

-----{ L.A;
The bell rang, signalling the end of this year’s classes.
Half the people in his classes started yelling, and clapping, and soon the whole class went ballistic – well, except for one.
‘Wow, Mr. Smith has so much to say,’ hethought while tapping the end of his pencil on his desk, impatiently waiting for their much awaited freedom – dismissal.
“Alright, guys. You’re free to go.” Their teacher smiled.
Everyone got up, and left.
So did he.
He was about to go out of the classroom when someone tapped his shoulder. It was Henry, his best friend.
“Hey, Junhyung, wanna go somewhere?” Henry smiled cheekily.
“Aww, hey ---,” Junhyung smirked, “mianhe. I can’t today, my mom told me to go home early. My dad just came back from Seoul. She said they had something important to tell me. If I don’t go, they might cut my credit card, and take my car.”
“Oh, that’s alright,” Junhyung saw the corners of his best friend’s mouth droop, “we still have the whole summer to screw around together, right?”
“Summer. Yeah, sum-”, then he was cut off. His phone started ringing like crazy.
--“chocolate love”--
‘Seriously,’ he thought, ‘I should fix the stupid settings on this phone.’
Junhyung let out an exaggerated sigh as he picked up the phone.
“Mr. Yong Junhyung, your dad told me to call you. Please go ho-,” It was his dad’s secretary, Mr. Kim.
“Yeah, alright, Mr. Kim. Thanks.” He said, as he cut the obviously annoyed secretary off.
He walked down the halls, and exited the vicinity of the school.
A man dressed in black walked behind him, as he made his way to a black car. This man then opened the door for him, and he went inside and sat down as the man closed the door. Not long after, they reached the Yong residence. He got off, and walked inside the huge mansion ahead of him.
‘Hmm.’ He was humming as his dad came from the lounge to greet him.
 “Go inside,” he gestured to the lounge, “your mom’s waiting for us.”
Junhyung nodded, and did what his dad had told him.
“WAIT—“ I shouted, “you want me to move back to where, and marry who!?”
“Move back to Seoul with your dad, and marry Mr. Choi’s daughter.” His mom smiled.
“No. No. NO.” He protested.
“You’ve lived in Los Angeles for a while now, don’t you miss Seoul?” his mom tried to bribe him into agreeing.
“Our company needs this! BESIDES,” His father said firmly, “you’ve done nothing but party all night, go to one fourth of your classes, party again, and sleep. Having one of my best friend’s daughter be your wife will be good for you. You’d better not screw this up, Yong Junhyung.”
“YONG JUNHYUNG!” Junhyung was a little startled at this sudden uproar. “No but’s, we’re leaving tomorrow morning.”
“GOD, seriously?!” he grunted as he stood up, making sure to make an exaggerated noise to express his anguish.
-----{ Seoul;
“I will marry who!?” Choi Sooyeon was startled.
“Yong Junhyung, my dear. Mr. Yong’s only son.” Mr. Choi calmly said.
“Omoooooo--- wae?!?” Sooyeon smacked her head.
“For the company. And we had an agreement when we were kids – Mr. Yong and I. Sooyeon, you know that, right? That he and I go way back.”
“You’re doing this to your only daughter?” she snapped back, “Isn’t this illegal?!!” she tried to get herself out.
Her mom let out a laugh, “I believe not.”
“Are you sure about this? But, I’m too young to get married, omooo.” She protested.
“I’m too young!! I haven’t even graduated high school. And- and- and besides!” She paused, thinking of an excuse, “ah- I haven’t even met this Jonghyung guy!!”
“Junhyung,” her dad corrected her.
She grunted, “Well, can I at least meet him before I get married?”
“He’s coming back from LA tomorrow afternoon. This is perfect. We’ll be going to the airport tomorrow, come with us.”
“Omoo- fine,” she gave in, defeated.
Sooyeon dashed up the stairs, and ran to her room.
‘I can’t believe their going to do this to their only daughter.’
She went to her dresser, and changed her clothes.
‘I’d better sleep, I mean- if I can,’ she thought, ‘I can’t believe this.’

[A/N] :: Chapter one is short, omo! Mianhe! ^__^

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can you like tell me when you update okay ? bcos im reading a lot of fanfic i cant remember each one. imma new reader :P continue this story FUN !!!!!!!!!!
cherryon-top #3
@B2utySone, candyxlover123: Thank you! I will, I will :)<br />
@Jessiecho: Aww, I'm sorry for the bad words! XD
I finally finished all the chapters!<br />
yeepee~! GOSH. They look so sweet and cute even though they are exchanging bad words xDDDD LOL.<br />
Hope they would get along soon. gosh~~~<br />
Update soon! :) ♥
B2utySone #5
Cute storryyy...!please update sooon..
candyxlover123 #6
i really like this story :) please update more often :)