Round 5

Personal Differences


Whirlwind thoughts spun his mind into chaos. Yul was trying to come to terms with what he just did and said in front of a hundred people who were most likely to spread the news like wild fire. He propped his elbow on the door of the limo and leaned his head on his palm. He groaned inwardly as he watched the cars speed past them in the opposite direction.


I’m a prosecutor! Did I just lie to a hundred people! Have I lost my mind?! It must have been the alcohol talking!


And lies aside… What in the world was that kiss about? I kissed her! She kissed me back!!! She’s not even my girlfriend!


Then again…she is my FAKE girlfriend… Does that count?





Yul squeezed his eyes shut and unwittingly let out a tiny sound that sounded just like a whimper to Jessica. She thought he looked rather troubled.


I suppose he would be troubled after telling an outright lie in front of everyone!


She didn’t quite know what to make of that very romantic declaration of love nor the kiss that happened prior to that. She wasn’t too troubled by it however, as the plan had gone extremely well, even by her standards. There was no doubt that her family would get to hear of Yul’s declaration of love for her very soon. In fact, she wouldn’t be surprised if someone had already texted her mother, telling her all about what had just happened.


I’m sure the dinner will be cancelled now. I wouldn’t even have to look at Yoong!


Jessica smiled at the thought of getting out of that dreary dinner and a sudden feeling of gratitude descended upon her. She hated going to family dinners with other families, especially when it was a business dinner in disguise. If she got to get out of this one, she had Yul to thank for it.


“Thank you, Yul. You certainly did an outstanding job tonight.”


All she got in return was a grunt—very disgruntled one in fact. She was offended by it but decided to let it slide, seeing as he was probably regretting saying all those things earlier.


The limo soon arrived at the street of his apartment. He wordlessly opened the door and got off, walking into the building without even as much as a wave goodbye. She was miffed by his coldness again.


This man is just weird. He’s cold, then he’s angry, next he’s kissing me and lying to everyone for me and then he’s back to being cold again. What a weirdo.


The kiss… Mmm… The kiss was good though. It had been a while since she last kissed anyone. Her previous relationship was almost a year ago and it didn’t end well. She had broken up with a scumbag who two-timed her but what irked her the most was the fact that he had cheated on her with a girl who looked like a total sl*t. To top it all off… he was just one of the five guys that she had caught cheating on her.


Scumbags... I’m sick of them. But is Yul… a…


I don’t know what Yul is.




To say that Yoong was frustrated was an understatement. He had a good mind to fire all four of them for ‘obstructing the course of justice’.


Of course, ‘justice’ to him meant being able to get his hands on the hot and cute blonde working just a few meters away from him. He felt like a restrained puppy, straining against its leash to get to its favourite toy. The four guys had managed to plant themselves near Sunny for the entire week now, depriving him of any chance to be alone with her. Even bodyguards of the President couldn’t have done a better job of ensuring that Sunny remained safe from the clutches of player Yoong.


It was times like these that the forbidden fruit theory was proven to be true. The more you couldn’t have something, the more you’d want it.


Yoong cursed his ill-fortune under his breath and decided that he needed a way to distract the four of them from her. A light bulb went off in his head suddenly. He had a huge grin on his face but he replaced it with a neutral, work-mode expression and texted an announcement to his team.


Boss Yoong 15:25

There will be a welcome party for Sunny tonight at Seventh Heaven. It’s Friday, so party your heart out and I’ll pick up the tab— Yoong.


The four guys cast knowing glances at each other. They were all thinking along the same lines. Yoong was definitely making a move—or trying to.


“Yoong, don’t you dare try anything funny at Seventh Heaven,” warned Leeteuk.


“Yeah, we’ll be watching you Yoong,” Heechul added.


“YA! I’m not some uncontrollable ert. This really is just a welcome party for her. It doesn’t mean anything else.”


Yoong maintained his poker face but the four of them knew better than to believe him.


“We’ll just have to make sure that Sunny never leaves our sight then,” Sungmin sighed.




I was studying the finer details of the account when I heard my phone buzz. I reached over to fish my phone from the side of my desk with my eyes held fast on the documents.


Boss Yoong 15:25

There will be a welcome party for Sunny tonight at Seventh Heaven. It’s Friday, so party your heart out and I’ll pick up the tab—Yoong.


My pulse quickened in anticipation. I had been observing Yoong all week and I could see his frustration building up each day. It was very convenient to have four knights in shining armor valiantly protecting me from the evil prince yet, I was curious to know what the evil prince had up his sleeve. I’m sure it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle.


My four knights spoke to Yoong in hushed tones after they read the text. I resisted an urge to giggle in case it drew attention to me. Instead, I coolly returned my phone to its original position and continued with my analysis of the account assigned to me.


I was taking over an abandoned account that Yoong had been handling with the previous girl in my position. Apparently, she quit after a month for personal reasons. I had wanted to laugh out loud when I heard Yoong tell me about it. I was sure that the girl’s ‘personal reason’ had everything to do with Yoong.


Now, all that was left to do was for me to sit back, relax and watch how Yoong would try to get to me tonight.


It’s going to be a fun night.


My corners of my mouth curled up into a not-so-innocent smile.




We all arrived at the club and Yoong brought us up to the VIP area that he had reserved for us. It was just ten of us, Yoong, my four knights, four other colleagues and me. We were a small but important team in the company since we managed all the accounts which raked in the profits.


Yoong was very generous that night. He had ordered a healthy amount of liquor to keep the guys happy. Sungmin and Heechul started to play drinking games with me. I knew that they were trying to stay close to me but for some reason, I was beginning to get a little frisky and wanted to get away from them.


I knew that I was very good at drinking games and hardly ever lost but I decided to up their confidence by losing a few rounds, planning to get them really drunk later. In the midst of our game, Leeteuk and Yesung came over to ask me to join them on the dance floor. Feeling slightly intoxicated from the drinks, I smiled at them and obliged. The alcohol I consumed had entered my blood stream and that was when I danced with more abandon.


My favourite dance move would be the slow body wave, where I can accentuate each body part of mine from my chest down to my pelvis. It makes me feel y too. My eyes made contact with Yoong’s just as I was about to do my body wave.


Feeling a tad bit devilish, I held his gaze while I executed my body wave as slowly and pointedly as I could. He stood up abruptly and started walking to the dance floor, totally mesmerized by me. Before he could get to me however, Sungmin and Heechul came running over and dragged me back to play the drinking games with them again.


“It’s no fun when it’s just the two of us,” whined Sungmin.


I smiled and obliged and was dragged back to the seats by my wrist. As we passed Yoong by, I swore I saw him muttering something nasty under his breath. I couldn’t help but to giggle.




It was two in the morning when we stepped out of the club and inhaled the nice cool air outside. Sunny was giggling whilst watching Leeteuk and Yesung struggling with Sungmin and Heechul’s weight. Both of them were totally wasted.


As Leeteuk and Yesung got into their cars and drove off with our passed out friends, Sunny and I stood on the pavement, watching them disappear around the bend. The other colleagues had left earlier, pleading tiredness.


Sunny stumbled a little and lost her balance, almost slipping off the curb. I grabbed her to stop her from falling and we ended up standing rather close to each other with my hands holding onto her waist.


Her waist is so small…small enough for me to wrap my arms around completely.


I looked down at the top of her head, smelling her hair.


She’s so petite. I can put my chin on her head!


And that’s what I did.


All of a sudden, Sunny turned around to face me and nuzzled her face in my chest, making small noises in . My heart raced and body tensed. She was a little too much was me to handle! She then wrapped her arms around my waist and mumbled, “I wanna go home now.”


I swallowed hard. I didn’t expect her to act like this. Her soft, supple body was pressed up against mine and all I could feel were her curves as she hugged me tightly.


“Let me send you home, Sunny. You drank too much to drive.”


“Mmm… where’s your car?”


“Follow me.”


I held her close and began walking to my car. I helped her into the passenger seat and leaned across her to buckle her up. All of a sudden, she arched her back to stretch and her bosom brushed against my arm unwittingly. I froze immediately and tried to breathe steadily. That touch had sent jolts of electricity shooting all across my mind and groin. I groaned softly and closed the door on her side. Then I got into the driver’s seat and started the engine. I looked at her again. She seemed to be asleep with a smile on her face.


What a cute smile she has when she sleeps!


I smiled to myself in the dark and drove off.


It wasn’t too long before I realized that I was driving towards his own home. Mentally face palming myself, I stopped the car by the roadside and turned to Sunny.


“Sunny… where do you stay? Sunny…”


I shook her gently before she whimpered and opened her eyes slightly.


Oh… how cute! I want to kiss those luscious, pouty lips of hers so bad.


“Sunny Rise apartments.”


“That’s so near to my place! Good, I’m heading in the right direction after all.”



Five minutes later, he pulled up at the entrance of my apartment. The guard recognized me and opened the gates. He parked his car and helped me out. I clung onto his arm and he supported me all the way to my doorstep.


I opened my door and stumbled in, pulling him in with me. Without warning, I turned to him and claimed his lips with mine. He stiffened in surprise and shock and stumbled backwards, as I slammed his back onto the closed door. He gasped at the impact and that’s when I took the opportunity to slip my tongue into his mouth, exploring the inside of it aggressively. I with my tongue till he responded. His hands squeezed my roughly as he began to fight for dominance in the kiss.


I smirked inwardly again before pretending to stumble and fall, pulling him to the floor with me. He landed on top of me, his hands on each side of my head and his chest rubbed against mine deliciously. And that’s when I decided to ‘wake up from my drunkenness’.


“Yoong! What are you doing?! You ert!”




Yoong rolled over to his side, stunned.


“I’m not a ert! You fell and dragged me with you!”


“You are taking advantage of a drunken girl, shameless pr*ck!”


“NO I’M NOT! I didn’t even touch you on the way here. I’M NOT A ERT!”


I ignored his ardent protests and vehement denials as I shoved him out of the door, slamming it in his indignant face and locking it before sinking to the floor, helpless with laughter.



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Fire_trek 342 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 342 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD