Chapter 15

Lost in Love



After breakfast our doorbell rang repeatedly, I swiftly made my way towards the obnoxious knocking. It couldn't be room service; he knocks where far too abominable to be a civilized human being. I peered through the peephole and jolted at the sight of Woohyun glancing around impatiently and shifting from foot to foot. I backed away, chewing on my lip in thought. I couldn't let Woohyun ruin the perfect day I was having with Hoya, we had a fight recently with him I couldn't let him get in the way again...Maybe I could just ignore it...yeah...

I backed away slowly ready to ignore his presence at all costs, when Hoya yelled from the bathroom.

"Hey, did you get the door? Who is it?"

I gulped immediately. CRAP What was I going to tell him?!

"Um..." SMOOTH SUNGGYU UM?! REALLY?! I cursed myself mentally when Hoya made his way towards me. Curious eyes tracing over me in question, probably wondering why I hadn't opened the door yet.  He circled around me to open the door

"NO-" I started, but it was too late. I could see Woohyun's stupid face with that stupid lopsided grin that I loved so much. I rubbed my eyes in frustration; he was definitely going to be the death of me. YUP.

Woohyun pushed his way inside, clearly not noticing the murderous aura that surrounded Hoya. Woohyun whistled approvingly, looking around the honeymoon suit.

"Not fair, you guys go the best room" he chuckled, turning slightly to grin at us. Hoya simply strode towards the chair, sitting down, most likely to lessen the proximity from his hands and Woohyuns neck. I sat awkwardly on the bed; I knew things where about to get real so I mentally braced myself for the worst. Hoya’s lips curled into an unfriendly sneer

“What GREAT timing you have Woohyun you where JUST the person I wanted to talk to”

Woohyun snapped his head towards Hoya’s direction; finally coming into realization of the situation he had just put himself in. 

“You don’t say…” he answered coolly

“I’m going to come flat out and say this to you because you clearly are not understanding your current situation, Woohyun” Hoya cooed venomously.  I glanced nervously back and forth from they’re murderous glares; that could most DEFINELY kill.

“No, I don’t think you understand Hoya. I can choose to do what I please, even if that means stealing away my best friend from his ‘keeper’” he retorted as equally as venomous as Hoya’s remark.

I choked on my spit, “Keeper?!” I coughed furiously.

“Are you okay?” They both asked in unison, only to glare at each other a few seconds after.

“ahh, so he didn’t tell you about our talk?” Woohyun instigated, “hm... Isn’t that what relationships are all about? Tsk tsk, shame on you Hoya” he pressed.

Our eyes met but he looked away in shame quickly, leaving a sore buzzing in my chest.  

“That’s not what this is about Woohyun, you’re a friend and nothing more. Friend’s don’t come barging into each other’s rooms knowing they’re boyfriend is around. It’s called setting boundaries” he spat.

“Why limit myself like that? I can be what ever Sunggyu want’s me to be…a friend…a kidnapper…or a ‘keeper’ for that matter” he challenged with playful smirk.

“Yeah, you could try” Hoya threatened. This was clearly getting out of hand; being the second last day at the resort I didn’t want them to ruin it. So I stepped in-between them in attempt to patch things up.

“You guys are talking about this like I’m not here, I’m the only one who has control over what I can and cannot do and neither of you have a say in it” I clarified, because clearly they felt like they had this overpowering authority over me.

“Woohyun, you’re my best friend and I really love you but-” hoya growled “like- I really like you,” I corrected myself quickly.

“but your going to have to understand that YES, we are friends and, YES I am dating Hoya, which you obviously already know you liar!” I escalated a view pitches and I spoke(unintentionally of course) “-and that there are some boundaries that have to be set, I can’t tell you specifically what they are but we’ll just have to correct each other as we go along the way because your both to dear to me to have you fighting over me like this” I paused, wondering if I had sounded a little conceited….…NAH

“So, I think we should just respect each other’s privacy and just share me because you both can’t have me all to yourselves OKAY?! No more fighting! PLEASE. I need you both to get along and have my back” I begged, the atmosphere became mellow and serene as they both  gave up they’re manly territorial dispute they where having.

Woohyun scowled, obviously not happy with the fact that I hadn’t chosen him over Hoya.

“Fine… but only because you asked me to” he huffed, and sat on the bed with arms crossed. Hoya nodded slowly in agreement, “ok…but for today Sunggyu is mine!” Hoya stated childishly as he pulled me onto his lap forcefully. I blushed and slapped his shoulder softly “Hoya-” I whined “UGH GOD MY EYES” Woohyun fake barfed, Only to recive a menacing glare from Hoya.

“Fine you can have him today…” Woohyun huffed in defeat and stood up to leave.

“Actually,  I was planning on spending today and tomorrow with Hoya…you know, just to be fair”

“I OBJECT!!! that’s not fair that you get the last two days at the resort with Sunggyu! We only get 3 days here!!”  He pressed.

“After all the stunts you’ve pulled recently your lucky you got one day you little peice of shi-” Hoya began

“NO BUTS, I’ve decided. Sorry Woohyun, but hey I can spend time with you later today? Yeah?” I cooed.

He crossed his arms, clearly not amused with this sudden restrictions and rules set “UGH FINE!” he answered before stomping towards the door.


Hoya's POV

Sunggyus quickly scampered after his dramatic best friend, I sighed. Feeling relief wash over me at the realization that FINALLY Sunggyu subconciously chosen me over Woohyun. Not entirely but it was enough to satisfy me for the time being.

Sunggyu's soft footsteps brought be back into reality immediately, I went to reach out for him but he pulled away just as fast.

"You didn't tell me about your conversation with Woohyun" he stated bluntly.

"I was going to-"

"yeah? and when exactly was that going to happen?" He cut me off,

"Sunggyu- please, let's not fight...all we ever do lately is fight" I reasoned

"You realize all of this could be avoided if we spoke more often, about us" he began,

"I know, I know. I'm sorry okay? I hadn't had the time I was busy trying to cope with you and Woohyun's 'friendship'" I rubbed my temples in frustration. His eyes brows relaxed and he hung his head in embaressment "sorry...about that" he half-whispered as he sat gently on the side of the matress. I let the silence do it's job, and simply nodded "It's ok..." before walking over to brush my thumb over his tense brows. He looked up at me bashfully, god I missed him so much. His whole being was aluring and enchanting like a siren singing songs so sweet yet deadly for the poor sailors that dared to come near. I stopped a hair's width away from his mouth, hesitating, making sure he wanted this just as much as I did. His fingers curled against my black tee eagerly, encouraging me to go on, I kissed him softly at first. Savoring every second of his beutiful lips against mine, I pulled back for air only to press myself against him again and again. Till we where breathless, with lips swollen and red from the friction. Our kisses became less innocent and more full of lust, want, and desire. Words couldn't even begin to describe the emotions that surged through my veins.






I'm so sorry for not updating in such a long time!!! -bows 180*-


I plan on updating this again tomorrow since I have the next chapter already written...THATS RIGHT DOUBLE UPLOAD WHUT.

It's really late right now and I'm not really sane and the moment so I'll edit this later for any errors or mispellings. IDEK

Last chapter was so cute, d'awww and I was reading my previous chapters and they're so fluffy~~~~~ ignore me.LOL It's 5am.


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update coming soon...


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TEENTOP10031996 #1
hey.. I guess you're not gonna complete this?? its a nice fic
princehobo #3
Chapter 16: HI! A new reader here and I really love this!! Hogyu <3 can't wait for the next update~ don't end it yet authornim I'm depriving of hogyu ff huhu
Chapter 16: OMG!! HOOGYUUU!! omg.. you succesfully did that.. they are so cute..
PS: am sorry! I didn't realize I unfollowed you ;_;
salflower #5
Chapter 16: Omg yes fluffy and thank you because you already made my day with your updates and yay Hogyu ♡
Chapter 16: Yesssssssss it was a perfect combination of fluff and I'm solo happy that they "finalized" their relationship and in broad daylight how bold my feels are now in overdrive lol. Thx author-nim for the updates
Chapter 15: Omg ur backkkkkkkkk and with an update annnnd soon To be double update I missed hogyu so much my feels are like akdisjfakgskhsurs right now. Thx for the update.
Samona #8
Chapter 15: *loud over-dramatic gasp* You updated. :D YAYYY!
So happy.
They better start telling each other stuff.
I don't want my HoGyu to be broken. :/
Awesome update. :D
Chapter 15: Yup!
U're back!
Welcome back !
HoGyu please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
arrpuucho #10
Chapter 15: Where is this gif photo from.. GYU IS SO CUTE OMG