Good morning.

My husband Leeteuk.

"Good morning baby," Leeteuk grunted, moving his body closer to yours. You forced your eyes open, seeing his right at your face next to yours, the sleep still in his eyes. Despite being beyond tired, you used all your force to push him firmly out the bed. He slid from the bed, narrowly missing the bed side cabinet. "Whoa, what the hell?!" He yelled, rubbing where the cabinet would have hit his head. You were fuming, last night had been the most devastating night you would ever experience, and he had no clue what had happened. "WHERE THE WERE YOU LAST NIGHT?!" You screamed at the stranger, throwing all but one of the pillows at him, he coward behind his arms helplessly. "What you talking about? I went dancing, and when I got back, you were gone. And when I came back home, you were tucked up in bed." You couldn't believe the crap he was saying. "You're lying!" You sobbed to him, anger and tears battling to be let out first. There was a few minutes silence between you, clearly your husband didn't have the guts to speak first, so you forced yourself to. "Where did you go?" You asked, scared of what his answer would be. He sighed, standing up, "Your so silly! I was dancing with an older receptionist I think, her name was Maure-" "LIAR!" You sobbed, the tears finally becoming more dominate. "If you had actually been there, you would have seen me screaming and the whole ing hall surrounding me sticking their noses in. if you had actually been there, you would have seen an ambulance taking me away while i became unconscious! If you had ing been there you would been comforting me while I learned that I lost one of our children!" You belted out, tears running down your face. Leeteuk's legs wobbled a little, and he fell onto the bed. He looked lost for words, his hands shook and you realized his eyes were heavily watering. The reality of the loss was starting to kick in, but to stop yourself from losing all control, you reminded yourself that you had to be strong for the sake of your child. "Exactly." You said, minutes into the silence. And you sat up, wrapped your dressing gown around your significantly smaller body, and left the room, closing the door behind you.

"Hey Wookie, wake up." You softly whispered to Ryeowook, shaking him. The poor guy had crashed on the sofa, and was sleeping in the most awkward position. He moaned and muttered "5 more minutes, Yesung." You smiled, and was so thankful for the amazing friend you had in Ryeowook. He opened his eyes, seeing you rocking him, and he smiled. "Morning, I will cook some breakfast!" And he jumped up, and hopped through to the kitchen like the little bunny he was. You followed him through, protectively clinging to the smaller bump, watching Ryeowook expertly throw foods into a pan, adding oils and spice effortlessly. "Yesung is one lucky man, having someone who can cook like you." You compliment him, causing him to blush. "I try I guess," he thanked you shly. "So," Ryeowook changed the subject, "Did you speak to Leeteuk?" You looked away, feeling uncomfortable. "Yeah," you muttered, "I told him everything about last night, but I still don't know where he was. He won't tell me."  Ryeowook shifted on his feet uncomfortably, "Oh." And swiftly continued his cooking. A few minutes later, Ryeowook laid out 3 plates of delicious food, and gave you one. You thanked him and quickly shoveled the food down; you didn't realize how hungry you were. "Thanks Wookie, that was delicious!" You pecked his cheek, "But Yesung will provably be worried about you, you better go home." Yeah, you're right. If you need anything, just gimme a call yeah?" Ryeowook comforted you. As you walked him to the door, "Thank you for everything you did last night. You're amazing and I love you." You thanked him, he smiled, gave you a small kiss on the lips and was off. 

You started washing the dishes that Ryeowook had used in the cooking, losing yourself in thoughts, bad, bad thoughts. Leeteuk was cheating on you, you knew that. But where did that leave you? Single and heavily pregnant with a fatal ill child? Would you have to leave the house? And where would you live? What would happen with your divorce? Would he really want to do that while you were so heavily pregnant? Would you have to meet his new woman? Would she become a figure in your child's life? Hell, would Leeteuk even want to be part of the child's life? As the thoughts burned in your mind, the tears streamed down your face. A *hmmh* came from behind you, and you turned, to see a bloodshot-eyed Leeteuk staring at you. He reached down for your hand, and you were too tired to move it. His skin felt rough, and you thought back to your younger days, as loved-up teens, when his hands felt like cotton. "We need to talk."

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Naviky #1
Chapter 17: Omg i love kangin in this story! So cute i hope they do stay together but if not i hope he finds love!
Chapter 3: OMG so in diis story ryeowook & yesung are gay?...that is wat I hate..FANS ARE JST SO DESPERATE FOR THE IDOLS THAT EVEN THE IDOLS' happiness AIN't even THAT IMPORTANT.MOST OF THE IDOLS ARE NOT ABLE TO GET MARRIED UNTIL in their 30'S OR 40'S & THAT CUZ THESE IDOLS CAN'T EVEN DATE
Chapter 17: Please update soon! I really hope this all ends well, cuz it's not looking good for anyone right now
Chapter 11: How so you do this to me?? Donghae and Leeteuk are my biases in super junior (donghae being my ultimate bias) and yet I really don't like either of them in this! And I was never really a fan of kangin, but I find him so sweet here! This story is playing with my emotions like crazy! But it's so good. I can't stop reading
veveanna-dreaw #5
Chapter 17: leeteuk how could u do that 2 her ( am not marring you anymore hahahaha) i love kangin hope they stay 2gether^_^
KimKeyBummi #6
This is soo sad. Omgg
Omg love the story update soon
i need jamie and teuk's moment again. i had enough w kangin. lol. update SOON! ;)
xhikari #9
aw Kangin is so sweet ;A;
Lol I think leeteuk wants jamie back ... I think its nice how kangin takes care of jamie .. But I think jamie likes leeteuk still