Chapter 5-

Guide to Surviving YG for Dummies

YG Entertainment reveals new project: 21Bang!

To all of you fans that are feeling deprived after Big Bang's comeback months ago and 2NE1's hiatus, get ready for YG's new project! YG has revealed via their official blog site that 2ne1 and Big Bang will come together once more to perform collaborations. Often dubbed as leading figures of the Hallyu Wave, this is something that is sure to rile fans across the world. YG Entertainment issued this official statement:

"We saw how popular 2ne1 and Big Bang's 'Lollipop' song was so we had planned for another collaboration down the road. It wasn't until now that we had finalized the details. We hope that the fans will suport us in this risky leap and enjoy the music that comes out of this new project."

They then posted a picture of the tracklist that spread across the internet like wildfire for the suprising duos and trios that occur within the album.

1. Catch Me If You Can - Bigbang, 2ne1

2. Trickster- Seungri, CL

3. Nothing Left- Daesung, Dara

4. Ain't Got Me- TOP, G-Dragon, CL

5. Like That (ENG) - G-Dragon, Minzy

6. One More - Taeyang, Minzy

7. Crush- Seungri, Dara

8. Imperfections - TOP, Park Bom

9. Shout - Taeyang, Daesung, Park Bom

10. Lollipop [BONUS TRACK]

You can be sure this album is something to look forward to! Which collaboration are you most excited for?



harooharro: HOLY SHIZ.  IS THIS FOR REAL? NO TROLLING YG !! OMGOMGOMG where to begin??!! YG is a genius, all these pairings are perfect! TOPBOM together forever, alien couple ftw! Taeyang, Daesung, and Park Bom, all the power vocals together in one song is going to be eargasmic. TOP, CL, GD all the charismatic rappers in one collab *faints*, CL and PANDA? RIRIN!! Trickster...LOL this song is about our pandababy. Taeyang and Minzy, my god, they were beyong perfect at NOLZA concert and now they're doing a song together?! SQUEAL. Daesung and Dara, i feel that their vocals would be so good together esp. in a slow, sad song which is what 'nothing left' sounds like. OMG so excited. Crush by PANDARA!! Ever since strong heart i've wanted to see more interaction and now it's happening. YG is answering my prayers.  G-dragon and Minzy, this is so weird but this is the one that i'm looking forward to because it's so unexpected!! PLUS IT'S IN FREAKING ENGLISH. THANK YOU YG! Catch me if you can sounds so epicccc, i can't wait for the mv. ok i'm done, i need to go privately spazz somehwere.

kpopfanatic: . IS THIS REAL LIFE?

jonghyunnie: That tracklist is no joke. I'm not even a VIP or Blackjack and this is making me spazz. I'm looking forward to Like That i know G-dragon's English is super good and Minzy isn't fluent but i've heard her sing in english and she has an awesome accent! I know it's going to be good!



"Can you please move?" I nearly growled at the poor model. She was new and I know I shouldn't have let my temper flare. But it had. I jabbed towards the corner of the backdrop. "Over there." I pointed emphatically. I started muttering to myself in English. "Damn it all. I could be at home sleeping, eating and being stress-free but i'm here with incompetent people." The model's doe eyes grew even more confused as I continued murmurring to myself.

"Give her a break, Yoojin." A voice sighed in English. I turned around to see Teddy slouching down in a seat with his cap pulled down over one eye. "Sheesh, you've sure gotten cranky." he turned to the model. "Ah, forgive her, she's having family problems." he lied smooothly.

My jaw dropped open, "Am not!" I hissed back in English.

Teddy shrugged, "Please try to be a little bit more professional, Yoojin." He got up and started walking around, supervising the makeup area where Bom and TOP where busy getting primped and primed. I fumed silently after him and took deep breaths. Teddy was a good friend. In fact we were practically partners in crime. Often, when we worked with new people I would pretend to be only fluent in English and have him act as my translator. The thing with Koreans, and mainly Asians as a whole is they're horrible gossipers. I should know, I did my fair share in high-school. It cracked us up when I turned around to speak to them in Korean and see the look on their faces. Yup, we were bored.

I turned back to the model, "Aish, I really am sorry. Things have been so stressful. You're doing a lovely job, really." I apologized.

She brightened and bowed at my compliment, "Thank you!" she chirped happily. Her light mood shone through her dark, gothic makeup. We had decided to give TOP and BOM's song a vampire-esque feel to it. 4MINUTE had done something similar months earlier but I really wanted to do more than just give them red eyes. I wanted to have some actual fangs, and biting and blood. It suited the song that they had composed with the help of Teddy.

It was a dark song about a girl that loves a man so much she's willing to sacrifice everything for her no matter how much pain she suffers. It was a suprisingly emotional song based on how they got the inspiration for the song. I had been reading Twilight (don't hurt me) in the studio while they were brainstorming. Bom, looked over hungry and saw the cover and the idea came to her that they would do a song about a painful love. (She had in mind Bella and Edward while the song actually sounds like an abusive-relationship) I kid you not.

The photodrop was a gothic house with spindly looking trees situated outside the doorway. It looked eerie, just the way I had wanted it to be. I picked up my camera gingerly and called for Seunghyun-oppa. "We need you now, are you guys done with his makeup?" I asked.

The makeup artist who I didn't quite know very well nodded and TOP came over in full makeup. I smiled in satisfaction as I saw him. His stunning good looks made his transformation into a vampire all the better. His skin had been powdered to a chalk white making his dark features more alarming. His lips had been painted a deep red and fake blood coursed down his jaw line staining his crisp, white button-up shirt.  His eyes were a cold ice blue, almost white that pierced through the makeup alighting his famous stare.

"Sheesh, you look scary." I commented.

He shrugged with a light laugh, "I haven't worn this much eyeliner since my debut days. Feels weird." I stepped forward to adjust his collar and flare it out.

"Not enough blood. Can somebody come over here and add some?" I called out. A young woman stepped forward with a tube of red paint and started applying it expertly onto his white shirt. He opened his mouth to reveal 2 perfectly sharp fangs that were tainted red at the ends.

"That's good." I interrupted the makeup artist and pulled Seunghyun over to the backdrop and motioned for the model to come over. "What's your name?" I asked pleasantly.

"Jung-Hwa." she replied shyly, intimidated by Seunghyun's appearance. She played with the edge of her lacy dress. She was wearing a black lacy dress that was torn to give her a ragged look. Her makeup was done in all kohl black to give her a dark edge and her lips were painted a bright red. Her neck was done up to look as if it has just been bitten with blood smeared all over it and gash marks painted across the smooth expanse of her skin.

I nodded and gestured at the two of them. "Well, I suppose you should introduce yourselves before you bite her." I instructed mildly. Jung-Hwa blushed and bowed. Seunghyun, ever the gentleman, smiled charismatically and shook her hand. I took up my camera and squatted down.

"Ready?" They nodded and I set my camera to the right lighting. "I'm not going to give you  shot by shot instructions but keep in mind that you, Jung-Hwa are supposed to be enjoying this. You want him to take your blood. And Tabi, you're supposed to look bored because you really want another girl. Mkay?"

They nodded again and got to posing variously, one with his hand on her waist. One with him snarling, about to tear into her neck. One with her limp on the ground as he wiped his mouth clean of the blood. Shot after shot, I had to admit that Jung Hwa was a brilliant model, she played her part perfectly with a small smile on her lips everytime she shifted positions. Seunghyun followed her lead and also modeled well, he didn't have to do much. He exuded that dark, mysterious aura just standing there. They really did have good chemistry that they I really believed the two of them. Then we had finished, and TOP and Jung Hwa went to go check up on the footage.

"Are they done?" A female voice came impatiently. I laughed as I recognized the jealous voice. I turned around and saw Bom with a half scowl on her face.

"Don't scowl like that, you'll mess up your makeup." I gently chided. She had dyed her hair back to black and it was curled in a doll-like fashion. Her lips were painted a soft pink and a light blush covered her cheeks. Her large eyelashes framed her eyes making her all the more gorgeous. She wore a white, flowy lacy dress that extended to the ground. However the red blood was smeared onto her dress in certain parts of her dress and her neck had also been made to look as if she had just been bitten.

"She annoys me." Bom replied pointedly. She glared at Jung Hwa who was standing a tad too close to her alien.

"Are you jealous?" My eyebrow rose tauntingly. "Look, Jung Hwa's nice, it's not like she knows. It's not like anybody but YG family knows about the two of you." I laughed wiggling my eyebrows at her.

Her eyes grew wide, "Shhh!" she hissed. "Keep your voice down." Her expression changed from jealousy to worry. The two of them had been dating for about a year now and nobody had suspected a thing. Alien Couple was all too real but it's not like they wanted to tell anybody that. They were worried about the repurcussions with the fans. After all Se7en had lost nearly 100,000 when he came clean about his relationship. I, however didn't think it would be that bad if it came out. So many people liked TOP and Bom together dubbing them as the Alien Couple.

Regardless, their lips were zipped shut. "Okay! We're done! That's a wrap." I clapped my hands together. "Thank you. Somebody clean off TOP and Jung Hwa, you're done for the day!" I said cheerily. "You did an awesome job." I complimented genuinely.

Her cheeks went scarlet and she bowed. "Thank you." She bowed and then walked away, to get her makeup cleaned off. I saw Bom look at her pointedly and I shot her a glare.

"Stop it." I mouthed to which she just shrugged. Bom was a really nice person she was just insanely jealous when it came to TOP. I didn't blame her. She was dating a guy that was repeatedly voted 'most-good looking'. She had to feel threatened or worried sometimes.

TOP stripped off his bloodied shirt with everybody averting their gaze. Nobody wanted to be caught looking at his chest. Still, a few female staff members looked over with a titter or giggle, thanking god that they worked for YG. He put on a new white shirt and now put a drapey suit jacket over it. Makeup artists surrounded him, reapplying the blood on his shirt and mouth. In a record 5 minutes, he was all finished.

The two of them shuffled towards the backdrop and I stepped forward to give them instructions.

TOP was smirking as he viewed Bom. "You look good." he murmurred quietly.

She glared at him, but a small smile tugged at her lips. "You look more like an alien than ever." she replied nonchalantly.

My eyebrows rose again, "We done flirting?"

TOP shrugged, "For now." he smirked again, teasing Bom. She smacked his arm and put on a smile, "We're done. Yoojin-ah what would you like us to do?"

"Bom-unnie, you have to look like you're giving in to him. You don't really want to but you do this out of love-kind of thing, understand?" She nodded and I continued. "TOP you have to look controlling, possesive and manipulating-"

"-that won't be too hard." Bom muttered under her breath.

"Says the girl that can't stop glaring at the model which I pose with." he laughed quietly as her expression turned to mortification.

I glared at the both of them. "Stop it, you two." I took a few steps backwards and then, the photoshoot began. Instantly, their professionalism and they got to posing.

I had never shot the two of them by themselves. But it was utterly mindblowing how well they posed with each other. Granted, it was obvious that they would have real chemistry but this was just...breathtaking. And yes, I know this sounds weird. But I can't help but get excited when I have 2 people that pose together and make the camera love them. That's part of why I love photography so much, when you're able to capture natural things that don't seem forced or stiff.

All the staff members watching them were blushing furiously. But it wasn't as if they were doing anything explicitly romantic or ual. They were just touching each other lightly and in some shots they weren't even touching, just looking at each other. I was grinning by the time I was done. "That's a wrap!"


Teddy came into my spacious office and knocked on the door. "Am I interrupting something?"

I shook my head, "Nah, just picking the teaser images that we're going to release. TOP and Bom." I stated, gesturing to the pile.

He looked over them and whistled, "Sheesh, they might as well tell everybody they're dating."

"Yup. Exactly what I was thinking." I laughed and gave him 5 photos. "I chose the individual pictures already, I just can't decide the couple ones. Those are the ones, I'm considering. Which one?"

Teddy looked over them carefully and then he picked one up. It was with Bom, her back was facing to the camera, her head tilted slightly and her neck was elongated showing the bloody side. She was pressed up against TOP with an almost startled but resigned look in her eyes. TOP was grasping at her shoulders tightly with his mouth in a wide growl, his fangs gleaming a brilliant white. Even through the feral expression you could still see his signature smirk.

"This one."

"Alright." I smiled, "This is it. Time to rile all these fans up."


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ninasunrise #1
kyahh, no continuation on this? :(
Silver_Moonlight999 #2
Starting to read it ^^
I just read the summary and i 'kinda' liked it :D
If this fic is full of romance then that 'kinda' will turn to 'Absalutely' :3
I just hope this fic is full of SKYDRAGON and TOPBOM, and maybe a little Darayang and Daemin/Seungmin??
Oh well ,Im gonna read it now.
ninasunrise #3
what a fascinating concept! i'm excited to see more.
I love this story! :D
Morwenna #5
LOVE IT! :D I can't wait for more ^^
Collab between 2ne1 and BigBang? O.O Omo that's be so awesome!
I wonder what it would be...
Seungri-ssi, you really are a er for licorice!
I don't like licorice that much XD
Daran-unnie, forever flawless model physique person~
And she's nice too!

Hwaiting for more guides ^^
ooh la la~ I love it! update soon :D
LOL! YG, why do you love suddenly cutting your employee's vacation time? XD
I really like your character ^^
She seems really honest and realistic~