Round 46

Personal Differences

Round Forty-Six

Tiffany liked the more confident Taeng. She liked the way he held her hand and brought her around. She liked the way he showed her all his favourite spots in his hometown. She liked the way he greeted the people he knew and she liked how well-liked he was at home.

To put it simply, he was every ajumma’s favourite. Everywhere he went, ajummas would welcome him and lavish their attention on him. It got to a point where she actually felt jealous. It was ridiculous to be jealous over some ajummas fawning over him and she knew it but she couldn’t help it. Ajumma after ajumma would his head, hug him, kiss him and give him their most welcoming smiles and he would return their love for him in doubled amounts. It was no wonder that he was so popular with them.

For one, he laughed just like one. She felt a little strange when she came to realize that his laugh resembled an ajumma’s so much. She didn’t know what to make of it but it was so cute that she’d smile and giggle every time he laughed like an ajumma.

His innocence was another factor. They loved his innocence so much and it was plain to see. They would and joke around him, taking advantage of his innocence to create some laughs.

However, there was one particular ajumma who made Tiffany quite unhappy with her teasing.

“Taengoo ya… you have to marry my daughter.”


“We betrothed the two of you when you were ten.”

“A-Are you serious?” Taeng looked extremely flustered.

The ajumma put on a very serious look and nodded solemnly. “I’m serious. Why would I joke about something like this?”

“B-But… b-but… I-I…” Taeng looked at Tiffany worriedly but she wasn’t looking at him at all. “F-Fany ah… please don’t be mad at me…”

Tiffany simply cupped his face with her palms and pressed her lips firmly on his.

“Taengoo is mine,” she declared to the ajumma who was gaping a little at the blatant display of affection, and left with Taeng who was stunned by her sudden kiss.

“Taetae, she was only kidding, babo ya,” said Tiffany after they were a safe distance away from the ajumma.

“How do you know that? What if what she said is true?”

“It wouldn’t matter anyway. You’re mine.” Tiffany looked at Taeng with fiery eyes that smouldered like red-hot coals. “And I’m sure Hayeon agrees.”

“Hayeon adores you, Fany ah. Guess what she said about you last night? She said,” Taeng smiled broadly and spoke in English suddenly, “you’re amajjing!”

Tiffany giggled. “It’s amazzzing,” she said, emphasizing on the ‘z’ sound.

“Amajjing,” repeated Taeng.



Tiffany ended up laughing lightly and shaking her head at Taeng’s clueless face, but it was alright. He sounded pretty cute saying ‘amajjing’ anyway. He was ‘amajjing’ the way he was and she liked him that way.


It was their last night in Jeonju. Tiffany had only taken leave from work up to the weekend and it was time to return to Seoul.

“Are you going back already?” asked Taeng sadly. “I am going to miss you very much.”

“No, no… you’re coming back to Seoul with me.”

“B-But… I quit the job so I’m jobless now.”

Tiffany smiled knowingly. “I didn’t submit your letter, Taeng. Instead, I applied for leave on your behalf when I applied for mine. You’re still my PA so you better come back to work with me or else…”

“Or else?” squeaked Taeng.

“Orr else you’re fired.” Tiffany feigned a frown before bursting out into mad laughter. She laughed so hard that she was bending over, holding her stomach and shaking with laughter while Taeng looked a little confused about things. It took him awhile but he eventually figured it out and began laughing along with her.

When they finally stopped laughing, he grabbed her hand and tugged it gently. Tiffany looked at him inquisitively but all he said was “Follow me.”

So she followed him.

He brought her to a quiet place a short distance behind his house. There was a low street lamp illuminating the place and there were a few walls standing around desolately. He hoisted her up a wall and had her sit on it, her back facing the lamp. Then he got up and sat next to her, dangling his legs down the wall.

“Why did you bring me here? It’s late and this place is scary.” Tiffany shivered a little. She felt spooked.

“This is where I would come to talk to my dog before I got my peas and I want to share it with you before we go back to Seoul tomorrow..”

“Dog? What dog? And why did you talk to it?”

“Actually, my dog is a shadow that I make with my hand and it was the only one that I could tell my secrets to…”

“What secrets? Was it about you being bullied in school?”

Taeng turned to Tiffany looking shocked. “How did you know about that?”

“Hayeon told me on the first night I was here.”

“Oh… and you still like me after knowing about that?” Taeng looked extremely surprised.

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“I don’t know… None of the girls ever liked me because I was always bullied.”

“I’m not just any girl you know. I’m Tiffany Hwang Mi Young, girlfriend of Kim Taengoo who is a very good man. Now, show me your dog, I’d like to meet it.” Tiffany’s heart squeezed painfully, feeling sorry for his difficult childhood so she changed the subject quickly to avoid shedding tears again.

“Okay!” Taeng perked up at the thought of seeing his old friend again.

He held his right palm against the light and stuck his thumb and pinkie out. He then folded his fingers on his left hand and brought it to his right. With his left thumb stuck out as well, he had created ears and his stuck out pinkie was the mouth. All in all, it looked pretty much like a dog.

“Is that your dog?” Tiffany asked curiously.

“Yes. It’s my dog. Its name is Cherry.”

“Cherry? Why Cherry?”

“We used to have a dog called Cherry but it died. So I named this one Cherry and it can never die.”

Tiffany was touched by the innocence and simplicity of this man before her who loved her with all his heart. She knew that she would not be able to find another like him and that thought warmed her heart immensely for he was hers and she was a lucky girl to have him.

“And you would tell Cherry about the bullies in school?”

“Yes, I would tell Cherry about them…”

“Why didn’t you tell your teachers or your parents instead?”

“I did… I reported them to my teacher once but that only got me a worse beating the next time and I didn’t want to worry my parents.”

“Oh… Taeng…” Tiffany gave him a hug, willing it to be powerful enough to make the scars within him disappear. She blinked a tear away before turning back to Taeng with a smile. “I want to talk to Cherry.”

Taeng nodded. He arranged his hands and fingers deftly and Cherry was back on the wall, ears all pricked up and ready to listen.

“Thank you, Cherry, for being Taeng’s friend and listening to all his troubles, but from now on… he can tell me. He can tell me everything. And he doesn’t have to worry about what I will think of him because I love him and nothing he tells me can change that.”

And with that, Tiffany held Taeng’s hands in hers and kissed him right on his lips.

Taeng’s eyes widened in surprise at the words that she had just spoken as well as the kiss that felt oh-so-good on his lips. Tiffany then leaned back and smiled that smile—the smile that never failed to mesmerize Taeng.

“I love you, Taetae…” she whispered before launching into a sudden, blood curdling scream.

A stray black cat had just dashed past them, knocking over something metallic which produced a sudden clanging noise. The unexpected noise startled Tiffany and she screamed, making Taeng cover his ears—it was so shrill. She clung on to him, feeling more and more afraid of the dark shadows that danced on the wall across them where Cherry had appeared on just moments ago.

All this time, however, Taeng remained very calm. If there was one thing he wasn’t afraid of… it was the scary stuff. He never had any problems going on Halloween walks and neither was he afraid of scary horror movies that made millions of people scream. In fact, he enjoyed watching them very much.

“Don’t worry, I’m here,” he told Tiffany in a calm and steady voice. He put his arm around her and said, “Don’t be afraid, it’s just a cat.”

“I’m scared, Taeng… this place gives me the creeps.”

“Okay, we’ll go back now if you’re scared.” Taeng jumped off the wall and turned around. “Take my hand.”

Tiffany took his hand and he supported her as she jumped off the wall. Then he put his arm around her again and escorted her back to his house.


The next day, they headed back to Seoul after saying tearful goodbyes to the Kim family. Hayeon had been especially sorry to see Tiffany and her brother go but they promised to visit soon and that pacified her somewhat.

When Tiffany got home, she saw a letter in her mailbox and learnt upon reading it that she had been given the chance to seek greener pastures and would be compensated six months’ worth of her salary. And she called Taeng immediately to check if he had received the letter too—she had a feeling that someone was behind this—and sure enough, he had received the same letter as her.

She saw red immediately for she could smell the stinky, pungent stench of foul play. A quick call to a senior in the company whom she trusted was enough to have her suspicions confirmed.

“I don’t know who you offended but this order came down right from the top. Nobody wants to let you go, Tiffany but they don’t have a choice either. From what I heard, it was one of the major shareholders who threatened to pull out and cripple the company’s finances. Nobody knows why but we can tell that somebody wants to get you real bad Tiffany.”

“Thanks for the info, sunbae.”

“I’m telling you this because I don’t want you to make more trouble for yourself. I know how strong-willed you are and how defiant you can get at times but take my advice this time, won’t you? Take your six months’ pay and don’t come back. That would be the smartest thing to do, if I were you.”

“Thanks sunbae.”

The sunbae sighed heavily over the phone, as though he knew that Tiffany wouldn’t back down so easily and his words did not have the power to stop her from storming the office.

“I really hope you will think through this carefully and weigh your options well.”

“I will, sunbae. I will.”


Much to that sunbae’s surprise, Tiffany did not turn up at the office with her horns and fiery breath. Instead, a courier had been sent to pick up her personal belongings from the office. He ushered the courier into her office and helped him to sift out her belongings, packing them neatly into a big box. When the courier left with all of her belongings, the sunbae heaved a sigh of relief. He was glad that she had taken his advice… apparently. By doing so, she had kept her opportunities open and would be able to make a smooth transition to another company and perhaps make an even bigger mark elsewhere.

Just thinking about Tiffany succeeding somewhere else made him smile. That would show the jerk who kicked her out who’s boss.


Tiffany on the other hand, had other plans. In fact, she had been thinking about it for a while and now seemed to be an opportune moment to go ahead with her plans. She was ready to be her own woman. She was ready to run her own company. Yes. There would be no better time than this.

Look out world. Here comes Tiffany Hwang, founder of the newest Public Relations Company, Make It Big, or MIB for short. And her first co-worker would be?

There would be no interview needed for this man.

Oh yes. The first person she would recruit for her team would be Kim Taengoo.


Sunny was not having a good day. She couldn’t find her car keys in the morning and was going crazy while searching high and low for it only to realize that it had been in her jacket’s pocket all along. Then she managed to make it meet every single red traffic light on the way to work. And to top it all off, her car’s engine had to break down, fifteen minutes away from the office.

It was most frustrating. Fifteen minutes by car would translate into almost an hour on foot, let alone in heels. And it was certainly an option that she had to consider given that it was rush hour and available taxis were as rare as snow at the equator.

All in all, she was pretty much ready to sink to her knees and cry in frustration when a car pulled up to where she stood impatiently, waiting for the tow truck to arrive. And out of the car stepped a man whom she didn’t know if she should be glad to see or not.

“No sunny smile for your favourite client?” Joongki smiled impishly, turning his features into a cute, boyish look.

“Joongki! What are you doing here?”

“Saving a damsel in distress?”

“You’re stalking me right?”

“Oh of course I am. I have nothing better to do than to follow you around from morning to night just so that I can rescue you from a broken down vehicle.”

Sunny rolled her eyes but found herself smiling at the same time. His banter was fun and it reminded her a little of the fun times she had with Young.

“Right, since you’re stalking me, you might as well get up close and personal with me. How about you send me to work and I’ll buy you a thank you lunch? We can even seal the deal while we’re at it.”

“Wow, how you manage to turn everything to your advantage I will never know but I don’t do business over meals. So I expect a proper thank you lunch from you.”

“You don’t do business over meals? Yet I recall having a business dinner with you the very first time we met,” quipped Sunny.

“Ah… that wasn’t a business dinner.” Joongki smirked.

“It wasn’t?”

“Not to me, it wasn’t.”

Sunny blinked and stared at Joongki for a moment before her eyes grew big and wide. “So… you… were…” Her voice faltered, unable to voice out what she was thinking in her mind.

Joongki’s grin grew wider. “I didn’t realise that a player like you would be shy like that… my, my… you’re more interesting than I thought.”

“How did you know that I’m a player?” Sunny was surprised that he knew about her past when she hadn’t told him anything.

Joongki blinked twice before answering smoothly, “Your reputation in Seventh Heaven supersedes you.”

“Seventh Heaven… do you go there too?”

Joongki laughed. “Why do you look so surprised?”

“So you knew about me yet you pretended that you didn’t when we first met?”

Joongki blinked twice again, barely pausing before he replied, “To be honest... yes. I knew about you but we were meeting for business and I didn’t think it very nice to talk about your reputation in Seventh Heaven.”

Sunny had to agree that he was right, although she was miffed about him lying to her and pretending not to know her at the start. “I suppose you’re right.”

“Of course I am.”

The tow truck arrived as they talked and their exchange of words was interrupted. Sunny wasn’t too sure about how it worked with the tow truck and all but Joongki was of great help, working out the details with the tow truck driver. By the end of it, Sunny’s car was hooked up to the tow truck and towed away.

“Thanks Joongki,” said Sunny gratefully.

“Come on, hop on. I’ll send you to work. Your killer heels will kill you if you try to walk to the office.”

Sunny smiled and got into his car.


Joongki mentally chided himself for slipping up as he walked around his car to his driver’s seat after opening the door for Sunny. How could he be so careless? She mustn’t find out about his ulterior motives. And at this point, it would hurt him if he lost her friendship and a possible chance to actually get her to be something more than a friend.

“Sunny, I would like to apologize for pretending that I didn’t know you when we first met. I hope you won’t be angry about that.”

Sunny was silent for a moment but her reply made him whoop for joy in his heart. “I’m not angry. It’s alright, I understand why you pretended.”

Joongki heaved a sigh of relief and smiled impishly. “That’s good. So we’re all good then?”

Sunny smiled and said, “Yes, we’re all good.”

Joongki was elated as he drove towards Sunny’s office building and it surprised him a little, just how happy he was to know that Sunny was good with him. Oh no… his heart… had it started to beat for her?


“And… here we are!” announced Joongki cheerfully as he pulled into a parking lot in the basement of the building. He had insisted on sending her right to her doorstep although Sunny had made it clear that she would be alright on her own.

“You told me to get up close and personal with you so I’m just obeying your orders, my lady.”

Sunny opened but shut it again without saying anything and he chuckled, knowing that she had lost that round to him.

As he walked around his car to open Sunny’s door, he caught sight of Yoong in his car, glaring knives and daggers in his direction. He smirked inwardly and opened Sunny’s door, extending his hand to her which she took as she got out from the car. He knew that Yoong would probably be fuming by now but he could not celebrate just yet.

“Thank you Joongki.” Sunny smiled brightly and turned to leave but Joongki knew that this was too good a chance to let up so easily.

“Wait, let me send you up to your doorstep.”

“It’s alright, you really don’t need to.”

“Up close and personal means up to your doorstep.” Joongki placed his hand at the small of her back and escorted her up to her office.

The air was a little intense in the elevator and Joongki wondered why. But intense was good. That meant that some sort of friction was taking place between them and it could mean good things for him, depending on the sort of friction it was.

He sent her right to her doorstep as promised before winking at her cheekily. “I’ll come here and pick you up for lunch.” He saw that Sunny was opening to protest and added quickly, “It’s your treat, so don’t even think about getting out of it.”

“I could just meet you at the place we’re eating at. You don’t have to come all the way here to pick me up.”

“Up close and personal, Sunny… besides, you don’t have your car right now.”

His heart did victory flips when he saw her shutting and nodding her consent. “Fine,” she said, “Come here at one to pick me up. You can pick our dining place.”

“You got it, my lady.” Joongki chuckled. “I’ll see you later, Sunny.”

He turned to go but stopped in his tracks for right behind him was Yoong who looked extremely angry and ready to slay a thousand dragons.

“Hi Yoong, it’s a good morning, isn’t it?” Joongki greeted him cheerfully as he walked past him to get back to the elevators. He smirked inwardly, mentally congratulating himself for getting back at Yoong—albeit, in a small way. This little bit of hurt that Yoong was probably feeling right now was peanuts, compared to the hurt he had inflicted on his sister.

Seulgi, my dear sister… this is for you.


Yoong was beside himself with fury. The last thing he had expected to see was Joongki sending Sunny to work. Were they together last night? Was he the reason why Sunny was ignoring all his calls and text messages? He slammed his car door a little too hard but he didn’t care if he damaged his car or not. In fact, he felt like destroying many things just to rid himself of the brewing fury that was bubbling in his heart.

He took the next elevator, not wanting them to know that he had seen them and ended up hearing their conversation about having lunch together later. If he had a gun, he would have shot Joongki dead, there and then. He kept his eyes on Sunny as Joongki walked past him, smirking. Smirking? That b*stard is smirking at me? Screw him!!! His blood boiled but he forced himself to stay calm. He couldn’t blow up at the office where their relationship was still under wraps.

Then it struck him. What if he unwrapped their relationship and made it known to everyone that Sunny was his? Would that prevent Joongki from getting away with the things he did? Perhaps it might… so he headed back down to his car immediately to get the things he had prepared to apologize to Sunny after work. He wasn’t going to wait for everyone to leave. No… he was going to do it in front of everyone. He had to.

Sunny looked as though she had something to say to him but he was too eager to get on with his plan so he turned and left, leaving Sunny standing at the entrance of their office.

He got to his car in no time and opened the boot. In there, were the things he had prepared after racking his brains all day and night. He took them out and proceeded to the washroom to get changed. He was probably going to die of embarrassment but it would be worth it if it could solve their problem.



A sudden, unexpected, thunderous yell startled everyone in the office. Sunny looked up to see Yoong decked out in a Pikachu suit, pointing his finger at her. Oh my, it was most ludicrous. What in the world was Yoong doing in a Pikachu suit???

She had her answer soon enough.

“Sunny, I love you, please forgive me.”

Yoong put his arms above his head and made a heart shape with much difficulty—his suit’s head gear was rather big.

Sunny couldn’t think. She didn’t know if she was supposed to be touched or moved or happy or angry with him for doing this. But she didn’t want her co-workers to know about their relationship so she got up and smiled.

“This is our latest idea for Jeju Joy’s grand opening. Isn’t it great?” She made up a lousy lie to cover up before pulling Yoong out of the office, almost causing him to fall over as he lumbered after her. She pulled him into the stairwell and looked back to check that nobody was following them before turning back to Yoong.

“What the heck do you think you’re doing?”

“Apologizing for being an ?”

Sunny had the insane urge to laugh at his honest reply but she kept straight face as she spoke to him.

“We agreed that we wouldn’t let them know, remember? We both agreed that we want to stay professional in the office, remember? So why are you doing this in front of everyone?”

Yoong pouted and looked completely deflated. He looked so forlorn that Sunny had to suppress a strong urge to give him a sweet kiss to comfort him.





Sunny’s four knights in shining armour yelled from the other side of the door before running away quickly when Sunny stuck her head out to chastise them for eavesdropping on her and Yoong.

“Did you tell them?” Sunny’s eyes danced dangerously as she eyed Yoong.

Yoong’s eyes grew big and wide and he vehemently denied having said anything to them.

“No! I did not tell them anything. But they know that I like you because I told them a long time ago… before your birthday. They must have figured it out on their own.”

Sunny sighed. It was time to be resigned to the fact that their co-workers knew about their relationship. They wouldn’t be able to hide it anymore. But there was another issue to handle—Yoong’s behaviour at Jeju Island.

“You want to apologize for being an .”

Yoong nodded seriously. “Yes.”

“And this is the best idea you could come up with?”

Yoong looked indignant. “Ya! I spent all of my weekend thinking of a way to apologize and this was the best idea I had! I put my heart and soul into this apology! And we both have fond memories of Pikachu, don’t we?”

Sunny blushed a little and allowed herself a tiny little smile. “Yes, but you shouldn’t have done it in front of everyone.”

“Yet you let Joongki send you all the way to our office. Why was he sending you to work this morning, Sunny? Were you with him last night?”

Sunny was genuinely shocked to hear those words leaving Yoong’s mouth. Had he no trust in her at all?

“Was I with him last night? What kind of a question is that? Do I look like a sl*t to you? And is that why you decided to pull your stunt in front of all our co-workers despite our agreement?”

“I have to let everybody know that you’re mine so that he can’t get away with the sneaky things that he’s doing,” said Yoong obstinately.

“YOONG!” Sunny was angry with the way he doubted her and the reason behind his very public apology. “I’m very disappointed in you. Firstly, you don’t trust me. I have a perfectly innocent reason for hitching a ride in Joongki’s car but I’m not going to tell you. If it’s going to make you happier, go ahead and think what you like. Secondly, you’re behaving just as badly as you did in Jeju. Please get yourself out of this suit and go back to work. I don’t feel like talking to you right now.”

Sunny was hurt inside. It pained her to think that Yoong would even think that she would spend the night with another man when she was in a relationship. It pained her to think that Yoong selfishly chose to apologize in the office for such a petty reason. And as she walked back to the office, she couldn’t help but shed a tear.


Yoong sank to his knees in his Pikachu suit. He knew that he had messed up again. He groaned as he buried his face in his palms, dragging them down in a defeated manner. Why couldn’t he curb his jealousy? Why couldn’t he curb his suspicions? This was Sunny. She wasn’t like his ex-fiancée. His ex-fiancée was a sl*t, a cheat, a selfish and manipulative woman but Sunny was anything but those things. Well, manipulative perhaps but she would never use her skills in persuasion for anything bad.

“I’m such an idiot!” yelled Yoong and his voice bounced off the walls of the stairwell and returned to him in haunting echoes, as though mocking him for his rashness.

It was a long while before he got up again and started taking off the suit. He was hot and sweaty underneath the suit by then but he didn’t care. He chucked the suit under his arm and made his way back to the office. He noted sadly that Sunny did not even look up at him as he passed her by.

Her four knights in shining armour shot him murderous looks, silently questioning him about what he had done to upset Sunny yet again but he ignored them and simply entered his office. He left the Pikachu suit in a corner and sat at his desk. And much to his consternation, he began to tear.


He was handing a file to Sungmin when Joongki appeared at the office at one. He did not even look at Sunny when she got up and left with Joongki. He simply clenched his teeth and tried to breathe evenly as he went back to his office and shut the door.

It was only then that he began to cry.


Yul sat beside Jessica as she spoke to the cab driver in fluent English. He was impressed by her English which was something he had never heard her speak before. The cab driver nodded and the cab start to move towards their hotel.

Jessica leaned against Yul and rested her head on his shoulder. She couldn’t get enough of him. After having him in her twice, one would think that she would be satiated by now but she wasn’t. Doing it twice with him and cuddling with him afterwards only made her crave more of him.

She liked the way his skin felt under her fingers. She liked his sinewy body and his well-defined muscles. His broad shoulders were a slice of heaven and his abs were just too much for her to handle. His eyes made her melt, his lips made her shiver at the thought of how good they could make her feel and his package of manhood… she bit her lip, thinking about how strongly it pulsated within her hours ago on the plane.

She squirmed a little and crossed her legs for a spark had gone off inside her, creating a ball of fire in her nether region. Unfortunately for her, a cab wasn’t a suitable place to throw herself at Yul so she had to hold in it and it up.


Their hotel room was by no means what she was used to but she wasn’t bothered by the smaller size or the lack of luxuriousness of it. What touched her was that Yul was paying for it and he was giving her what he could. Besides, all she needed was a bed, a shower and Yul. Having a bigger and more luxurious room would be pointless if Yul wasn’t in it with her.

“I’m sorry, this room probably isn’t what you’re used to,” murmured Yul as he wrapped his arms around her after putting their luggage aside neatly.

Jessica could feel herself melting into his arms as she dreamily replied, “This room is fine. So long as you are in it… any room is fine.”

Yul chuckled and patted her playfully. “Let’s get some dinner. I’m starving.”



They returned to their room after a short walk around after dinner and Jessica was feeling a little frisky.

“Yul…” she called, in a seductive tone, as she let a strap of her nightgown slip off her shoulder.

“What is it, baby?”

“Come to bed…”

“As soon as I’m done brushing my teeth, baby.”

“Yul… hurry up…” whined Jessica.

Yul stepped out of the bathroom and froze a little at the sight of Jessica lying on the bed in an alluring pose with the strap of her nightgown fallen halfway down her arm. He knew what she wanted but there were things to do the next day and he wanted to be fresh and well-rested to enjoy them.

“Sica… let’s rest… shall we?”

Jessica pouted but did not whine any further. She turned her back on him and buried her face in her pillow instead. Yul sighed inwardly. Maybe a quickie would suffice?

So he got into bed and scooted over to her side, pulling her back against him.

“Just a quick one, alright?”

Jessica turned around immediately, her eyes sparkling away. She let her nightgown pool at her waist before tugging his pants and boxers down. He was showing signs of coming to life and she grinned like a child with a candy stick in her hand.

“Quick or not, I want you.” Jessica turned a little pink upon her confession but she didn’t stop any of her very seductive actions.

It wasn’t long before they were rocking the bed in a heated and passionate embrace and calling out each other’s names in delirious moans that only served to bring their partner even more pleasure upon hearing it.


The next day, Yul marvelled at the steepness of the streets of San Francisco.

“This street is so steep! Wow…” Yul kept on looking at one of the steepest roads until Jessica tugged at his arm.

“Yul… let’s go and ride on the cable car.”

“Oh yeah! The cable car!” Yul began moving in the direction of a cable car stop excitedly.

Jessica couldn’t help giggling at his excitement. Gone was his serious demeanour, gone was his cool and calm suaveness. In place of all that, was the exuberance of a ten-year-old who couldn’t sit still because he wanted to ride on a cable car.

Yul waved excitedly at a cable car that was approaching the stop. When it came to a complete halt, he got on and helped Jessica onto it before marvelling over the awesomeness of it all. It wasn’t anything new to Jessica so she sat back and watched Yul gush over the cable car.

His eyes shone with excitement as he turned to her and whispered, “We’re moving!” when the cable car began to move slowly.

She couldn’t help but to smile although she had always felt that the cable cars were a tad too slow for her liking. Then a sudden thought struck her.

“Yul, are we on the right cable car?”

“Yes, we’re on the Powell-Hyde line, heading towards Fisherman’s Wharf.”

“How do you know all that?” Jessica was quite surprised by how knowledgeable he seemed to be.

“I read up a little.” Yul grinned like a little boy who had done something good and wanted to be praised for it, so Jessica couldn’t resist giving him a peck on his cheek.

“You are the best.” She smiled toothlessly.


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Fire_trek 342 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 342 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD