Alone Again part 1

In the darkness following your light

Alrighty!! Sorry about the slow update!! I do have a life outside of this that takes alot of my time. And I'm sorry that I haven't updated. I have a job that I work 8 hours a day, depending on the schedule. I also am in charge of a covention's Registration. That also takes a lot of time. I also have other personal things that need to be done as well. So, please in the comments don't just say "Please Update," I might not be able to for a few weeks. I will try my best to update when I can, but there is not always a chance that I can. I hope that didn't sound rude in anyway. I just don't like being pushed to update when my personal life is priority. Please be patient! *bows* I will update again soon. Probably sooner then this one I promise! Thanks!

@MilMilk203407 It has become one of my fav pairings in SUJU! I hope I updated soon enough for you!

@123chu Please don't just say please update. I would like a response on the story. Thank you.


~ ~ ~

Leeteuk woke up and noticed that he was in his room and Kyuhyun wasn't lying beside him.

Tears started pouring down his cheeks.

"Kyu...Kyu..." Leeteuk cried loudly into his knees.

Leeteuk was alone again. Lonely and miserable..

He wanted Kyuhyun to be with him. He needed him.

~ ~

Kyuhyun woke up and started crying as well. 

"Leeteuk!" he cried loudly. 

His Umma came running down the hall after hearing her son crying loudly.

"Kyuhyun?! Are you okay?!" she called worriedly through the door.

"Umma..." he cried as she opened the door, coming over and hugging him.

"What's wrong, honey?" she asked, seeing how hard he was crying.

"He's gone...Leeteuk..." the chocolate-haired male cried harder.

"Leeteuk? Is he a friend?" his Umma asked surprised, that her son finally had a friend.

Kyuhyun nodded quickly, tears still pouring down his cheeks.

"Where did he go, honey?" she asked, running her hand through his chocolate-brown hair.

"I don't know... He's just gone..." the chocolate-brunette male cried.

His Umma rubbed his back, looking  worriedly down at him.

~ ~ ~

Leetuek knew he had to find Kyuhyun, no matter what. He looked through the phone book. Nothing.

Then he remembered the name of Kyuhyun's school. He then looked at the address and headed htere.

~ ~ ~

Kyuhyun sat in class, just like he used to. He wouldn't talk or even look straight at the teacher. He would listen, but never looked like it.

His teacher tried talking to him, but he wouldn't say a single word to her.

The intercom came on all of the sudden, surprising some of the students in the class.

"Cho Kyuhyun, please come to the principal's office." 

Everyone looked back at him worriedly, as he got up and left the room.

He came to the office and knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in, Kyuhyun." the principal said, hearing the knock.

The chocolate-haired male opened the door, stepped inside and closed it behind him.

"I called you down here because there is a young ma with blonde hair waiting for you at the front gate of the school. He was wondering if he could pick you up early." the principal explained with a smile.

Kyuhyun nodded.

"I...know him..." he replied softly. "Leeteuk..right..?" 

"Yes. You may go get your things and give this note to your teacher." the prinicpal said handing him a paper.

"Thank you..." Kyuhyun said softly, smiling and running out the door.

"He finally smiled." the principal siad with a happy smile.

Kyuhyun's teacher smiled at him, after she read the note, then he grabbed his stuff and left.

~~Chapter END!!~~ 

I hope that you liked the update. I should be able to update tomorrow! So no worries!!

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@teukifan Thanks so much!! <3
:D Kyuhyun and Leeteuk will meet again!
he must be very happy ~!!
awww, you must be tired ..
Do not force yourself ok?^^
kkk ~ wish, you can spend a lot of time so that the next chap (KyuTeuk) could be longer ^^
Hwaiting author-ssi! ^^
Update soon!! ^^
I hope they can live better :)
Update soon!!
123chu #4
123chu #5
Good story! I never read a kyuteuk story before. So you said key dad vanished? He can't be a ghost. Or maybe he is. I'm confused:(