Round 21

Personal Differences

Round Twenty-One


To say that Taeng was happy would be a gross understatement. He was absolutely delirious with joy.


“Peas! I kissed Tiffany! YAY!”


He hugged his peas with glee and squeezed his eyes shut, savoring the feeling of the kiss that would not budge from his memory. The feeling of her lips on his was absolutely heavenly. That was where he wanted to be, that was what he wanted to feel. He savored the feeling of her hand in his. The softness of her skin, the suppleness of her fingers… it was all good.


He missed her already.


Taeng 21:30

Would you like to have dinner with me after work tomorrow?


He waited patiently.


Boss 21:45

Ok (:


He grinned as he read her reply. It was the best feeling in the world and he wished that it would last forever.



Siwon strode into the building with confidence. He would work his way back into her life this time. He would not fail again. He had tried and failed but he had never given up. He couldn’t give her up. She was the only girl that had his heart in her pocket and he didn’t want it back anytime soon, painful as it was to be apart from her.


He supposed that his mother could be persuaded to accept Tiffany eventually. He understood that Tiffany hadn’t wanted his relationship with his mother to deteriorate because of her. He understood that Tiffany had wanted her independence. He understood every reason that Tiffany had given him for leaving him but he couldn’t understand why she had to leave when she clearly had feelings for him. Surely there would be a way out of this. He believed in the saying—If there’s a will, there’s a way.


They were meant to be together—of that he was sure.


“Hi Tiffany.”


His confident smile made her heart flutter and turned her mind into mush but she managed to gather her wits and smile professionally back at him.


“Hi Siwon.”


They shook hands and the feeling of his skin against hers gave her the tingles like always. She kept her composure and gestured for him to sit. They sat and she pushed a folder across the table to him.


“That’s the first draft of our proposal for the opening. We’ve taken what you mentioned and worked it into this.”


“I can see that. Good work.”


“Thank you. We strive to keep our clients more than satisfied.”


“This client would like to discuss this over dinner.”


“I’m afraid that this client would have to keep his discussion to this meeting room.”


Siwon raised an eyebrow in moderate surprise. She had never rejected him with such firmness before. Have things changed?


“Don’t you strive to keep your clients more than satisfied?”


“More than satisfied with their events, that is.”




“It’s Miss Hwang. If you will…”


Siwon shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “Tiffany, what’s wrong? Why are you so cold?”


“Nothing is wrong. I’m just being professional.” Tiffany shrugged nonchalantly. She smiled at the man who had knocked and entered the room. “Taeng, I’m glad you’re here. Have you brought the blueprints?”


Taeng raised the prints and grinned. “Here they are!” He was cheerier and chirpier than usual and Tiffany knew the reason why. She couldn’t hold back her grin at the thought. Siwon noticed her grin and he didn’t like what he made of it. This wasn’t going the way he had planned at all.


“Siwon ssi, these are the preliminary blueprints of the layout. If there are any adjustments you want made to it, let us know and we can work out the best layout for you.”


Siwon looked at Taeng as he took a seat beside Tiffany. Something about the man set off alarm bells in him. He sensed a potential threat in him.


“Taeng ssi, would you like to join us for dinner after this meeting?”


Taeng looked at Tiffany in surprise. Weren’t they supposed to have dinner together? He was under the impression that it would be just the two of them.


“Siwon ssi, I would love to join you and Boss for dinner.” Taeng smiled warmly in response even though his heart was sinking as heavily as an anchor.


Tiffany stared at Taeng. She couldn’t believe her ears. After all the trouble she had gone through to avoid dining with Siwon, he had agreed so easily to it?! Weren’t they supposed to have dinner together? Taeng?!


Siwon smiled. It looked like Taeng wouldn’t be a threat after all—he looked more like a useful catalyst to bring Tiffany back to him in fact.


“Excellent. Don’t worry about reservations; I’ll get those done.” He rubbed his hands with glee and smiled at the two people who looked rather passive. “Let’s get on with our discussion, shall we?”



Tiffany asked to be excused.


“Taeng, I need you to come with me for a sec.”


Taeng stood up, looking puzzled but nonetheless, he did not question her request. Siwon was on the phone, making reservations for the best Italian restaurant in town. Tiffany felt a tinge of happiness, knowing that he remembered the place where they had their first date but Siwon’s motive was too obvious and she was not willing to waver to his attempts to woo her back. On top of that, she was fuming mad at Taeng for agreeing to Siwon’s dinner invite.


She dragged Taeng to her office and locked the door. He looked at her in confusion as she walked around, shutting the blinds. When she was done securing their privacy, she stood in front of him with her hands on her hips.


“Why did you agree to join in the dinner?” she hissed through clenched teeth.


“Tiffany, if you are angry because I’m joining the two of you for dinner, I can go back and tell him that I can’t make it. But I’m really disappointed in you. I thought that we were having dinner tonight—just the two of us. I was looking forward to it since you agreed to it. I couldn’t even sleep properly last night—I was so happy. But now, I’m just angry. I can’t believe how angry I am. What kind of girl are you Tiffany? The kind who plays with hearts of men?” Taeng looked at Tiffany angrily. “I thought that we were dating. You even let me hold your hand. Does that mean nothing to you?”


“You are an idiot for agreeing to have dinner with Siwon.” Tiffany couldn’t believe the words that came out of Taeng’s mouth. He was really angry. She had never seen an angry Taeng before and for some reason, it made her angry that he was angry with her for something that she did not do—especially when he was the one who landed them in this problem in the first place.


“What else could I say Tiffany? He’s our client. As I said, if you want to be alone with him, I’m more than happy to oblige. I would do anything for you Tiffany, even if it makes me mad and sad.”


Taeng clenched his fists and jaw and his eyes were all fiery as he turned and left her office, leaving her there alone. He walked back to the meeting room and smiled at Siwon.


“I’m sorry, Siwon ssi. Something came up and I can’t join you and Tiffany for dinner. Enjoy your dinner. I’ll be taking my leave now.” He smiled again as Tiffany re-entered the room. “Tiffany, I’m leaving now. Have a good dinner with Siwon.”


Unbelievable. Taeng is mad at me when it’s me that should be mad at him?!


Tiffany huffed.


“Yes you can be sure that I will be having a wonderful dinner with Siwon—just the two of us.” She retorted.


“Goodbye Siwon ssi, Tiffany.”


Tiffany huffed and turned her nose up at him. And with that, he stalked out of the room, looking ready to murder a few cows for dinner.


Siwon grinned at Tiffany. “You know, if I didn’t know better, I would have thought that I had just witnessed a lovers’ Tiff.”


“You think so?” Tiffany’s face remained passive. “Let’s go.”



“We’ll have two of your signature spaghetti.” Siwon smiled at the waitress who was smiling at him most seductively. He wondered if Tiffany would feel jealous like she used to do. He looked at her but she hadn’t even noticed the waitress.


Should I text Taeng? Tiffany was looking at her phone.


“What’s on your mind, Fany?”


“I would prefer you to call me Tiffany.”


“But I prefer to call you Fany.”


“Siwon, we’re not the same anymore.”


“I know but I’m working on it.”


“We can’t.”


“We can.”


“Siwon, we’ve been through this many times. We can’t. We’re not meant to be together. Can’t we just move on? Every time you come to me like this...” Tiffany couldn’t go on. It hurt too much.


“You still love me. That’s why it hurts.”


“Love isn’t enough Siwon. That’s what broke us up.”


“My mother can be persuaded.”


“We tried. She can’t. You know that I can’t be the wife that your family wants.”


“You are the wife that I want.”


“You are part of your family.”


“We can work it out Fany.”


“Call me Tiffany.”


“Tiffany, you love me. I love you. I can’t forget you and you haven’t forgotten me. How much more must we suffer? How much longer must we be apart?”


“Please don’t do this here.”


“You’re right. Let’s go to my place and talk.”




“Fany, please, I want you back so badly and I know you feel the same. What can I say or do to make you believe that we can work it out and make it work?”


“Siwon, I’ve tried. Believe me when I say that I’ve tried. I’ve done everything I can to make us work but sometimes…some things really aren’t meant to be. Let’s just leave it shall we? We have good memories of being together and I have wonderful memories of a beautiful first love and even though it had to end, it’s still beautiful and I would like to keep it that way.”


Siwon narrowed his eyes.


“Do you have another man in your life? Is that why you are so different this time?”


That was a curveball for Tiffany. She hadn’t seen that coming but she wasn’t going to lie.


“I’ve just recently started seeing someone.”


Siwon’s face lost all of its colour. “Who is it?”




“You? And Taeng? No way.”


“He asked me out and I said yes.”




“Siwon,” Tiffany cut him off mid-sentence. “Don’t. Let’s both move on from this. We have no future together.”


“We can if we really want it. It’s obvious that you don’t want it enough, Fany.”


Tiffany took offence to that accusation. “Look. You don’t know half of what I went through fighting for our future. Go ask your mother. I’ve had enough of this. I’m leaving.”


Tiffany stood up and left the table without looking back. She had someone she wanted to see.






Taeng looked up from his peas. He was in the middle of a discussion with them about whether he should call Tiffany or not. They had said that he should. Who could it possibly be?


His jaw dropped when he opened his door for before his eyes stood the girl who had the ability to make him so incredibly angry, sad yet happy at the same time.


“Tiffany…” He whispered.


“Are you going to make me stand out here? Can I go in?”


Taeng came back to his senses and nodded vigorously. “Of course you can. Come in…er…my place is a little messy though.” His face turned beet red.


There were books and papers on the coffee table and some clothes strewn across his couch. Tiffany looked around his apartment with a tiny smile on her face. The apartment looked like him. It had his brand of decoration—simple yet quirky. She smiled when she saw the peas on the table. Taeng bustled around, gathering his clothes and shoving them out of sight. He arranged the books and papers into a neater stack before turning to Tiffany sheepishly.


“I’m sorry. My place is a mess.”


Tiffany pouted. “Isn’t there something else that you should be apologizing for?”


“There is?”


Tiffany put her hands on her hips. “You said some mean things to me at the office.”


“Oh.” Taeng looked at his feet. “I was angry. I still am actually but I’m happy to see you here so I don’t know. But whatever I said to you, I’m not taking it back. I meant it when I said that I was disappointed. I felt so hurt when Siwon asked me to join you two and I think I had the right to be angry. You went back on your word Tiffany.”


“Taeng, I didn’t agree to have dinner with Siwon.”


Taeng’s eyes flew up to meet hers with incredible intensity. “You didn’t? But he asked…”


“He made it sound like I had agreed. And I was angry with you because you agreed to go when you were supposed to have dinner with me.”


“I thought…that…I…” Taeng looked rather confused. “I’m sorry.”


“Yeah you should be. Thanks to you, I was forced to have dinner with him—a dinner that I was trying to get out of. I had rejected his offer but you came along and said yes.”


Taeng looked so apologetic that Tiffany felt like laughing. Oh gosh, she couldn’t stay angry with him for long at all. She had an overwhelming urge to cuddle him. So, she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing herself up against him, her chin resting on his shoulder, nose in his hair.


“I don’t even know why I came over here,” she murmured.


“I’m very happy to see you Tiffany.” His arms found their way around her shoulders and neck, into her luscious locks. “I’m so glad.”


“I know.” Tiffany giggled. “I can see it on your face.”


“Does it mean that you are over Siwon now?” He leaned back to look into her gorgeous brown eyes.


“I will be perfectly honest with you, Taeng. When I saw him again today, he had an effect on me. I can’t deny that. We talked about our past and he still wants me back but I know that it’s not possible for us to be together.” Tiffany smiled shyly at Taeng who was looking perplexed. “I was thinking of you during the dinner Taeng. And when I ended the dinner, all I wanted to do was to see you.”


Taeng looked surprised. “You…were thinking of me?”




Taeng was certain that his heart was going into overdrive—his heart was beating so fast. “I was asking my peas if I should call you when you knocked.”


Tiffany looked at him, her eyes twinkling away like the stars in the night sky. “And? What did they say?”


“I think they said to call you.”


Tiffany giggled. “I like your peas. They’re so wise.”


“Really? You like my peas?” Taeng’s eyes lit up like candles in the dark.


Tiffany nodded. “Uh huh. They are cute and they give good advice.”


Taeng grinned from ear to ear like an idiot.


“Can we hug some more? It feels really good,” Tiffany asked.


Taeng nodded vigorously and pulled her into his arms, holding her tight. Tiffany closed her eyes. Taeng made her feel precious and wanted. It felt too good and she indulged herself in it. She would need all the strength she could get to get through this—perhaps Taeng would be enough. Would he?




“Are you up for Seventh Heaven tomorrow night?”


“Nah, I’m not in the mood to go.”


Hyoyeon was surprised to hear that.


“Did I hear you right? Or do I have to fix my phone?”


Sunny rolled her eyes at her best friend. “You heard me right. Yes, I’m saying no to a night of fun.”


“What’s troubling you?”


“I…think…I might be…” Sunny didn’t continue.


“Might be? What is it Sunny?”


Sunny sighed which got Hyoyeon worried. Sunny wasn’t the type of person who would sigh. She was a fighter, a strong person who would troubleshoot her problems with gusto.


“Men…are nothing but trouble.”


“Something is really wrong with you Sunny.”


“I know. I’ve got a problem with a man.”




“He’s not the problem…”


“It’s Yoong then?”


Sunny heaved a huge sigh. “Yes.”


“Why is he a problem now? You never had a problem handling him.”


“I think he managed to get in.”


“In? Huh? Stop speaking in riddles. It’s too late at night for me to be using this much of my brain.”


“Hyoyeon ah, I think I may be falling for Yoong.”


Hyoyeon was surprised to hear that confession but she wasn’t unhappy to hear it. In fact, she thought that it was about time that Sunny fell for someone else. Only, she wasn’t sure if she wanted that someone to be Yoong.


“Okay…” Hyoyeon proceeded to speak with caution. “This may be a good thing. That means that you are finally moving on.”


“I guess.”


“Yul is happy now and you’re happy for him, aren’t you? He’s found his girl. You should find your man.”


“I know, I know but I think I need more time Hyoyeon ah. My heart has only had room for one man all my life. I’m not quite used to feeling this way with another man.”


“You deserve to find a guy who will love you the way a man loves a woman. Yul can only give you the love of a brother and you know that. I’ve always wondered how you managed to love one man for so long with so many other guys going after you.”


Sunny laughed. “It’s easy not to fall for them if you detach yourself from them. It’s just fun. Have fun and forget. It’s not too difficult. So long as they don’t touch your heart.”


Hyoyeon shook her head. She could never understand how Sunny could keep one man in her heart for so many years. Even after she moved to America and lost contact with Yul, she had never forgotten him. She recalled how downcast and forlorn Sunny had looked when she realized that Yul had moved away from his old home. She had gone straight to Yul’s old house upon returning to South Korea—only to find that he was gone.



“Why don’t you confess your feelings to Yul?” Hyoyeon had asked her once, a long time ago.


“I don’t want to be a burden to him. He has enough problems with his step-dad and his family. I am contented being his best friend and dongsaeng for now.”


Hyoyeon tried to get Sunny to tell Yul and she finally agreed to drop hints. She would ask Sunny about the progress of her hint dropping.


“Hyoyeon, I tried hinting at it. I called him my boyfriend to get rid of the other boys who were getting too serious with me. He doesn’t seem to mind but I’m not sure if it’s because he likes it or if he is completely ignorant of it.


“Oh Sunny…”

Hyoyeon continued to encourage Sunny to confess her feelings directly to Yul instead of dropping hints that he didn’t seem to get.


“I would confess but my family is moving to America so I thought I should wait till we move back before confessing so that he wouldn’t be burdened by me. I mean, there is no way he can go to America so it would only be a problem to him,” Sunny told her firmly, refusing to cave in to Hyoyeon urging her to tell him the truth about her feelings for him.


“Gosh, I will never forget how distraught you were when you lost contact of him.”


“I was lucky though. I had you to call and cry to.”


“Yeah, you were so sad that you made me cry too.”


Sunny laughed. “You’re my best friend Hyo. Then and now.”


“Of course I am. I’m also the one who cried with you when you found out that Yul has someone he loves.”


Sunny sighed again. “Yul really loves her. I tested him. I guess, we’re just not meant to be together.”


“You’re the best actress I know Sunny. But I think you never did end up with him because you’re supposed to meet somebody else. Maybe it’s Yoong?”


“I don’t know about Yoong. I wasn’t even supposed to play with him. He’s my boss for goodness sakes. But he is so persistent.” Sunny shook her head. “I should never have caved in to him.”


“I really don’t get how you can go out with these guys, even kiss them, yet at the same time keep your heart locked up, waiting for him who treats you like a sister. I really, really don’t get you at all.”


Sunny laughed again. “I am lonely sometimes Hyo. I want a boyfriend too you know. I guess, having fun with boys helps with that but at the end of the day, my heart only ever had room for Yul, until now…”


“Mmm, until now. When did you start to feel something for Yoong?”


“I don’t know. I didn’t believe him when he said that he was serious about me at first. But he saved me from that falling box at the resort, and we kissed that morning, after watching the sunrise. It was different. I felt different.”


“You watched a sunrise with Yoong? And you two kissed? You didn’t tell me about that. And now you feel different? Tell me again why you are troubled over this. This is good news Sunny. It shouldn’t be a problem at all.”


“It is. Yoong asked me to be committed to him.”


“And what is wrong with that?”


“How can I? Not with Yul still in the picture, I can’t.”


“Bring out the player in you. Forget Yul like how you forget the others.”


“You know that I can’t treat Yul the same way I treat other guys. He’s…”


“Special. I know. You’ve told me a million, billion times. But now you have another man. You’ve got to give Yoong a chance and I’m saying this even though I have my reservations about him.”


“Because he’s a player? He seems really serious Hyo. I can tell.”


“Mmm, and you’re defending him already.” Hyoyeon grinned.


“I’m not defending him. I’m simply stating a fact.”


“Whatever you say, Sunny.” Hyoyeon’s grin grew an inch.


“Hyo, you’re not helping babe.”


“Okay, okay, so we won’t go to Seventh Heaven tomorrow night. I’ll come over and sleep with you instead.”


Sunny laughed. “Hyo, that sounds totally wrong in so many ways.”


Hyoyeon chuckled. “You laughed, didn’t you? See you tomorrow Sunny!”


“See you tomorrow, Hyo.”

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Fire_trek 342 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 342 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD