Round 42

Personal Differences

Round Forty-Two


Shock number one of the morning…


Tiffany woke up feeling really uncomfortable. Firstly, there was something really heavy on top of her. Secondly, her head was splitting. She forced her heavy eyelids open and was treated to a blurry view of a face right next to hers. Her droopy eyes sprang open in shock. Who was she sleeping with?!


No… NO… NO!!! Please don’t let it be some random guy… PLEASE!


She blinked and squinted, trying to get her vision back into focus and it did, revealing the identity of the person she had slept with all night…


It was Taeng.








She almost hyperventilated—she was that relieved—yet, she couldn’t figure out how she had ended up sleeping with Taeng and that bothered her.


She tried to push him to the side, only to find that she couldn’t.


Shock number two of the morning…


She was bound to Taeng.


Somebody had wrapped her arms diagonally around his body and kept her wrists bound together behind Taeng. In short, she was ‘hugging’ him and unless Taeng woke up, she was stuck in her uncomfortable position under him, because it appeared that he was bound in the same way also. She could only groan for his entire body was on top of hers and he wasn’t all that light. She felt a little suffocated but there was little she could do with their legs bound together.


How did I end up being tied up with Taeng?! And where are we?!


A tinge of fear crept into her heart which prompted her to for help as loudly as she could.


She yelled and yelled till her voice turned hoarse but nobody came to her rescue.


What else could she do?


Perhaps she could get herself into a more comfortable position at least.


After a few moments of trying to shift herself into a more comfortable position, however, she gave up. It was almost impossible to get into another position. She didn’t know how she ended up in this situation or who tied them together but she had to admit that there was no other person she’d rather be tied up with other than Taeng.


Her eyes fell upon the delicate features of the man she was ‘hugging’. He looked extremely serene at the moment despite the ugly bruise on his face that tugged on her heartstrings.


Why is there a bruise on his face?


She had the strongest urge to caress his bruise but her hands were tied—literally. Just then, his head tilted a little to the side and she felt his warm breath on her neck, tickling her a little. His nose… now a mere inch from her attracted her attention.


His nose was a work of art. It was just the perfect height and length. She didn’t want his nose to be any other way. Resisting the urge to plant her lips on his cute nose, her eyes then trailed down to his lips. Oh mama. She always did find his lips very kissable. Looking at his lips reminded her of the first time she made a move on him. The memory of that car ride to Yoong’s resort pulled the ends of upwards into a smile. Those were the good times.


That was when he liked me…


Does he still like me now?


She looked at his lips unwaveringly as depressing thoughts flooded her mind and they seemed to beckon her to come closer.


Should she?


Why not? He wouldn’t even know anyway.


If I don’t kiss him now… I may never have another chance to…


So she caved in to her urge to kiss him—just like the first time. She almost moaned when she felt him with her lips and parted them to get more of him, satisfying her desire for his lips. She nuzzled his lips gently for a moment before pressing harder onto his lips as her need for him grew.


Suddenly, she felt his arms tightening around her and stopped, thinking that he might have awoken. She looked at his eyes but they were closed.


Oh my, he’s still asleep.


She couldn’t help giggling to herself. Taeng was so cute even in his sleep! She couldn’t believe that he was actually responding to her kiss while sleeping.


However, her kiss must have ignited some desires in him because he began grinding his hips and since they were bound together in the most intimate of ways, he was literally grinding his hips onto hers.


She gasped.


She gasped because it felt so good despite being so wrong.


Taeng! Please don’t tell me that you’re… oh my gawd…


“Taeng…” she called him, hoping to wake him up but to no avail. He continued to grind his hips on hers and subsequently, she began to feel something rubbing against her crotch and thigh. She squeezed her eyes shut and groaned inwardly.


This is not happening to me… this can’t be happening to me!


“Fany ah…” said Taeng, rather clearly.


She tensed and her heart leapt. She thought that he had woken up but a quick look at his eyes told her otherwise.


“Taeng? Are you awake?” she spoke tentatively but he did not respond.


She tried to shift her hips away from his but all she succeeded in was rubbing against him even more. She groaned inwardly yet again for she was beginning to feel that much hotter in between her legs. Taeng grinding her in his sleep was bad enough without having to battle against her own raging hormones!


As she cursed her own body for being so ridiculous, a sudden fear gripped her.


Oh gosh… I hope nobody comes in here when he’s being like this.


“Taeng!” she called him a little louder, hoping to wake him up but to no avail. And it was right then that her worst fear came true.


Shock number three of the morning…


The door opened.


A tall man stepped into the room and shut the door behind him. Tiffany shut her eyes quickly, hoping that the intruder hadn’t noticed that she was awake. It was just too embarrassing to be awake at this moment. She tensed in fear as she heard the sound of the door closing. Her inner voice begged Taeng to stop somehow, for the sound of the friction between her clothes and Taeng’s as he continued to grind against her seemed to have been amplified.


“Fany… I love you. I’m sorry. It’s my fault. Please come home with me.” Taeng spoke loud and clear with his eyes closed.


There was a moment of silence, before the intruder began to laugh. It began from a quiet chuckle to a smothered laugh finishing as a full scale guffaw, an all-out roar of laughter. Despite hearing the intruder laugh, Tiffany couldn’t help but feel really warm. Her cheeks turned pink as the warmest, most joyful gladness filled her heart. Hearing Taeng say those words, regardless of his state of consciousness, was so comforting to her. It gave her hope that he still wanted her as badly as before. She still had a chance.


She sensed the intruder approaching them and tensed even more. And then she experienced embarrassment of the highest degree.


“Tiffany, I know that you’re awake.”


She felt doubly embarrassed for being caught in the act of pretending to sleep on top of having Taeng grinding against her in such a vulgar manner.


“Open your eyes Tiffany, I know that you’re wide awake and feeling very embarrassed right now.”


Tiffany groaned and opened her eyes. The intruder was squatting right beside her, wearing the silliest grin on his face.


“Hi Tiffany...”


“Who are you?”


“Omo… You don’t remember who I am? We met in this bar last night. I treated you to a ton of drinks and you can’t remember me?”


Tiffany squinted and looked at him, trying to recall the events of the night before. The intruder looked appalled at her lack of remembrance.


“You came into the bar and ordered a dozen shots of B-52. I approached you and ended up paying for your drinks. Remember?” the intruder prompted her.


She shook her head slightly, trying to clear her fuzzy mind.


“And you were down to your last shot when this little guy burst in and tried to grab you. Remember that?”


When Tiffany remained unresponsive, the intruder spoke again, “And I punched him and tried to kiss you but he knocked me down and punched me like a million times. Surely you can remember that.”


Tiffany gasped. “Taeng knocked you down?!”


“Uh huh… he broke free from my friends and literally threw himself on me to stop me from kissing you, ha ha ha…”


“You tried to kiss me?” Tiffany’s eyes grew big and round.


“Don’t worry… I’m not going to kiss you. This little guy here earned my respect last night. I won’t touch his girl.”


Tiffany’s eyes grew sad upon hearing that. “He broke up with me… I’m not his girl anymore. I’m not even sure if he even likes me anymore.”


The intruder gaped at her in disbelief. “Are you sure about that? I’ve never seen such a small guy breaking free from my friends before and trust me… my friends are strong men. And he was so focused on stopping me from kissing you that he didn’t even notice that he had dropped that green thing of his.”


The intruder held up Taeng’s peas in front of Tiffany.


Tiffany gasped.


Taeng didn’t notice that he had lost his peas?!


Taeng fought against three strong men?!


Taeng did all that… for me?!


Is that why he’s sporting that ugly bruise on his face???


And then it began to come back to her in flashes.


Taeng calling her… Taeng being pulled away from her… Taeng being punched… and the intruder almost kissing her…


“Taeng fought you…” Tiffany whispered hoarsely as memories of the night before came rushing back to her, warming her heart, “… and won…”


The intruder chuckled. “Well… I wouldn’t say he won… look at the two of you now…”


Tiffany grew agitated. “How did we end up like this? Did you do this to us?”


The intruder laughed. “If you really want to know… I can tell you the whole story…”




Taeng toppled and fell onto the floor, completely knocked out from the punch.


“Holy cow… that was some punch Kangin hyung.”


“My fist hurts like hell now. Darn this little guy…” grumbled Kangin.


“He’s out cold, hyung… what do we do now?”


“His girl is out cold too. Darn the two of them. Our night is completely ruined now. Let’s just toss the both of them into our room and leave them there.”


“Are you sure you want to leave them in your VIP room, hyung? What if they do stuff in there?”


Kangin snorted. “Just look at them. Do you think they’re capable of doing anything else tonight?”


Kangin’s friends sniggered. “You’re right. Let’s throw them in and leave them there.”


Kangin’s friends heaved Taeng into the room while Kangin carried Tiffany in.


“You’re a lucky girl, Tiffany. I’m not doing you tonight only because your little guy has earned my respect.” Kangin grinned as he put Tiffany down on the huge couch in the middle of the room.


“Kangin ssi, do you need anything for tonight?” A man decked out in very smart attire appeared at the door.


“No, I’m not staying here but my two friends are. Just make sure that nobody else enters my room tonight, arasso?”


“Roger that Kangin ssi. Nobody else will enter this room tonight. If there’s nothing else I can help you with, I’ll take my leave.”




The smartly attired man nodded and disappeared from the room.


Kangin turned back and looked at Taeng and Tiffany who were totally knocked out—one by alcohol and the other by his fist. He shook his head and chuckled and was about to leave the room when he stopped his friends.


“Guys, I’ve got an idea.”


“What is it?” asked his friends eagerly.


He snickered and gestured for them to come closer. “Listen, this is what we’re going to do…”



“… and that’s how you ended up with him… like this…” Kangin snickered. “I’m Kangin by the way… it was really entertaining to meet the two of you last night.”


Tiffany growled. “I’m so going to sue your off when I get out of here. Untie us now!”


“Tsk, tsk… you shouldn’t be saying that when you’re all tied up, Tiffany… besides… I’m doing the two of you a huge favour. You should thank me for mending your relationship with your boyfriend. Look at how happy he is to be with you.”


Tiffany was sure that she was about to implode from extreme embarrassment for Taeng was still grinding away at her hips.


“TAENG!!!” she yelled as loudly as she could and bucked her hips as hard as she could to wake him up.


“FANY!!! FANY!!!” Taeng yelled as he was finally awakened—albeit, rather rudely. And oh boy was he surprised to find that there was another man in the room with him and Tiffany.


“Fany? I thought… we were…” His voice trailed off as the realization of the difference between dreams and reality hit him. “Oh no… was I…”


Kangin roared with laughter. “YES YOU WERE!!! OH GAWD!!! THAT WAS SO PRICELESS!!! YOU’RE THE MAN, TAENG!!! HA HA HA HA HA!!!”


Tiffany’s face had turned beet red while Taeng tried to hide his very much alive “Taeng Jr.” from view. She groaned inwardly at how ludicrous the situation was.


“Why am I tied up? Please untie me.” Taeng looked desperately at Kangin who was still busy laughing his head off at the two of them. “Please… I can’t…”


“Okay, okay… just hold on, buddy.”


Kangin untied them and the instant they were unbound, Taeng moved away from Tiffany, avoiding her gaze whilst mentally chiding himself for doing such a horrible thing to her in the presence of another man.


“I apologize if the prank is a little over the top. I just wanted a little revenge on the two of you for ruining my night out with my friends. But after seeing that… I think we’re quits.” Kangin shook with laughter upon saying that. “Well… I’ll leave the two of you to make up with each other… just… don’t make out in this room okay? But it’s alright if you really want to. HA HA HA HA HA!!!”


The thoroughly embarrassed couple could hear Kangin’s mad laughter as he left the room and walked down the corridor which did not help things. Taeng felt really sorry for what he had done but he wasn’t sure if Tiffany was willing to accept his apology.


“Now that he’s gone… how are you going to make it up to me, Taeng?”


Taeng looked up and gaped. Tiffany had closed and locked the door and was now walking towards him purposefully…


“F-Fany?” Taeng stuttered nervously. “I-I’m r-really s-sorry…”


“You have to take responsibility for your actions, Taeng.” Tiffany stopped in front of him with an angry look upon her face.


All he could do was swallow the lump in his throat and hope for the best.




Tiffany pushed Taeng back down onto the couch and straddled him. Taeng gulped hard but didn’t dare to say or do anything else.


“What do you have to say to me, Taeng?”


“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry, Fany ah.” Taeng teared instantly, feeling utterly sorry for putting Tiffany through so much pain.


“Do you love me, Taeng?”


“YES!” Taeng shouted eagerly.


“Do you really love me?”


“Fany ah… I love you with all my heart.” Taeng’s eyes were most sincere and Tiffany’s heart skipped a couple of beats.


Her blood began to race as her heart thumped that much faster.


“Explanations later… now… I want you to make me happy. Taeng, can you make me happy?”


“I’ll do anything to make you happy!”


“Really?” Tiffany‘s eye smile made him breathe harder.


Taeng nodded his head vigorously. “I’ll do anything for you, Fany ah…”


“Then take my clothes off now and make me scream your name.”


“Huh?” Taeng’s wide open eyes did little to hide his shock.


“Aren’t you going to be responsible for grinding yourself on me like that?” Tiffany put her fists on her hips and frowned.


Taeng blinked nervously.


“I-I’ll be responsible. I will! B-But why do you want me to t-take off your c-clothes?”


Tiffany leaned down slowly, causing all the muscles in Taeng’s body to tense and whispered huskily in his ear, “You’ve got me all hot and bothered with your grinding, that’s why.”


She pushed herself back upright with her palms and flipped her hair to the back most seductively.


“Don’t make me say the same thing twice… Taetae…”


He gulped hard and nodded before raising his trembling hands towards Tiffany’s t-shirt. He pulled the hem up and she raised her hands, allowing him to pull it up and off. He looked like he was about to pass out any moment now and Tiffany had to bite her lip to keep from smiling at his adorkableness.


His trembling hands then made their way to her jeans and ed it. He tugged it down her slender legs and she stepped out of them, leaving her in her lingerie.


Seeing her in nothing but lingerie created a stir in him and she could sense every bit of his feverish emotions as his eyes followed the curve of her calves, thighs, hips up to her waist and the most sensuous curve of her s before finally reaching her twinkling eyes.


Tiffany giggled at the way he looked at her. She was sure that Taeng was indeed utterly smitten by her. Oh yes, that was what she wanted to be sure of. She had her answer now and it made her very happy.


“Taetae…” she breathed.


“Yes, Fany?”


“I want you.”




“Right now.”


And that was the final shock of the morning…


Tiffany’s unbridled desire for Taeng.




Her lips were heaven and his soul was lifted up, up and away… swept off his feet by the feverish desires that were gushing out from every pore of his tingling skin. His mind had ceased to function properly for the libido zone had expanded and overtaken every other inch of his brain. He wanted her so much that it hurt.


Ah, it really hurt. His pants were so tight that it hurt real bad.


“Taetae, is something wrong? Why are you groaning in pain?”


Taeng looked into Tiffany’s molten chocolate brown eyes and blushed to see the blatant look of hunger in them.


“I… er… my pants…”


And Tiffany’s eyes trailed down his body to the rather prominent bulge that was torturing Taeng. She giggled like a school girl who had been asked out on a date by her crush and caressed his pinkish cheeks.


“Do you want me to make you feel better?”


“Yes, please.” Taeng ducked his head shyly upon seeing Tiffany’s seductive smile.


Tiffany ran her hands down his body and they were this close to reaching their destination when there was a loud knock on the door followed by a loud, booming voice.




Taeng and Tiffany froze and looked at each other. Tiffany looked very disappointed while Taeng’s brain had lost its ability to feel anything other than… that.


“What are we going to do now?” Taeng asked in a hushed whisper.


“Put my clothes back on. Quick!”




Tiffany grabbed Taeng’s hand as soon as she was safe from being arrested for indecent exposure. She tugged him along as she exited the room and the bar that they were in. Taeng blushed from the many knowing glances that the bartenders threw him. One of them even winked and gave him the thumbs up!


Taeng gulped nervously and tried not to fall—Tiffany was pulling him so hard and walking so briskly—as he trailed behind the girl that he had so gallantly saved the night before.


“Where are we going to?” he asked Tiffany.


“I don’t know,” she replied, “Why don’t you tell me where to go?”


Taeng blinked rapidly, feeling more flustered than ever. Panicking slightly, he looked down to avert Tiffany’s intense, mind-numbing gaze only to finally understand why he had gotten the winks and thumbs up from the bartenders. For down below, in the nether regions, was the biggest tent he had ever seen in his life.



Jeju Island was indeed a breathing-taking, beautiful place to be. Sunny applauded Yoong for his foresight in having a resort in a place like that. It was highly regarded as a top honeymoon destination and Yoong’s resort was designed to attract the newly wedded couples. The grand opening was right in their face and Joongki’s deal was crucial to their resort’s business for he ran a massive tour company that could bring in enormous numbers for any place of accommodation.


“Sunny, you’re looking so good today.” Joongki was all smiles as he walked towards her at the airport where they were to take the plane to the island. It would be a short one-hour flight to Jeju from Seoul compared to a four-hour drive if they went by car.


“Joongki, you’re too glib.”


“I’m not glib. I mean what I say and I mean it when I say that you’re looking good today.”


“In that case, do I need to thank you for the compliment?” Sunny grinned charmingly at him.


“No, you don’t have to. I’m sure you get that a lot and I’m only one of the many guys who know how to appreciate how fantastic you look.”


“If you’re not glib… I don’t know who is.”


“Sunny… you hurt my feelings real deep… I told you that I mean every word I say.”


Sunny laughed without restraint which turned her eyes into cute crescent moons and Joongki looked a little mesmerized by her.


“Arasso, arasso… you’re looking pretty good yourself, Joongki.”


“And there goes the pot calling the kettle black.”


“Guilty as charged.” Sunny giggled.


“You are a naughty girl, Sunny. I think I’m going to enjoy doing business with you.” Joongki winked conspiratorially at her.


Sunny laughed but she was slightly bothered by his insinuations. Suddenly, she wished that she hadn’t quarreled with Yoong the day before. He wasn’t even here to send her off and they hadn’t spoken since their spat. It seemed a little ridiculous but she realized that she missed him although they haven’t even been apart for more than twenty-four hours.


She found herself whipping her phone out and typing a message. Her finger hovered over the send icon for a second before tapping it. There. She had done it. She had sent him a message before he did. Was that her conceding defeat since she had caved in and contacted him first? She decided that it wasn’t important. What was more important was that she missed him and she wanted him to know.


“That a boyfriend you’re saying goodbye too?” Joong nodded towards the phone in her hand.


Sunny did not answer his question. She merely smiled.


“Does that mean that I have no chance to woo you?”


Sunny laughed politely. “Joongki… do you even need to lift a finger to get a girl? You’re one of the most eligible bachelors I know of.”


Joongki cocked an eyebrow with interest. “So you have been checking me out huh?”


“You’re my potential client. How could I not?”


“You’re such a good account manager. I have a good mind to headhunt you for my own company.”


“I’m just doing my job, Joongki.”


“You’re exceptionally good at your job, Sunny.”




The announcement interrupted their conversation and much to Sunny’s relief, Joongki did not continue it.


They boarded the plane and Sunny checked her phone again but Yoong had not replied. She pouted and looked out of the window as the plane commenced its take-off. Maybe Yoong was still angry with her and that thought did not sit down well with her at all.



A very tired Yul stepped out of the office at dusk and headed for his car. He was paying the price for sacrificing his sleep to accompany Jessica. Fortunately, he managed to last the day but he couldn’t wait to get home and get some shuteye. He drove fast but carefully and got home in no time but to his pleasant surprise, he caught a whiff of fresh-from-the-oven pizza drifting out from his kitchen.


“Kwon seobang… you’re back!”


A slender figure breezed out of the kitchen and glided straight into his open arms. It was most magical… all of his fatigue vanished the instant she hugged him. She stood on her toes and gave him a chaste kiss, injecting a healthy dose of energy into his blood. He smiled and buried his nose in her hair, inhaling the wonderful scent of her shampoo.


“I’m home, baby.”


“I got samchon to make us a pizza. Come and eat it while it’s hot.”


Jessica dragged Yul into the kitchen and picked up a piece of pizza.




Yul opened his mouth to eat the pizza but Jessica playfully turned the pizza around and put it into instead. She grinned cheekily as she chewed, deriving pleasure out of the hungry and disappointed look on his face.


Yul was not to be outdone, however. He leaned forward and bit a mouthful of the pizza from the other end instead.


“Yul! Get your own pizza.” Jessica pouted.


“But I want to eat out of your hand.” Yul grinned so handsomely that Jessica couldn’t refuse him so she fed him the slice of pizza again.


“Mmm… the pizza is more delicious when you feed it to me.”


“Yul…” Jessica’s cheeks were tainted pink. His naughty, cheesy words were doing incredible things to her heart.


Yul chuckled and pinched Jessica’s cheek lightly before grabbing another slice of pizza from the pan.


“It’s my turn to feed you now. Ah…”


Jessica giggled and opened to be fed. And there they stood… romancing each other in the kitchen with smiles and pizzas.


Soon, the pizza was eaten up by the two lovebirds.


“I’m going to take a shower, baby. Be right back!” Yul announced once the last bit of pizza had been swallowed.


Jessica bit her lip at the word ‘shower’. It was a sensitive word to her after telling Yul about her ‘indigo sky’ fantasy. He noticed her reaction and was amused by it so he tapped her nose and winked at her, bringing even more colour into her cheeks. Then he headed for the bedroom to get his towel. He desperately needed a shower before hitting the sack.



Jessica rolled to Yul and nestled her head on his chest as soon as he joined her on his bed. He turned to her as she rubbed her thumb mindlessly on his abs.


“Yul, we have to meet Tiffany to plan the wedding. Would you rather meet her during the weekend?”


After interviewing several wedding planners, Jessica had discovered that there was nobody better suited to plan her wedding than her very, very best friend, Tiffany Hwang. Tiffany was most willing to be her wedding planner. In fact, she was supremely excited about it and had refused to accept any payment from Jessica for her services.


“I’m your best friend, Jessi. Don’t you dare pay me for this… being your wedding planner beats being your maid of honour hands down, which of course is also going to be me, right?”


Jessica had laughed real hard at Tiffany’s enthusiasm. She was also very touched by her best friend’s gestures.


“Saturday would be good.”


“I’ll tell Tif we will meet her this Saturday afternoon. She’ll be back from Jeonju by then. I hope that she’s doing alright with Taeng.”


“I’m sure Tiffany can handle Taeng, so don’t you worry your little head over it Besides, Taeng mentioned something about running after Tiffany when I called him, so I’m sure he’s making it up to her right now. By the way, do your parents know that you’re sleeping over tonight?”


Jessica almost rolled her eyes but stopped herself, lest Yul should give her another lecture on how important it was to respect her parents that way. She had moved back ever since his proposal but she now alternated between sleeping over at his apartment and her own home.


“I told Mum.”


“Good girl.” Yul patted her head which irritated her slightly. She didn’t want to be treated like a little girl.


She couldn’t stay irritated for long, however, because Yul charmed her by giving her a full, solid kiss as a reward for being good. The kiss grew gradually and deepened as they pulled each other closer. Yul knew exactly which spot to nudge and buttons to push. The kiss came to an end but it only left Jessica wanting more.




“Not tonight, baby. I’m really tired.”




“Baby… please don’t tempt me. I need my sleep tonight.”


Jessica ignored his plea and rained kisses all over his jugular.


“Baby.” He may have called her ‘baby’ but the tone of his voice was anything but seductive. In fact, it killed any desire she had instantly. “I really need to sleep tonight. I’m dog tired, Jessica.”


Uh oh… he used her name which meant that he was serious about it. She knew that he wouldn’t budge once he was in his ‘serious’ mode. His principles stood unwaveringly between him and her desires and she knew that she had to stop or risk his displeasure.


“Goodnight Yul,” she whispered and turned her back on him, her pride hurting a little after having her advances rejected by him.


“Baby, please understand that I need the rest. Goodnight…” Yul planted a tender kiss on her shoulder. “Sweet dreams, baby…”



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Fire_trek 342 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 342 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD