No Hope.

My husband Leeteuk.

You were speechless. No words could express what you were feeling. Hell, you didn't know what you were feeling. It didn't make sense. Leeteuk...and Donghae?! couldn't be. They were brothers, Leeteuk was the leader, Donghae was always seen as the cute, young one. And Leeteuk wasn't gay. You had been married, dated for years, even had a baby together. You were spaced out, lost in confused thoughts, until Shindong awkwardly sneezed, breaking the silence.
"Are you gay?" You finally burst out, unable to make eye contact with the man who was legally your husband.
"No," he eventually replied, "But...with's's unlike anything I've ever felt before an-"
"What the are you playing at!" Kangin snapped, staring threatenly at Leeteuk. "Do you think she actually wants to hear any of this you're coming out with? She just gave birth to your child, and you're going on about how you fell in love with a dude?!"
"I think you should go, Park." Heechul said coldly, pulling his jumper sleeves down.

"Gu-guys," Leeteuk began, " can't be serious...we're...we're family. each other." He struggled.
"Yes. And we love you too," Kyuhyun admitted, "But...this isn't fair, to anyone. Jamie and Hope especially. They're meant to be your family, and you've been messing about with Donghae behind their backs. And it's disgusting." The brutal honesty from Kyuhyun shocked everyone, and the room remained in a silent shock. Until, you dared yourself to break it.
"Park, get your stuff, say goodbye to Hope, and get out." and you grabbed a quick breath before anyone could interrupt. "And Kangin, I want you to make sure he takes everything, and ... I want you to move in with me."

The silence was unbearable, and the awkwardness weighed down on your shoulders.
"I'm going to check on Hope." You yawned, and dragged your feet behind you, into the next room. Ryeowook was cooing at your daughter, swaying her gently in his arms, smiling intently, softly singing to her.
"You are going to make a fantastic father one day, Wookie." You gently grinned at the younger boy, who smiled back.
"I hope so...if Yesung ever wants it..."
"I'm sure yous will figure it out one day...and until then, you can just babysit for me!"
"Do you mean it?! I really will! Hope is my favorite girl, after you of course!" 
" you hear that....?"
"Yes...what is it...?"
There was a loud, angry sound coming from next door; the guys.
Cursing in your mind, you left Ryeowook holding Hope, and ran back through.

The room was a mess. The furniture was turned over, and Leeteuk was bleeding. Siwon was holding onto Kangin, pinning him against a wall and whispering into his ear. Sungmin was uncomfortably trying to wipe up the blood that was flowing out of Leeteuk's mouth. Taking the smallest glance at him, you realized his right eye was also glazed, as though he had been punched. The remaining members were talking quietly amongst themselves, trying to pick up broken and turned over furniture.
"What....the happened?!" You screamed.
And within seconds, everyone apart from Kangin and Leeteuk was hurling a story at you.
"Leeteuk said-"
"...Stupid -"
"Loves Donghae mor-"
"Kangin's in love-"
"Doesn't care about anythin-"
"Wants custody of Hope-"
Eventually, you interrupted everyone. 
"Park, get your ing out of my house. Now! I'll send you your , and I'll give you a picture of Hope. But if you're not out in 30 seconds, I'm phoning the police."
And to your amazement, he did. Simply pushing Sungmin off, pulling his coat on, and walking out the door, silently.

Once Leeteuk had left, everybody made excuses to leave; a doctor's appointment, a dinner, a date, it was all lies, but you appreciated it. They knew you wanted to be on your own with Kangin. And one by one, they left, giving you hugs and words of comfort. As Wookie finally shuffled out the door, promising his baby sitting services, you returned to the living room, and threw yourself down next to Kangin.
"We should probably talk...shouldn't we?" He asked, unusually shyly.
"Yes," you yawned, and cuddled down onto his lap, curled up in a ball, "But I'm way too tired for that right now. Goodnight." And within seconds, you were fast asleep.

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Naviky #1
Chapter 17: Omg i love kangin in this story! So cute i hope they do stay together but if not i hope he finds love!
Chapter 3: OMG so in diis story ryeowook & yesung are gay?...that is wat I hate..FANS ARE JST SO DESPERATE FOR THE IDOLS THAT EVEN THE IDOLS' happiness AIN't even THAT IMPORTANT.MOST OF THE IDOLS ARE NOT ABLE TO GET MARRIED UNTIL in their 30'S OR 40'S & THAT CUZ THESE IDOLS CAN'T EVEN DATE
Chapter 17: Please update soon! I really hope this all ends well, cuz it's not looking good for anyone right now
Chapter 11: How so you do this to me?? Donghae and Leeteuk are my biases in super junior (donghae being my ultimate bias) and yet I really don't like either of them in this! And I was never really a fan of kangin, but I find him so sweet here! This story is playing with my emotions like crazy! But it's so good. I can't stop reading
veveanna-dreaw #5
Chapter 17: leeteuk how could u do that 2 her ( am not marring you anymore hahahaha) i love kangin hope they stay 2gether^_^
KimKeyBummi #6
This is soo sad. Omgg
Omg love the story update soon
i need jamie and teuk's moment again. i had enough w kangin. lol. update SOON! ;)
xhikari #9
aw Kangin is so sweet ;A;
Lol I think leeteuk wants jamie back ... I think its nice how kangin takes care of jamie .. But I think jamie likes leeteuk still