

"YONG JUNHYUNG." He was startled to see his father standing right next to him.

He mouthed 'FCK,' and groggily followed his father's wishes. He was defeated. He couldn't help but think he was so freaking close. He sighed and walked towards the direction of the door.

"Hey dad, where the hell are they?" He asked, scanning the multitude of busy people walking - no, almost running around the place, but then realized his foolishness. He had not even seen "her" in her life, and he was already looking for her. What the hell. Seeing that his dad didn't quite hear him, or he was just ignoring him, - he had no idea - he just kept silent while walking behind his dad, thinking of another way to escape. He looked over his shoulder, but was stunned to see that his dad's 'minions' trailing behind them like they were some kind of sought after international criminals. He let out a sigh, and grunted.

Soon after, his dad stopped.

"Yongbae!" Junhyung's dad suddenly hugged this middle-aged looking man wearing a black suit, with a crisp white polo inside, and a striped tie.

'Must be one of his business partners,' he rolled his eyes. His dad, and this "Yongbae" were talking for a while now. He kept his gaze on the floor, refusing to look anyone in the eye. When suddenly;

"This is my son Junhyung," his father said in a friendly tone. Junhyung wasn't paying attention, and was surprised as his father gently nudged his shoulder. "Ah?" was all that came from his mouth. It took a few seconds before it hit him. "Oh. Hello. I'm Yong Junhyung," he blurted out. He shook hands with "Yongbae." He was quite used to this, it really wasn't anything special.

"Oh. Nice meeting you, Junhyung. This is Sooyeon, my daughter," he pointed to the girl who was looking outside the glass door. She was facing backward, so he couldn't quite make out what she looked like. But by the looks of what Junhyung was seeing - long brown hair that reached maybe more or less the clasp of her bra, slender form, not really a figure to die for, but it was getting there. Oh, Junhyung liked what he was seeing. He had already thought of what her face may look like in his head, 'maybe like Jiyoung?', he thought.

Yongbae lightly tapped on her daughter's shoulder as Junhyung anticipated, in his head of course, what mystery her face was hiding. And in a split second, maybe more, Junhyung didn't know, she turned around, and bowed.

"Hello. Choi Sooyeon imnida. Nice to meet you." She smiled.

Junhyung shifted his gaze to lock eyes with her, and was stunned to see HER.

"YAH! It's YOU!" They shrieked in unision, although Sooyeon's was more like a whine, and in a much higher pitch.


'Seriously, guys here in Seoul.' She ranted in her mind. 'My dress is ruined now, thanks to that idiot.'

Sooyeon was still hungry. Or was she? Maybe she just wasn't satisf, and wanted more food. Well, we'll never know. She decided it would be best if she would head back. Besides Mr. Yong Junhyung, also known as her future husband, might already be there. She almost gagged at the thought of that.

Future husband.

Future husband.

Future husband.

Future husband.

"Oh my goodness, what happened to your dress?" Her father askef her with a weirded out look on his face.

"Some idiot knocked me over. My coffee spilled all over my dress."

Her father let out a disapproving sigh, and continued to scan the crowd for any sign of his best mate. Sooyeon, on the other hand, got distracted - as usual. She saw something on the corner of her eye, and just had to see what it was. She headed towards the direction of the huge glass window just behind them and looked outside the window. She wondered what he'll look like. What he's like. Was he going to be nice? Or was he not?

When suddenly, her father tapped her shoulder. She gulped before she turned around and said,

"Hello. Choi Sooyeon imnida. Nice to meet you," and smiled.

It took a while before it hit her. Her eyes widened by the sight of HIM.


"YAH! It's YOU!" she exclaimed.

"Oh," her father asked, "you two have met? Perfect!"



"IDIOT?!" Junhyung's eyes widened. "You were the one who wasn't looking where she was going!!" He added.

"BABOO!!" Sooyeon shouted.

"THAT'S ENOUGH." Junhyung's father, and Yongbae said in unision, hoping to shut those two idiots up.


[A/N:] :: HEEEY. So sorry for the late update; I kept changing stuff & yeah. Mianhe. ;A;

BTW, comments & subscriptions are forever <3!!

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can you like tell me when you update okay ? bcos im reading a lot of fanfic i cant remember each one. imma new reader :P continue this story FUN !!!!!!!!!!
cherryon-top #3
@B2utySone, candyxlover123: Thank you! I will, I will :)<br />
@Jessiecho: Aww, I'm sorry for the bad words! XD
I finally finished all the chapters!<br />
yeepee~! GOSH. They look so sweet and cute even though they are exchanging bad words xDDDD LOL.<br />
Hope they would get along soon. gosh~~~<br />
Update soon! :) ♥
B2utySone #5
Cute storryyy...!please update sooon..
candyxlover123 #6
i really like this story :) please update more often :)