Meeting Someone New

Love of A Friend

Author's POV

You get pushed by Jonghyun accidentaly and sprain your ankle. While you are in pain on the ground, the guys are still fooling around. No matter how many times you try to get their attention, they ignore you.

A random boy helps you up and takes you to the nurse's office. He had nice black sleek hair, very muscly, he had ears that kind of shown out to the sides which was really cute, he was also taller than you..... >.>

"Yah, are you okay? I saw you fall." He said in a sweet tone.

"No, im not okay. My ankle hurts." You wipe off the tears on your face from crying of the pain.

"Let me help you. Here, get on." He helped you up and carried you on his back to the nurse.

By the time you got to the nurse, the guys finally stopped fooling around and noticed that you were gone.

"Yah, where's Seonmi?" Taemin asks looking around still laughing.

"I don't know, but come on we have to finish eating or else the scary lunch lady is gonna whip us with rulers." Answered Minho trying to trick Taemin.

"Really?!!? The lunch lady does that? What a meanie! Hmph. D:<"  Taemin stuffs food in his mouth and completely forgot about you.

Back at the nurse's office, the guy that helped you to the nurse is sitting next to you while the nurse checks your ankle.

"Hmmmmm.... Your ankle is sprained. I'll call your parent's to come pick you up." As she takes out a binder with emergency cards in them, you remembered that your dad is at work and he will never pick up his phone or even bother to come over to your school.

"Ummmm...Miss.... your father isn't picking up. What's your mother's number?" She asks getting ready to dial.

"My  mom, well, you see...... She's in America and my dad is my only parent that is here."

"......... ummmm i can call my mom to come pick her up and take her to the clinic." The guy that helped you to the nurse had a good idea but, would it even be possible?

"Well, since your parents wont call or anything, i don't know if i can because, i need to confirm with your father that this boy's mother can pick you up." She said making me worried.

"Ummm, well what else am i supposed to do? My dad get's off work around 7pm and my brother wont be home until tomorrow because of some test study.

"Yea, see exactly. My mom can pick her up." The guy helps a bit and i hope his mom does come.

"Aigoo........ Fine, fine. call your mom. Now this is going to be our little secret okay? if anyone else knows about this im going to be fired." The nurse finally gives in and decides to let the guy call his mom.

After he calls his mom, you two sit quietly for a while.

"Annyeonghasaeyo, i didn't get to introduce myself earlier, but my name is Lee Changsun, but you can call me Joon." He finally breaks the awkward silence phew.... you thought.

"Anyeong, im Park Seonmi. Nice to meet you. ^^" You smile sweetly being careful of your ankle.

"Sooo..... ummm i guess it's kind of weird that i called my mom to take you to get your ankle checked but, it's not like i stalk you or anything. Nothing like that, so please don't misunderstand i only wanted to help, i-" you cut him of giggleing.

"Yah, i know. hehe. no need to worry so much. But it isn't everyday that i get help from a stranger." you continue to giggle as he blushes in the  corner. You didn't know him well but, you did know that he is a nice person so you accepted to go with his mom to the clinic.

The day quickly passed by as you got your ankle bandaged and took time to be able to walk with crutches. Once you got home you prepared for how much you were going to get scolded. You lightly closed the door and tip toed to your room. On the way there, you ran into..... a tall tree?

You look up and see Minho. "Uh... Annyeong." You smile and start heading to your room.

"Yah! Where were you all day? After lunch we were looking for you like crazy." Minho grabbed your arm not letting you walk away.

".Tch...Well, ummm. can't you see? My ankle got sprained  because of you guys." You made him let go and you quickly went into your room before you see anyone else.... wait why was Minho even here? you thought.

You went back out slowly." Minho, why are you even here anyway?" You slowly get there almost falling since it's still uncomfortable with your crutches.

"I had to stay here because of you."

"huh?" You were completely confused of what he meant.

"The guys went to look for you..... Now don't think we like like you, we're just doing this out of courtesy."

"Okay, well call them. I'm here." you pointed to his phone on the table.

"Already did, and now i have to babysit you. They're gone to a party."

"wait, a party? I thought they were studying."

Minho nodded. "They call it studying......"

You rolled your eyes and went to the kitchen to find some food, but there are only ingredients.... And making the food would take too long..... You decided to make it anyways and made enough for two.

Your POV

The food is ready! >.<

Chao mein, Sticky rice, Orange chicken, egg rolls, fried rice...... oh yummy. :3 The smell of the food traveled across the house and Minho popped out and looked at the food.

"Want some?" I ask stuffing an egg roll in my mouth.

"No." Aish...... he's such a meanie now..... I thought he was the nice guy.... hmmmm...... I'm gonna make him eat >:D

"Yah. Ajusshi. Come over here." I bet ajusshi is gonna piss him off hehe. >:3

"I'm not that old!!! Aish........... what...."

"Close your eyes ajusshi."

He hesitated a moment, i think it's because i've been calling him ajusshi... hehe.

He closed his eyes slowly and to make sure, i covered his eyes with my hands and shoved some sticky rice in his mouth.

"There, you ate." I sat back down and continued to eat while Minho was kind of choking from the huge lump of rice i shoved in his mouth.

Once he stopped coughing, he narrowed his eyes at me making me giggle.

"What?" I ask giggling.

"You. Shoved. Food. In. My. Mouth."

"Well, at least you ate. I wouldn't want you to starve to death you pabo." I continue stuffing more food in my mouth and point at Minho's plate. "Look, i even served you some. So eat. If you don't want it then i'll eat it."

"I'll eat it, since you can't even finish a banana."

"Yah! Even if i am skinny, you can't even imagine how much i can eat." I yell.

The rest of the time we ate, it was so quiet until the door bell rang. I ran to get it and to my surprise, it was Joon.

"Joon. Hi. Wh-whatcha doin here?" I ask nervously.

"S-Seonmi? You live here? I came by to visit Thunder.... "

"Ahhhhh.... My brother... Well, he's at a party."

"Oh, well... ummm your his sister?" I nod

"Come in, it must be cold outside...." I pull him in by his arm and take him to the living room.

"I didn't have to come in, i could have just left."

"It's fine. I kinda need you anyways....... Math homework.... Can you help?" I ask shoving my math book at him.

He nods and for the rest of the afternoon we finish my math homework and i completely forgot about Minho.... I wonder where he is.....

"Kahmsamida." I smile to Joon sweetly making him blush a bit.

Before Joon can say anything, he spots Minho walking in.

"Minho. Hi!" Joon and Minho start playing around and it's all over again.. I'm like a ghost. *sigh*

"What's up bro? where have you been?"

I limp to my room and get ready for bed, and put my favorite song that keeps me calm to sleep........ Love of A Friend by U-KISS.

Author's POV

The next morning you woke up and it's school again....... Same clothes as yesterday except you put your hair in a ponytail and your bangs to the side.

You go downstairs slowly, and see the others. Key, Taemin, Onew, Jonghyun, Minho, Thunder, and this time..... Joon is there too! :O Omo!

You ignore Joon's presence and slightly grin. "Today is the day i get my revenge..... hehe." You whispered to yourself.

The whole entire day you planned your revenge and prepared for lunch time. You thought up many plans but they were all too weak, until you thought...... How about a nice haircut? I loose my ability to walk properly temporarely and they loose their hair temporarely. Even right? Now the person who pushed me gets it. >:3 Hehe.

You get some scissors ready for his haircut. And imagine how the plan will be like.

Step1. Tell jonghyun to come with you to the art room.

Step2. Close his eyes with a blindfold.

Step3. SNIP

Good right?



"Jonghyun oppa! Can you come with me please????" you gave him the puppy eyes so there is no way he can say no.

"After im done eating?"

"No, i want to go now!!" you whine and whine until he finally said yes.

When you two got to the art room you got the blindfold and tried to cover his eyes.

"Whoa... what are you trying to do?" He asked backing away.

"Covering your eyes, what else?" Now that i think of it..... i never felt good of getting revenge..... i should stop now right? You thought.

Right when you were about to back up the blindfold from Jonghyun, you slipped on paint that was on the ground and fell towards Jonghyun. Next thing you knew, you were ontop of Jonghyun and thank god your ankle wasn't damaged even more. Phew~~~~

"Aigoo.... Mianhae Jonghyun oppa."

"It's okay, now come on we better get back to lunch i'm starving."

As you were about to get off Jonghyun, someone enters the room. Both of you look up in surprise and get up.


Aish, he's gonna kill me for sure TT^TT

Author's Note:

Busy with school work *sigh* T^T State Tests coming up.

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oooh!! how are they gonna pay? great fic, update soon! ^^