Chapter 1-

Guide to Surviving YG for Dummies

Rule #7: When Papa YG says jump, you don't ask how high, you jump. Period.

I was sprawled on the couch with a fluffy blanket pulled over my body, watching reruns of old cartoons. Life was good. I would be off from work for about another month or so and during that time, I intended to sleep through most of it. My best friend Lena was over, and she plopped down next to me, offering a bowl of popcorn. "Geez, feels good to relax, doesn't it?" she commented.

I groaned, "Tell me about it. 3 weeks ago I was swamped with trainees, photoshoots and crap and now, i'm home and enjoying it." I let out an exhilarated breath and flipped the channel. "I swear if YG calls me during my break I will kill something."

Lena giggled and examined her neon yellow nails, "I don't know Yoojin, if YG made a call to me right now I'd hop on the next plane and be over there ASAP."

I rolled my eyes, "You say that, but wait till you deal with all the crazy fans, the stick skinny models who won't listen a word you say 'cause you're 10 pounds heavier than they are." I chewed viciously on a popcorn kernel.

"Whoa there. Spit out the kernel, don't crush it." Lena warned and gave me a napkin. "Jesus, you need other ways to channel your anger."

"I channel my anger by venting to you. Speaking of which, I've had it with the new trainees that come in. You should see them, they think that once they are admitted as a trainee they're set for debut. It's like they all lose their drive. And my god, you should have seen the new concept styles the staff came up with! They all have a lack of clothing. It's like we can't market idols if they have clothes on!" I fumed.

Lena just blinked at me. And I stared back. "Okay, i'm done venting." I decided. "Thank you for being an attentive listener." I said sarcastically. Just at that moment the phone let out a shrill ring. I groaned, not wanting to get up from my cozy spot.

Lena's hazel eyes twinkled mischieviously, "Let me get that, who knows? Maybe, YG is on the other line."

I laughed and mimed shooting myself in the head. "Don't jinx it!" I called out as she got up towards the phone.

"Hello?" she greeted amiably. And then her eyes narrowed. "Oh, i'm sorry, I don't speak Korean..." she trailed off regretfully.

I snorted, it was probably one of my mother's friends calling to check up on my health. I would let Lena deal with them, right now I was in a total Zen mode, not to be disturbed by anybody.

"Oh! Yes, yes she's right here. Just a second." I glanced towards Lena whose hazel eyes were practically shining.

"Oh. My God." she squeaked. "It's YG. Like, YG himself, like the president." she out the phone towards me.

Are you effing kidding me? I grabbed the phone with a snarl and tried to force some civility into my tone. I spoke in English so that Lena could understand. She always hated when I spoke in Korean when she was around. "President YG! I didn't expect you to be calling. Like at all." I added in a slightly panicked tone.

"I need you to be over on the next plane to Korea tomorrow. I already booked your ticket and i'm faxing it over to you as we speak. It's a 6:20 AM flight and i'll have somebody come and pick you up at the airport." He then switched to Korean, "What's wrong, did you lose all of your Korean over 3 weeks?"

"Anyo, je chingu neun yeogi!" Lena glared at me and I glared back with equal intensity but nontheless switched back to English. "I thought I had another month."

I heard YG let out a chuckle, "I'll explain everything, are you questioning me Yoojin?" He had a damn taunting lilt to his tone.

"No, i'm not." I glowered. "I'll be there."

"Good." he replied simply. "Pack for a month's time. We're anxious to see you!" the phone clicked and I clenched it tightly in my palm.

Lena looked excitedly at me, "So?"

I glared at the ground, "I hate suprises."



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ninasunrise #1
kyahh, no continuation on this? :(
Silver_Moonlight999 #2
Starting to read it ^^
I just read the summary and i 'kinda' liked it :D
If this fic is full of romance then that 'kinda' will turn to 'Absalutely' :3
I just hope this fic is full of SKYDRAGON and TOPBOM, and maybe a little Darayang and Daemin/Seungmin??
Oh well ,Im gonna read it now.
ninasunrise #3
what a fascinating concept! i'm excited to see more.
I love this story! :D
Morwenna #5
LOVE IT! :D I can't wait for more ^^
Collab between 2ne1 and BigBang? O.O Omo that's be so awesome!
I wonder what it would be...
Seungri-ssi, you really are a er for licorice!
I don't like licorice that much XD
Daran-unnie, forever flawless model physique person~
And she's nice too!

Hwaiting for more guides ^^
ooh la la~ I love it! update soon :D
LOL! YG, why do you love suddenly cutting your employee's vacation time? XD
I really like your character ^^
She seems really honest and realistic~