Chapter 5: In the seashore

I was forced to lie


After the accident happen, I’m still in the airport waiting for any news about the people in that plane including my fiancé. I keep thinking if she’s alright? Is she’s doing fine? If she survived the incident, those things keep on running through my mind. Then I brought out my phone and call my parents to tell them what happen.
-Phone Conversation-
“Hello?” my dad answers his phone
“Dad!” I said out loud
“Owh… Minwoo! Is everything alright?” my father suddenly asked “I saw the news…’s about a plane crash, is it true?” He ask continuously.
“Y-y-yes! It’s true” I said while stuttering “the news was true and I have to tell you something!” I continued.
“What is it? By the way are you with EunMi now?” My father ask
“Sorry to tell you this! But NO, the news about the plane crash was the flight from Japan to Seoul and that plane is where EunMi…she was onboard!” I said loudly.
“WHAT! Oh NO, it can’t be! Mr. Kang will be definitely get hurt when he hears about this!” my father said in a shock tone.
“Dad! Listen to me; I’m still here in the airport waiting for more updates! Call Mr. and Mrs. Kang and tell them what happen, they need to know about this! If they don’t, this might be the cause for more problems” I explain
“o-Ok son! Please inform me as soon as possible if there is an update, OK?!” he said
“OK!” I answered back and then he hangs up.
Gongchan’s POV
After our work and practice; Me and my friends are hanging out beside the sea side while the sun is setting down. We always watch the sunset before we go home for dinner. Our favorite thing to do in the sea side is to walk through the beach where our footsteps are being washed by the water in the shore.
“Hyungs!” I called them
“Hmmm?” as they respond to my calling, looking back to me.
(A/N: Imagine they are walking and the 4 is in front and gongchan is being a slowpoke because he was looking into the shore and wondering)
“HAHAHA~ nothing! I was just wondering something” I said as I smile at them
“ What is it? Share it with us” CNU hyung said while he stop and wait for me
“Well! I was wondering what if we are now famous. What will be our lives now?” I said to them while CNU hyung wrapped his arms around my back and said…
“Hmmm…for me, I think you’ll be a girl’s magnet and so are we! HAHAHA~”he said jokingly.
“For me, we’ll be rich and yeah~ famous!” Baro hyung said
“Well for me, we’ll be busy and full! Full of foods…HEHEHE~”Sandeul hyung thought
“Me, I think we’ll be the same but famous, we’ll be known everywhere here in Korea and around the world!” Jinyoung hyung said with a smile.
“ HAHAHA! I agree with you guys~”  I said “ but except for Sandeullie hyung!” I said and ruffled his hair then started to run.
“YAH CHANSIK!!! Why mine? And do you really need to ruined my hair?” As he fix his hair and run after me.
“Because yours is to weird! HAHAHA!!” I said again while running away from him.
The other hyungs watched us and laugh at Sandeul hyung for being too slow to catch me. While I was running, I suddenly notice something floating in the sea that made me stop from running not minding that Sandeul hyung was after me. I went closer to it and notice that it was not a thing but a girl who is unconscious; I quickly went to her and bring her to the shore when suddenly…
“Gotcha!” Sandeul hyung shouted when he got me
“YAH! Not now hyung!” I said as I break free from his grip.
“why?! Huh? Who is that?” Sandeul hyung asked
“I don’t know! but I think she needs our help” I said to him
Then the other hyungs came and saw the girl.
“Hyungs! Thank God! Help me with her” I said
“OK!” they said
CNU hyung checked her pulse and heart beat and said “It’s still beating! I think she is drowned”
“Channie! Give her a CPR quick!” Baro hyung suggested
“YEAH! I think so too” Jinyoung hyung said in agreement
“Why me?” I ask
“No time to explain! Just do it now quick” CNU hyung said loudly
“Huh! OWH..OK!” I said and gave her a CPR.
While I was giving her a CPR I heard Sandeul hyung ask “why must gongchan need the one to give her the CPR?”
“Because he is the one who found her and he is the only one who knows how to do it properly!” CNU hyung explain
“AH! Ok ok” Sandeul hyung just nod.
After I was done giving her the CPR she suddenly coughs all the water she had drank and suddenly open her eyes  a bit and said
“Thank you” then lost her conscious again.
EunMi’s POV
I feel alright now, a bit dizzy but alright. I still can remember everything even the accident and the boy who saved my life. While I was thinking, my eyes are still shut but I can hear some voices in my surrounding, they are talking about someone.  But in my mind I was thinking “Where am I?” when suddenly I hear those voices again and they are talking about something, what are they talking about? I hear a “girl” word so it’s not a thing but a person…  Wait! Who is this girl they are referring too?  Are they talking about me? OMO!!!
I open my eyes slowly and look around my surrounding…
“Mwo? Where am I?" As I thought  “Owh! What’s that delicious smell?” as I smell something’s cooking
When suddenly someone came in the room and talking loudly to his mother.
“Mom! Is dinner done? I’m hungry!” A young man’s voice said
“Almost done! Just check the girl first and look if she’s fine” A lady said ordering her son
“OK!” the young man answer back.
He went near me; I quickly shut my eyes again and pretend to be sleeping so he won’t notice me.
He hold my hand and check my pulse, I open my eyes a bit and scan the young man’s face.
As I look through his face I can’t help myself but to smile because this young man is the one who saved me.
When suddenly he notices my smile, I suddenly closed my eyes again and he suddenly said…“Well! I think she’s alright now because she is already smiling even she’s sleeping! That’s nice…”
“Ok! I think I better leave her now so she can get some rest.” He said continuously, and then he slowly stood up and looks at me then leave.
I open my eyes again after he left and give a big sigh. As I thought… “That was so close! But where am I again? It's so peaceful here” as I ask again without no one answering, I suddenly fell asleep again.
Done with this chapter~
sorry for letting you wait guys!
I'm really busy at school!
I hope u understand~
Thank you for reading~
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Will it be updated?
Chapter 6: its amazing my 2 bias r here in this fanfic
i can't wait for the next chapter...
pleasse make the next chap. quikly
i can't waittttttttt>>
EvrylGail #3
Whoa. I was shock to see that we got the airplane crash.
When I read the continuous, Gonchan found Eunmi!!
I really want to see her with Minwoo.. xD
I'm curious! Please update soon! :D
HeartGold426 #4
Great story so far~ ^ - ^ I like it.
EvrylGail #5
Ah ~ Update fast !! I love this story !
alexSHINee #6
Nice story...update please
EvrylGail #7
OMO~ Cool! <3
Anyway.. Is that my name? O.0 (sorry for asking)