Round 48

Personal Differences

Round Forty-Eight

It was the end of another long day at work. Sunny waited till everyone had left before opening Yoong’s door as quietly as she could. She thought she had been quiet enough but apparently, she was not.

“Sunny, why so sneaky?” Yoong called her without even looking up from his papers.

“Sneaky?” Sunny pouted as she shut the door and walked towards Yoong’s desk. “I only wanted to give you a surprise kiss.” Then she huffed. “You’re not going to get any kisses tonight, hmpf!”

“No, no, no! I need your kisses to keep me alive,” said Yoong.

Sunny giggled and backed away as Yoong stood up and walked towards her. She stepped backwards until she felt the door behind her. Uh oh…

Yoong’s impish smirk gave away his ‘evil’ intentions and she tried to open the door to escape his clutches but he was too fast for her. She found herself caged by his arms and couldn’t help but giggle when she heard the click of the lock sliding into place.

“Why are you locking the door? Are you about to do something illegal?” Sunny blinked and smiled innocently.

“Yes,” said Yoong with an evil gleam in his eyes, “and no one is here to save you from the big, bad wolf called Im Yoong.”

“If I scream loud enough, I’m sure somebody will hear it and save me.” Sunny giggled.

“Scream? You’ll be screaming my name in no time, I promise you.”

Sunny felt her cheeks heating up as his hand caressed her cheek. She stood still as he leaned towards her but dodged his lips at the very last moment.

“Are you serious about not kissing me tonight?”

Sunny grinned at Yoong’s wide open eyes and nodded but she immediately regretted doing that for Yoong had launched the most vicious attack on her sensitive sides. She squealed and tried to dodge his attacks but there was no way out.

“Say you’ll kiss me,” growled Yoong.

“I’ll… kiss… you!” Sunny managed to utter breathlessly in between shrieks and squeals. The tickles disappeared and she was freed instantly from the ‘torture’ that his fingers inflicted on her. She giggled when she saw Yoong closing his eyes and puckering up expectantly. She was about to humour him and give him a full-on kiss on his lips when the devil in her struck again. Instead of kissing him, she turned, unlocked the door and ran out of his room to the office area outside.

She heard a roar behind her and ran behind her cubicle to get away from him. A quick look behind her revealed that he was merely a couple of steps away from her. She squealed excitedly and dashed away to another cubicle. Once there, she kicked off her heels, ducked down and made her way to the other side of the office.

“Bunny, you can run but you can’t hide,” called Yoong, in a low, husky voice.

Sunny bit her lip and suppressed her giggles as she crouched under a work station. She was petite to begin with, so curling up into a ball allowed her to hide in the smallest of spaces.

“Bunny… where are you…?” Yoong’s sing-song voice made it clear to Sunny that he was enjoying the little game she was playing with him.

She clamped her hands over and kept as still as she could, all the while, hearing her heart thumping away in her chest.

Suddenly, all was quiet. She couldn’t hear the shuffle of his shoes against the carpeted floor anymore. What’s going on? She nearly squealed when the lights went out suddenly. Oh my gosh! Why are the lights out? Is he trying to spook me out? Doesn’t he know that I’m not afraid of the dark? All was quiet for some time and she stayed as quiet as a mouse.

Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed at her legs. She screamed in shock but quickly recovered and tried to get away from the hands. They were too quick for her, however, and she ended up being pulled out from under the work station. She giggled nonstop as she lay on the ground, exhausted from the tussle with Yoong.

“How did you find me?” she asked breathlessly.

“I’m not telling you.”

“Yoongie… tell me… I want to know…” Sunny used a cute voice to coax him into telling her only to meet with a condition.

“If you behave well and please me, I might consider telling you.”

“Hmph! I’ll figure it out by myself.”

“Suit yourself.”

Sunny could see Yoong’s impish grin now that her eyes had adjusted to the dark and pouted in response. His laughter that reverberated throughout the vacant office made her pout even more.

He stopped laughing after a while and all was quiet except for sounds of their breathing. She was moderately aware of the compromising position she was in at the moment but it didn’t bother her. In fact, that was the whole point of the game—for him to get her in the end. She felt him shifting himself to fit snugly between her legs and parted them to allow him to do so. She could feel his warmth emanating from his body and it felt very cozy.

“Kiss me.” She heard his ragged whisper by her ear.

This time, she decided to oblige him, partly because he had worked so hard for it and partly because she couldn’t really resist him any longer anyway. She heard his low and deep moan as her lips connected with his and it made her lips curl up even as she kissed him. His hand made its way under her skirt and up her inner thigh but she clamped her hand on his, stopping it from going any further.

“Stop,” she said, “we’re in the office!”

“Is that a problem?”

“Of course it is! I’m not going to be caught with my pants down in the office, Yoong.”

“You’re in a skirt, so that’s not a problem.”

His hand inched further up her thigh and she squealed in protest.

“Stop! No!”


Yoong’s manly scream of pain shocked Sunny and she sat up to find out what was wrong. It was only then that she realized they weren’t alone. A uniformed man was wrenching Yoong’s arm in a strong hold and holding him down on the floor.

“Miss, are you alright?” the voice she didn’t recognize spoke in a way that was meant to calm and assure her.

“I-I’m f-fine, w-what’s going on?,” stuttered Sunny.

“Don’t worry, Miss. I’ll get him arrested for doing this to you. I just need you to pick up the phone and press ‘#007’. That will get you the security room.”

“Huh?” Sunny was stunned. Arrested? Get Yoong arrested? Why? Then it dawned on her. It must have dawned on him at the same time for they both shouted at the same time.

“No! Don’t!”

“I’m innocent!”

Sunny saw the uniformed man’s confused look and added, “Sir, he is my b-boyfriend.” She mentally thanked the darkness for hiding what she was sure was an extremely deep red blush and continued to explain the embarrassing situation. “We were...” she coughed awkwardly, “we were…”

The uniformed man released Yoong immediately and Sunny could hear Yoong groaning as his arm returned to its normal position.

“Tsk… tsk… you two should get yourselves a room. The office ain’t the place for this sort of thing. It’s just my luck to be patrolling this place. If it weren’t for the blackout, I wouldn’t have to come up here at all.” The man shook his head slowly and stood up. “Doing it during a blackout… tsk… tsk… youngsters these days... most people would have been too worried about the blackout to even think about doing anything else.”

“Blackout?” breathed Sunny. She looked at Yoong. He looked as confused as she was. So it wasn’t Yoong who turned out the lights?

“Yes, a blackout. Don’t you know? Or were you two so busy with each other that you didn’t even notice that the lights had gone out?” the man’s voice was dripping with disapproval.

Just then, the lights came back on. Sunny blinked in the sudden brightness as her eyes tried to adjust to the light. Oh no! Now the security guard can see my face! She ducked her head, feeling even more embarrassed with the light on.

“Looks like everything is back to normal now. I’ll just leave the two of you here. Behave yourself.”

Sunny felt Yoong’s hands helping her to her feet and she stood beside him with her head down as they bowed and apologized to the security guard for the trouble they had caused him. To her relief, the security guard sounded a little more pacified when he said his goodbye.

Sunny stood very still. She desperately wanted the ground to open and swallow her so that she wouldn’t have to see the security guard again. She was absolutely mortified to have been caught lying on the floor with a hand up her skirt in the office. She felt her cheeks burning up furiously and instinctively palmed them.

“Yoong, I can’t come to work anymore.”


“I can never ever show my face in this building again.”

Much to her consternation, Yoong began to laugh.

“How can you laugh in this situation??? I’m so embarrassed!!!”

“Oh my cute little bunny, you’re so precious.”

His arms encircled her and squeezed her tightly against him, giving her warmth. Then his feathery light kisses all over her face calmed her down and she melted into his arms.

“Bunny, let’s take his advice and get a ourselves room.”

Sunny smacked his arm, making him yelp in surprise.

“Oww! What was that for?”

“We have to meet Tiffany, remember?”

“Oh! Yes, I almost forgot.”

Sunny looked at her watch and gasped. “We’re late!”


“I’m so sorry that we’re late,” Sunny apologized as she sat down opposite Tiffany.

“We got caught up in some business,” Yoong added casually.

Tiffany chuckled as Sunny smacked Yoong’s arm. She noted with pleasure that Yoong appeared to be very happy.

“I hope you don’t mind Taeng being here.” She looked at Sunny and Yoong apologetically.

“Of course not!” chirped Sunny.

Tiffany saw Yoong winking at her and smiled. Yoong was just as playful as ever.

“Nice to meet you again, Sunny ssi, Yoong ssi.”

“Taeng, you don’t have to be so formal. We’re all friends here.”

“Sunny is right, we’re all friends, Taeng. You can relax with us.”


Tiffany smiled. “Let’s get some dishes on the table, shall we?”

“Oh yes, I’m starving!” chorused Sunny and Yoong.


“And that’s how we ended up jobless.” Tiffany nodded her head with an air of finality, bringing the story to an end. She was glad to have Taeng beside her, holding her hand as she related the story to Sunny and Yoong, supporting her through the more unpleasant bits of the story. Taeng added in bits and pieces as well, especially about the part where he was blackmailed by Mr. Lee.

Sunny and Yoong looked rather stunned by the whole story and Tiffany laughed at their comical faces.

“Don’t worry. All’s well, ends well. This is a new beginning for me. I’ve actually been thinking about doing this on my own for some time now. It’s always been something that I planned to do one day and I guess, this is the right time to do it. So, Taeng,” said Tiffany as she turned to Taeng. “You will join me as my PA, won’t you?”

“Of course I will! I’m happy that I can help you but I hope I won’t mess things up for you.”

Tiffany thought Taeng looked worried, so she said, “You being here beside me is already a big help.” She smiled lovingly at Taeng who squeezed her hand and grinned like a dork.

She turned away from Taeng and caught sight of Yoong’s red face that looked like he didn’t have enough breath to survive.

“If you want to laugh, go ahead. You don’t have to hold it back on my account.” She rolled her eyes at Yoong who immediately burst into wild, unbridled laughter that had him clutching his stomach. “Fortunately, Sunny is mature enough for the both of you.”

“Sunny isn’t all that mature. I get to see plenty of her immaturity now that she’s my girlfriend.”

Tiffany laughed at Yoong getting slapped on the arm by an indignant Sunny.

“At last, there’s somebody to tame the wild Im Yoong. Sunny, thanks for doing the rest of us a great service.”

“Hey! I’m Im Yoong, no girl can tame me, you got that?”

“Not even Sunny?” Tiffany couldn’t resist teasing him.

“Not even Sunny,” said Yoong firmly. “I am my own man.”

Tiffany raised an eyebrow and looked quickly at Sunny. The petite girl looked a little upset. Time to change the subject.

“So, the opening of Jeju Joy is now taken over by somebody else in the company but there’s a clause in the contract that states that I am the person specifically requested for to oversee the project. That means, either I work with them based solely on this contract or you have the right to pull the project out of their hands. However, it would not be to your advantage to pull out from them. Most of the current deals have been made under the company’s name and it would be a big mess to pull out now. I am willing to negotiate with the company for a fee to handle this project.”

“Ask for a mammoth fee. Drain them of their profits. It should belong to you anyway.”

Tiffany shook her head. “No, Yoong. I can’t do that. It’s not ethical. But rest assured that I won’t let them off with a regular fee. Since I’m requested for specifically, I will charge them a consultant fee which is significantly heftier than what I used to be paid.”

“That’s the Tiffany I know and love.”

“You better stick to loving Sunny, Yoong.” Tiffany grinned.

“I love Sunny with all my heart, soul and body.” Yoong planted a kiss on Sunny’s cheek and Tiffany was happy to see Sunny blushing and smiling. She didn’t want the girl to be bothered by what Yoong said earlier about being his own man. Besides, she was sure that Yoong didn’t mean it that way.

“Body?” Sunny queried.

Yoong grinned and gestured at the entire length of his body. “All of this, from head to toe, is all yours.”

“Does that mean that I can do whatever I want with it?” Sunny had on the naughtiest grin ever and Tiffany did not want to hear what Yoong had to say in return.

She cleared loudly. “Let’s keep the naughty talk behind closed doors, alright? I don’t want to end up feeling sick from an overdose of sugar and horns.”

“Horns? What horns?” Taeng looked so clueless that Tiffany had to kiss his cheek; his innocence was simply too adorable in her eyes.


Taeng’s phone rang.

“I’m sorry, may I be excused?” he asked politely.

“Sure,” chorused the other three people who were too busy eating to even look up at him.

He got out of his seat and walked to a quieter corner to talk.

“Hello, Kangin hyung.”

“Hey, I have a piece of good news for you.”

“What is it?”

“The show’s producers want you back!”


“My show’s producers, they want to invite you back as a DJ!”


“Our website has been seeing higher traffic ever since you talked on my show. They’re all going gaga over you and your peas.”


“And my producers want to bring you back on the show!”

“Why is this good news though?”

“Taeng… you have to think on your feet, bro. This means that you’ve got a job!”


“What? Why do you sound so calm? Aren’t you jobless? Shouldn’t you be happy to have a job?”

“Actually… I’m supposed to help Tiffany. She’s starting up her own company and she wants me to be her PA again.”

“That’s what she wants. What about you?”

“I want whatever she wants.”

“Taeng, Taeng… seriously! You need to make your own decisions! Now, listen. This DJ job really suits you. I’m not kidding about this. Not everyone has the talent to be a DJ but once in a blue moon, a really good DJ is born into this world. Look. The producers are only asking you to do a weekly segment with you and your peas. You will even get to name your own segment, how cool is that? I urge you to consider this offer seriously.”

“Okay, I will consider it seriously.”

“Good. Now, tell me. Did you enjoy talking on my show the last time?”

Taeng pondered for a moment.

“Yes, I enjoyed it. It felt really nice, talking like that. I didn’t need my peas and I didn’t need my dog either.”

“Dog? What dog? Is it another plush?”

“No, it’s a shadow that I make on a wall.”

Taeng could hear Kangin groaning. “Never mind, you can tell me about your dog the next time. Just promise me to think about it really carefully and if you enjoyed talking on my show, please give yourself a chance to try something new. It’s only once a week and it won’t take up too much of your time anyway.”

“I understand, hyung. I will really think about it and discuss it with Tiffany first.”

“Alright, I hope that I’ll get a positive reply from you. My listeners will be sad otherwise. They really want to hear your voice again.”

The call ended and Taeng returned to his seat.

“What was the call about?” Tiffany inquired.

“It was Kangin hyung.”

“Didn’t you get your peas back from him already?”

“Yes, I did.”

“So why is he calling you again?”

“He’s offering me a weekly segment on his radio show.”

“WHAT???” chorused the other three people. “Radio??”

“I talked on his show when I met him to get my peas back. He said that the listeners want to see me and my peas again so his producers want to offer me a weekly segment for me and my peas. I will even get to name the segment!”

“Have you agreed to it?”

Taeng looked at Tiffany innocently. “Of course not! I have to discuss it with you first. I have to be your PA and this might affect that.”

“Do you want to be a DJ?”

Taeng thought for a little while before nodding his head.

“I enjoyed talking on his show the last time. It was nice and very different from talking to my peas.”

“You bet it was,” muttered Yoong softly so all Taeng saw was his lips moving.

He smiled nonetheless but was puzzled when Sunny jabbed Yoong really hard in the ribs with her elbow.

“Sunny, why are you jabbing Yoong?”

“She’s jabbing me because she’s violently in love with me,” said Yoong dryly.

Taeng was alarmed when Sunny jabbed Yoong again, causing the man to yelp and wince. “Sunny, please don’t jab Yoong, it’s hurting him.”

“Oh, he’s a tough guy, I’m sure he can take a few jabs.” Sunny grinned widely at Taeng who still looked a little disturbed.

“Taeng, if you like it, why don’t you try it?”

Taeng turned back to Tiffany and smiled. “I think I would like to try it but it’s once a week and I don’t even know which day the segment is on. I don’t want to cause any problems as your PA because of this.”

“Don’t worry, Taeng. We will work it out. If you like it, go for it.”

Taeng smiled brightly. “Okay! I will try it then.” Then he hugged Tiffany tightly. “Thank you for being so nice about it.”

“Oh Taetae, I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Fany ah.”

Taeng heard a vomiting sound and turned in Yoong’s direction only to see him getting the biggest jab ever from Sunny. He opened his mouth to stop Sunny but ended up closing his mouth again without saying anything. For some reason, Yoong eyes were twinkling and he appeared to take pleasure in being jabbed by Sunny. How odd…


Yul was really curious. Jessica had gotten them tickets to a baseball match at AT&T Park when she showed no real interest in sports. Why would she want to watch a baseball match? He was not about to complain, however. He was looking forward to watching the match ‘live’ from the very good seats that Jessica had been given. Apparently, her father, being a media mogul, knew the people in KNBR, the flagship radio station of the San Francisco Giants, a Major League Baseball team based in San Francisco. With connections like that, good tickets were easily attainable. This was one perk that he decided he could live with.

He knew that going to the baseball match had to have something to do with her third wish, green meadow since it was the only thing she had planned for the day. All of a sudden, the answer to the riddle hit him right between his eyes.

Of course! Green meadow would refer to the baseball field! 

Wait a minute. Sica wants to do it on the baseball field??? Is that even allowed??? 

I hope it’s something else. Please, let it be something else.

“Yul, why do you look so tensed?”

Yul had been so engrossed in his thoughts that he hadn’t noticed Jessica sliding up beside him in bed.

“Baby, green meadow is the baseball field, right?”

“Yes, you’re right. It is the baseball field. You’re so smart!” Jessica leaned towards him and planted her lips on his bare shoulder.

“Surely your wish isn’t to do it on the field, is it?” asked Yul worriedly.

He was most relieved when Jessica laughed and said, “Of course not. Is that even allowed? Don’t worry. It’s just a little fantasy I had when I was younger.”

Yul heaved a sigh of relief. “A little fantasy huh? Well, I’ll be glad to help you to fulfill it. What is it?”

Jessica leaned towards him and whispered in his ear.

Yul raised an eyebrow in surprise. “Is that all?”

Jessica smiled shyly and nodded her head.

Yul exhaled slowly. “Wow… that really is a little fantasy.”

“So that means you’ll help me to fulfill it if we get a chance to?”

“If we get a chance, I most definitely will.” Yul grinned handsomely at her hopeful expression. His grin then grew wider when Jessica cheered happily and kissed him.


Jessica was not prepared to do this. She did not expect to be invited to be the ceremonial thrower at the baseball match. She only wanted a regular day out with Yul and to have a shot at having her wish fulfilled but it looked like it was not going to be that simple.

Yul on the other hand, was looking at her enviously as they fitted her in a Giants baseball uniform. She would have offered to give her chance up to Yul but she knew that it would offend the people who had so graciously welcomed her. She could not afford to jeopardize her father’s relations with them so she had no choice but to accept with a beautiful smile plastered all over her face. A Giants baseball cap completed her look and she was escorted out of the locker room.

She was nervous. She was not good at this. She could strike a good pose but when it came to actually throwing a pitch, she was rather clueless. As she stood there nervously, a good looking man decked out in a baseball uniform approached her.

“You’re the lucky girl who is throwing the first pitch huh?”


“Feeling nervous?”


“Ever thrown a pitch before?”


“Can you answer my questions with more than one word?”

Jessica eyed him for a second before answering, “Yes, I can.”

The man laughed. “Do you need a quick crash course on throwing a pitch?”

Jessica stole a quick glance at Yul who was sitting on the seats that were behind her. She remembered how he reprimanded her at Kinokuniya when she was clearly not to be blamed for behaving the way she did. It’s payback time.

With that thought in mind, Jessica smiled and nodded. “Yes, it’d be great if you could help me out.”

“Sure, I’d be glad to. My name’s George by the way.”

“I’m Jessica.”

“Lovely name.”

“Thank you.”

Jessica realized that he looked pretty good when he smiled. But Yul’s grin is just too delectable. Sorry George.

“Right, first, your stance. Let’s face that guy sitting over there. Imagine he is the batter.”

Jessica looked and almost laughed out loud. George had just asked her to face Yul who was now looking at her rather tersely. She held back her laughter and stood facing Yul.

“Your feet need to be a shoulder-width apart.”

Jessica stood with her legs apart but stiffened in surprise when George used his feet to spread her legs a little further apart from behind. She noted the frown on Yul’s face. Oh, Yul is not pleased to see that…

“There, that’s better. Now, pretend that you have a ball in your right-hand and a glove on your left.”

Jessica tensed when George reached round her and held both of her hands, raising them to her chest level but she kept the smile on her face.

“Hold the ball in your glove at your chest level. Very good, Jessica. Next, your grip.”

Jessica looked at Yul as George stepped away from her and yelled, “Buddy, toss me a ball, will you?”

She smiled at Yul but he did not smile in return. She was beginning to wonder if she was doing the right thing when George returned with a baseball.

“Now, look at these seams. There are four seams and I am going to teach you how to throw the four-seam fastball. It’s easy to learn and you can try it out there in a while.”

“Why is it called the four-seam fastball?” asked Jessica.

“Good question. That’s because you have to grip it with your fingers over all four seams. Like this.”

Jessica watched as George placed his index and middle finger over two seams perpendicularly and his thumb underneath.

“Now, you try.”

Jessica took the ball and tried to hold it the same way but her ball was apparently placed the wrong way so he held her hand and turned the ball to the correct direction.

“The seams have to go sideways, not straight up,” he explained to Jessica.

“Now watch how I prepare to throw it. This is the wind-up.”

Jessica watched as his left leg moved, and lifted up as did his hands.

“Then the forward motion and release.”

George did the motions slowly, allowing Jessica to watch and learn. She tried mimicking his moves and earned praises from him.

“Good, good! You are learning fast. Lastly, the follow-through. Let yourself bend over and let your arm move naturally. Don’t try to stop yourself halfway.”

Jessica tried it one more time from the wind-up to the follow-through.

“Gorgeous, you’re fabulous. You’re ready to go out there and blow them away with your awesome pitching skills.”

Jessica stole another glance at Yul when George patted and squeezed her shoulder. He looked rather angry by then and she was glad that she was a distance away from him.

The crowd was friendly and after a quick introduction, she was given a baseball to pitch. She ran through the instructions George had given her and followed it step-by-step.

Stance… check.

Grip… check.

Alright, let’s just breathe and do this.

She did the wind-up, forward motion, release and follow-through. Something must have gone wrong with her release, however, for the ball did not speed towards the batter. Instead, it hit the ground with a dull thud less than a meter from where she stood.

There was a loud roaring in her ears and she knew that it was not from the audience. It was from her own blood rushing to her head as she turned pink with embarrassment. There was little she could do besides smiling sweetly so she did just that as she was escorted off the baseball field and back to where she came from.

Mmm… maybe Yul won’t be as angry with me after seeing my embarrassing pitch!

But to her dismay, Yul was not appeased. If anything, his frown seemed deeper and darker than ever and Jessica was beginning to feel afraid. She barely heard the people thank her for throwing the first pitch. She barely heard them bidding her farewell after Yul assured them that he knew the way back to his and her seats.

She stood very still as the other people left, leaving her behind in the locker room with Yul. The hairs on her neck rose when Yul locked the door and turned to face her with his dark, dark expression. Instinctively, she backed away as Yul walked slowly towards her.

“Yul… don’t be angry…” said Jessica in a quivering voice.

“Oh, so you do know that I’m angry. Yet you kept on flirting with the pitcher right in front of my eyes?”

Jessica swallowed hard when she realized that she had backed into a wall with Yul advancing upon her in quickening long strides. In the blink of an eye, he was right in front of her, his steely brown eyes mere inches away from hers.

“You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”

Jessica nodded slowly.

“Why did you do that? Was that payback for the girl I talked to in Kinokuniya?”

Jessica nodded slowly again.

“His hands were all over you, Sica. And you, of all people should have recognized that look he was giving you.”

Jessica looked at the floor and said nothing.

She jumped when Yul reached into her back pocket and fished out a card. She gasped when she saw what was written on the card.

Call me maybe.

“I didn’t know…” Jessica blinked rapidly. When did he put it in?

“You were enjoying yourself, weren’t you? Is making me angry and jealous fun?”

Jessica bit her quivering lip and held back her tears.

“Is it fun, Jessica?”

Jessica tried to stifle her sob but a tiny sound escaped and she felt Yul’s fingers on her chin immediately. Her chin was tilted up and she found herself staring into Yul’s deep brown eyes. He looked very strained, as though he was holding back his anger with great restraint and his jaws were clenched very tight. As she blinked, tears rolled down her cheeks but the look in his eyes hardened.

Without warning, his lips came crashing down on hers. It was as though he was trying to the life out of her; he was kissing her so hard. His hands held hers and pinned them against the wall above her head as his lips moved over hers roughly. She felt his body pressing up against hers, trapping her against the wall behind her. His feet pushed her legs apart, just like how George had done it earlier and his hips fitted snugly between her legs.

“No other man can part your legs like that, except for me. Do you understand?”

Jessica looked at him tearfully and nodded.

“That made you face me on purpose, did you know that?”

Jessica blinked rapidly and shook her head. She didn’t know. She had thought that it was a pure coincidence that she was asked to face Yul. It suddenly dawned on her how provocative it must have looked from where Yul was.

“But I couldn’t do anything because all he appeared to be doing was teaching you how to throw a ball.”

Jessica then understood how frustrating it must have been for Yul to have to watch her being so close to George.

“I’m sorry,” she said in a small voice.

His eyes softened but maintained a degree of hardness.

“You’re mine, Jessica,” he growled.

“I’m yours,” she whispered.

And she met his descending lips with fervor, parting to meet his parted lips. Their second union was sweeter yet no less aggressive than the first as she could feel Yul’s tongue dominating her, rummaging her. His hands held her nape and kept her held fast as their kiss deepened. She wrapped her arms around him and locked herself to him, feeling every nuance of his tensed body up against hers.

Their kiss lasted for what seemed like forever and Jessica was totally breathless when they finally parted. She breathed deeply, replenishing her oxygen supply as his hands roved down her back to her waist. She was held tight against his hips and she could feel him.

“Yul…” she breathed as she looked at him with desire brewing rapidly inside.

“Later, baby,” said Yul in a husky voice. “We still have your wish to fulfill, don’t we?”

“Never mind about that wish. There’s no guarantee that we’ll get a chance anyway.”

“I have a gut feeling that we will, baby. Let’s go back to our seats.”

“But… you… will you be alright?”

Jessica felt the heat between her legs intensify as she looked at Yul and his clenching jaw. Yul’s jaw is so y... oh… just look at it clench!

“I’ll be fine. Let’s go back and watch the game, baby.”


It was the San Francisco Giants versus the Arizona Diamondbacks and the game was in full swing by the time they returned to their seats. Jessica sat as close to Yul as possible and reveled in the feeling of his arm on her shoulders. She did not watch the game at all; she was too focused on Yul and his jawline. Whenever Yul turned to look at her, she would smile shyly at him and blush when he smiled at her too.

She did not know much about the game but it appeared that Yul was genuinely interested in it. He would cheer and raise his hands in victory along with the crowd and that would mean that the Giants had done something good, since they were with the home crowd. She looked at him dreamily until he turned to her and said, “It’s break time, baby.” She perked up immediately. She could also feel his anticipation as his grip on her shoulders tightened.

Up on the gigantic screen were the words ‘KISS CAM’ and Jessica giggled when she heard a romantic song being played along with it. She watched as a couple came onto the screen. The couple looked surprised but was quick to respond with a sweet kiss and happy smiles. Each time a couple kissed, the crowd would clap and cheer. Three or four couples later, Jessica was beginning to run out of hope. As yet another couple kissed on camera, she sighed. Better luck next time?

Just then, Yul gasped and pointed at the screen. “It’s us, baby!”

Jessica looked and sure enough, it was the two of them. She broke into a shy smile as she turned to Yul who was already leaning towards her. She could hear the crowd cheering as they kissed and her heart thumped away ecstatically. She tried to pull away after a brief moment but Yul’s hand was at her nape, stopping her from pulling away. His lips continued to engulf hers and she could feel his and her heat pooling into one huge ball of fire.

When she was released, her first reaction was to cup her reddening cheeks with her palms. Then she squirmed and squeezed her legs together upon hearing what Yul whispered in her ear.

“I want you to take your clothes off as soon as we get back. I’m going to punish you for being such a naughty girl today.”


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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 341 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD