Chapter 4-

Guide to Surviving YG for Dummies

Rule #28: Meetings are always to be taken seriously. Even if YG does talk funny.

The YG entertainment building is impressive to say the least. It has a funky, eclectic arcitechtural style and showcases modern technology in all its glory. The three of us strolled in the front entrance with my suitcase clunking behind me. A couple of fans stood by the entrance squealing loudly as they saw Seungri and Dara. Try as they might hide their identities, fans are scary-perceptive.

They chattered excitedly, waving their cameras in the air and pushing through the crowd.

"Can we have a picture with you Dara-unnie?"

"Please take this Seungri-oppa?"

"Move out of the way!" they cried out, shoving each other to get to Seungri and Dara.

I rolled my eyes as Seungri hammed it up shooting the girls winks and flirtatious smiles. Dara acted like an angel giving them warm smiles and bows but refusing politely to take pictures. YG had strictly forbidden them to do so as it would usually draw crowds of fans. The security guards eventually subdued the crowd and we walked in, a burst of air-conditioning hitting our faces.

We walked past the displays of all the groups in YG and walked past the front lobby and got in the elevator. Dara pushed down the top floor button and I eased against the wall of the elevator. "Is everybody here from the creative staff?" I asked.

Dara nodded and Seungri continued chomping on his licorice. "Yup. Shaun, Amy, Mina, they're all here. It's going to be a big-scale project." Dara hit his shoulder.

"Aish, Seungri-ah, be quiet! YG specifically said to tell her nothing." she glared at him but he shrugged, continuing to eat the licorice in peace. She let out a sigh and then looked at me, "So how are you? What do you do in the states?" she asked curiously.

I laughed, "Nothing special. I just visit my family, lounge around my apartment. I was suprised when YG called."

Seungri smirked, "Ne, I heard you sounded angry on the phone with YG."

I scowled, "Yeah, I wasn't expecting him, did you guys know about this project beforehand?"

Dara shook her head, "We were just as suprised." The elevator let out a little ding and the doors slid open to reveal the little lobby in front of YG's office. It was empty, and almost eerily quiet. Dara poked her index fingers together, anxiously.

Seungri looked around, "I get shivers everytime I come here!" he whispered fiercely.

I rolled my eyes again, "That's because everytime you come here, you're always in trouble."

Dara led us forward and she knocked hesitantly on the door. YG's distinctive voice sounded and I heard the quiet chattering of people behind the door. "Who's there?" he demanded sharply.

"Dara and Seungri with our guest!" she called out cutely.

There was a scraping of chairs against the floor and then YG called out, "Come in!"

Dara opened the door to reveal his conference style office room. At the conference table the people were seated were CL, Minzy, Bom, TOP, Jiyong, Taeyang, Daesung, Shaun Evaristo and Aimee the choreographers, and Mina Kwon the artiste and creative mind sat at the table.

"Sumyeon!" They all greeted cheerfully. I bowed in greeting to Sajangnim and he nodded his head with a small smirk plastered on his face.

"Did you have a nice flight? The first-class seat was a nice touch, ne?" he laughed.

"Yes, thank you for that." I replied. I took one of the empty seats, to the right was CL and to my right was Shaun. I turned to speak to Shaun in english, "Did you also get a last minute call?" I asked wryly. We had become close friends as I often had translated for him in the past.

He nodded and pointed towards his dark eye bags. "Red-eye flight."

I chuckled and we both fell silent as YG stood up to adress everybody. "Welcome all of you. I bring you here the finalized details of a new project borne out of popular demand."His eyes flickered over to me. "Sumyeon can you guess what it is?" he had another smirk on his face.

He's such a troll...I glowered. He always felt the need to test me. Well, I actually had the answer sheet today. I looked up at him and without blinking answered, "A 2NE1 and BIGBANG collab."

Dara glared at me and Seungri coughed lightly. YG noticed this and he shot both of them annoyed stares. "What did I say you two?" Jiyong smirked at the maknae enjoying his unease.

I grinned. "Oh don't bother with them. I bribed him to tell me. Curiousity got the better of me."

He sighed and continued, "Geez, now there's no fun." he complained lightly.

Shaun spoke up, "A collaboration? Are those common in Korea?"

YG nodded, "Well, 2ne1 and Bigbang have already done a song together once for a commercial and it was very well recieved by fans. We racked up nearly 40 million views on that youtube video." he grabbed a remote and he played the music video behind him on the screen. 2ne1 and Bigbang started laughing at how they had looked years ago.

"We plan to make a whole album for their collaboration. It'll be a sub unit of YG entertainment and we'll name them 21Bang. I didn't want to come up with an entirely new name so that it will be easily marketable and recognizable as 2NE1 and Bigbang together. We'll have one song with all of them together, which is currently in the works. And then we have subunits with in this collaboration. Understand?"

I raised my hand, "So you mean like one member from 2ne1 and one member from Bigbang coming together to create one song?" 

"Exactly. The sub-units have already been choses by each other and which sounds would work best together. We first have TOP and Bom working together on a song with the help of Choice37. We wanted the song to have a dark feel to the song that could work with TOP's low voice and Bom's haunting vocals. Sumyeon, Mina, Shaun and Aimee will have to be able to develop a concept based on that."

I grinned, "How about an alien concept?"

Bom pouted, "Aniyaaa~"

Jiyong now spoke up, "Minzy and I will be working together as well. We wanted to have a party/clup type song similar to 'High High'. Another collaboration will be with myself, TOP, and CL which will be a rap song a kind of edgy concept." I nodded and wrote this down.

"Seungri and I will also be working on a song together.The concept is not yet decided." CL added. I looked up suprised.

"You two? The cat and the dog?" my mouth fell open. These two were like siblings that never got along and always insulted each other.

Minzy, Bom, and Dara burst out laughing, "That's what we said, but they insisted on doing a song together. I think this is another one of their competitions."

 Seungri scowled, "We've made up right Chaerin?" he smiled broadly. CL in turn blankly stared at him. "Aish, we have made up!" Seungri insisted. "Whatever, Chaerin, i'll work harder on my duo with Dara."

"I think the concept should be cute-style with a fresh sound." I put in my two cents. "You and Dara are known to be the cute, fresh and young ones of the group so it will be easy to put in your songs." YG nodded approvingly at my analysis.

Dara lit up at the idea, "Daesung and I will also be doing a song together about lost love." she clutched at her heart and sighed dramatically. "My gentle vocals and Daesung's power vocals will provide a sad ballad."

Daesung nodded, "In addition, myself, Taeyang, Bom and I will be doing a song, all the main vocalists. The really don't know yet as the song hasn't been developed yet."

Taeyang spoke, "I will also be doing one with Minzy. We wanted a kind of sleek R&B song that we could put our dance skills too."

"So a kind of smooth, y concept?" I asked. "You guys could really pull it off." I turned to Shaun, "They want to make a smooth R&B song with powerful dancing."

He nodded, "Gotcha. I can do that."

"That's it? So that's 2 collabs per member. Awesome. What about the title track, which I assume is the one where all of you perform. What concept was that going to be?"

Jiyong spoke up, "I wanted to do something similar to Lollipop but have its own originality. Just a fun song that everybody likes, like I am the Best or Fantastic Baby."

YG nodded, "We want another chart topper, to prove that after all these scandals we can still recover."

I snorted, "I think we pretty much proved that with Bigbang's comeback. They're a shoo-in for album of the year."

Sajangnim narrowed his eyes, "Pride comes before the fall. Awards are not what we're after, it's proving our worthe to the industry." he warned.

I shrugged, "Sorry, can't help but be a little biased. Anyways we should start working on the concept idea."

He nodded in agreement and glanced at his fellow artists, "You guys are free to leave, we'll be brainstorming the creative aspect while you guys work on your songs. Teddy, Kush, Lydia, and Choice37 are already in the studio."

They all got up and bowed to Sajangnim before leaving. Minzy walked past me and whispered quickly, "Come back to our apartment so we can talk." I nodded quickly and then she left. And then it was only me, Shaun, Aimee, and Mina.

YG eased back into English now that it was only us. "So what do you guys think?" he asked casually.

"I think its a tight idea. They're both really popular groups and having them work together would be instant success." Shaun offered.

Mina nodded beside him, "Yeah, I'm really excited to start designing for them. I think that a lot of the sub-units are carefully thought out. TOP and Bom together especially. Everybody loves the alien-couple. TOP, GD, and CL have the instant charisma. Taeyang and Minzy already gained appeal with Only Look at Me at the Nolza concert. The rest of the sub-units are unexpected and could work really well."

 I mused over this, "I like G-dragon and Minzy and Seungri and CL. I'm looking forward to those."

YG leaned back and he smiled, "Alright, let's get started on this. Operation Bigbang and 2NE1 is a go go go!"

We put in our hands together, "HWAITING!"



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ninasunrise #1
kyahh, no continuation on this? :(
Silver_Moonlight999 #2
Starting to read it ^^
I just read the summary and i 'kinda' liked it :D
If this fic is full of romance then that 'kinda' will turn to 'Absalutely' :3
I just hope this fic is full of SKYDRAGON and TOPBOM, and maybe a little Darayang and Daemin/Seungmin??
Oh well ,Im gonna read it now.
ninasunrise #3
what a fascinating concept! i'm excited to see more.
I love this story! :D
Morwenna #5
LOVE IT! :D I can't wait for more ^^
Collab between 2ne1 and BigBang? O.O Omo that's be so awesome!
I wonder what it would be...
Seungri-ssi, you really are a er for licorice!
I don't like licorice that much XD
Daran-unnie, forever flawless model physique person~
And she's nice too!

Hwaiting for more guides ^^
ooh la la~ I love it! update soon :D
LOL! YG, why do you love suddenly cutting your employee's vacation time? XD
I really like your character ^^
She seems really honest and realistic~