Round 10

Personal Differences


Taeng’s eyes were totally bloodshot but he didn’t notice or feel any fatigue. All he could think about was the brilliant idea that had just popped into his head after an entire night of racking his brains for one.


I can imagine that Tiffany is a dookong!


While thinking about Tiffany made his heart race so fast that he could hardly breathe, the image of his happy green peas in his head immediately calmed him down and allowed him to regain sanity. If he imagined that Tiffany was a dookong… he’d have no trouble working with her around at all.


He grinned widely, feeling proud of himself for successfully coming up with such a good idea. He gave himself a pat on his back. If this plan works out, he wouldn’t mess up anything at work again. He was sure of that.




“Hey, it’s good to be working with you again.”


Yoong shook Tiffany’s hand with familiarity and sat down comfortably without introducing Sunny. She glared at him and introduced herself.


“Hi, you must be Tiffany ssi,” Sunny smiled brightly and extended her hand, “I’m Sunny, Resort World’s account manager and I will be handling this account with Yoong ssi.”


Tiffany smiled warmly at Sunny. She wondered if Yoong had gotten into her pants *cough* skirt yet.


Perhaps not. Sunny ssi seemed a little different. She appeared to have some kind of unexplainable hold over Yoong who was literally ignoring her—something that didn’t usually happen when he was with a girl who was as hot as Sunny.


“It’s nice to meet you Sunny ssi. But please…call me Tiffany. We can drop the honorifics since we are of the same age.”


Sunny smiled. “Yes, we are and you can call me Sunny.”


Tiffany’s razor sharp mind deduced that Sunny was well-prepared for this meeting.


She didn’t look in the least surprised when I mentioned our age. She knew my age just like I knew hers.


Tiffany found herself liking this girl. Her outstanding sales record certainly wasn’t just a result of her cute yet y appearance. This girl had what it took to succeed—both inside and out. Tiffany admired other independent, strong women. She felt that they were her soul mates. She had grown up having to explain and fight for her right to take her education to higher levels. Her family always felt that she was pretty enough to hook up with a rich guy and live a good life. They didn’t understand why she wanted to pursue her degree and reject her first love’s marriage proposal. Her mother had almost fainted when she informed her family of her decision not to accept the proposal.


“Fany ah…my dearest daughter… Why do you want to lead a hard life? Accept Siwon’s proposal and you won’t have to work for your entire life! Silly girl…” her mother had said to her.


None of her family members supported her decision but she didn’t want to be a rich man’s wife whose duty was to look pretty and accompany him to important dinners and such. His family was too traditional to allow her to work. They had insisted that she stayed at home to be a fully supportive wife to Siwon. She almost puked when she heard that.


Now as she shook hands with Sunny, she felt as though she was making a new friend, a new soul mate.


The blonde girl took a liking to Tiffany as well. She had long heard of her reputation in the industry. Tiffany was a nobody who became a somebody purely by her capabilities and hard work. She now ran the largest public relations company in Korea that handled mega corporate clients all around the world as its top PR manager.


She’s so warm and sincere.


Sunny smiled, her eyes turning into twinkling crescent moons as did Tiffany’s.


Wow! We look so similar when we smile like that!


Both girls thought the same thing and giggled. Yoong looked at the two of them; clueless about what was transpiring between them.


“So… This new resort you’re opening… I will need to have a look at it and survey the place. Let me know the concept you wish to portray and you won’t have to worry about anything else.”


“This project is important to me. I will personally follow through with this. I can arrange for you to stay at our resort although it is still under some minor construction. Sunny and I will be there as well.”


Sunny shot Yoong a surprised look. She wasn’t aware of this part of the plan.


Me and Yoong at a resort? Sounds like bad news.


“I will need a week. It’s a big resort and I want to get to know the finer details about the place. The grand opening must be perfect.” Tiffany smiled confidently.


“A week it is. Sunny, please arrange this.”


“Sure.” Sunny replied through gritted teeth.


As she turned to fish her iPad from her bag, Yoong caught sight of a pinkish-purplish mark on her neck just under the collar. He knew what it was the moment he saw it.


A hickey. When did she get it? Who gave it to her? Does she have a boyfriend? Is that why she isn’t accepting my advances?


A ton of questions flooded his brain and numbed it. Seeing her neck bear the mark of love from another man had just drained all the remaining energy out of him.


OH NO. This has become more serious than I thought. Am I…in…


Yoong stopped his thoughts in their tracks. He didn’t want to ask himself a question that he didn’t want to answer.




Sunny was travelling back to the office with Yoong when she noticed that she had received a new text message. She smiled when she saw that it was from Young.


Sunny you’re evil but I forgive you. And if you leave me before dawn again, I’m gonna tell the authorities that you’re a vampire.


Sunny chuckled and Yoong looked at her wondering who she was texting.


Is she texting the person who gave her that hickey?


He groaned inwardly at his own thoughts.


What has become of me? I’m a gawd damn player for goodness sakes.


I don’t do jealousy. Argh!




Sunny 11:09

Evil? I didn’t do anything :P


Young 11:09

Heh. If you’re not evil, then I’m not tall.


Sunny 11:10

You’re not THAT tall.


Young 11:10

HAHA! You know, it’d be better if we said all this in person.


Sunny 11:10

Is this you asking me out?


Young 11:10

Why bother asking the obvious?


Sunny 11:11

I need clarification. So sue me.


Young 11:11

LOL. Fine, I am asking you out.


Sunny 11:11

Where to?


Young 11:12

I know a place that has a really nice pool and fantastic food.


Sunny 11:12

State the day and time :D


Young smirked as he told Sunny when to meet. He’d pick her up at her place. He punched the air exuberantly. SCORE!


He leaned back in his leather swivel chair and grinned. Feeling totally energized, he got back to work, whistling a happy tune.




Yul was at Jessica’s house again. Mr. Jung had invited him to dinner yet again. After dinner, Mr. Jung and Yul headed off to the study to talk and Jessica was left alone with her mother just like the previous time.


“Sica… It looks like your dad really likes Yul. I’m so happy!”




“What? Isn’t he better than Yoong?”


“Yoong is the biggest player out there.” Jessica crinkled her nose in disgust. “It isn’t that hard to find a guy who is better than Yoong.”


“Players can quit the game you know… Just like your dad quit for me.”


Mrs. Jung smiled so brightly that Jessica didn’t have to heart to burst her mother’s bubble of happiness. She alone knew the truth—her dad hadn’t quit playing for her mother.


She was still young when she met a ‘colleague’ of her father’s in her own home. She had walked in on her dad and a woman she didn’t know. Her mother was holidaying with her friends and wasn’t home. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and asked her dad innocently, “Daddy…who is she?”


She was too young to understand the glaring truth but her father had awkwardly introduced the woman as his assistant and that they were discussing about some work. She thought it odd for them to be working that late at night but obediently went back to bed as her father had instructed.


She was older when she caught her dad with yet another woman. She was shopping with Tiffany when she spotted her dad entering a hotel with his arm draped around a full-figured woman who was dressed to seduce. By then, she was old enough to know what she saw.


The knowledge of her dad’s affairs ate away at her young heart and she suffered silently but what had really shattered her heart was finding out about her dad’s ‘wife’ and daughter who were in America. That was the last straw and she had confronted him about it.


“Dad… Do I have a half-sister?”


Mr. Jung looked at her panic-stricken. Despite all his affairs, he truly loved his daughter, Jessica. He had stayed married to Mrs. Jung solely for her happiness. He groaned and buried his face in his palms. Jessica stood in front of him bravely, holding back her tears that were all ready to gush out like a waterfall in the wet season.


“Jessica… Please sit down….”


He took a deep breath and exhaled.


“I have a woman and a daughter in America.”


“I know.”


“How did you know?”


“Your letter… To a Krystal Jung in San Fran... I saw it on your table and I hired someone to check her out.”


Mr. Jung sighed and shook his head. She certainly wasn’t a little girl anymore.


“Krystal is five years younger than you. I didn’t mean to have another daughter. She was an accident.”


“Are you trying to make me feel better Dad?”


Mr. Jung shook his head. “This is the truth.”


Jessica was quiet for a while and her impassive face worried her father.


“Jessica…. She really was an accident. That woman…got pregnant somehow… I had only met her a few times while I was there on business.”


“Don’t worry. I won’t tell Mum.”


And with that, she turned and left his study. She walked calmly back to her room and locked the door before throwing herself on her bed, sobbing into her pillow without restraint. Her world had utterly shattered, the broken pieces piercing deep into her fragile heart. Her dad wasn’t just a player. He was a cheater—the worst player of all.




“How are things progressing with Jessica?”


“We have agreed to a truce.”


“A truce?”


Yul nodded. “We will be amicable with each other and try to get to know each other better.”


“I see that you have found a way to handle Jessica. Impressive.”


“Thank you, Mr. Jung.”


“You can stop calling me Mr. Jung. Who’d believe that you are Jessica’s boyfriend if you call me that? You can say abonim.”


Yul’s eyes grew bigger.


“Go on… try it.”




“Good… Good…” Mr. Jung smiled. “Spend more time with Jessica. You will discover another side of her in time.”


“I will, abonim.”


This man is right for Jessica. Dear God, please help me help Jessica.


Mr. Jung smiled widely as he stood up.




“Abonim, may I take Jessica out for a while?”


“Go ahead, son.”


Mrs. Jung smiled widely and gave her daughter a push towards Yul. Jessica on the other hand was in shock.


Did Yul just call Dad abonim?!


Did Yul just ask to bring me out?!


Did Dad just call Yul SON?!


What’s going on?!




Mrs. Jung was more than happy to send Jessica off with Yul.


Her parents stood at the gate, as Yul bowed to them and got onto his Tuscan, driving off into the night. Jessica was gaping like a goldfish when Yul turned to look at her. He chuckled at the sight of her stunned look.


“You’ve got some explaining to do Yul.”


“I’ll explain when we get there.”






Jessica looked at Yul strangely.


What’s going on???




The night air was cool and crisp as they got out of the car. Yul had driven up a hill and stopped at a viewing platform at the top. The view was magnificent. Jessica breathed deeply, allowing the cool air to refresh her lungs. She stretched and exhaled, enjoying the majestic view of Seoul’s night lights.


“Do you like it here?”


Jessica nodded. She couldn’t help smiling—she loved beautiful views like this one. It made her feel like her problems were much smaller than they were.


“I thought you might like it since you enjoyed the view at the restaurant.”


Jessica looked at Yul, surprised. She hadn’t expected him to pick up on that detail. She was touched.


“Yes I do like it. Thanks.”


“It looks like the two of us being amicable is possible after all.” Yul laughed.


Jessica smiled.


“Let’s sit on the bench.” Yul pointed at a bench just in front of them. It wasn’t a long bench so they sat rather close to each other.


“Are you going to explain now? What did my dad say to you?”


“He asked how we were doing.”




“I told him that we are getting along fine and getting to know one another better.”


Wow. He told the truth without giving anything away.


Jessica nodded. “I want to know why you called him abonim. I almost had a heart attack back there.”


“Your dad asked me to. He said that nobody would believe that we are a couple if I keep on calling him Mr. Jung.”


“It looks like my dad really does like you. He has never allowed any other guy to call him that and here you’re saying that he asked you to?”


Yul nodded.


Jessica pursed her lips, deep in thought.


“I want to know something.” Yul’s manly voice broke the silence.


Jessica turned to look at him, her eyebrow raised.


“Your dad mentioned that you brought home a few guys before but they all treated you badly.”


The brunette looked down at her fingers, fiddling with them.


“If you wanted so much to get out of the engagement with Yoong because he is a player, why did you date bad guys?”


Jessica remained silent for a long time. Yul sat still, looking at her, studying her expression. He saw pain in her eyes and at that moment, he felt a tug on his heartstrings. Then she shocked him by resting her head on his shoulder gently. He stiffened and sat as still as a statue. Moments passed before he dared to look at her. She had closed her eyes and seemingly fallen asleep. Then he caught sight of a single teardrop rolling down her face, dripping onto his shoulder.


Jessica...why are you crying?




Taeng was thrilled. His plan was working like clockwork. He hadn’t messed up on a single thing yet and Tiffany had even praised him for a job well done! Now, he allowed himself to look at Tiffany, feeling his heartbeat leap and jump like it used to. Then he mentally pictured an image of a pea over her face and his heartbeat resumed its normal pace.


HAHA! My problem has been completely solved! OH YEAH!


“Taeng, come over here for a sec.”


Taeng walked into her office, feeling totally calm.


“I will be staying at a new resort for a week. It’s called Jeju Joy and we’re handling the grand opening. You need to come with me so pack your bags. We’re leaving for Jeju-do on Sunday and we’ll be back on Saturday.”


Taeng gaped at the news.






Oh wait…




AH… dookong… yes… I must remember to bring my dookong along!


Tiffany looked at Taeng’s face as a thousand and one expressions flashed across it in the span of a few seconds.


What is it with this guy…? I feel like laughing out loud at him.


“Have you got that down?”


Taeng positively beamed and nodded. “YES! I got it doo-B-Boss!”


Phew… I almost said dookong! What a close shave.




A totally awesome looking car pulled up where Sunny was standing—a Ferrari to be exact. The man driving it was young and handsome. He wore a smirk on his face and had on a pair of cool looking Ray-ban shades. He took his shades off and winked at Sunny, signaling her to get in with a flick of his head. She grinned and hopped over the door, into the car. Young laughed at her antics and sped off once she was buckled in.


“Let’s grab a bite before dipping in.” Young grinned at the blonde beside him.


He tossed his keys to a valet and held Sunny’s hand as he walked past her.


“Young…ever so smooth,” teased Sunny.


He grinned at her and walked to the butler who was standing next to a buggy with a sign with his name on it.


“I’m Young. This is Sunny.”


“Hello and welcome to our lovely resort! Please, allow me.”


The butler took their bags and put them on the back of the buggy. Young and Sunny got on and Young draped his arm around her shoulders comfortably. The buggy brought them to a villa unit which had a nice and cosy single storey house and a nice, inviting pool at the side. The butler led them in and placed their bags at the door.


“Enjoy your stay.”


Young gave him a generous tip and he left with a wide smile on his face.


“We will.” Young smirked.


He picked up the phone and dialed for room service.


“What would you like to eat?”


Sunny looked through the menu. “A salad and something nice to drink would be good.”


Young nodded. “We would like to order a salad, fish ‘n’ chips, a glass of your finest white wine and a beer.”


“So...eating salads keeps you in this fantastic shape of yours?”


Young held her waist, pulling her closer to him.


“No… It’s all the ice-cream that I eat every night.”


“Sunny, Sunny… Ever so cheeky. Haha… But I like you that way.” Young grinned. “How about some appetizers before our food arrives?”


“What kind of appetizers would you like?” Sunny batted her eyelids at him mischievously.


“A sunny-side-up!”


Sunny laughed. “That’s not an appetizer. That’s an egg!”


Young released a low growl. “I’m not referring to the egg.”


He claimed her luscious lips, having had enough of the teasing and bantering. He her lips, feeling their fullness and unleashed his tongue in another battle with hers. Every flick that their tongues did drove their temperatures higher and Young pulled Sunny so close to him that he could feel every inch of her softness molding to his toned muscles.


They stumbled to the couch behind them and fell onto it with Young landing on top of Sunny.


“Déjà vu…” Young grinned. “This position seems so familiar…”


Sunny’s hands slid up Young’s torso but he would have none of that. He held both of her wrists in one hand and raised her arms above her head. He then ed her blouse slowly with his free hand, leaving a trail of kisses down valley of her chest. Her back arched as he nipped her sensitive skin with his teeth and he took the chance to unclasp her bra with his deft fingers.




Young groaned into her tummy. He had totally forgotten about room service. Sunny hurriedly put her clothes back into place and patted her hair down while Young paused at the door, waiting for her to be ready.


He forced himself to smile at the butler wheeling in their food and shoved another bill into the butler’s hands before hurrying him out of the room. He closed the door and bolted it. Then he turned around and grinned at Sunny who was hovering over the trolley of food.


“Feeling hungry already?”


Sunny ignored his question as she began tucking into the food that had arrived. She made a move to eat some of Young’s fish ‘n’ chips.


“NO!!! It’s my food!!!” He dashed to protect his food from being taken by Sunny.


Sunny giggled. “You are truly a shikshin.”


Young eyed her and asked, “I’ve been meaning to ask you this. How did you know that I’m a shikshin?”


“Look at how protective you are over your food! HAHA…”


“No I meant the other time. You know…? The very first night that you left a note, you called me shikshin Young. But how did you know?”


Sunny laughed so hard that she collapsed on the couch, holding her stomach.


“Tell me… I want to know…” whined Young. He prodded her arm when she didn’t answer.


“Do you know that you talk in your sleep?” laughed Sunny.


Young looked a little stunned. “I don’t usually do that.”


“Well… That night… HAHA… You gave me a shock when you raised both your arms and called yourself shikshin Young. Then you yelled out something about staying away from your food or else.”


Sunny was huddled up on the couch, in stitches from laughing too hard.


Young’s face had turned a deep crimson red from embarrassment.


“I wanted to test that out. I guess it’s true… HAHAHA…”


“Ahem.” Young cleared his throat, hoping that it would somehow also clear up his embarrassment. It didn’t help so he grinned sheepishly and scratched the back of his head.


“I guess I do have a rather obsessive love for food.”


Sunny looked at him with a twinkle in her eye. Bubbles of giggles still erupted from her as she tried to stop laughing. This man was becoming more and more adorable. Too bad he was a player. She wasn’t going to put in real emotions into this and risk getting hurt.




He grabbed her waist suddenly, making her squeal in excitement. He laughed at her cutesy iness.


It was rather overwhelming for him when he saw her stepping out of the bathroom in her bikini. It was hot pink, which looked cute on her and he unknowingly touched his nose to check if it was bleeding. She winked at him, knowing the effect she had on him and pushed him into the pool before he had time to react. He yelled in surprise then got out of the pool with a devilish glint in his eye. She squealed and ran away but his long strides caught up with her and he threw her into the pool before joining her in it.


Now, they were engaged in a silly tickling game that didn’t make any sense but he was enjoying it immensely because he got to touch her a lot. Her squeals were a major turn on to him and he knew exactly how to make her squeal.


After a long tussle, they finally stopped the silly game and he pulled her back towards him, embracing her in a bear hug from behind. He put his chin on her head and closed his eyes, enjoying their closeness in the water, under the warm sun. She leaned back on his chest and closed her eyes as well, enjoying the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest as he breathed steadily.


Just then, she heard her mobile ringing.


“Young, my phone is ringing.”


“Let it ring.”


“It might be important.”


Young grunted and released her from his arms and opened his eyes to admire the view of her getting out of the pool. His lips curled into a silly grin.


It’s Yoong.


Sunny answered the call.


“Sunny, I’m picking you up tomorrow at nine in the morning. Be on time.”


“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”






Sunny was just about to end the call when Young called impatiently for her. She shook her head at his impatience and laughed to herself.




Was that a guy calling Sunny?


She’s with a guy right now?


Yoong felt the flames of jealousy firing up inside yet again.


Why does that voice sound familiar?



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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 341 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD