


It only took about three minutes before both Junhyung and Sooyeon got thrown out of the restaurant. And it took them less than a minute to figure out what happened.


Their fathers left them.


Without a car.


Without money.


“Looks like we have to walk, then.” Junhyung shrugged.

She made a face.

“Do you even know where your house is?”

Sooyeon, offended, “of course, I do! What do you think of me, daft?”

He smirked, “Of course not. I don’t think you’re daft, darling. I think you’re stupid, stupid, and oh, did I mention stupid?”

“SHUT UP! And stop calling me darling!”

“Whatever you say, my sweet.”


Sooyeon rolled her eyes and hit Junhyung in his arm.

Junhyung, not wanting to accept defeat, gently hit her right back.


She hit him.

He hit her.

She hit him.

He hit her.


It went on for an hour until the almighty silence was broken.


“Do you really know where we are, dimwit?” Junhyung asked.

“Of… course, I do.” She retorted.


They kept on walking until they reached a questionable place. It was dark, and dirty. There were beer cans lying around everywhere.


Junhyung raised a brow, “Yah, stupid girl, where are we?”

“About that,” she giggled nervously, “I don’t really know whe--- AISHH!”


She fell down suddenly. She broke her heel.

“Ouch,” she whimpered. She twisted her ankle.

“Oi, what’s wrong with you? Get up. I want to get some rest.” The tall boy said coldly.


She tried to get up. Junhyung was staring at her with a blank expression on his face.



Almost up.

She fell down again. She winced with pain.


“What’s wrong?” Junhyung asked.

“Nothing,” she lied.


The tall boy went towards her and poked her ankle. She grimaced.

“What happened? Here, let me help this stupid fiancée of mine,” he reached out his hand and gently touched her twisted ankle. She flinched.


She was pissed off, that’s for sure. She was already in pain, how dare he call her stupid. It’s not like I wanted to break my heel. It’s not like I wanted to fall.


He reached out his hand again, and was taken aback by her action. She swatted his hand away from her ankle and yelled, “I’M FINE, DON’T TOUCH ME! And, DON’T CALL ME STUPID, YOU IDIOT!”


Junhyung, who was only trying to help her up, got mad. How dare she get mad at me, I was only trying to help her. He said nothing as he his heel and left her on the ground.


“YAH! YONG JUNHYUNG, DON’T LEAVE ME HERE.” Her voice screeched.


But she was ignored.


She tried to stand up, and with much effort, she managed to. She grabbed her shoe and threw it at Junhyung. It hit his head, much to her surprise.




His blood boiled. Her shoe hit him pretty hard. He winced at the pain, and ran towards her. She saw him running back to her with a frown plastered on his face. His eyes locked with hers. She could feel the intensity of his gaze burning through her.


“Wh-wh-what are you do-,“ She was interrupted, and in one swift movement, she was being carried on his shoulder. “AAHH!!” she shrieked. After making Sooyeon wasn’t going to fall when he moved, Junhyung made a run for it. “Put me down, put me down!!”


And after what seemed like a good thirty minutes of running around, Junhyung finally put the brunette down.


“What the hell was that for!?” The brunette’s pale cheeks were flushed with anger, her nose flaring, and she was gasping for air.

“It was to shut you up, you insufferable, annoying, horrible excuse for a fiancée.” He spat back, repulsion evident in his voice.


“Oh, this street looks familiar,” she ignored his comment. “I know where to go from here.”

“Really? Then what are you waiting for, stupid girl? Let’s go.”


She was pissed, yet again. She smirked at him and made a run for it. She thought since she knew the way back, and he didn’t he would get lost, and not be found for at least two days. But then she forgot she twisted her ankle. The moment she put pressure on her foot, she fell down. She whimpered. Blood was gushing from her knee. Junhyung just stared at her.


“You clumsy dimwit.” He chuckled.


He went near her and took his handkerchief out of his suit pocket and wrapped it around her knee. “You know, Sooyeon, you’d be dangerous with a brain.” He smirked. Pink stained her cheeks, as he helped her stand. She still couldn’t walk properly so he supported her all the way back to Sooyeon’s house.


“Thank you,” she muttered under her breath.

[ A/N:: Another update for y'all, because I'm nice like that. COMMENT, PLEASE! They are appreciated, I tell you. n__n ]

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can you like tell me when you update okay ? bcos im reading a lot of fanfic i cant remember each one. imma new reader :P continue this story FUN !!!!!!!!!!
cherryon-top #3
@B2utySone, candyxlover123: Thank you! I will, I will :)<br />
@Jessiecho: Aww, I'm sorry for the bad words! XD
I finally finished all the chapters!<br />
yeepee~! GOSH. They look so sweet and cute even though they are exchanging bad words xDDDD LOL.<br />
Hope they would get along soon. gosh~~~<br />
Update soon! :) ♥
B2utySone #5
Cute storryyy...!please update sooon..
candyxlover123 #6
i really like this story :) please update more often :)