Stuck in reverse...

Fix You

She bent down and grabbed something under her bed. It was a box. She blew the dust away and slowly opened the box. There were some photos, necklace, and a withered orchid. She saw a picture of her and a guy. You can see a smile formed in her lip although she put her usual cold expression and the guy, he wrapped his hand around her and smiled widely. She carefully took it and swept her finger trough the picture.

Flashback :

Saera was talking to Taemin when suddenly someone called her. “Lee Saeraaaaaa!!!!!” a guy shouted and waved his hand toward Saera. “Sorry Taemin, I have some business so you can go home first.” She said. “Okay. Annyeong.” Taemin, her  only friend since elementary school waved. She rushed to the person who called her and glared at him. “Cho Kyuhyun, quiet! You’re embarrassing me!” “Hehe mian. So when will we begin the tutoring thing?” Asked him. “Argh! How many times I have to tell you that I don’t want this! I hate study! I hate smartass like you!” She snapped. “You can hate smartass like me but I still have to tutoring you okay? Just think about it, you can pass the exam and enter prestigious university and I will get extra credit for doing this.” He smiled. “Well let me think about it. Uhmmmm. Andwae.” She smirked. “Aaaaawwwhh come on Saera-sshi!! Please let me tutoring you! Pleaseeee??” He gave puppy eyes. “Don’t you understand Korean? Or should I say this with English? NO! BIG NO NO!” She left. “Waaaaiiiitt!! You have to do this or else…” “Or what?” She challenged. “O-or else I will annoy you for the rest of your life!” He gave Saera the evil-est smirk ever. “Oh no you wouldn’t.” Saera gulped. “Try me.” “Okay fine you evil smartass! Tonight, my house 8.00 pm.” She sighed and gave him her address.

“Whoaaa is this her house? Geez!” Said Kyuhyun. He pressed the bell. “Uhm. I’m looking for Lee Saera.” He said. “Come in mister. Ms. Saera is in her room. Go upstairs first room to the left.” Said the maid. “Uh. Thanks.” He bowed. Kyuhyun carefully knocked the door. “Saera-sshi. May I get in?” No answer. He turned the door knob and surprisingly it was not locked. As he opened the door something landed right on his face. “W-what the…” He saw a pillow that landed on his face and saw Saera smirked. “Oops sorry. I thought it was a burglar. You’re lucky I didn’t throw you this bowling ball.” She smiled evilly. “Hey! You do that on purpose!” “So?” “Argh whatever. Now let’s learn math. Open your note book.” Kyuhyun commanded. Saera just tilted her head. “Cmmon! You know book right? The square thing with writings on it.” He drew a square shape on air. “I’m not that idiot, you ! Here.” She handed him her book. He opened it and examined it. “I’m not asking for a plain book. I’m asking for your note book.” “That’s my note book.” “Really? It’s nothing in it besides your name and class.” “Exactly.” Saera rolled her eyes.  Kyuhyun face-palmed himself.

He drew a triangle on a paper.  One side is 3 cm, one side is 4 cm and the other one is ‘x’ cm. “Okay, now let’s start with the simplest thing okay. Now find the x.” He handed Saera the paper. Saera wrote something on it and give it back to him.

“Tch! It’s so easy!” Saera smirked. “W-what the freaking hell.” He rubbed his own temple. “It’s gonna be a long night.” He sighed.

After a few months, Saera’s score is getting better. She was also closer with Kyuhyun. As usual, Kyuhyun came to her house. “So what subject will we learn tonight?” Asked her. “It’s biology. Here.” He gave Saera a flower. Saera’s heart was beating madly. ‘Omo, is he really give that to me?’ She blushed. “We’re gonna use this to learn about flower’s anatomy.” Saera heart fell with disappointment. ‘Aish! This guy is argh!’ After spent hours explaining about flowers it was already 10.00pm. “So do you understand that?” Asked Kyuhyun. “Hoaaaaaam.” Saera yawned. “I guess that’s enough for now. You seem tired.” “Ya think?” She said sarcastically. Kyuhyun cleaned the table and saw the orchid. “Errrr. You can keep this. Don’t throw it away okay? It’s so hard to find this flower.” He cleared the throat and gave it to Saera. His ear reddened. “Uhm thanks.” Saera tried to hide her smile. “Let me walked you to the gate.” She offered.

“Okay, I’ll go now.” He left. Suddenly, he stopped his track and went back. Saera watched him confused. “Saera-ah, I just want to tell you that I’ll be there for you. We will through this together I promise. This tutoring session is not just to earn extra credit for me. At first yes it was, but as time passed, I really doing this for you. I don’t know why but I take this as my responsibility. No matter what happens be strong okay. I’m sure you’ll pass the exam and we’ll enter collage together okay. Don’t give up.” And with that, he planted a tender kiss to Saera forehead. Saera just stood there speechless. Her temperature rising up and her heart were thumping madly.  Kyuhyun broke up with the kiss and scratched the back of his head. “Uhm… See you at school.” He ran away. Saera touched the spot where Kyuhyun just kissed her. Soon she smiled like crazy and went back. “LEE SAERAAAA!! SARANGHAEEE!!”  Someone shouted from afar. She stopped her track and make sure what she just heard is real. “Nado saranghae Cho Kyuhyun.” She smiled as she went back to her house.

End Of Flashback

Those memories she could never forget. Even when she had the option to erase her memory about him, she would prefer to keep it though it hurt her most.



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Thanks for reading and comments ^^
This is a really good story. More! :D
Yeah, amazing song right? Really touchy :')
OHGOD I was just listening to this. XDDDD