaned forward to catch his lips. He was definitely surprised at first but he later got a hold on my hips and kissed me back. I had no idea why I was doing this; it was unusual coming from me. Some how the once innocent kiss turned into a heated one. He pulled away huffing for air and asked, “what was that?” with a slight smirk on face, I replied breathlessly “I have no idea”. He raised an eyebrow at me, “are you taking advantage of THIS situation,” he pointed at his upper body. I blushed furiously “I-You-uhm…No? I mean, no!” I pushed him away and scooped up my clothing. “T-thanks to you I don’t have to shower anymore!” I stated trying to exit the room but having to stop to fight with the lock. After a few seconds I scurried out of the room, even so I could still hear him laughing from the room.

After showering I said goodbye to the other members and Hoya, that left do there errands. I peeked into each room to see who had stayed, Sungjong was in his room using his computer and so was Woohyun, I slipped out of their room unseen. Woohyun was upset with me so I wanted to avoid being alone with him; I walked into my room and sat on my bed. I looked through my ipod for a descent song. From the corner of my eyes I could se a black shadow so I turned slowly towards it. Woohyun was leaning against the door, staring at me. “Do you need something?” I asked coolly, he took slow steps toward me stopped once in front of me. “Sunggyu, about before…” at that moment my phone received a message so I picked it up and opened the message, it was from Hoya.




I quickly replied him…





I continued fiddle with my ipod as  Woohyun continued talk; I was too focused on trying to imagine what Hoya was doing right now. So I didn’t hear anything he was saying, I jumped when I received another message. I looked at it…





I chuckled to myself and typed back my response quickly




I looked up to Woohyun and tried to focus on what he was saying but at that moment Hoya replied back super fast, so once again I picked up the phone





At that moment Woohyun snatched the phone from my hand and glared at me “Did you hear anything I said?”. “yah- give it back” I reached out for my phone but he let it drop to the ground “Woohyun, what the hell?!”. He gripped both of my hands and pushed me down onto the bed, keeping my arms above my head. His grip was so tight on my arms I was almost sure it would bruise later on “Ow! That hurts! Let go-” I winced in pain. I looked up at him confused by his sudden assault; he crushed his lips onto mine. The air left my lungs and my heart shrunk. I was so surprised, I felt his lips moving against mine. He moved down to my neck and on my skin roughly leaving bruises here and there, I turned my head to the side and bit onto my lips hard. I wanted to fight back, to push him off me and beat him till he died but my body didn’t respond I was in so much shock It didn’t respond.

I tried to kick him off but my body felt so weak, like my strength had been out of me. If I couldn’t do anything to stop him, I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of my reaction. He nipped at my skin causing small tears form in my eyes. I felt his cold hand slip under my shirt; I shivered at his ghostly touch. He began to kiss up my chest and left little red marks here and there, I bit my lip so hard I could taste the iron. I felt it trickling down my mouth and I felt his frenzied actions come to a stop. “Isn’t this what you wanted?” he said breathless but I didn’t reply I simply looked away unable to fight back because my body had become like a puddle of water. When I felt him get closer to me (like he was gunna keep going) I flinched, I felt him stop “am I that revolting?” he asked voice tainted with pain. I remained silent and not once replied, looked, or reacted to anything he said or did to me. I heard the bed creak under me and I felt the pressure that was once on my hands disappear. I opened my eyes after I heard of series of crashes and noises and a final thud of the front door being slammed. I stood up slowly, emotionless, my body felt numb everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. I heard sungjong burst into my room and a worried look take over his expression, he ran over to me. “Sunggyu?! Are you okay?! What happened? Where’s Woohyun , did you guys fight? Omg look at your hands what happened?!” he asked completely alarmed. “I’ll call the others, crap- that must have hurt” he spoke so fast I only got half of what he had said. It’s good that he though we fought rather than I was practically . The next minutes went by quickly but I was still unaware of what was happening around me, my head was still spinning. 

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update coming soon...


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TEENTOP10031996 #1
hey.. I guess you're not gonna complete this?? its a nice fic
princehobo #3
Chapter 16: HI! A new reader here and I really love this!! Hogyu <3 can't wait for the next update~ don't end it yet authornim I'm depriving of hogyu ff huhu
Chapter 16: OMG!! HOOGYUUU!! omg.. you succesfully did that.. they are so cute..
PS: am sorry! I didn't realize I unfollowed you ;_;
salflower #5
Chapter 16: Omg yes fluffy and thank you because you already made my day with your updates and yay Hogyu ♡
Chapter 16: Yesssssssss it was a perfect combination of fluff and I'm solo happy that they "finalized" their relationship and in broad daylight how bold my feels are now in overdrive lol. Thx author-nim for the updates
Chapter 15: Omg ur backkkkkkkkk and with an update annnnd soon To be double update I missed hogyu so much my feels are like akdisjfakgskhsurs right now. Thx for the update.
Samona #8
Chapter 15: *loud over-dramatic gasp* You updated. :D YAYYY!
So happy.
They better start telling each other stuff.
I don't want my HoGyu to be broken. :/
Awesome update. :D
Chapter 15: Yup!
U're back!
Welcome back !
HoGyu please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
arrpuucho #10
Chapter 15: Where is this gif photo from.. GYU IS SO CUTE OMG