
Love Light

“That was a nice performance.” Yonghwa said to a tall young man, that was one of the performer that played some piece that night, shaking his hand.

“Thank you.” The man bowed to him.

“I learn from you, sunbae.” The man returned the compliment.

“And, who is this beautiful lady?” the man asked Yonghwa, while looking at Seohyun.

“This is my wife, Jung Seohyun.” Yonghwa introduced the two.

“Oh..” the man only said, shaking hands with Seohyun.

“You had a beautiful show tonight.” Seohyun compliment him as well.

“Not as beautiful as you.” The man said.

Yonghwa and Seohyun was taken by surprise.

Was this man crazy or what? Wasn’t I already clearly stated that she’s my wife? Yonghwa thought.

Seohyun glanced over at her husband, then smirk.

“So are you.” She complimented him again.

Yonghwa’s eyes was a size of the golf ball now.

Am I invisible? He thought.

The two continued to chat as if Yonghwa wasn’t there.

 Seohyun would glance over at her husband at times.

Yonghwa was frowning now.

“Excuse us.” Yonghwa abruptly said, dragging his wife away from the guy.

“What was that for?” Seohyun asked him, playing dumb.

“You’re only talking to him. Cant you see he was flirting with you?” Yonghwa snapped at her.

“Really?” was the only thing she said.

“He’s a nice guy though. Unlike the girls in the mall.” She continued.

Yonghwa’s eyes widened.

“Yah! I thought that we already talked about that?” he asked his wife.

“I already apologized.” He stated.

“ I know. I’m not mad at you. But that man is really nice.” Seohyun pretended to be really interested at the guy.

“I’m not nice then?” Yonghwa pouted at her.

“Yayyk…” Suddenly they heard their son’s voice.

The two had forgotten that they had brought along their son here.

Yonghwa and Seohyun looked at him.

Minhyuk was looking at his father with a disgusted face.

“That face doesn’t suits you, appa.” Minhyuk told his father.

“Yah!” Yonghwa snapped at him, but Minhyuk had already walked off.

“Maybe his right. That face doesn’t suits you, honey.” Seohyun told her husband and walked off as well.

“Yah! Aish these two..” Yonghwa grunted, and followed his wife.

“Excuse me.” Yonghwa stopped a waiter that was offering drinks in a tray.

“Yes sir? How may I help you?” the guy ask him.

“Do I look really old?” he asked the guy, pointing to himself.

The guy looked at him with a weird expression.

“N-No sir.” He stuttered, and walked off after excusing himself.

“See? I’m not that old. So that aegyo face still suits me.” Yonghwa said to himself.

Some of the guests near him just gave him side glances or weird look. Thinking that he must be crazy. But, wasn’t he that famous composer? Some of them that knows who Yonghwa was thought.

Seohyun and Minhyuk that had stopped on their tracks after not seeing Yonghwa following them, had seen the whole scene.

Minhyuk just face palmed himself. While Seohyun just shook her head.

“How could that guy be mt father?” Minhyuk uttered lowly, shooking his head and walked off.

“Aish, this guy is really…Urghh!!” Seohyun grunted, walking off out of the ball roam, to their car.

“Yah! Wait for me!” Yonghwa hollered to his wife and son, then followed them out of the room.

Some of the guests that heard his yelling just shook their heads.

an update :)

hope you like it..

sorry for waiting long :)

and, have you watch I AM?

The soundtrack is awesome!!

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this story us so cute! more yongseo moments pls!~ ^^
nahaha pouting yonghwa seems wird to his wife and son, lols~
So funny.. And cute.. Fany mhy you are so mean.. Poor minhyuk
Poor minhyuk
Fany,treat yr bro right!
what an entertaining chapter.
i feel sad for minhyuk. tiffany,treat your dongsaeng right ;)) use your aegyo.
gasp imagining amber doing aegyo kekeke~
what about this line >> “Really?! How could I was born as your child?” wasn't tiffany yongseo's daughter? I wonder ^^
tthnguyen #8
Having a crush on his own noona?? Are you serious Yong?? Why does Amber call Fany noona and not unnie??
Update Soon!! ^^
hihi. yong is so cute. :D
i love it because their family is so close,to the point where tiffany can share her love life :) awwee
Sweet.. Yong you are so childish