Dark World

In the darkness following your light


Leeteuk woke up to find himself in an unfamiliar place. On the floor beside the bed that he was lying in, there was a boy.
He had chocolate-brown hair, he was wearing all black. But what he noticed was the cuts on the teen's wrists.
He got off the bed and shook the boy's shoulder.
"Hey! Hey, are you ok?" Leeteuk called out, trying to wake the younger boy.
Kyuhyun's eyes opened to see the blonde above him, looking worried.
"Where…?" Kyuhyun said looking around, confused and tired.
"I'm not sure. I just woke up here as well. I found you after I woke up." The blonde replied helping the younger male up and on the bed.
"And you are…?" the chocolate-haired teen asked softly.
"Park. Park Leeteuk." The gentle male repled with a smile.
"Cho…Kyuhyun…" the chocolate-haired teen whispered.
"Its nice to meet you, Kyuhyun. But right now we need to find our way out of here." Leeteuk replied getting up and helping  his dongsaeng up.
"I don't…like it here…." Kyuhyun whispered getting to his feet, shivering slightly.
"Its alright. I'll get you out of here." Leeteuk said, taking the younger male's hand gently and squeezed it.
Kyuhyun was surprised by the action, but just nodded slowly.
They out of the door into the next room. Finding a kitchen and living room that were connected.
"C…Can we get out of here…?" the chocolate-haired male begged softly, gripping the blonde's hand tightly.
"Kyuhyun? What's wrong?" Leeteuk asked , feeling his dongsaeng's hand shaking and his gaze showed that he knew 
where they were.
"I…I don't want…to be here…please…" Kyuhyun begged softly, fear clearly showing in his eyes.
"Ok." Leeteuk said heading toward the front door.
"Kyuhyun?" a voice called from behind them and they froze. "Where are you going?" 
A woman was standing at a door a little down the hallway.
"U-umma…" the chocolate-haired teen said softly, still having a hold of the blonde's hand.
"Where are you going?" she asked again.
"Just for…a walk with a friend…" Kyuhyun replied clearly frightened.
"What friend? The boy with you? You never said you had any friends." She said a little coldly.
Leeteuk could tell that Kyuhyun was frightened of her, they had to leave now.
"I'm sorry, but Kyuhyun and I are going to go study. He asked for some help. So, we'll be going." The blonde remarked opening the door.
"I don't think so. Kyuhyun needs to stay home today."  The younger male's umma replied with a  cold tone.
Kyuhyun clung to the angel-like male, not wanting him to leave.
"I'm sorry, but he's coming with me, whether you like it or not." Leeteuk said a little fiercely. 
Kyuhyun was surprised by the blonde's tone towards the woman, but he stayed quiet.
"I will NOT Allow it." She said in a demanding tone.
"I want to go…" Kyuhyun said softly, not looking at the woman.
"No you will NOT. You shouldn't be going off with a stranger, Kyuhyun." She said walking over to them.
Leeteuk blocked the chocolate-haired teen from her.
"Get out of the way!" she said angrily.
"No. Can't you see that he's frightened? How he just wants to leave?" Leeteuk remarked, feeling the younger male still shaking as he still held his hand.
"Yes I do, but he is not allowed to leave. He knows that's a rule. Move aside." She said anger clear in her features.
"No. He has his right to freedom. He has a right to friends and happiness. All you are doing is hurting him. He has injured himself badly. He can hardly feel anymore. I may have just met him, but I can tell he is in a lot of pain. YOU are the one who caused it." The blonde explained.
Kyuhyun looked up surprised. He hadn't even met Leeteuk 15 minutes ago and he could already tell everything about him.
'How did he…?' Kyuhyun wondered.
Next thing he knew, Leeteuk was holding his umma's arm. She had a knife and was trying to attack him and Leeteuk. He recognized that knife. His eyes went wide.
"YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO LEAVE!" she screamed finally knocking Leeteuk aside.
She brought it down to stab her son. Kyuhyun closed his eyes covering his head terrified. 
When he didn't feel anything pierce his skin, he opened his eyes to see Leeteuk over him. He shirt bloody on his shoulder.
"LEETEUK!!" Kyuhyun cried seeing the blood.
"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR INTERFERING!!" she laughed evilly.
Then she feel over, blood running from .
Leeteuk looked to see that Kyuhyun had stabbed her chest, killing her.
"Kyuhyun…" Leeteuk said softly, holding his shoulder which was bleeding badly.
"Leeteuk! Please don't die! I need you!" Kyuhyun cried as tears started to fall.
"Don't cry, Kyuhyun… I won't leave you…" the blonde replied with a gently angelic smile.
"I-I'll get the first aid kit!" the chocolate-haired male said going over to the closet and pulling it out.
He cleaned the wound and put pressure on it to stop bleeding. It caused Leeteuk to wince a little.
"Sorry…" Kyuhyun said  with a sad eyes.
"Its alright. I'm just glad you are ok…" the angel-like male replied patting his head.
"You shouldn't have protected me…. You wouldn't have gotten hurt…" Kyuhyun said after he finished bandaging his shoulder.
"I didn't want her to hurt you, Kyuhyun. Your very life was in danger. I wouldn't let her kill you. No way." The blonde replied hugging Kyuhyun gently.
It surprised him, but he buried his face into his hyung's chest.
"Thank you…" the chocolate-haired teen whispered, hugging the elder back. 
"Now, let's get out of here." Leeteuk said as they bother got up.
"Yes." Kyuhyun agreed and they walked through the front door.
Where will they end up? Only that world knows...



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@teukifan Thanks so much!! <3
:D Kyuhyun and Leeteuk will meet again!
he must be very happy ~!!
awww, you must be tired ..
Do not force yourself ok?^^
kkk ~ wish, you can spend a lot of time so that the next chap (KyuTeuk) could be longer ^^
Hwaiting author-ssi! ^^
Update soon!! ^^
I hope they can live better :)
Update soon!!
123chu #4
123chu #5
Good story! I never read a kyuteuk story before. So you said key dad vanished? He can't be a ghost. Or maybe he is. I'm confused:(