


“Idiot,” whispered Junhyung to Sooyeon.


“Watch your mouth, pabo!” she snapped back, and hit him on his arm.


She was waiting for some kind of reaction, thinking she hit him quite hard… but received none. Nothing. Nada. Not even a wince.


He was seriously getting on her nerves. He had been calling her an idiot since the moment they were properly introduced to each other. But after the hitting stunt she pulled and seeing as he most probably is as pissed as she is, she decided to stay quiet until they reached their destination.


Without Sooyeon talking, Junhyung could finally have some peace of mind.


Ah, quiet, finally, his eyes darted toward this particular brown haired girl sitting next to him.




“Where are we going?” Junhyung suddenly broke the silence, annoyance written all over his face.

“Dinner. My appa and yours are going to discuss more about our-,” she made a face.

“Oh? Our what?” he smirked.

“O-our, you know.” She stuttered.


My, my, this is going to be fun playing with her, Juhyung sensed that she was feeling awkward and shy.




“Our what, my sweet?” Junhyung smirked again.


Oh jezuz, how I wish to wipe that smirk off of his face.


“Our, this,” she grumbled, “We’re getting married!” pink staining her cheeks.

He snickered. “Wait-“ he stopped, realizing something. “You agreed to this?!” he sputtered.

“Of course,” she snapped back.

He smirked.

“It’s not like I have a choice now, do I?”

 “Oh, please, my love,” he emphasized the term of endearment just to get on her nerves even more, if that was even possible. “I know you want me.”

“Stop being so bigheaded!” she was pissed. “It’s not like I want to marry an idiot like you!”

“Idiot?!” he repeated. “How dare you call me an idiot, you, you childish, immature moron!” he scoffed and stuck out his tongue.

“Childish? Yeah, I’m the one who’s childish!” she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.




“Now, Junhyung, Sooyeon,” Sooyeon’s father said. “We have something to tell you.”


Junhyung, upon hearing what Sooyeon’s father had said, raised an eyebrown. However, Sooyeon was too busy eating her food she didn’t pay attention. That was until Junhyung nudged her arm which resulted in her spoon dropping, and a very pissed off brunette that yelled, “WHAT?!” He cleared his throat and looked at their fathers. The brunette, realizing what was happening, turned a deep shade of red.


“Omo, I’m sorry, please go on, appa,” she muttered.

She glanced at Junhyung and saw him smirking at her. She scoffed.


The older man cleared his throat, gaining his much needed attention from those two dimwits.


“As I was saying,” the older Choi glared at his daughter, who was, not surprising, eating, yet again. “We have something to tell you kids.”


Junhyung sneered hearing the word ‘kids.’

He looked at Sooyeon who was busy downing her third (or was it her fourth?) serving of pasta. Amazing, this girl eats this much and she can maintain her figure. Impressive.

“Yes,” the Mr. Yong chimed in. “You all know that you are going to be married in a few short weeks, right?”


Junhyung gave a slight nod, eyeing Sooyeon who was still busy eating.


“All of the needed preparations, the documents, and everything has been done. The house, the furniture, and even your things have been moved already.”


“House? Did I just hear you say house, dad? What do we need a house for?” Junhyung asked, his eyebrow raised.

“Don’t be daft, my son.” Junhyung’s father chuckled.

“What do you mean? I don’t follow.”

“You’re going to live together!!” The older men said; mirth in their eyes.


Sooyeon, who had a mouthful of pasta, screamed, “WHAT!?” food sputtering all over the place – the table, Junhyung… and on the two older men. There was silence. She froze on the spot, wishing the ground swallow her whole.


Junhyung with his mouth agape, burst into a fit of laughter, whilst the two older men tried to remove the bits of pasta that splattered onto their suits.


Sooyeon took a breadstick, and waved it frantically in the air, yelling, “I’m going to live him that idiot?! Why him?! I’d rather live with a cow than live with him! No offense to the cows, though.” There were still bits of pasta and meat that were flying all over the place while she was throwing a fit.


“My, my, darling? Is that any way to speak to your fiancé?” Junhyung mocked her.

“We are not engaged!” she yelled, food spitting from her every word.


“CHOI SOOYEON! WHERE ARE YOUR MANNERS, YOUNG LADY!?” The older Choi exploded with anger. Yes, exploded.


Sooyeon was taken aback by her father’s sudden outburst.


Junhyung scoffed. “Young lady? Her?”


Junhyung didn’t know Sooyeon heard his little comment, and the next thing he knew, he was being tackled to the ground by a very angry brunette.


The older men buried their face in their hands, disgrace, they both thought.


“Let’s go, Yongbae. Let’s leave these two idiots alone.” He chuckled.

Yongbae nodded, and they looked at those two fools fighting on the floor for the last time. “Kids,” he sighed.


[ A/N :: Sorry for the late chappie ~ going to update more hihi !! Spesh thanks to my friend MK n_n ]

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can you like tell me when you update okay ? bcos im reading a lot of fanfic i cant remember each one. imma new reader :P continue this story FUN !!!!!!!!!!
cherryon-top #3
@B2utySone, candyxlover123: Thank you! I will, I will :)<br />
@Jessiecho: Aww, I'm sorry for the bad words! XD
I finally finished all the chapters!<br />
yeepee~! GOSH. They look so sweet and cute even though they are exchanging bad words xDDDD LOL.<br />
Hope they would get along soon. gosh~~~<br />
Update soon! :) ♥
B2utySone #5
Cute storryyy...!please update sooon..
candyxlover123 #6
i really like this story :) please update more often :)