At the Dry-cleaning

This is life... Sweet and sour

They were all at the entrance of the university building now...

"Smells good.... this is the kind of smell I've been longing for!" HongKi said breathing in a ton of air.

"Sniff Sniff ...Did you just fart?! Hyung... do you have to do that first thing in the morning?!! " MinHwan shrieked at Jaejin.

"Ya!! It wasn't me... you idiot! It was your beloved HongKi hyung!!" JaeJin shot back.

"When will you ever stop bickering over nothing?! The only time when you two aren't nagging each other is when you two are squabbling!!!!!" Seung Hyun balwed and walked up the stairs to the classroom.

Minhwan and Jaejin were dumbfounded by Seung Hyun, as he had never ever raised his voice before.


Back at their home where all five of them live together, (they parents' homes are quite far from the uni so they rented an apartment in the uni neighbourhood and stayed together)

"First day of university was fun... quite unexpected" Jun Hun spoke lazily from his bunk bed. "I am glad none of you fought with each other" (Jun Hun was busy signing up for the school clubs so he didn't know what went on behind him)

"KeKe KeKekeKe" Seung Hyun couldn't stop giggling.

"Hey... I'm going to send the clothes for dry cleaning... who's with me?" HongKi questioned.

"Me Me Me....I'm coming!" MinHwan raised his hand and quickly followed his 'beloved hyung' .

(Click .... Slam!! They went out )

Jaejin and SeungHyun's pov:

That little devil Choi MinHwan... trying so hard to get along with HongKi hyung... Is he thinking HongKi would buy chicken for him everyday by doing that?

End of pov.

At the dry-cleaning,

"This is it, Ahjumma, when can we get them back?" MinHwan asked.

"Tomorrow evening should be fine" replied the Ahjumma,"It costs this much" showing the voucher.

"Here it is" HongKi paid her and was ready to leave the dry-cleaning with MinHwan...........Just then,

"AHJUMMA!!!!................ puff..........puff.................where clothes?!...................puff...puff.................I left them here in the afternoon.................Are ...Are they in the washing machine already????!!" A young guy came running out of breath, asking as loud as his lungs would allow, gasping for breath at the same time... . He was drenched in sweat despite the cold, looking restlessly around, perhaps for his clothes.

"Oh you! .... your clothes? They are probably done being washed..... but they still need to be dried...It'll take a while but you can sit there and wait if you want ^_^" said Ahjumma.

"WHAT?! NO WAY!! Why did you wash them already?! Normally, you would only wash it in the morning!!" the young guy screeched.

"Yes, but you said you wanted it as soon as possible when you left them..... I was doing you a favor as you are our regular.....What's wrong?? "

Without answering, the young guy dropped to the floor............. "Huh??" HongKi, Minhwan and Ahjumma gasped.

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Oh.. I have to read back chapter 2 while i'm reading chapter 4..-_- i got all mixed up. I thought the young boy was Min Hwan..kk
update soon !!
elise_saggi #3
Pls do subscribe people!!! Thanks... :D
elise_saggi #4
Pls leave comments and pls support me..... ^_^ !!
haha.. enjoyable!! and quite funny.. I keep smiling for no reason while reading this.. :D :D
Waiting for your update..