Park, not Leeteuk.

My husband Leeteuk.

You turned to face the stranger beside you; the man you were supposed to call your husband. "Oh. Is that were you went?" Was all you could manage, before getting up, and marching into the kitchen. As you stood, head in your hands, two familiar arms made their way softly around your waist, gently squeezing you. "Hey are you alright?" He whispered, pecking your cheek. You shrugged him off, confused and upset, but trying not to show it. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the books that had fallen from the stand, ones you had forgotten to pick up before. "Bloody bookcase." You cursed, and made your way over to the bookcase, only to be pushed away by Leeteuk. "Nono babe, I'll do it, you go rest." He offered, jumping in front of you, preventing your pathway to the books. "No, just let me do it, it's bugging me." You replied back, trying to push him aside, but he remained where he was. "No!" He shouted, making you both jump a little. "What the s wrong Leeteuk?!" You snapped, frustrated. You just wanted away from him, to figure out what the hell happened, and why he said what he said.  "Jesus! Can't I just want to help my pregnant wife?!" He retorted, rubbing his hands together. You eventually gave up, not wanting to be around this liar anymore, and you brushed past him, as you intended on going back to the living room, but something caught your eye and stopped you. And at he quickness of your stop, Leeteuk knew you had seen. it was a small purple book, with an picture on the front. The front cover wore the words "Kama Sultra: get the back in y." You painfully bent down, picking up the filthy book. You examined it, seeing that several of the pages had been folded over, some had ticks on the corners and some were weakly damp, with a strange scent coming off it. "You going to tell me what this is about?" You said, stilling flicking through the dirty book. And you heard Leeteuk let out a very uncomfortable sigh.

"Ye-yes, of course." He stuttered, and slowly made his way to the breakfast-bar stool. Eventually, he continued. "I, I bought it for after the baby is here. I read before that after you have the baby, might disgust you." And he looked away, picking at his nails. "You're a ing liar Lee-Park." You spat back at him. He looked up at the name "Park", he knew you only used that when you were really angry at him. As he opened his mouth again, no doubt to defend himself, you continued. "And while we're on the topic of liars, why don't you tell me about that disgusting lie you told me about your father!" You screamed, and his eyes opened wide. He knew he ad been rumbled. "N- bu- ye, so..." He mumbled, speechless. "Are you going to tell me, or will I guess?" You dangerously groaned at him, feeling some pain from your back. As he approached you to help you sit down, you shot him a cold look, and he knew to remain a safe distance away. As he remained speechless, you took it as the lattar option. "Ok then, Park, I'll ing tell you what's been going on. You've been cheating on me." You whispered, so quiet that the word could barely be heard. And once again, he opened his mouth to defend himself. "Don't you dare deny it!" You shouted, "You've been disappearing every few nights for months now, you've been spending money on things and yet you never come home with anything, and you never want to have , and then I find this disgusting book!" You carried on, tears streaming down you face. "You make me sick, Park. And I want you out. Now. Not tomorrow, not next week. I want you out right ing now!" And you stormed through to the living room, threw yourself onto the sofa, and hugged your bump, showering it in tears. Leeteuk remained in the kitchen, perfectly still for a few moments, then slowly came into the dark living room. "Ok, I'll go. I'm so sorry." He whispered, sounding close to tears, and he closed the door, making his way up to your bedroom.

Half an hour and several tears later, he returned, suitcase and bag in hand, the coat you bought him for his birthday wrapped over his shoulders. He sat down on the sofa, and you curled your body away from him. He was usually so quiet, calm, subdue, but he snapped. "Oh stop your crying, it's your fault anyways." You stopped crying for a few seconds, in shock at what he had said. You pulled yourself to your feet, bump sticking out insanely. "My fault." You repeated. "It's my fault is it?!" You screamed. "It's my fault that you had to go out and someone else, with your pregnant wife at home! Well I'm sorry that I'm not enough for you, but I did not ask you to marry me!" As you shouted at him, he rose to his feet, coming close to you, so he could look you directly in the eye. "You never wanted to be close to me, didn't want me to hug or kiss you, or go to bed or do anything, how the was that supposed to make me feel!?" He responded, and you could faintly smell the taste of alcohol on his breath. "You've been drinking, I'll call Donghae, get him to take you away. God you make me sick." You spat back, and took out your mobile. After a quick call to Donghae, you turned back to Leeteuk. "I'm going upstairs. Lock the door and leave your key here." You finally said to him, and you turned to go upstairs. "Fine! I'm not staying with Donghae tonight anyways, I'm staying with her." He threatened you, a pleased look on his face, As you made your way up the stairs, he continued telling you of how great she was in bed, until eventually you snapped. "Oh yeah?!" You screamed at Leeteuk, "Well you!" and you slammed the bedroom down. You looked down at your stomach, gently cupping the large bump. "I'll fix this for you my baby, I don't want you coming into this kind of world." You spoke sadly. As you slowly got undressed, - into one of the only nightgowns that fitted you now -you lost yourself in deep thought. 'This is what he wanted, what we wanted.' And you thought back to 7 months before, when you had told Leeteuk you were pregnant. You had only been trying for a short time, and both of you were overjoyed at the life growing inside of you. Your thoughts then drifted back into memories of telling both your families, your friends and of course, the band. You could have sworn the band were more excited than you, begging you to name your child after them, playful fighting over who would be godfather, teasing Leeteuk for "getting in there." It had been such a perfect time, where had it all gone wrong?

(Sorry for not updating in a while, and sorry it's not that long, I've got a broken hand so I've been typing with one hand HAHA! What do you think is gonna happen now? Hope you are enjoying it, and thanks to all my subs and views, you kept me going with my one-handed typing:) x) 

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Naviky #1
Chapter 17: Omg i love kangin in this story! So cute i hope they do stay together but if not i hope he finds love!
Chapter 3: OMG so in diis story ryeowook & yesung are gay?...that is wat I hate..FANS ARE JST SO DESPERATE FOR THE IDOLS THAT EVEN THE IDOLS' happiness AIN't even THAT IMPORTANT.MOST OF THE IDOLS ARE NOT ABLE TO GET MARRIED UNTIL in their 30'S OR 40'S & THAT CUZ THESE IDOLS CAN'T EVEN DATE
Chapter 17: Please update soon! I really hope this all ends well, cuz it's not looking good for anyone right now
Chapter 11: How so you do this to me?? Donghae and Leeteuk are my biases in super junior (donghae being my ultimate bias) and yet I really don't like either of them in this! And I was never really a fan of kangin, but I find him so sweet here! This story is playing with my emotions like crazy! But it's so good. I can't stop reading
veveanna-dreaw #5
Chapter 17: leeteuk how could u do that 2 her ( am not marring you anymore hahahaha) i love kangin hope they stay 2gether^_^
KimKeyBummi #6
This is soo sad. Omgg
Omg love the story update soon
i need jamie and teuk's moment again. i had enough w kangin. lol. update SOON! ;)
xhikari #9
aw Kangin is so sweet ;A;
Lol I think leeteuk wants jamie back ... I think its nice how kangin takes care of jamie .. But I think jamie likes leeteuk still