Chapter 3-

Guide to Surviving YG for Dummies


Rule # 38: Bribery. Doing what you have to do to get what you can. Looked down upon but extremely neccesary.

Somehow I had always gotten the rotten luck of being seated to the most annoying people. My first flight over to Korea, I had been seated next to a large woman with a sickly sweet voice. Now, her size wasn't the problem, it was her tendency to pass gass every 10 minutes. During a 12 hour flight.  I passed out after 3 hours, whether that was due to the toxic fumes or my exhaustion, i'll never know for sure.

This time however, YG had bought me a first-class ticket and nobody had purchased a seat next to me. Perfect. YG had probably felt bad for the last-minute notice and did this as an apology. Apology Accepted.  I thought happily, sinking into the plush seat. Digging into my carry-on bag I pulled out my ipod and switched on some mellow song. I wondered what YG was up to now. Bigbang had already made their comeback, G-dragon's wasn't going to be until the summertime and 2NE1 was on hold for their American debut until the summer as well. Perhaps one of the Bigbang members were going solo again? I mused over this and finally decided to just sleep. No use stressing over things that weren't important yet.

By the time I had woken up 11 hours had already passed. I frowned as I checked the remaining time, geez, i must have been knocked out. The flight attendant offered me an immigration pamphlet and then filled my empty cup of water. I pulled out my carry-on bag and dug out my makeup bag, checking my reflection. I reapplied my smudged eye-liner and patted on some lotion on my cheeks. It was time likes these that I wished I woke up looking flawless like Dara-unnie.

The plane landed, quite a bit roughly and soon the horde of passengers filed off the aircraft. Instantly the warm humid air hit me once I stepped off. Quite a change from the rainy weather my hometown was notorious for. I flew through security, got my passport checked and soon I was waiting at the front of the airport. Usually, there was a taxi driver waiting there with my name on a sign but this time I didn't see anything. I craned my neck and searched throughout the crowd looking for my name but found nothing.

My phone vibrated and I saw an incoming picture message, it was a picture of a white van with a blue insignia on each door. The subtitle read, pick-up car. I shrugged at this odd way of communication and scanned the lot for the car and spotted it almost instnatly. Carrying my bags I shuffled out the door and headed towards the car, seeing a petite figure get out of the car and stand next to it. I squinted, observing the figure. The person was stick skinny with a bright brown curls peeking out of a hat but the face was nearly unrecognizable as big shades covered their appearance. As I got closer, the person's mannerisms made clear who it was.

"Dara-unnie?" I asked in disbelief. She was poking her index fingers together, a dead giveaway to who she was.

"SHHH!" she hissed but then sprang up to give me a huge hug. "I'm in disguise!" she whispered excitedly.  I looked her over and saw her all-black outfit. It wasn't much of a disguise but I wasn't going to be the downer.

I just laughed. "Sorry! I don't want to give you away, let's get in the car, yeah?" Dara nodded eagerly in agreement and opened the van door for me revealing a Seungri who was sprawled all over the back seat, asleep. My eyebrow rose as I caught sight of him. Weren't 2NE1 and Bigbang busy? How did they have time to actually come to the airport?

"Aishh, sorry about him." Dara apologized. "We've been waiting for an hour and he was so tired from all his activities in Japan that he just passed out." She lifted my suitcased and put it in the empty space. For a skinny girl like her, she had some serious arm strength.

"Yeah, about that, not that i'm not happy to see you guys but why are you guys here? Don't you guys have promotions to worry about?"

Dara grinned, "President YG gave us a week-long vacation. He saw how overworked we've been feeling and told us to rest. Seungri and I wanted to go and greet you though so we volunteered to come instead!" She explained. "We were suprised when he told us you were coming because that meant a comeback or something."

I looked up, "Who's making a comeback? YG didn't tell me anything."

"It's not a comeback. It's a new project." Seungri's groggy voice informed me.

Dara let out a little giggle, "Seungri-ah! You're not supposed to say anything until she gets to the HQ!" she waggled her finger at me. "It's going to be so fun!" she sang out.

"Tell me more!" I demanded but Dara shook her head and refused. Seungri also shrugged not wanting to incite her anger.

"Sorry Yoojin-ah, Dara-noona is scary when she gets mad." he crossed his arms and mimicked zipping his lips shut.

I rolled my eyes and then smirked, digging into my carry-on bag and pulling out the package of coveted licorice. "Oh really, well, would you rather have licorice or not?" I threatened.

Seungri's eyes glittered as he saw what I was holding. Dara let out a yelp of protests, "Hey! No bribing!"

I saw Seungri nod quickly and he opened his mouth, "It's a new 2NE1 and Bigbang collaboration!" he yelled out. I tossed him the licorice and he let out a gleeful cry. "This is so worth it." he muttered as he tore open the package.

Dara pouted and got into the driver's seat and I got shotgun. "Yoojin-ah you're lucky that I won't tell YG what you did. You have to act suprised!" she reminded me anxiously.

"Alright, alright." I grinned and with that, Dara closed the door, keyed the engine and sped off towards the YG headquarters.


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ninasunrise #1
kyahh, no continuation on this? :(
Silver_Moonlight999 #2
Starting to read it ^^
I just read the summary and i 'kinda' liked it :D
If this fic is full of romance then that 'kinda' will turn to 'Absalutely' :3
I just hope this fic is full of SKYDRAGON and TOPBOM, and maybe a little Darayang and Daemin/Seungmin??
Oh well ,Im gonna read it now.
ninasunrise #3
what a fascinating concept! i'm excited to see more.
I love this story! :D
Morwenna #5
LOVE IT! :D I can't wait for more ^^
Collab between 2ne1 and BigBang? O.O Omo that's be so awesome!
I wonder what it would be...
Seungri-ssi, you really are a er for licorice!
I don't like licorice that much XD
Daran-unnie, forever flawless model physique person~
And she's nice too!

Hwaiting for more guides ^^
ooh la la~ I love it! update soon :D
LOL! YG, why do you love suddenly cutting your employee's vacation time? XD
I really like your character ^^
She seems really honest and realistic~