Arriving in Korea, With Him???

Love of A Friend

Narrator's POV

As you step down the plane, you feel very excited to finally see you brother who likes to go by Thunder. He hates it whenever someone calls him by his real name..... But you just say it to annoy him after all he does over protect. -__-

Waiting outside at the pick up area, you suddenly start getting hungry. Your stomach growls and people walk by staring making you feel uneasy. You quickly take out some rice cakes you made before coming to Korea and eat them so your tummy won't growl anymore.

Meanwhile you're eating..........

Kim Kibum, comes back from Japan with 10 bags of luggage and some body guards. He walks by you and bumps you harshly making you fall over.

"YAH!!! Watch where your going PABO!!!! >:3"

"What did you just call me?" He turned and gave you a deadly glare.

"PABO!" You stuck your tounge out, mocking him.

"You better watch what your saying or you'll your regret it."

"It's not that bad of a word, you dont have to be such a baby about it gosh....." You just realized to your self that, this is the first time you have ever yelled at someone. Your usually

"Yah! SeonMi!" Thunder called out for you from the car infront of you.

"U-uh.... Thunder!!!!! I'm Coming!!" You dash towards him and quickly put the luggage in. Before you get in you did the merong at Kim Kibum still knowing you had no idea who he was.


Key's POV

Ugh, this girl.... How dare she treat me like this. >:3 Doesn't she know who's she talking to?!?!? It's me! freaking Kim Kibum the 'Almighty Key'!!!!

"Sir, would you like me to deal with the nuisance?" My bodyguard asks to many questions..... *sigh*

"Nah...... I'll let this one slide for now.... but if i see her again then you can so something..... Now stop the talk and let's go."

"Yes sir."

I was hoping to have a happy day, but that girl ruined everything.... Aish. Why did she have to come out out of nowhere. >.> Hmmmm... i should get my mind off of it. Spa.... i need a spa day.... "Mr.Driver! Take me to dah spa immediately!" Along the wayh to the spa, i see herrrrr again..... Aish. same girl twice in one day! That's never happened! Well, besides my mom ofcourse.

I open up the window and try to get the girls attention. "Yah!!!!! We haven't finished our talk yet!!!!!"

"Annyeong!............ I don't care..... Yah! tell your driver to go! It's a green light. PABOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" She seems even more annoying then before..... I'll get her back somehow.... maybe never but still. >:3

Your POV

Aish. Even if i yelled at him.... im still surprised my self.... I've never done that before... never...

"OPPA! Can you believe it?!?!? I actually yelled at a stranger and standing up for my self!!! Your proud of me right????" I was filled with pride and jumped in my seat of happiness.

"Dongsae...... It's kind of surprising and it was so sudden... are you sure you haven't done this before?" I Shook my head and continued on with my excitement.

It's been a while since i visited my brother and my dad..... Since my parents are divorced... I had to stay with my dad and go to Seoul High.... school for the rich.... i am rich but.... people there are so stuck up, i'd rather go to a public school rather than i private school..>.> Umma.... why did you agree to make me come over here? *sigh* 

Narrator's POV

You decided to take a nap, and an hour later you were woken up by some loud knocks on the door. As you slowly open the door to see who it is, your eyes widened as you revealed the visitor.

"Y-you!" you were about to slam the door shut, but Key's foot kept it from closing. "What are you doing here?" You used a calmer voice as how you usually talk.

"Hmph. You're all shy now? What happened to the monsterous girl back at the airport? Huh?" He observed every peice of furniter and decorations around your house, and tried to use his usual suductive voice.

"Can you please leave?" you calmly show out the way and gently pull him by the arm.

"Whoa.... Back at the airport you were all mean, and noww your so nice and calm? i guess my charm worked quite fast this time. He grinned pulled me into a possition that is very close to his face. He slowly runs his finger down my cheek making me get very bad feelings...

"Yah!! Let me go you ert! Aish your so immature!"

"Your 'Aish' sounds funny which quite disturbs me..." he gave me a weird look that made me feel even more uncomfortable especially since it's happening at my house!

"W-well, Aish, Aish, Aish, Aish, AISH!!!! Take that!" You yell mocking him

"Aish....... your such an annoying girl you know... very confusing too."

You get even more annoyed and just push him out, and it was hard since he was heavy. He would shake you off every single attempt but, you eventually got him out.

Key was still at the door, and Thunder apparently let him in for..... dinner...... What did i do to deserve this?? you thought T_T

"Dongsaeng, Key was out there the whole time, he's my friend so be nice to him."

"W-w-wait w-what?!?!? Key.... Is your friend oppa?!?!?!?" you couldn't speak right from all the key being your oppa's friend...... Oh Gawd.... why him? you thought

"Yea, so from now on call him either oppa or sunbae. if you dont, im going to embarras you in front of your new friends."

"Are you kidding me??? That's such a stupid reason!...... Aish..." In the corner of your eye you can see Key grinning to him self.... Aish that Key.... >.>

"So? Say his name, including the way your supposed to." Thunder teases you alot, but he's mostly protective over you.

".......ugh..... Annyeong..... K-Key Sunbae.... wait.... Sunbae??... Does that"

"Yups yups, we are attending the same school your one grade lower than me right?" You nodded and on the inside your screaming..... T__T i regret coming here now.....

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oooh!! how are they gonna pay? great fic, update soon! ^^