Round 24

Personal Differences

Round Twenty-Four


“This is one of the best gogumas I have ever eaten!” Hyun smacked his lips with gusto.


Hyoyeon giggled and reached across the table holding a napkin. She wiped the bit of sauce that clung onto the corner of his mouth. Hyun stilled, feeling a little stunned at how close Hyoyeon was to him.


“How did you find out about this place? The gogumas aren’t even on the menu outside the shop!”


Hyoyeon grinned smugly. “I’m just that good.”


“Eww how can you praise yourself without batting an eyelid.” Hyun made a face.


“You should just get used to it.”


“No I don’t think I can.”


“But you praise yourself all the time.” Hyoyeon frowned.


“I don’t praise myself. I’m simply stating a fact. For example, my IQ of 180 is a fact. It is also a fact that I’m a Math genius.”


Hyoyeon made a gagging gesture and rolled her eyes. “Double standards dude.”


Hyun shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. “You can’t deny a fact.”


“It’s a fact that this goguma place that I found is good.”


“Yes it is.”


“So that would mean that I’m good too!”


Hyun frowned. “No, that doesn’t make any sense.”


Hyoyeon laughed and shook her head in amusement. “It wasn’t supposed to make any sense Hyun…”


Hyun scratched his head. “Why wasn’t it supposed to make any sense? Then why would you say it?”


At this point, Hyoyeon couldn’t hold it in anymore. She LAUGHED OUT LOUD.




Yul was sure that he smelt something burning. Alarm bells went off in his head and he rushed out of the room to see what was wrong. He almost laughed out loud when he looked into the kitchen. He was treated to a picturesque view of a shrieking, jumping girl in an oversized apron, flailing her arms about helplessly as the egg was cooking burnt to a crisp.


“What in the world are you doing?” Yul half scolded, half laughed as he took in the sight of the messed up kitchen before him.


“Trying to make you an omelette fried rice,” Jessica said in a small voice.


“And you know how to make one?” Yul raised his eyebrows in surprise.


Jessica shook her head. “I googled the recipe on my phone. I’ve never cooked before.”


Yul pressed his lips together as he tried to hold his laughter back. It was no good—everything rolled in one was just too funny. Oh this girl before him, she’s so many things at one time. She made him happy, sad and angry all in a day’s work. Life was definitely a lot more interesting with her around.


He took the spatula from her hand as more bouts of laughter escaped his lips. “Let me clear that mess.”


Jessica stepped aside and took the apron off. She put it on Yul and reached around his waist to tie it tight. Their proximity made her breathe faster as she fumbled with the knot and took longer than usual to tie it. Suddenly, she could feel his warm breath on her neck and shoulder as his arms encircled and tightened around her.


“I don’t like to see you being angry and all that.” His voice was warm and soft, tingling her ear and sending thrills through her body.


“I can’t forgive my Dad, Yul,” Jessica murmured into Yul’s neck.


“I know, but while you stay here with me, work on it. He’s your father. You only have one father Sica. I don’t want you to regret one day. And the same goes for your half-sister.”


Jessica stiffened at the mention of Krystal. “I don’t want to talk about her.”


Yul sighed. “Sica baby, you’re hurting yourself.”


Jessica remained silent, stubbornly silent. She didn’t like it when things didn’t go her way. She didn’t like it when her peace was disturbed. She didn’t want to deal with this just yet. No, not yet.


“Sica, have you ever thought about it from her point of view?” Yul knew that Jessica wasn’t the sort to put herself in the shoes of others. It was difficult for her as her world had shaped her into a very selfish and self-centered soul. Nevertheless, he was going to try to make her see things a little differently.


“No! Why should I?” Jessica huffed.


“Well, I put myself in your shoes all the time. It’s just something that we do so that we can see things better and make better choices in the things we do.”


Jessica raised her eyebrows slightly, feeling a little wonder at the idea of making a better choice. “Making a better choice in the things we do,” she whispered, echoing the words of Yul.


“Yes, I’m sure that you regret doing some things, don’t you?”


Jessica lifted her head off his shoulder and looked into his deep, warm, brown eyes. “Yes, I do regret doing some things.”


Yul nodded. “So do I. Everybody has regrets but the difference lies in the more or less. Would you want to have more or less regrets?”


Jessica blinked, looking at Yul thinking that he had just asked a very silly question. “Less, of course.”


The corner of Yul’s lips curled upwards slightly. “There, everybody wants to have less regrets but for that to happen, you have put yourself in the shoes of another. See, I didn’t continue the fight with you because I knew where you were coming from, so I chose to cool off and be quiet. If I had blown up and joined the shouting match with you just now, I don’t think I would be able to talk to you like this now.”


Jessica looked at him in wonder and admiration. This was part of why she loved Yul. He was like a lighthouse in the darkest, roughest, most horrid thunderstorm—a guiding light, a way out of the mess.


“Yul…” Her voice had changed. It was now softer and a little more pliable.


This was the moment to say what he wanted to say. “Sica baby, if you, the legitimate daughter is hurting from your Dad’s affairs, how do you think she feels? Don’t you think that she’d have gotten it a lot worse than you? She’s the illegitimate daughter with fewer rights than you and she has to deal with the kind of judgmental looks that people like to give to people who are more down and out.”


Yul brushed the hair away from her face and tucked them behind her ear. He kissed her forehead gently, tenderly, feeling the clockwork of her mind cranking into motion.


“Sica baby, you have respect and admiration from people in your social circle. People are jealous of the status that you hold as the only daughter of the mighty Jung empire. But have you ever thought for one second what it is like to live as the daughter of your father and yet have none of that recognition?”


He looked into her eyes and saw the beginnings of a little realization. He smiled. He knew that Jessica wasn’t a bad person. She had a kind heart but it was marred by the way she was nurtured as she grew up. Looking at things in this perspective, it was probably fair to say that both Jessica and Krystal got it pretty bad in life despite all the wealth they possessed and were lavished with.


Jessica understood everything Yul had said. She saw his point and how it all made a lot of sense. But her heart, her heart wasn’t ready.


“Yul, I need some time…”


Yul smiled warmly. “I know baby, I know.” He kissed her lips chastely and wrapped her in his warm embrace as they stood close together in that kitchen that would have made any mother faint.




Yoong flashed Sunny a wide grin when she entered his office with a few files. She shot him a look of suspicion and set the files down on his desk.


“You have to sign those. We’ve closed the deals with five major agencies. The new resort will be running at 60% occupancy based on just these deals alone.”


Yoong’s eyebrows rose so high that they disappeared behind his floppy hair. “You are most impressive Sunny. You’re definitely the best account manager I’ve seen. And to celebrate you clinching the deals, let’s go out tonight.”


Sunny smiled. “So that’s why you are grinning so happily. I should have known that you’re up to no good.”


Yoong pouted and frowned. “Your cold, cold words have hurt me.” He clenched his fist over his heart. “I need healing Sunny.”


Sunny laughed and leaned forward, meeting his puckered lips with hers. His arms shot out and pulled her into his arms immediately. She ended up sideways on his lap and she didn’t even know how.


“Nifty moves you’ve got there, Yoong.” She smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck.


“Oh, you haven’t seen half of them.” His eyes sparkled with mischief.


Sunny fiddled with his shirt button as she giggled. Before Yoong realized what had happened, she had undone half of the buttons on his shirt and slipped her hand inside. He gasped as she palmed his chest. She giggled again.


“And you little boy, haven’t seen half of mine…” Sunny winked cheekily and hopped off his lap before he could snap out of his daze. His jaw hung open as she laughed while opening the door to leave.




He stretched and yawned then he looked at his watch. It was another long day for his watch read nine o’clock. His stomach grumbled. He had forgotten to eat dinner again. He sighed. Grabbing his jacket and iPad, he opened the door and left his office.


He paused by Sunny’s desk for a little while as he looked at her desk—messy and chock full of stuff. A huge smiley was stuck at a corner of her computer screen. He smiled at it as it reminded him of her bright sunny smile. He sighed again. He had wanted to go out to dinner with her to celebrate the deals she clinched for the resort but work had to in and say no.


I want to see Sunny…


And I will!


The corner of his lips curled into a crooked smile and he hurried to his car, eager to get to his destination.





Sunny looked up from her book. She adjusted her glasses as she looked at the clock—half past nine. Who in the world could it be? She wasn’t expecting any visitors tonight. She opened the door a crack and saw a tall, lanky man with a bouquet of flowers that was hiding his face from view. She giggled for she knew who it was immediately.


“Yoong, I know it’s you.”


Yoong looked out from behind the flowers and grinned sheepishly. “I’m here to deliver some flowers to a pretty hot lady.”


Sunny pouted. “Pretty hot? Tell whoever sent to flowers to take them back. I’ll only accept flowers from people who think that I’m nose-bleeding hot.”


Yoong groaned. “Please let me in Sunny. I miss you and I’m pretty sure that my nose is bleeding right now.”


He wasn’t kidding about that part for Sunny was wearing a rather sheer silky nightgown that encouraged a lot of imagination of the adult kind. She giggled, opened the door and stepped aside to let him in.


He headed for the living room and placed a bottle of wine on the coffee table before sinking into the soft, welcoming couch with a groan. Sunny walked to him and massaged his shoulders from behind.




“Very. Here, the flowers are for you.” Yoong presented the flowers to her with both hands raised and Sunny accepted them happily over his head.


“Thanks Yoong, you sure know the way into a woman’s heart,” she said with a smile. The flowers were a pleasant surprise but his presence felt so much better than she’d have expected. Suddenly, Yoong’s stomach growled loudly and he covered his stomach with his hands in embarrassment.


“Missed dinner again, didn’t you?” Sunny chided him gently.


“That meeting lasted over an hour,” Yoong groaned.


“I’ll cook something for you after I put these flowers into a vase.”


Yoong brightened up the mention of food. The fact that Sunny was going to cook for him made it even better. “Okay!” He grinned from ear to ear.


He followed her to the kitchen where she took a vase out from a cabinet, filled it with water and arranged the flowers in it.


“Do you like the flowers?”


“They’re very pretty.” Sunny smiled warmly and tiptoed to plant a chaste kiss on his lips. He couldn’t help but grin like an idiot.


“I’m glad you like them.”


“Now, to make your stomach a little less grumpy, how about some noodles?”


“I want a Sunny as the appetizer, noodles for my main course and to wrap it up, a Sunny for dessert.” Yoong grinned cheekily as he wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned in to kiss her less chastely than she did. He nuzzled her lips with his, applying suction on her luscious lower lip, tugging on it lightly and playfully.


Sunny smiled as she leaned in and parted her lips to nuzzle his too. Their heads moved ever so coordinately, totally in sync as their breathing grew harsher and harsher. The pressure of their lips on each other was evenly matched, both taking turns to dominate and give in to the other. Sunny’s hands were in his hair and Yoong’s were roaming freely up and down, caressing her back. Yoong’s tongue slipped past her lips and greeted her, inducing a moan from her. That in turn excited Yoong even more and he kissed her more aggressively than before.


All of a sudden, his stomach growled again—loud and clear. They stopped in their tracks, parted and looked at his stomach at the same time. Sunny laughed and gave his a playful smack. “That’s your stomach telling me to get started on your noodles. Enough of the appetizer already.”


Yoong’s eyes glinted with mischief as he smacked her playfully in return. “That’s my hand telling you to hurry up so that it can have its Sunny dessert real soon.”



The mouthwatering smell of noodles filled the air and Yoong’s nose twitched as it detected food. He was reading the book that Sunny had been reading before he came. It was a serious book—quite unlike her playful personality. He looked up as Sunny walked towards him with a steaming bowl of noodles in soup.


“I threw in a couple of dumplings in there. I hope you aren’t allergic to shrimp.”


“No, I’m not. I can eat almost anything.”


Sunny smiled and set the bowl down on the table before him. “Tuck in, Yoong.”


Yoong drooled at the sight of the noodles and wolfed it all down at lightning speed. Sunny sat and watched him eat, enjoying the look of enjoyment and fulfillment on his face as his stomach finally got what it wanted—food to break down. In no time, he had polished off the entire bowl of noodles, dumplings and drank all the soup. He sat the empty bowl down on the table and smacked his lips, feeling most satisfied.


“Now, for dessert!” Yoong moved towards Sunny but she shrieked and pushed him away.


“Wipe your mouth first for goodness sakes.” Sunny made a face. He grinned and obeyed. Then he spread his arms wide open and puckered his lips.




Sunny laughed and shook her head. “Wait for me on the couch while I wash the dishes.”


“No, I should wash the dishes since you cooked for me.” Yoong grabbed the bowl and headed to the kitchen where he proceeded to do as he said.



Sunny wrapped her arms and legs around Yoong and straddled him. Their proximity was at an all-time high as they melted into each other’s embrace. The red wine helped, of course. Both of their faces were flushed from their making out and the now empty bottle of red wine. The strap of Sunny’s nightgown slipped off her shoulder and hung tantalizing down her arm. Yoong slid the strap back onto her shoulder and patted it. Sunny raised an eyebrow inquisitively.


“Since we’re not in a game. I don’t want to rush things. I want to take my time with you.” Yoong explained his unusual act.


Sunny’s eyes clouded over in emotion. “I’m touched,” she whispered.


Yoong smiled warmly and flipped her around on his lap so that her back was to him. “I want you to know that I’m serious about you.” His warm breath tickled the nape of her neck and sent thrills zipping through her. “Your heart will open for me.”


To Sunny’s surprise, she found herself tearing a little at his words. She was glad that her face was turned away from him—she didn’t want him to know that she had teared; it was most embarrassing. She covered the warm hands that were clasped around her waist with her own and smiled.




“Sunhae?” Tiffany was surprised to receive a call from her. “What’s the matter?”


“Can I meet you? I really have to talk to you.”


“Is this about Siwon? If it is I’m not interested.”


“Not really, it’s got to do with me and you mostly. Please, let me talk to you.”


Tiffany sighed. Why were there so many problems lately? She looked at her calendar. Her evening was open.


“I can meet you after work today but only for a short while.”


“Thank you! I won’t take up too much of your time.”


“Fine, I’ll see you later.”



“Please don’t take Siwon away from me,” Sunhae begged Tiffany.


Tiffany scrunched her nose in irritation. “I thought you said that this wasn’t about Siwon.”


“It is. I’m sorry. I had to lie or you wouldn’t have met me. Please don’t take him away from me.”


Tiffany didn’t know what to do or say. The whole thing was so ludicrous to her.


“Sunhae, do you have any idea how…how strange you sound right now? Siwon doesn’t belong to me. I have nothing more to do with him.”


“Y-You don’t understand-d.” Sunhae’s voice broke a little as she tried to hold off her tears. “Siwon won’t speak to me anymore.”


“And what has it got to do with me?”


“H-He won’t speak to me because I told his mother lies about you.” Sunhae’s head hung low, too ashamed to look into Tiffany’s eyes.


“You told lies about me?” Tiffany’s eyes opened wide in shock. “What lies?”


“I told her that you are after Siwon’s money.”


Tiffany gasped very loudly. Sunhae flinched—afraid of how Tiffany might react to her confession.


“W-Why did you do that?” Tiffany stuttered.


“I love Siwon. I loved him even before you met him.”


And Tiffany finally put two and two together. “So you told his mother lies about me and that’s why she opposed to our marriage.” Tiffany’s jaw dropped in shock as she finally understood why Mrs. Choi has accused her of so many things in the past and the recent present. A headache crept into her head and detonated. She squeezed her eyes shut and massaged her temples as she felt the throbbing grow increasingly stronger and stronger.


“C-Can you ask Siwon to forgive me? Please? He hasn’t spoken to me in days and I haven’t seen him either. It’s killing me.”


Tiffany stared at Sunhae incredulously. That was the most ridiculous request she had ever heard in her life.


“Sunhae. How could you ask that of me? Have you spared a thought for my feelings? You’ve got to be crazy.”


“Yes I am. I’m going crazy because I can’t see him or talk to him.” Sunhae dug her hands into her hair and screamed. “I’M GOING CRAZY!!!”


“SHH!” Tiffany shushed Sunhae as the other patrons of the coffee place stared at them curiously. “Don’t make a scene please!”


“Tiffany, you’re the only one whom Siwon will listen to. Please, your kind words can help me, please!”


Tiffany thought that Sunhae looked a little unstable and decided not to antagonize her any more than necessary.


“Fine, I promise to talk to Siwon about this. I will ask for his forgiveness on your behalf but I can’t guarantee anything.”


Sunhae looked at her most thankfully. She clasped Tiffany’s hands in her trembling ones and cried her thanks.


“You should go home and rest now Sunhae.” Tiffany wanted to end this totally absurd meeting as soon as possible.


“I’ll wait for your good news.” Sunhae got up and bowed to Tiffany. “Thank you, thank you.”


Tiffany remained seated as she watched Sunhae leave. She couldn’t move. It was as though she had lost control of her body momentarily. Her mind was in a whirl, messy thoughts, feelings of utter loss, regret, sadness and…


What was this?




She was feeling relieved?


She searched her heart for anger, bitterness and hate but there was none to be found. Why wasn’t she angry? Sunhae had certainly done more than enough to be hated. She had lied to everyone, manipulated everyone and masterminded the breakup all because she loved Siwon and wanted him for herself.


Tiffany couldn’t understand why she couldn’t get angry with Sunhae and now she was stuck with the task of asking Siwon to forgive Sunhae. What a ludicrous situation she had gotten herself into—especially after declaring that she didn’t want to see him ever again. Her headache grew worse upon that thought and she groaned as the throbbing pain shot right through her brain.




“And now you know the truth Mum.”


“Son, I’m so sorry…” Mrs. Choi looked very saddened by the revelation of the truth that had been hidden from her. The lies that Sunhae had told her had been well told and Mrs. Choi had been convinced of Tiffany’s greed for their fortune.


“Son, despite everything I did, I really liked Tiffany. The more you like somebody, the more hurt you feel when they betray you and I thought she had played with all of our feelings. I can’t believe that your best friend would lie to me like that. She even asked me to lay down the condition that your wife would have to quit her job and stay home.”


She sighed and shook her head sadly.


“I guess she knew that Tiffany would never agree to that and choose to leave on her own accord. Now I see how it was all part of her plan to have you to herself. Oh my gosh, I feel so stupid for believing her!”


Mrs. Choi hugged her son tightly as tears began to stream down her slightly wrinkled cheeks.


“Son, I’m really sorry. Can you forgive your mother?”


Siwon sighed deeply. “You’re my mother.”


Those three words were enough. She knew what he meant and he knew that she knew. Mother and son continued to hug each other as they ached over the lies and misunderstandings that broke up the most perfect relationship that Siwon ever had.




“Taeng, I’m going to meet Siwon and his mother over lunch and it will take longer than my usual lunch break. If there’s anything urgent, contact me immediately will you? I’m right in the middle of a discussion with the caterer for Yoong’s resort opening and she’ll need my input today.”


Taeng nodded. Then his mouth opened and closed as though he had something to ask or say.


“What is it Taeng?”


“You’re going to see Siwon and that scary mother of his?” Taeng looked worried.


Tiffany heaved her shoulders and sighed. “Yes, his mother asked to see me and I happen to have something to tell them so, I agreed.”


“Oh.” Taeng looked a little downcast and Tiffany wanted to ask him why but a glance at her watch told her that she had less than five minutes to get to the place where she was meeting them. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, Taeng.” And she was out the door the next second.


Taeng felt sad. She said that she would didn’t want to see them again. She said that she wanted nothing more to do with them. Yet, here she was, rushing off to meet them over lunch. He didn’t know what it was about but an immense feeling of loss overwhelmed his heart.


He had a feeling that he was going to lose Tiffany after this lunch. His lips pouted, as though they too, knew what was going to happen. He thought of the few kisses and hugs that they had shared and before he knew it, hot tears were b in his eyes.


Oh, how he wished that his peas were here with him.



“Tiffany. Please let me apologize for everything that I did to you.”


“Mrs. Choi, You don’t have to say anymore. Sunhae has told me everything.”


“Sunhae talked to you? I told her to stay away from me and everyone else including you!” Siwon’s eyebrows furrowed and the look in his eyes hardened.


“Siwon, Sunhae loves you.” Tiffany looked at him, feeling sorry for him all of a sudden.


“Tiffany, do you still love Siwon? The two of you can get back together right away. I won’t make you quit your job and stay home. I never wanted you to do that but I was foolish enough to listen to Sunhae’s instructions.” Mrs. Choi reached across the table and took Tiffany’s hand into hers.


Tiffany shifted in her seat uncomfortably. She had met them to ask them to forgive Sunhae, she wasn’t expecting this.


“Tiffany, now that I know that you are not what Sunhae said you are, I would be more than happy to have you as my daughter-in-law.”


Tiffany gasped. All obstacles that were keeping her from Siwon have disintegrated. She was free to be with Siwon, free to marry him and keep her job.


What now?



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Fire_trek 342 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 342 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD