Round 32

Personal Differences

Round Thirty-Two


“Why did you kiss me?”


Hyoyeon blushed at Hyun’s very blunt question. What kind of a guy would ask a girl a question like that?! Isn’t it obvious enough?


She shrugged and played it cool. “I was only trying to state my point.”


Hyun looked visibly disappointed. “Oh… so that’s why…”


O. M. G!!! How dense can Hyun get???


“Er… yeah... Are you feeling better today?” Hyoyeon felt like giving Hyun a huge whack on the back of his head—he was so dense.


“Yes.” Hyun brightened up with a smile. “I think your method worked.” He added shyly.


“My method?” Hyoyeon was puzzled. “What method?”


“Where’s my goguma?” Hyun asked suddenly, attempting to change to the topic that was fast entering a territory that he was not too comfortable with.


“Oh no you don’t. Not until you explain yourself.” Hyoyeon snatched the bag of goguma away from him and held it behind her back.


“I want my goguma!” Hyun got up from his seat and stretched his arm towards the bag.


Hyoyeon leapt back and withheld the goguma from him. She stuck her tongue out at him and shook the bag tantalizingly in front of him. “You’re not going to get this until you talk.”


“No!” Hyun darted towards Hyoyeon who dodged around him to the other side of the table.


Round and round they went around Hyun’s work desk, with Hyun making sudden changes in direction, attempting to grab hold of his goguma. Hyoyeon, being a nimble person, had no troubles dodging him and Hyun got increasingly frustrated.


“I WANT MY GOGUMA!” He yelled and leapt over the table with surprising grace. He caught Hyoyeon by surprise and they toppled over onto the floor in a heap. Hyun made a desperate grab for the bag but Hyoyeon managed to whisk it away, forcing Hyun to pin her arms to the floor with his hands.


It took them several moments to realize the sort of position they were in at the moment. Hyoyeon with her back on the floor, arms pinned up above her head with the bag of goguma still clutched in her hand. Hyun sprawled over her, his hands pinning her arms down. Their faces, within an inch of each other, their legs, messily entangled and intertwined.


Hyoyeon froze in awkwardness and Hyun finally managed to snatch the bag away from her.


“My goguma!” He cried out happily.


And their eyes met.


Oh… time stood still between them… goguma forgotten… his work forgotten… the bustle of the harried world outside was but a gentle whisper, fading into the wind…


It was just him...and her...


Two… in a bubble.


The fragrance of the goguma drifted in between them, bringing them back to their senses and they blinked. The awkward cough, downcast eyes and jerky hands and feet denoted their moment of attraction and subsequent embarrassment. Neither of them knew what to do or say. They had gotten too close for comfort.


“Sorry Hyoyeon… I was only trying to get the goguma…” Hyun looked positively petrified as he scrambled back to his feet. He helped Hyoyeon back onto her feet and swept the dust off of her clothes.


“It’s okay.” Hyoyeon mumbled softly. “Well, I’d better get going now. I’ve got a class to get to.”


“Okay, thanks for the goguma!” Hyun smiled awkwardly as he sent Hyoyeon to the door.


“Bye…” Hyoyeon sighed inwardly as she left.


“Bye…” And Hyun leaned against his door, trying to sooth his wildly thumping heart.




Jessica glared at Yoong. He gulped and looked to Yul for support. Sunny merely giggled at his predicament.


“Sica, I told you, it’s not his fault.”


“But Yul…” Jessica pouted; unhappy that Yoong had punched Yul so hard that his bruise had extended its reach across a quarter of his face in varying shades of blue and purple.


“I’m sorry! I really am!” Yoong spluttered in panic. There was no telling what an angry Jessica might do to him.


Sunny decided that she had been entertained enough by a cowering Yoong and spoke up to help him out.


“So when’s the wedding going to be?”


Jessica’s expression immediately brightened and a wide toothless smile graced her lips as she looked adoringly at Yul.


“We’re on the hunt for a good wedding planner. Once we find one… the wedding will be as soon as it can be arranged.”


“Where do you want it to be?”


“Her house.” Yul smiled down at her. “It’d be nice to bring some cheer in there.”


“This is so exciting!” Sunny rubbed her hands in glee.


“Thanks for helping Yul out, Sunny.” Jessica smiled warmly at the excited girl. “He told me that you taught him to fold the paper cranes and you even helped in picking our rings. You have good taste by the way.”


Sunny smiled like the warm sunshine after the rain. “You don’t have to thank me. I’m happy when Yul’s happy.”


Yoong felt a stab of jealousy all of a sudden. It came from nowhere. But what Sunny said had not pleased him. Just how close was Sunny to Yul for her to say such a thing?


“Well, regardless of that, this lunch is to thank Sunny for helping me with the proposal which was a raving success!” Yul added teasingly.


Jessica bit her lip and smacked his arm real hard, making him wince. Neither of them, however, endeavored to explain why Jessica was now blushing and Yul laughing his head off. Yoong looked at Sunny. What is that about? He asked her with his eyes. Sunny shook her head and shrugged. She didn’t know either. In that moment, Yoong decided that he was being silly again. Yul was happily engaged to Jessica and Sunny was happy for them. He shouldn’t have anything to worry about… should he?



Back in the home of the Jungs, Mr. and Mrs. Jung were in a serious discussion with each other. Mr. Jung had been declared well enough to return home and it was with great joy that he finally set foot back in his home a couple days earlier. Things have been civil between him and his wife. They were beyond the stage of crying and sobbing and screaming. They had attained a deep understanding of each other and they knew exactly what the other person was thinking without having to say anything but they talked anyway.


“Do you really have to leave us now?”


Mrs. Jung sighed. “I don’t think I have to explain it to you, do I? You know perfectly why I am asking for this.”


“I know that it is asking a lot of you but that was the old me. You tolerated me when I was the most horrible husband and now, when I’m finally reformed… you want to leave?”


“I just need a break from you and this family. I’m tired, yeobo.”


“A break? Is that all you need? Well, take a break then. I bought you that house down the street. You can stay there when you need some space. I can charter a private plane for you to travel around the world. I can do anything to give you a break. But please, stay as Mrs. Jung. You’ve been my wife for all these years… I wouldn’t know what to do without you.”


Mr. Jung breathed deeply. His body was still in recovering mode and he wasn’t his usual self yet.


“Don’t put your health at risk, yeobo. Calm down.” Mrs. Jung was alarmed at the sight of her husband panting slightly from being slightly agitated.


“Think of Sooyeon. Our dearest Sooyeon needs a family that’s whole and complete. She’s only just starting to get better, thanks to Yul. It wouldn’t do her good to have us separate at this point.”


Mrs. Jung narrowed her eyes into slits. Why, that sly prick. He was always using his daughter as a bargaining tool to negotiate with her. What irritated her most was that most of the time, he was right about their daughter. She had suffered a lot as a child. She had suffered even more while she was growing up. Yet, at the end of the day, she’d be that girl who craved for a loving family the most, even though she constantly threw tantrums, behaved like a spoilt princess and acted like she neither cared for nor needed her family.


She sighed. If staying with her husband would make her daughter happy… it would be worth re-considering her decision to divorce him.


A talk with Jessica would be good.




“Sooyeon ah… are you awake?”


“Mum?” Jessica was surprised to see her mother in her room. Her mother hadn’t entered her room in a while.


“Sooyeon ah… I want to talk to you about something.”


Jessica knew what it was about. She didn’t want to talk about it. She didn’t want her pain to show. “I’m tired. Go away.”


Mrs. Jung knew that her daughter’s bark was definitely worse than her bite. She ignored her daughter’s words and sat on her bed.


“Sooyeon ah… I want to divorce your father.”


Jessica merely buried her face deeper into her pillows.


“But I want your consent.”


Jessica stiffened but she still didn’t look at her mother.


“I’m tired, I need a break. Can you understand how your mother feels?”


Jessica sat up at last. She looked at her mother’s aged yet beautiful face and felt her heartstrings being tugged in a million different directions. What could she say? Her own feelings were not as important as her mother’s. She wanted her mother to be happy.


“I just want you to be happy, Mum.” Jessica hugged her suddenly.


Mrs. Jung was shocked beyond words. A screaming, livid Jessica throwing the most massive tantrum would have shocked her a lot less than this quiet, gentle and fragile one. Her daughter has changed… a lot… and perhaps Yul had something to do with it. Again, her father was irritatingly right about Yul.


Her daughter’s hug did wonders for her soul. It lifted the darkness and into her heart spilled some light. She felt warmth, hope and comfort. She wrapped her own arms around her daughter and hugged her back just as tightly, if not more.


“Sooyeon ah… you’re my dearest daughter… you know that I love you the most.” Mrs. Jung’s eyes brimmed with tears.


“Is that why you pretended not to know about Daddy’s women?” Jessica sniffed. “Were you trying to protect me?”


Mrs. Jung nodded then laughed. “But little did I know that you already knew. I should have known. Your behavior… your words… they didn’t come from your heart. You wanted to hurt us back because we hurt you.”


And just like that, the floodgates opened. Tears poured down their cheeks, stored and held back from the years of hiding their pain from each other. Tears flowed freely from the accumulated hurt from the years of tolerating betrayal and regret. Tears were the cure, the cleansing agent, to cleanse their wounds, new and old.


A timid voice intruded upon them suddenly.


“I’m sorry. It’s my fault for coming here. I never should have come.” Krystal stood trembling from the sight of Jessica and her mother sobbing so heart wrenchingly. “I can leave, Mrs. Jung. I should be the one to leave… not you.”


Jessica felt a pang in her heart at Krystal’s words. Yul was right. Krystal… Krystal was just as much of a victim as she was. She had refused to accept it completely, only allowing herself to have a civil relationship with her half-sister. But as she looked at Krystal trembling from all the hurt and pain inside, she knew that she had to face the truth. Krystal was her half-sister after all.


“Mum… it’s not her fault.”


Jessica pulled Krystal into her arms and engulfed her in a huge sisterly hug. Then she pulled her mother towards them and the three females of the Jung family hugged and cried as one.




“Taking leave of work? Going on a holiday?” The manager of the showroom bellowed at a cringing Krystal. “You’re only a junior sales officer and you’re asking to get days off in the middle of our busiest period? And who are you going on a holiday with? Your boyfriend?”


“M-My f-family…” Krystal stuttered as the other female sales officers stood in the back, watching.


“Your family?” The manager scoffed in her face. “Don’t even try to make me soften up on you. You young people are all the same. You work for a while and complain. Then you go on a holiday. And when you come back, you get all lazy on the job.”


“What is this about?” Young appeared at the showroom, causing a commotion amongst the staff at the showroom. He hardly ever made an appearance here and when he did, it was usually with his father.


The other female sales officers gasped upon seeing him. Then they got all excited. Young was the most eligible bachelor in the company. Of course, being the sole heir of the largest car company in Korea as well as possessing boyish good looks would propel him to be desired by most, if not all of female staff in his company.


Krystal on the other hand, was not at all pleased to see him. She didn’t want anybody to know that she knew him. She had told him that before she accepted his offer to set her up with an interview. What is he doing here?


“Mr. Choi, what a surprise to see you here. I was just reprimanding a new staff.”


Young glanced at Krystal briefly before turning back to the manager. “What transgression did she commit?”


The manager faltered a little under his intense stare. “Er… S-She wants to take leave of work for a few days to go on a holiday. However, this is one of our busiest periods and we are running short of manpower.”


Young cocked an eyebrow questioningly. “Oh? Is that it? From your tone, it sounded a lot more serious than this. Is this even a problem? I hope you are not ill-treating our new staff again. I know how harsh you can get on our newer staff. Are you encouraging them to quit or stay? No wonder your showroom is always in need ot new staff. If this lady wants to take a few days leave of work, let her. I’m sure we can handle the showroom without her and when she’s back, I’m sure she will work twice as hard to return your kindness.”


“Hmph… why is he helping her? What is she to him?” The manager mutters disgruntledly under his breath, while Krystal gapes at Young’s bold speech.


“Did you say something? If you have something to say to me, go ahead and say it.”


“I said, who is she to you? Why are you helping her?” The manager spoke up bravely.


“Who is she to me? I’ll tell you who she is to me. She is my best friend’s girlfriend’s childhood friend’s fiancée’s sister, that’s who she is to me. So don’t you dare scold her over nothing again or I’ll have your head on a chopping board.”


The manager blinked rapidly at his morbid threat. He couldn’t be sure if Young was kidding or not but whatever it was, Young had Krystal’s back, that was for sure. He had chosen the wrong employee to exercise his authority over.


CRAP. Time to back down.


“Hahaha…” The manager laughed awkwardly. “Don’t worry Mr. Choi, I was only making sure that our new employees don’t take leave unnecessarily. I was going to let her have her leave anyway.”


Young turned to smile at Krystal but she didn’t look in the least happy with him at all. Then he remembered. She had wanted him to act like they didn’t know each other! OH NO! He had forgotten all about that.


Opps. Too late. He had felt so enraged by the way she was treated by the manager that he hadn’t stopped to think. Still, he couldn’t understand why she didn’t want to be open about their friendship. The way he saw it, declaring their friendship in the open would only benefit her and make her working life a lot easier. She had disagreed and made him promise never to reveal that they knew each other.


Well, now they knew. But surely… surely this was a good thing… no?  If it weren’t for him, she’d undoubtedly still be enduring his unreasonable trashing. So, what he did was a good thing. Yes it was.



She pulled him out to the back of the showroom. “Why did you say all those things to him?” She hissed at him angrily.


Young took a step back. Gosh. They weren’t sisters for nothing. An angry Krystal was just as scary as an angry Jessica. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to blow your cover but I was angry with the manager. He was bullying you in front of everyone.”


“He wasn’t bullying me.”


Young gasped. “Are you kidding? Do you not know a bully when you see one?”


Krystal lowered her head and spoke quietly. “Trust me when I say I would know a bully when I see one. I’ve dealt with them all my life. My manager… whatever he was doing… is not even a fraction of what I have endured before. You don’t have to protect me. I can take care of myself.”


“Krystal, we’re no longer kids in school dealing with bullies. This is the adult working world. The manager shouldn’t have treated you that way.”


Krystal laughed and shook her head. “Young, you wouldn’t know anything about the real working world. Most managers are very strict with new employees to keep them in line. He wasn’t doing anything wrong and he would have allowed me my leave anyway. You are the son of this company’s CEO. Unlike me, you would already have the authority over everybody else in this company so naturally, nobody would dare to raise their voices at you or even question you.”


“Krystal… you’re a Jung. The Jungs would never let anyone trample over them like that.”


“I didn’t grow up that way. Jung is just a surname. It’s not my lifestyle.”


Young was filled with awe for this young girl who seemed to be so strong and independent. She was the exact opposite of Jessica who had been sheltered all her life. Krystal Jung may be five years younger but it would appear that her experiences in life put her five years ahead of Jessica instead.


“I’m in awe of you Krystal. Truly.”


Krystal smiled and shook her head. “You shouldn’t be. I’m just an ordinary girl.”


Young patted her head and draped his arm over her shoulder. “Babe… you’re beyond ordinary. Trust me. Many people would agree with me.”


Krystal giggled.


“Why are you taking leave of work anyway?”


“I’m going on a holiday with Jessica and Mrs. Jung.” A sunny smile lit up Krystal’s face completely.


“Seriously? I thought you and Jessica weren’t on the best terms? She barely speaks to you. And Mrs. Jung too? That’s an even bigger surprise.”


Krystal sighed happily and wrapped her arms around Young. “I know. Let’s just say… a miracle happened and my prayers were answered.” She squeezed him with her arms unwittingly as she thought her happy thoughts. “Jessica wants us to get closer. I’m very happy about this.”


From the bottom of his heart, Young was genuinely happy for Krystal. This girl definitely needed some sunshine in her life. “Where are you girls going to?”


“An island that the Jungs own. A private jet will fly us there.”


Young whistled. “You Jungs sure are rich alright! Ha ha! When are you leaving? When are you returning?”


“Tomorrow. We’ll be gone for three days. I didn’t want to take too many days off work.”


Young ruffled Krystal’s hair affectionately, much to her consternation.


“Young!” She protested, smacking his hand away from her hair.


“HAHA…” Young laughed good naturedly. “You are so dedicated to this job. I should promote you to be a manager.” He winked conspiratorially at her.


“Oh no you won’t.” Krystal pointed a stern finger at Young and waggled it seriously.


“I was just kidding!”


Bleah. Krystal stuck her tongue out at him cheekily.




“I’m going to miss you… Kwon seobang.”


Yul grinned and pecked her lips chastely. “I will miss you too baby.”


Jessica smiled and snuggled up closer to Yul on the couch. They were watching the news—a habit of Yul’s which has become a daily routine for them—to catch up on the current events. Jessica wasn’t paying attention to the news at all. She was busy trailing her fingers up and down Yul’s arm. Her index and middle finger climbed up his arm before sliding down all the way into his palm.


On their third slide, his fingers closed over hers without warning and trapped them in his hand. His fingers quickly found their way around her hand and weaved between her fingers, clasping her hand firmly and securely. He pulled her hand around his waist and her head moved naturally onto his chest.


They remained in the same position until the news came to an end. Yul didn’t have to look to know that Jessica had fallen asleep. Her breathing was soft and even and she hadn’t budged for the longest time so she was definitely asleep. He s his arms around her as carefully as possible and carried her to the bed they shared.


He looked at the mess lying on the floor in the bedroom and sighed. She was in the middle of packing for the Jung girls trip when the news began. Without a moment’s hesitation, she ditched whatever she was doing to join him on the couch. It was her favourite moment of the day because it was so ordinary.


It was at times like these that Yul would feel his heart squeeze painfully for her. To think that all she wanted was ordinary happiness. The most ordinary kind. Plain and simple. He vowed to give her just that. And so, they would watch the news together and most of the time, Jessica would fall asleep in his arms. That, to him, was his favourite moment of the day too.


He chuckled softly to himself and squatted down to put the scattered items into her bag neatly. He grinned widely when he saw the polaroid that they had taken together at the restaurant that he had first taken her to, back when they just got to know each other… back when they were still pretending. He put it back into her book. It was filled with writings. Was it her journal?


As principled as Yul was, he was susceptible to man’s greatest fallacy as well—curiosity. His fingers flipped the book’s pages before he could stop himself and stopped at a particularly colourful page. She had drawn a rainbow.


My seven wishes…


Red rose

Orange sunset

Yellow sunrise

Green meadow

Blue sea

Indigo sky

Violet wedding


Yul read it quickly before putting her journal away. It wasn’t nice of him to intrude on her privacy but what he had seen set his mind ablaze.


Sica’s seven wishes?


Colours of the rainbow?


What did she mean by them?


He closed her luggage and set it aside when he was done packing for her. His face was dominated by a wide grin as he gazed at her sleeping form. He was immensely proud of what she had done for her mother and sister. He hadn’t expected her to open up and take that step but she did. He hadn’t expected her to persuade her mother into an all Jung girls’ vacation in a bid to get her to reconsider the divorce. Jessica was always full of surprises. She was just like that most exclusive looking present—ever so alluring—that you couldn’t wait to unwrap to find out what was inside.


Upon opening the present, he had not been disappointed. Instead, he had been treated to the most beautiful, wonderful gift of having her in his life. He laughed softly at himself as he recalled his proposal. He seriously doubted if he would ever get over the hilarity of it all now that it was a success.


He yawned. Gosh, it was late. It had taken him longer to pack than he’d thought. Lifting the covers and slipping under them, he snuggled up to her and kissed her shoulder tenderly.


“Goodnight wifey.” He whispered.


And he fell asleep with the widest grin on his face.




Taeng’s new found fame was a huge bother. Thanks to his adoring fans, Tiffany and he haven’t managed to have any dates successfully. Well, he had one fan in particular to thank for this lack of progression with Tiffany. If you could recall, Jieun had literally invited herself to dine with Taeng who asked Tiffany to go along with him…




They sat at a table in one of the most expensive restaurants in Seoul. Apparently, the owner of the place was Jieun’s father’s close friend who treated Jieun like his own daughter. They were give the VIP room as soon as she showed her face at the door. Coming from relatively humble beginnings, Taeng and Tiffany weren’t used to this level of service—service of the most luxurious kind.


Chairs were pulled out for them, napkins were placed on their laps for them, water, wine and any sort of drinks were available. Jieun didn’t even have to say a word. Her favourite red wine was brought to her and she was took a whiff and sip of it before nodding her head at the waiter who then exited the room.


“Don’t worry. This dinner is on me. And don’t start being all polite and courteous on me. Technically, I won’t be the one paying for this meal either. It’s going to be paid by my Dad.” Jieun flashed her credit card cheekily. Tiffany tried not to let her emotions show for that was no ordinary credit card. It was a card that only the richest of the rich were given. The only reason why she even knew that such a card existed was, of course, attributed to Jessica who had used the card several times in the course of their friendship. It was a card that had the world and its services at your beck and call. All for a hefty price, of course, which the mega rich didn’t have any qualms with.


Taeng was none the wiser and in Tiffany’s opinion, that was a good thing. She didn’t need him to go all dorky on her right now. Throughout the dinner, Jieun asked Taeng lots of personal questions that Tiffany had never asked Taeng before. She felt a little guilty for not showing him more concern earlier.


“Taengoo… do you have any siblings?” Jieun batted her eyelids at him. Tiffany didn’t think that batting of eyelids was necessary to ask such a question but she kept mum.


“I have an elder brother but he’s back in my hometown which is very far away from here.”


“Don’t you miss your family then?”


“Yes, I do miss them very much.” Taeng looked rather downcast at that thought.


Jieun placed her hand over his, wanting to comfort him. Taeng smiled awkwardly at her while Tiffany had the strongest urge to hack that hand off with the steak knife that she was using to cut up her steak with. She began slicing her steak violently, catching attention of Taeng and Jieun. Taeng took the chance to pull his hand away and looked worriedly at Tiffany. He had a feeling that Tiffany was taking it out on the steak.


Jieun smirked inwardly. Tiffany didn’t seem to be much of a competitor. She had barely spent two hours with Taeng and already she scored a peck on his cheek and their hands touched! Taeng was so adorable that she had to restrain herself from pouncing onto him and devouring him.


By the end of the dinner, Tiffany was ready to burn Jieun at the stake. That girl had copped multiple feels of Taeng’s hand and kissed his cheek yet again as they prepared to say goodbye. She forced herself to smile when Jieun turned to her to hug her. Oh… if she could just strangle this girl to death…


They were about to part and go their separate ways when a horde of fans dashed up to where they stood on the pavement.


“A-Are you… Kim Taengoo?” A girl asked with her eyes wide open in awe.


“Kim Taengoo!” Another girl shrieked.


And then another.


And another.


And pretty soon, they were completely swamped by a sea of overzealous, adoring fans.


This was no good. He had to get out! So he grabbed Tiffany’s hand and made a dash for it. Jieun would find her own way out of that mess. Besides, he’s the one they wanted anyway. He held on fast to the hand in his and ran and ran and ran. He ran till he ran out of breath. He ducked into a dark alley and pulled the hand with him.




“You’re not Tiffany!” Taeng gasped in horror. He was staring at Jieun’s exhilarated face instead. “Where’s Tiffany?!” He looked around wildly for her as Jieun pouted.


“You’re the one who grabbed my hand and pulled me along. How would I know where Tiffany is?”


Taeng dug his fingers into his hair in utter disbelief and chided himself severely for being so silly and messing things up again. “I’m sorry Jieun, I need to look for Tiffany.” He dashed off, leaving a pouting Jieun behind, in search of the woman of his dreams, Tiffany Hwang Mi Young.



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Fire_trek 342 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 342 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD