
University Troubles

Some days have passed since Jonghyun's brief meet up with Jessica. The small moments that occured was still fresh in Jonghyun's mind. With this, a small smile always crept up his face that really creeped his friends out. The 5 boys had some free time in their schedules so they decided to just talk while waiting for class. Everyone was in their circle formation talking about random stuff like, what they had for lunch and people they find interesting around the university.

"Taengoo is just a friend guys. Don't misunderstand" Onew said, which caused the other 4 boys to frown at him. They can tell that Onew obviously, has feelings for Taeyeon noona. The blush on Onew's face seems like he placed make-up on it due to the flustered feeling that he is faced with right now. Jonghyun was laughing with the guys too as they joked around in their group. He was about to say something then,

"Yah Jonghyun, how was Jessica?" Of course they know about Jessica by now. Jonghyun couldn't contain his happiness with just the mention of her name. Another smile appeared on his face and the guys knew that Jonghyun has fallen hard. Hard to the point he won't back out on this one. They knew him so well. Well enough that this is not all good and happy for Jonghyun. After stuttering and trying to figure out what to say. He answered back with a simple,

"Yeah, she is doing well right now. She's still in class I bet." Key patted Jong's shoulder and then said

"Wow, you already know her schedule. You're a tough one hyung!" Everyone laughed at Key's attempt to tease his hyung like he always does and the mood suddenly lit up that they wanted to know more about what was happening between them. Jonghyun was attacked with a flurry of "What did you do when you first met up again?", "You love her don't you?" and "You should ask her out. Go for the goal". Jonghyun tried to keep a strong exterior but inside, he liked the way his friends are supporting him on this one and he felt loved and cared for even though jokes and laughs are mostly what they end up in with their 'serious' conversations.

Jonghyun was the main topic of the group chat now. People around them were starting to look and whisper because of the laughs that have erupted from their stories. Jonghyun looked at the rest of the guys and then said

"I need to meet her again" Jonghyun took a step back, and then the group flailed their arms up in the air as if they won a soccer match. The celebration was cut short when the class bell rang loud and caused quite a shock to everyone. They are still not used to it because the sound is similar to the fire alarm. Bad sound to get the same in their opinion. The guys left for their correspondent classes after saying their goodbyes to each other. It was a fun break for them. After all the stress that has been laid for them due to finals week, they still always find time to chat and talk even if it's only for a short amount of time.


Jessica was in her photography class during the guy's free lessons. She always blamed her timetable because her free lessons are not the same with any of her friends. The bell rang which meant she has a free lesson. Jessica glanced quickly at her watch to see how much free time she has.

"1 hour. That is too long. I could go back to my dorm I guess and go back when lesson starts" She thought to herself. Jessica started to thoroughly clean her workspace and place her belongings into her white vintage backpack. After that, she stood up from the wooden chair and bowed goodbye to her photography teacher. On the way to her dorm, she passed by Jong's class that she remembers him saying. It was a media class. Strangely, she got the urge to look into the small window and just then, she saw Jonghyun taking down notes while he listened to his professor. Jessica only got a glimpse of what was happening but it seemed that it was Jonghyun's favorite subject. He was carefully participating and he kept his posture steady, ready to listen. Jessica didn't want to look again because people around might think she's some weirdo and just carried walking to her dorm. It was not far from the university because it is only throughout the campus. She was always glad that her place was not far away. And with that, she took her time walking to her dorm, feeling quite down that again, she was alone in her free lesson.


With one swipe of her card, the door opened to her dorm. She neatly took off her pumps to switch to her fluffy slippers that the girls had bought for her. Before doing anything else, she threw her bag on the small couch and also, threw herself there to lie down. Jessica was quite the lazy girl. She would want to stay inside more than being active and getting health sunlight outside. However, she still sticks to a healthy lifestyle and Sica doesn't go overboard with not caring about herself or her home. The last thing on her mind is to be messy and unorganized to the point people will think bad of her. Jessica got up from her small rest on the blue couch and walked to her study table. The table was kept neat and tidy, while Jessica boots up her computer. Next to her computer were her prized possessions. Her cameras. Obviously, a photography student would have this but the memories that were kept inside are the most important things. She would take her camera everywhere. From taking silly selcas with friends or the beautiful landscapes.. well anything that interest her imaginative mind. 

After getting a cup of coffee from the kitchen, she sat back down on the computer chair. There was almost one thing that Jessica would not miss every time she turns on her laptop. Blog. You could call that she is an avid blogger but it's not to make money from it. She just does it for fun. Time to time, Jessica would blog about the happy stuff that happens in her life but also the unfortunate ones. It is more of a diary for her. Giving the progress and see what was happening in her life. Jessica is thoughtful like that. She is not an outspoken person nor is she a social outcast. It's just, some things, that would be needed to be kept inside and not broadcasted. So, Jessica quickly made a post about what had happened in her day so far. It was a short one because not much has occurred. Jessica just typed about what her photography teacher said that stuck in her mind. Always go with what makes you happy. This is a message to all the students and makes them think about if they really like what they are doing. Then, Jessica remembered. Jonghyun. She gave an example of someone who seems to have chosen the right path and do what he really wants. 15 minutes has passed. Before she posts it in her blog, Jessica thoroughly proofs reads what she typed so that no mistakes can be found. This long process of blogging did not bother Jessica at all. In fact, she loved it. With another click, the paragraph was posted for her followers to see.

Jessica sighed and took a sip of her coffee. Now, she was out of things to do. She has 45 minutes left before her next class starts.

"Oh boy, what can I do?" The girl looked around her dorm to see what could entertain her but it failed. She ended up contacting the other girls if they are out of their respective lesson already (Which is a bad idea if their phones ring in class). Sica tried to contact Taeyeon. After 3 rings, she picked up.

"Hello?" Taeyeon whispered. It was obvious she was in class. Jessica facepalmed when she could hear the teacher.

"Yah nevermind. I thought you were out. Concentrate hard on your lesson" Before Taeyeon could answer she hang up saving her from any trouble if she gets caught. None of the other girls picked up and this has left Jessica to just go out and walk around campus. She had nothing to study and no one was around to entertain her. So, Jessica had no choice but to just walk till it's time for next lesson.

"Okay let's go" Jessica said to herself as she wore her pastel blue cardigan on and slipped on her pumps. She closed her dorm door behind her, double checking if it was really locked. Then, Jessica walked around near her dorm for a good 10 minutes, just taking in the beautiful garden in the middle. Sometimes, she would stop to take pictures of the flowers radiating from the sunlight with her smaller pocket camera. With each successful shot, she would smile to herself and think about how she would post this up.


Overall, it seemed that took a hundred pictures. She looked at her clock and saw that she still had time to get a drink because she felt thirsty after walking around. Sica walked to the nearest vending machine in their dorm, the same one that ate her money. The same one where she met her K-Pop Buddy. When she was nearly there, she noticed someone. The guy was standing in front of it, choosing what he wanted to buy. She did not recognize him from where she was standing. However, when she got closer, the guy turned around with a drink clutched in his hand. There he was. K-Pop Buddy. Jessica was pleased to see someone she knows at this time. Jessica smiled and walked faster towards him.

"Yah, I thought you still have a lesson?" Jessica was curious on why he was already out of class at this time. Jonghyun replied with a goofy smile that he could not resist and answered,

"Prof let me out... early" Again, Jonghyun smiled at her with his geniune smile that cannot be helped. Sica giggled at this gesture and lightly his arm. She had a habit with that. Jonghyun was shocked with the sudden contact and at that moment, Butterflies again.




I guess I'm back ^^

Sorry for not updating in a long time.

Personal problems and stuff arise which is bad but hopefully people will still read this fic.

Thank You for reading! Help me get motivation by commenting on what you think :]

Also if anyone lives in London, are you going to the MBC K-Pop culture festival concert? Lemme know ^^

Enjoy - J

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Chapter 1: Lol, I wonder what's going to happen next with Jonghyun's friend request. I love this story! It's such a good read ^_^
Yah! You better update! I've been waiting for this like, forever. So please please update more frequently!!!
Yay! You updated ^_^
nerdscandy #5
Of course jjong would do that for sica :-)
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA jonghyun went home to research big bang just for jessica LOOOL

thanks for updating !
Annalise93 #7
Ahhh loved it
ahhh! a refreshing read! ^^ i really like how you elaborated on the setting of the story :) i feel it's heaps relevant for the title of your fanfic! ^^ i'm excited for your next update! x

yay! ^^ this sounds heaps great!
i hope that you'll continue to be inspired by this beautiful couple!